Saturday 30 November 2019

Canada 2020 and the New Malthusian Takeover of Canada

Canada 2020 and the New Malthusian Takeover of Canada
March 12, 2014
By Matthew Ehret

Today, the Canadian political landscape is being remolded by a group of British agents who seek to accomplish an overhaul of the Liberal Party structure in line with the reform conducted 54 years ago with the British-run ouster of the “continentalist” liberals of C.D. Howe and Prime Minister St. Laurent during the interim period of 1957-1963.
This 1957-1963 destruction of the once pro-development spirit of the Liberal Party of Canada was replaced by a Fabian Society/Rhodes Scholar-run instrument of technocratic fascism culminating in the 1968-72 revolution in cybernetic affairs early on in the mandate of Pierre Elliot Trudeau. This federal “Quiet Revolution” put a complete halt to scientific and technological progress and ushered in the green destruction of the pro-development orientation that had hitherto dominated top down policy making and mass popular consciousness in Canada and replaced it with a new oligarchical system of control in government based on Trudeau’s commitment to Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. In fact, as Julian Huxley outlined over 20 years earlier, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis-thinking would be the tools selected to repackage “Eugenics” and “Malthusianism” under new names.

Gordon’s Thinkers Conference: 1960 Kingston

The original conference that brought this new Liberal makeover scheme together was known as the Kingston “Thinkers” Conference of 1960, led by agents of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs (CIIA) Walter Gordon, Maurice Lamontagne, Lester B. Pearson, Lionel Chevrier, Tom Kent, Keith Davey and other social engineers who were obsessed with cleaning out the political landscape of all forces committed to scientific and technological progress and continental cooperation with the pro-development America of John F. Kennedy1.

Under the chairmanship of Gordon, the participants of the “Thinkers” conference created the Committee to Restructure the Liberal Party Organization which set itself to work to counter the challenge the brilliant young President John F. Kennedy was launching against the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy[2]. Under Kennedy’s leadership, Canada was in danger of slipping away from the hands of the oligarchy’s influence as a bold vision of new frontiers called forth the pioneering spirit of Canadian citizens and policy-makers. Although the C.D. Howe Liberals and Diefenbaker Conservatives differed in their methods, both were fundamentally committed to achieving progress and increasing the productive powers of the nation through scientific and technological progress. Diefenbaker himself had attempted to found a new Canadian nationalism upon a bold vision for Arctic development which represented a grave threat to the oligarchy and had to be undermined at all cost.

In response to this danger, the Liberal party was wiped clean of C.D. Howe Liberals in what Henry Erskine Kidd, General Secretary for the Liberal Party, called “a palace revolution” run directly by Walter Gordon, while Gordon himself led in the destruction of Diefenbaker3. C.D. Howe himself, now nearing his last days watched the Thinkers conference with sadness when he wrote: “I am afraid that Mike [Pearson] is being advised by the wrong type of officers. The meeting of the Thinkers Club certainly didn’t help him politically”[4].

On top of this, a new Fabian-inspired centralized-socialist planning structure was adopted to provide social incentives for Canadians to remain complacent and controlled, a new national anthem and flag were adopted to promote the mythology that Canada had been freed from its British mother to become a sovereign country, and a new technocratic structure of bureaucracy and systems planning was adopted. The blueprint that was designed to implement this reform was led by Gordon’s partner at Clarkson-Gordon John Grant Glassco, who ran the Royal Commission on Government Organization in 1962 and Gordon’s protégé Maurice Lamontagne, who ran the Senate Commission on Science Policy from 1968-1972. Both Gordon and Lamontagne served as Presidents of the Privy Council consecutively.

To understand this structural overhaul which began to bring in a vast compartmentalized bureaucracy run by technocratic social scientists and accountants, it is worth noting that this 1960 conference was itself modeled on a yet earlier precedent that had occurred 27 years prior named the Port Hope Conference under the guidance of Gordon’s CIIA collaborator Vincent Massey. Both Gordon and Massey are credited as the fathers of Canada’s post 1963 “New Nationalism”. Key founding blueprints for this ‘New [anti-American] Nationalism’ were laid out in Gordon’s powerful Royal Commission on Economic Prospects for Canada from 1955-1957 which followed Massey’s 1949-1952 Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences.

Massey’s Conference: 1933 Port Hope

The 1933 Port Hope conference was sponsored by CIIA leader Vincent Massey. The danger for the Canadian-British oligarchy represented by Massey even then was that pro-nationalist forces had dominated the Liberal Party throughout the 1920s in the form of the “Laurier Liberals” of O.D. Skelton, Chubby Power and Ernest Lapointe, all three of whom exerted enormous influence on the leader of the Liberal Party, William Lyon Mackenzie King, who became Prime Minister once again in 1935 after the party had fallen from power in 1930.

Then serving as President of the Liberal Party, Vincent Massey, a student of Lord Alfred Milner5, noted that the 1933 Conference marked the transformation of the Liberal Party “from the laissez-faire traditions of the party to a new, more technocratic and interventionist view of government”[6]. Just as would occur 27 years later in Kingston, the challenge for the oligarchy involved 1) keeping Canada complacent by encouraging a technocratic managerial class and 2) blocking greater cooperation with an anti-Imperial America led by the great Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This conference was designed to coincide with the 1933 London Economic Conference that had brought together 66 nations to deal with the global depression by the establishment of a globalized standard of balanced budgets, and currency controls under the dictatorship of the Bank of England.

Fortunately in 1933, the power of the oligarchy was thwarted as the London Economic Conference of 1933 was sabotaged by Roosevelt who refused to attend and decided not to sacrifice American sovereignty on the Wall Street altar of a globally extended banksters dictatorship. It was FDR’s sabotage of this conference that put a final nail in the coffin of the imperial League of Nations. Fabian Society eugenicist H.G. Wells blamed the rise of global fascism on FDR’s nationalist sabotage of this conference.

Canada 2020 and the Kingston Conference of the 21st Century
In the modern period, the 1933 Massey Port Hope Conference and 1960 Gordon Kingston Conference has taken the form of a June 2006 conference in Mont Tremblant Quebec hosted by a London-run think tank known as Canada 2020 and a pack of Rhodes Scholars.
The two day conference sponsored by this new think tank was keynoted by none other than Al Gore, who was brought in by high level members of the Queen’s elite Privy Council such as John Manley, Bob Rae and Anne McLellan, in order to reform the policy structures of the federal government, the Liberal Party and the Canadian culture itself after the downfall of Paul Martin in February 2006.

The Liberal Party of Jean Chretien and Paul Martin, which had been in power from 1993-2006, distinguished itself as being the last major federal party to resist, even in some small form, aspects of the Anglo-Dutch Empire’s global program in the form of their rejection of Canada’s participation in the Iraq war and the failed 1997 attempt to consolidate the “big 5” banks into the “big 3”. Battles between Chretien and such pro-British establishment figures as Lord Conrad Black expressed this lack of British control over its Canadian dominion to a large degree. Such lack of control of an important dominion within the British Commonwealth had to be reined in and a more virulent form of Canadian nationalism more conducive to globally extended empire had to be weaved in its place. Considering the very real possibility that Obama might still be impeached and Glass-Steagall restored in the United States, bringing America back towards its constitutional roots as outlined by American statesman Lyndon LaRouche, the desire by the British oligarchy to keep a tight grip on its North American colony in recent years has been more desperate now during the economic collapse than ever before.

An important decision made during the conference of 2006 was to groom a young Justin Trudeau to become the spokesperson of the new liberal party. Prize assets of Power Corporation, the World Wildlife Fund and the Canadian International Council (CIC)[7] were subsequently deployed to manage this new cult of “Justin” in preparation for the 2015 elections with CIC President Bill Graham playing a key role in the event. Both Al Gore and Larry Summers represent leading spokesmen of the Canada 2020 policy orientation on the economy and the environment.

The Case of Axworthy and Manley

A vital player in this process is none other than former Principal Secretary to Pierre Trudeau, Thomas Axworthy. By the end of the 2006 conference, Axworthy had been made responsible for chairing the Liberal Party Renewal Commission in which he oversaw 36 task forces which examined each aspect of the party. The outcome of Axworthy’s 36 task forces resulted in the current Obama-modeled behaviorist design now being adopted to brainwash the population to support the cult of Justin under Canada 2020.

Not only is Axworthy the President of the Walter and Duncan Gordon
Foundation, Senior Fellow at Massey College, former Executive Director of the Charles Bronfman Foundation, but has gotten his start in social engineering working as research assistant directly under Walter Gordon on the 1967 “Task Force on the Structure of the Canadian Economy” (aka: Gordon Task Force). Axworthy was joined by Walter Gordon’s other surviving protégé Keith Davey, who also helped co-found Canada 2020 and who participated in the Gordon 1960 Thinkers Conference.

It is also noteworthy that both Thomas Axworthy and the 2006 Conference co-chair John Manley were both members of the Independent Task Force on North America to integrate the North American Economies under a European Union-modeled zone called the “North American Union”.

Where we stand now

The Canada 2020 policy reform of the Liberal Party calls for an absolute commitment to the nation-destroying measures of global Free Trade agreements such as NAFTA 2.0, the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Canada-European Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Canada-China Free Trade accords, oil and gas exports such as the Keystone and Enbridge Pipelines, a commitment to de-population through Green energy investments, carbon taxes, smart grids, Public Private Partnerships and green victory bonds… all punctuated by a destruction of nuclear power. This disgusting arrangement must be recognized for what it is: a genocide scheme which is designed to reduce the world population to less than one billion souls under a new globally extended financial oligarchy. Canada’s low population density of 9 people/ square mile is an idealized global density for the oligarchy.

Bering Strait Tunnel
The only way to stop this green zero-growth program from being acted upon is the immediate restoration of Glass-Steagall and the re-enactment of national banking measures to produce the productive credit necessary to finance those projects which can increase the energy flux density of society such as NAWAPA, asteroid defence, the Bering Strait tunnel and Arctic development and industrialization of the Moon with the mining of Helium-3 for a fusion-based economy. This means picking up the torch which was dropped with the demise of C.D. Howe, the Kennedy brothers, de Gaulle, W.A.C. Bennett and Quebec’s great statesman Daniel Johnson Sr.

[1] It is important to note that Pearson was not terribly respected by these “new reformers” led by Gordon, and was largely used as their Nobel Prize winning instrument. When Pearson became too easily influenced by the pro-C.D. Howe Liberals remaining in his party such as Robert Winters and Mitchell Sharp, as well as JFK himself, Pearson was scrapped for a more effective replacement in the form of Pierre Trudeau in 1968.

[2] For the full story of Kennedy’s battle to liberate the world from the British Empire, visit

[3] As Diefenbaker himself wrote in his autobiography “One of the ironies of recent Canadian history is that Walter Gordon, a man whom I only met for a few minutes when he delivered to me his Royal Commission Report, has stated that he decided to do everything in his power to make Mr. Pearson Prime Minister because he hated me and feared that my policies would wreck Canada”, Diefenbaker Memoirs, p.202. Rhodes Scholar Governor of the Bank of Canada, James Coyne, and two Rhodes scholars embedded in Diefenbaker’s own cabinet (J.M. McDonald, and Davie Fulton) played a key role in Diefenbaker’s final 1963 downfall and failure of his Northern Vision.

[4] Stephen Azzi, Walter Gordon and the Rise of Canadian Nationalism, McGill-Queens Press, 1999, p.80

[5] The young Massey, then on the cusp of inheriting the fortunes of his family’s farm equipment dynasty, had helped install a Round Table chapter in Ontario in 1910 and was rewarded for his services by being sent off to Oxford to study under the Round Table’s founder and controller, the eugenics obsessed “race patriot” Lord Alfred Milner in 1911.

[6] Vincent Massey is quoted from Richard Blake’s From Rights to Needs: A History of Family Allowances in Canada, UBC Press, p.33

[7] The Canadian International Council became the new name for the Canadian institute for International Affairs (CIIA) in 2007. The CIIA had been the new name for the Round Table Movement, formed in London by Lord Milner in 1910 and run by the Rhodes Trust network of Oxford scholars in order to advance Cecil Rhodes’ design to recapture America as a lost colony and form the rebirth of a new globally extended British Empire.

Saturday 23 November 2019



WAKE UP Canada … Canadians want to understand that they too live with the identical sort of Federal Reserve personal banking fraud. This is a superb overview of Canadian banking and a transparent rationalization of how the worldwide personal banking cartel hijacked Canada in 1974 by taking management of the issuance of cash. This personal banking cartel and has been robbing Canada blind ever since, and has presently put Canadians into $500 Billion dollars of debt. The debt is definitely the compound curiosity accrued by borrowing this printed cash from the personal banking cartel. Canada, just like the US, and like all nations does NOT want personal banks to challenge it is nation’s foreign money … nations can print their very own cash curiosity-free.
Credit for this video….
Check this out
The Case Against The Bank Of Canada

More on how banks place a nation in debt-
Check out my weblog
Exposing Corporate and Government Tyranny
or my You Tube web page
Or my new web page
Exposing Corporate and Government Tyranny

Friday 22 November 2019



In 1973, Gough Whitlam, signed Australia over to the foreign: UNIDROIT Treaty of Rome, handing the Equitable Title of the mineral and energy wealth of Australia to a “foreign power”, head office Rome. Why do so few people know about this criminal act of treason and why are there so many lawyers in parliament that pledge their Oath to the foreign: CITY OF LONDON in order to hide the truth from the masses?
UNIDROIT uses the ALL UPPER-CASE debased corrupt DOG-LATIN text of Babylon (Rome), being foreign to the common law English language. DOG-LATIN is used for foreign Roman (VATICAN) military accounts. (Military Dog Tags) The UNITED-STATES was signed over to UNIDROIT in 1964, just after Kennedy was shot dead.
This fact was hidden from the masses.
UNIDROIT, dealing with the private contracts of Rome…
The sick reality of what the NEW WORLD ORDER really is ..

Why is the Travelling Truth Tour - IMPORTANT!

Who are the Travelling Truth Tour- The Myth is Canada - and what is their Mission - Simple put they are Historians with an important message of FACTS to fix the current system -

An interview by Wally Dove a CPA who used to work for the CCRA

Please Support the Travelling Truth Tour - Constitutional Conventions - donations may be e-transferred to - if you interested please contact us to setup a community event to have a live presentation - on constitutional committees - constitutional convention - and a Constitution - We look forward to meeting many more Native Brothers and Sister

Edmonton Nick Knysh of Winnipeg Manitoba - Metis Days in St Laurent Manitoba Nick has some great ideas and words of wisdom in his interview below - Have a Listen  


Travelling Truth -The Myth is Canada -  in St Laurent Manitoba Metis Nations Day

St Laurent Manitoba - Dallas Hills

Travelling Truth -The Myth is Canada with with St Laurent Manitoba Metis Nations Day Yvonne Chartrand Orgaizer 
Travelling Truth -The Myth is Canada with Dallas Hills Zee James in St Laurent Manitoba Metis Nations Day Yvonne Chartrand Orgaizer 
Travelling Truth -The Myth is Canada  in St Laurent Manitoba Metis Nations Day

Travelling Truth -The Myth  in St Laurent Manitoba Metis Nations Day 

Travelling Truth -The Myth is Canada in St Laurent Manitoba Metis Nations Day Ed Fleury and his wife

Travelling Truth -The Myth is Canada in St Laurent Manitoba Metis Nations Day  Yvonne Chartrand Orgaizer

Eric Cabernel - Sandy Williamson - Darlene Harasivich - Holland Manitoba  


Todd Kelly from Winnipeg Manitoba - made the cardboard cutout of Trudeau and it was used as a center Peice for amusement well we were educating Native Brothers and Sisters in every country from coast to coast 

       Judy Kelly and Darlene in Winnipeg Manitoba 

Travelling Truth Tour - The Myth Is Canada - Stonyridge Campground Manitoba 

Travelling Truth Tour - The Myth Is Canada - St Laurent Stonyridge Campground

Travelling Truth Tour - The Myth Is Canada - St Laurent Stonyridge Campground - We recommend this amazing place 

                 Jaycey Elgear from Regina at Emotions

                                                     Joel Rehill Dallas Hills

Keith Stowie 
Keith Stowie 

Travelling Truth -The Myth is Canada - Darlene Harasivich in Winnipeg Manitoba

Travelling Truth -The Myth is Canada with Todd Kelly Nick Knysh Dallas Hills Darlene Harasivish  in Winnipeg Manitoba

Travelling Truth Tour - The Myth Is Canada in Brandon 
Cody Haller -Tammy Deline - Dallas Hills

Travelling Truth Tour - The Myth is Canada - Visits  WhiteCourt in the Country of Alberta - Meet Native Brother  Virgil Carens and Native Sister Madison Dunkley - Video Below of the great interview about the issues they see in their local community - Video  Below 

Dallas Hills being Interviewed about Canada a Country Without a Constitution - No Federation Papers - and the Solution is the Sovereigns create their own Constitution - Seat a De - Jure Government  - If you had enough of the Corrupt System this is the Solution - No political Party or a Referendum will end the Corruption - Its starts with you and me and others to start Constitutional Committees - Constitutional Conventions - then the Republic Constitution 
Edmonton Alberta -

Darelen Harasich in Edmonton to see Justin Trudeau speak - But this was short lived as it was pre-selected actors Only allowed to participate in this Event - If you did not clap or jump up and down you were not part of the circle - they did not want you there. FAKE DEMOCRACY is what we have in de-facto canada Inc. 

Edmonton Canadian Banking FRAUD Exposed Bill Abram

All the Private Banks - Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws.

This is a great overview of Canadian banking and a clear explanation of how the international private banking cartel hijacked Canada in 1974 by taking control of the issuance of money. This private banking cartel and has been robbing Canada blind ever since, and has currently put Canadians into $ Billions dollars of debt

Canadians need to realize that they too are living with the same type of Federal Reserve private banking fraud. Great overview of Canadian banking and a clear explanation

Bill does an amazing job explaining his research  and MUST watch video and to share to educate more the one of the greatest crimes committed on all the      Sovereigns in Every Country across de- facto canada . Inc 

This is why each Country MUST start printing it's own currency based on Labour green back dollars - based on our  trillions of dollars of wealth:

"Our Sovereign Resources "

Barb Dunkley -WhiteCourt Alberta with Dallas Hills video below of this educated Native Sister and what she sees happening in her home town of Whitecourt 

Video Here -

Amanda Lavellee - St Laurent Manitoba - Metis Days with Dallas Hills interview below - have a listen to this amazing Native Sister 

Edmonton Chuck Galager and Cody Haller in Vanverby British Columbia - This interview will touch Everyone's heart  -- video below of the concerns of one of our Native Brothers Chuck 


Jamie Scott  

Curtis Stone There are over Million acres of lawn in North America

In their current form, these unproductive expanses of grass represent a significant financial cost. However, viewed through a different lens, they can also be seen as a tremendous source of opportunity. Access to land is a major barrier for many people who want to enter the agricultural sector, and urban and suburban yards have huge potential for would  be farmers wanting to become part of this growing movement 

Ed Anderson and Dallas Hills 

Dallas Hills and Ed Anderson - were educating Direct Democracy - Many years back Direct Democracy was a possible solution to control the Government/ Politicians - By using DD to be able to "VETO" Bad Legislation or Allowing the Sovereigns to create Legislation - But with the "man stream media : this is impossible because so many people are mislead-ed by propaganda

Dallas and Ed Anderson  wrote a song to help inform more about this idea - With current system NOW - it would Fail - because of the indoctrination in all aspects of the dis-information system they call education system - 

Time to create our own Constitution

Time to create our Constitution based on a Republic and  remove the shackles of BNA Act/Indian Act and the lie of representative (dictatorship) Democracy.

To Something that protects the Sovereigns 

Inalienable Rights

Our creator bestowed our rights and Liberties upon us. The entire political system is based on that unique premise. No other bulwark exists to safeguard the natural rights of human beings except Divine sanction. 

The Design of constitution to protect rights must enable those individuals or minorities most likely to be unfairly oppressed by the majority to assemble supporting coalitions sufficient to block or reverse government action, without disabling government from performing those functions that are essential, especially for defense and...

Constitution prevents the government from making laws which regulate an establishment of religion, prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of press, the right to peaceably assemble, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. 

Ed Anderson and Dallas Hills Freedom and Liberty Song 

Native Brothers and Sisters in Estevan Saskatchewan 

August 31st 2019, the rally, and convoy and concert with the Native Brothers and Sisters and the concert with the "Patriots Party". This event was a fundraiser and a auction to help raise funds for Veteran's Emergency Transition Services. The convoy was a huge success from Bienfait Arena - as you will see in the video Below: 

Native Sons and Daughters - The Myth is Canada - Esteven Convoy - Travelling Truth Tour - Video Below of the Convoy

Brenda Stettner -Dallas Hills  Scott Rayner - Darlene Harasivich - Ed Jamnisek 

Izidor Sarvari  holding his sign "Arrest Trudeau for treason " with  Brenda Stettner


 The Event was amazing for all to come together and the Friendships will last forever - Unity was formed to End the Corrupt Government - The Message was Clear we all had enough 

 Enjoying the festivities -the food was amazing  


 Everyone Spirits were uplifted because it was great to be around like -minded People Who were all brought together for Solutions 

Jayme Knyx - Civilian Soldiers - at the Patriots Party 




Izidor Sarvari  and Brenda Stettner

Duke Willis - Scott Rayner - Darlene Harasivich - Dallas Hills - Brenda Stattner - Ed Jamnisek 

Darlene Harasivich - Edmonton Alberta to see Justine Trudeau  

Dallas Hills being Interviewed about Canada a Country Without a Constitution  - No Federations Papers  - Solution is the Sovereigns write their Constitution - Seat a De Jure Government

At the Patriots head Quarters 

        Ed Jamnisek                                                                                  

Dallas Hills 

Duke Willis, Scott Rayner, Darlene Harasivich, Dallas Hills, Brenda Stettner and Ed Jamnisek

Darlene Harasivich - Edmonton Alberta to see Justine Trudeau  

 Dallas Hills  and Ezra Levant reading out "The Myth is Canada " becoming educated about Constitutional Conventions - the information that Canada Has " No Constitution or No Federation occurred

Also Ezra was informed a $25 000 reward for anyone who can find the so -called federation Papers.

Hope British Columbia  - Hope was chosen as the starting Point for the "The Travelling Truth Tour - The Myth is Canada - Hope to save our Countries of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec , New Brunswick, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador , Northwest Territories, Yukon

L- R - Cody Haller, Jayme Knyx, Cherlynn, Dallas Hills, Darlene Harasivich, Nicky Hurley, Jay Ridel, Pat King, Matt levesque


Nicky Hurley holding his Cape Bretan Flag - Nicky famous quote is "Vote Harder " or Vote for Me I won't Lie " Nicky has been another great educator on Constitutional Conventions

Dallas Hills  and Ezra Levant reading out "The Myth is Canada " becoming educated about Constitutional Conventions - the information that Canada Has " No Constitution or No Federation occurred

Inalienable Rights - The Most Powerful Word to Learn 

Lloydminster Alberta has had many Native Brother and Sisters Educating  for over a year every weekend more they are NOT accepting the de-fact canada Inc corruption looking for a Solution - The Solution is NOT Political Parties as More are realizing is creating Constitutional Conventions - to eventually creating a Constitution 

Jasmine Stampp holding up a sign to support our troops and Wayne Peters - Dallas Hills and Darlene Harasivich Supporting the their Brothers and Sisters in Alberta 

Holding a sign with many more Native Brothers and Sisters 

 Suzanne Ferguson, April , Native Brother, Dallas Hills, Darlene Harasivich, and Carl Fleury all showing Support in Lloydminster Alberta - 

Why are so many NOT happy with the current system  - Once you educate yourself - You will learn that none of the Countries ever federated - and that the BNA is NOT a Constitution - Canada a Country without a Constitution
Great Video of Dennis Shaw explains here:

Great turn out of Native Brothers and Sisters 

Meloney Owsianyk - From Blackfoot  Alberta, and her two daughters came to show support.

Donnie Ferguson - From Lloydminster Holding a Sign NO TO the UN Agenda 21/30

Wayne Peters, Dallas Hills and Darlene Harasivich  showing their  support.

Also Ezra was informed a $25 000 reward for anyone who can find the so -called federation Papers.


Don Morrison - A  Native Brother is a Mobile - Build Board Educating many More With his Amazing Truck



       Ho Canada Russel Rogers Smith is a Must Read 
Link to download the PDF: Smith blends a scholar's knowledge of Canada's political history with formidable array of facts, which cannot be disputed. 





The Myth is Canada: Become Educated to  Become Liberated 

Inalienable  Rights are rights that government cannot violate under any circumstances. Inalienable rights require individuals to perform certain actions in order for others to enjoy more freedoms. Inalienable rights are natural rights that only exist if recognized by a country's constitution.

What rights are protected by a Republic Constitution?

Imagine finally having a choice to choose how you wish to be governed - rather than living under a Dictatorship !
Inalienable Rights protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, the freedom of assembly and the freedom to petition. It also prohibits unreasonable search and seizure, cruel and unusual punishment and compelled self-incrimination.

Never Have so Many Known so Little About so Much A Must Read to Understand where we are today and what we can do to correct the mess we are in

If we had any Laws in de-facto canada Inc many of these Politicians would be in Jail - This is why "We the People MUST create our Constitution - "WE THE PEOPLE of THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE "

Canada a Country without a Constitution: One of the Best Information videos to understand how you are truly governed

Brenda Stettner : is very Active in Saskatchewan - forming constitutional committees - through out Saskatchewan 





Ruddi Bruce and Dallas Hills in BattleFord Saskatchewan

Darlene Harasivich and Ruddi Bruce


Canadian Combat Coalition National

Canadian Combat Coalition National, organized an amazing group across de-facto Canada of Concerned Native brothers and Sisters to come together for solutions to Unite on making each country better and ending he corruption . The Event was held at Parliament Hill, Ottawa,Sat Jul 20 2019 at 02:00 pm 

It was a huge success as you may see from all the many who came from coast to coast to Participate 

      Duke Willis and many Native Brother and Sisters helping to        get things organized for the Great Event 

       Dan Dubois - Scott Rayner - Rob Groulx

    Dan Dubois - Ed Jamnisek - Randy McMahon - Barbara McMahon -  Rob Groulx (back to us)and Dunn Ryan Mclean standing on the trailer deck  

 Barbara McMahon -Kevin J Johnson - Dallas Hills - Randy McMahon  
 Barbara McMahon -Kevin J Johnson - Darlene Harasivich - Dallas Hills  

So many amazing people united on one cause - Had enough of the Political corruption and all wanting solutions

Dallas Hills educated many on Constitutional Conventions -Canada a Country with out a Constitution - Also never did any of the Countries Federate to Ottawa and de-facto canada 

The importance of We the People Constitution is the solution

        Joe Canuck what an amazing Young Native Son

Dallas Hills and Joe Canuck have their Picture taken -  Dallas mentioned to the young man - he was very proud of him for his amazing speech -  and his message to everyone was respected and WE ALL THANK YOU    
Dallas Hills -Pat King - and the amazing Joe Canuck 

                   Darlene Harasivich - Joe Canuck - Pat King 

                             Derek Storie -  Rick Boswick 

Dallas Hills and Justin Long - Have been on many lives together - Now they are live together

Most likely most all the Native Brothers and Sisters would of never met each others - But the corrupt political system - has united like minded people to stand together in a common cause 
   Mary Forrest - Dallas Hills - Laura 

  Cody Haller - traveled from WhiteCourt Alberta to Ottawa to support his fellow Native Brothers and Sisters - He made an amazing speech to everyone there and to those who could not make it was broadcast Live

  Doug Force - Darlene Harasivich - Dallas Hills 

  D There was so many who had something to say about the current mess we are in - some went further down the rabbit hole - We sometimes call Blue Pilled to Red - Pilled - Spoke of 5 G - and numerous topics - Video link here 
 Dallas Hills - Duke Willis -  Kubar - Ed Jamnisek

                      Darlene harasivich - - Dallas Hills 
                                 The March to Ottawa 

          Canadian Combat Coalition National Campground 

                             Martin Brasuer - Dallas Hills 

       Cody Haller - Dan Dubois - Martin Brasur - Matt Lev

Help support our work   Travelling Truth Tour - Constitutional Conventions - donations may be e-trasnfer to - thank you

So what should Alberta and the west Countries do? when there is NO Constitution or even Federation papers and the Clarity Act ensures NO Referendum can ever work !

Here is what Myth is Canada will discuss
Never have we been able to “reform” anything from within, their system ? Has the Government EVER NOT Lied to you!
Has a referendum ever worked ! Clarity Act states
- you can NEVER win a referendum read the document. Investigate the Quebec referendum - Quebec is a Nation within a Nation

They all know there is NO Constitution or even Federation papers - This Lie has to be Stopped
They use the firewall idea, and try to take back everything the constitution allows? What Constitution do they refer to?

Why have they NOT asked the Myth is Canada historians to be included in these debates, are they deliberately leaving out
The Myth is Canada guest speakers. You Decide?

Help support our work   Travelling Truth Tour - Constitutional Conventions - donations may be e-trasnfer to - thank you

I ask what is their Agenda - You Decide ? Do they want FACT's or is their a hidden agenda?
Roll over and play dead — like the the Government recommends?

Here is what Myth is Canada will discuss

Never have we been able to “reform” anything from within, their system ? Has the Government EVER NOT Lied to you!
Has a referendum ever worked ! Clarity Act states
- you can NEVER win a referendum read the document. Investigate the Quebec referendum - Quebec is a Nation within a Nation
The all know there is NO Constitution or even Federation papers

Why have they NOT asked the Myth is Canada historians to be included in the debates, are they deliberately leaving out The Myth is Canada guest speakers. You Decide?

Help support our work Travelling Truth Tour - Constitutional Conventions - donations may be e-trasnfer to


  AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH TO YOUR BANK   3 Parts to the Affidavit of Truth 1.        Listing who the grievances are and listing of your tru...