Thursday 31 January 2019

Documentary “Climate Hustle” Exposes Global-warming Con Job

Full show here 
The documentary Climate Hustle will be shown in hundreds of theaters throughout the United States on Monday, May 2 in a special one-night national event. To see the list of locations and purchase tickets, click here. Our review of this important movie was origionally published on December 29, 2015, after the Paris premier that coincided with the climate-change summit. — the Editors
PARIS — For all those who still have to deal with that crazy uncle over the Christmas season who insists that human emissions of the gas of life, or carbon dioxide, are causing dangerous global warming, fear not — the solution has arrived. It is called Climate Hustle, and it masterfully debunks the claims of the “climate cult,” as many experts now refer to the alarmist movement, like no other resource produced thus far. Well-known analysts are already saying it will turn the tables on the alarmists. But more importantly, it will bring to light the facts and the science surrounding alleged man-made global warming that the establishment press has tried so hard to conceal.
The new documentary, which premiered in Paris [in December] amid the United Nations COP21 “climate change” summit, will serve as the perfect antidote to the increasingly shrill global-warming alarmism being peddled by the UN, the Obama administration, and others. It will also be exactly the tool you need to educate any remaining global-warming alarmists you may know, particularly those who got their inaccurate beliefs from error-riddled propaganda films such as Al Gore's discredited “documentary” An Inconvenient Truth, which was essentially banned in U.K. schools after a court recognized it was filled with falsehoods and ordered that children be warned about them in advance.
Indeed, Climate Hustle, with climate realist Marc Morano of Climate Depot serving as the host, even uses some of Gore's own tactics in exposing the anthropogenic (man-made) global-warming theory, minus the falsehoods and misleading propaganda. Among the best scenes in the entire film is when Morano uses a construction elevator, mimicking Gore, to travel upwards while exposing inconvenient science omitted from Gore's propaganda film. Gore used a similar scene to promote his discredited theory about CO2 driving global warming. Some 94 percent of poll respondents on Morano's webpage said Climate Hustle was the “Anti-Incovenient Truth.”
Among the film's most important contributions to the climate debate: Morano allows alarmists to speak for themselves throughout the documentary. Climate Hustle is packed with clips and interviews of alarmist politicians, “experts,” celebrities, and scientists bloviating about alleged man-made global cooling, warming, the supposed urgency of doing something about it, and more. Hilariously, some of the supposed effects of alleged man-made global warming — everything from weather events and increased prostitution to rape, car theft, airplane turbulence, barroom brawls, and even the extinction of coffee — are highlighted, too. The humor throughout the film is absolutely fantastic, making it perfect to watch with others of all political persuasions. Morano also catches some climate alarmists involved in blatant, demonstrable deception.   
Another excellent point brought out in the film is the fact that the climate industry has a terrible track record. Ranging from its failed predictions of a new man-made “Ice Age” a few decades ago, to more recent pronouncements that ended up being proved just as ridiculous, the documentary exposes what alarmists want hidden: The fact that they have been wrong about virtually everything, and still are. For instance, alarmists and the UN predicted less snow and less cold. But when record snow and cold arrived, increasingly outlandish alarmists, including Obama's Science Czar John Holdren, a former global-cooling alarmist and proponent of a “planetary regime” and coercive abortion/sterilization, insisted that the record snow and cold were caused by global warming. Seriously. 
Narrating the film, Morano goes through a wide range of such examples, and the changes in alarmist terminology that have accompanied the silliness: global cooling, global warming, climate change, global climate disruption, global weirding, and so on. That way, as the film shows, no matter what happens — heat, cold, snow, drought, rain, floods, tornado, hurricane, storms, no storms, etc. — can always be blamed on evil humans and their evil CO2 emissions. The pleas in the film by politicians and others for “climate action” that must happen this minute, this week, this year, or whatever — supposedly to prevent an imminent climate catastrophe — only become more humorous and entertaining in that context.   
Balancing out all the ridiculous comments from alarmists, Climate Hustle also features a great deal of commentary from more rational scientists willing to acknowledge the observable evidence — especially, among other examples, the nearly 19-year (and counting) pause in global warming that exposed every single climate model used by the UN as bogus. The interviews in the film range from discussions with prominent and widely respected “deniers” of AGW to mere skeptics of the theory who warn against the fanatical zeal of the climate cult and the lack of current understanding when it comes to the unfathomably complex climate system. Many of the scientists in the film exposing the AGW scam are in fact proud political leftists, too, potentially making it easier for other leftists to distance themselves from the climate alarmism while holding firm to their convictions.
Among the scientists featured in the film pouring ice on the warming alarmism are geologist Dr. Robert Giegengack, former chair of the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at the University of Pennsylvania; award-winning climatologist Dr. Judith Curry, who chaired the School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Institute of Technology; Climate Statistics Professor Dr. Caleb Rossiter of American University; Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer, a former senior NASA climate scientist who now leads a climate research group at the University of Alabama in Huntsville; and many, many more. A group of six or seven scientists even attended the premiere to answer questions.
Some experts quoted in the film compare the current government-funded climate hysteria to the hysteria surrounding the witchcraft trials of centuries ago. Also mentioned in relation to the increasingly bizarre climate alarmism: Aztec blood sacrifices to end drought, including the sacrifice of thousands of people in a few weeks to appease the angry climate gods. If the current climate alarmists had their way, more than a few experts have made clear that millions of innocent people, condemned to energy famine and thus perpetual poverty by “climate action,” would almost certainly end up as modern-day human sacrifices to the climate gods. In short, as many climate scientists and experts (including the disgraced head of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC) have explained, the warmist movement has become a religion — and a dangerous one at that.         
While the humor is fun and entertaining, the film is not all funny. Among other troubling elements are the increasingly totalitarian attacks employed by alarmists against those who disagree with the AGW theory. From calling for energy producers to be put on trial for “Crimes Against Humanity” to demanding that skeptics be re-educated, imprisoned, and even executed, as the evidence debunking AGW theory piles up, proponents of the theory are becoming increasingly unhinged and potentially dangerous. The implications are frightening. The policies being advanced by the alarmist movement, too, represent a frontal assault on liberty, prosperity, national sovereignty, the poor, and common sense. Cooler heads must resist. 
As Morano explained throughout the film and in an interview later with The New American at the red-carpet premiere in Paris, the AGW movement is really engaged in a con job of massive proportions. Dressed up as the “climate monarch,” Morano noted that the UN and its alarmist allies are literally plotting to empower themselves at humanity's expense, all under the supposed guise of battling the gas of life. “The Emperor has no clothes,” Morano said, adding that the film would help wake people up to that fact. “The United Nations is essentially taking away free choices of sovereign states.”
Under the UN “climate” vision, the masses will be “controlled by a small governing elite, which they call global governance, telling them how to live their lives,” Morano continued. And international wealth redistribution to governments ruling poorer nations is the key to getting those governments to sell out their people, he added, blasting the UN for its efforts to create a “climate monarchy.” From central planning to energy restrictions, the plan is for unelected and unaccountable forces to govern humanity. Morano also said the U.S. Republican Party needed to get serious about opposing the major policy implications of the agenda rather than just noting that the "science" behind AGW hysteria is fraudulent.  
Before the film started, alarmist protesters were at the cinema shrieking about “climate justice” and “climate criminals.” Morano and CFACT, the pro-market environmental group behind the film, were portrayed as “climate criminals” and stooges for Big Oil. Eventually police had to be called, again illustrating the dangers to basic freedoms, such as free speech, represented by the alarmists. In typical fashion, though, the warmists were on the warpath long before the film even premiered. Greenpeace, for example, released a screed a month before the documentary was released claiming Climate Hustle was a “science denial movie” apparently aimed at making Morano rich. How Greenpeace would have known that, since the film was not even ready yet, was not immediately clear. The numerous scientists in it would likely disagree with Greenpeace.
Ironically, though, The New American had a chance to interview Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore, also featured in the film, while in Paris. He made clear that the climate alarmists were not only wrong about the science, but they were putting the lives and livelihoods of billions of people at risk to pursue their “anti-human” agenda — essentially, destroying industrial civilization and crushing liberty. As if to confirm the thesis, Greenpeace activist Connor Gibson concluded his anti-Climate Hustle ramblings by suggesting Morano and other “climate deniers” might be prosecuted by the Obama administration for refusing to genuflect before the climate movement's increasingly discredited dogmas.     
The audience loved the film, cheering and clapping enthusiastically at the packed cinema premiere. Afterward, scientists and experts from around the world answered questions from attendees. Climate Hustle should be available in the United States by 2016. Find out more at
Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is currently based in Europe. He can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU.

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Wednesday 30 January 2019

What makes me a Canadian is not something I can easily translate into words

What makes me a Canadian is not something I can easily translate into words

These  examples barely scratch the surface when attempting to define what it means to me to be from Canada. How does  one tell a Canadian how lucky it is to be a Canadian? Simply can’t be done

I wish that I could put forth some profound statement that would delve into the hearts of Canadians and instill pride,  but I cannot. It means something different to each of us, and it is that what will allow Canada to thrive. Find out what it means to you in your heart, and never let that go. For me, today, I’ll try to explain

Our country was founded by immigrants, whether it be by the natives thousands of years ago or by others who followed hundreds of years ago. I believe we who live in this great country are truly blessed. We have the most wonderful species of every living thing there is ... animals, trees, fish, shrubs, flowers and people. We are a melting pot of it all. I am truly blessed to be Canadian, to have raised Canadians and to never take this large, open, magnificent country for granted.  I enjoy living here and am always grateful for my good fortune

I was born in British Columbia  and became part of Canada because I was told I was Canadian from the day I was born

I am Canadian because of what my grandparents did. They traveled to, literally, the great unknown, and struggled and didn't go out of this world with a lot,but they left that set of values which has carried through the generations. I'm not rich, but I have a had hell of a good life.That's Canadian

All my life and am truly proud! When I travel to other countries such as the USA, Mexico, Cuba, etc. I enjoy myself but am always so happy to 'Come Home' to the land of Red & White. I will never forget my roots here like so many have that have moved to other countries. Canada is known for its vast number of different cultures which makes it unique to say the least. No matter where in the world you travel to, if you tell the foreigners you're Canadian, they welcome you with open arms. We are a nation known for our big hearts, compassion, and friendliness. I AM CANADIAN!"

I have taken many people visiting Canada for the first time to see this amazing place. . The beauty of British Columbia, which many on their way to Edmonton, and  they found Alberta to be extraordinary. During the trips to Jasper National Park, where they are awestruck by the splendor of the Canadian Rockies.

Everyone I met we spent hours discussing the differences in our countries - health care, schooling, and housing among other things - and I was thinking how proud I am to be Canadian. Now many have gone home with a better appreciation for us and our many and diverse cultures. I feel they are richer from experiencing Canada, even if it was only a small part.

The men and women who sacrifice their time with their families to ensure that other Canadians enjoy their time with their family and loved ones makes me proud to call myself Canadian. Without those brave human beings freedom might not be something we could afford to take for granted in this country.

Nothing gives me a more satisfying feeling of 'coming back home' than the experience of crossing the border from the U.S. into Canada. Canada friendliness that make one feel so welcome and safe. It's a feeling that many fellow immigrants and even native Canadians share whenever the topic arises. Many immigrants from around the world came to Canada to become Canadian, not to change Canada , I feel so honored and blessed to be a Canadian and proud to be part of a culture that is respected and loved world-wide for years

Being a Canadian is more than most can imagine. We are the friendliest, most loving people in the world. Canada is a country of hope and security, and is beautiful. It is clean, well maintained, and our fellow Canadians make Canada what it is.

I have always felt very patriotic toward Canada, but never more than now since the last 20 years of the political mess, corruption and now with the masses immigration, which was all orchestrated to destroy the very fabric of Canada into pieces. If you think this sustainability and diversity UN Agenda 21 plan is good for our future then YOU are the Problem that needs to educate yourself and step aside and stop doing more damage to Canada and their respective Provinces

I never realized how important it is to feel that sense of belonging somewhere.  When I am at home back in Canada we take it for granted. When we are abroad I feel it's a different story. Being outside of Canada it's such a good feeling when we encounter other Canadians.  

I’m not a Canadian because I live in Canada, I’m a Canadian because I believe in the region where I live! I’m thankful to live in Canada because of the peace and the learning that the children develop every day. I also feel safe and protected because we don’t have war going on where I live. I'm so happy that I live in Canada.

We now have a silent war with mass immigration, and if you do not recognize this threat to our freedom and liberty you are one of two things - you either have to be part of the corrupt person or ignorant to NOT see what is happening 

I am proud of my country, my only country, Canada. I am proud of her from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Arctic in Nunavut, to the shores of Lake Erie in Ontario. I am proud of her French, and English, and of her many creeds and values. I am proud of her liberty, of her social consciousness, and of maintaining a separate existence from her friendly neighbor to the south these 140 years. I am proud of her history, good and bad, and of her continuing effort to grow as a productive Nation.

As a Canadian I belong to all of Canada, not just the division they call 'Alberta or Saskatchewan or Nova Scotia, but all of Canada

I am proud to be Canadian because we live in a civilized society and one day a free republic, which I hope will come one day

Mass Genocide of the Original people of this great Land we now call Canada?Multiculturalism? A history of peace and tolerance? A society of warmth and friendliness? People should be reminded that this country's history isn't immaculate. In World War II we imprisoned Japaneses Canadians  and deported people back to numerous regime governments bent on genocide, we enforced taxes on Chinese immigrants and conducted state sponsored experiments on the mentally ill and handicapped. 

However, I am proud to say that we have not remained ignorant in educating our youth about the blemishes in our history.In time our future Generation will learn OUR True History and World History we have Been neglected to learn from a corrupt education system. Near Future more Canadians will learn the truth About Hitler and Germany once the Jewish media and the fraudulent banking cartel are held accountable for there genocide world wide

The majority of Canadians take for granted the privileges and resources that we have and fail to recognize how it affects other parts of the world. Yes, we have many diverse cultures living in this country but it is beneficial as much as it is detrimental. In other words one of our presumably proudest qualities (being diverse) is also one that interferes with the unity of the country. 

Canada In Decay undemocratic policy of mass immigration and racial diversification in Canada. The entire Canadian political establishment, the mainstream media and the academics, are all in harmonious unison with the banks and corporations, in promoting two myths to justify mass immigration.

The first myth is the claim that immigration into Canada “enriches the country”, by demonstrating that mass immigration is not only leading to Euro-Canadians becoming a small minority in their own homeland, but because of the disparity in the birth-rate, the Euro-Canadian population is likely to become almost extinct.

The second myth is the regularly repeated claim that Canada is a “nation of immigrants” by demonstrating that Canada was founded by Indigenous Quebecois, Acadians, and English speakers. also exposes the rewriting of Canada’s history in the media, schools, and universities, as an attempt to rob Euro-Canadians of their own history by inventing a past that conforms to the ideological goals of a future multiracial and multicultural Canada.

Canada In Decay the ideology of immigrant multiculturalism and the inbuilt radicalizing nature of this ideology, and argues that the “theory of multicultural citizenship” is marred by a double standard which encourages minorities to affirm their collective cultural rights while Euro-Canadians are excluded from affirming theirs.

"Canada In Decay is a bold, compelling, and often devastating deconstruction of the Left-Liberal narrative which has dominated Canadian politics since the 1970s.

Both the politically correct Left and the globalist Right not just in Canada but across the entire western world."

Mass Immigration has Increasing health-care costs and a government consisting of politicians who are more focused on pointing fingers than at actual problem solving, and a growing threat to our Liberty and freedom than we have endured in 50 years.

Diversity, sustainability UN Agenda 21 or Zionist Foundation infecting our society are major issues we are currently facing. It's strange that so much effort could be placed into celebrating our nation's birthday yet we drag our feet and remain indecisive when it comes to policy-making and addressing significant societal issues. 

I feel that being Canadian means being able to help realize the belief, that through hard work and integrity we may help Canada to mature and grow to become something better than what it is. Being Canadian means that we make decisions based on how well the country as a whole can benefit, not on how oneself can benefit. 

An individual is Canadian because they do not tolerate ignorance at any level and will acknowledge and learn from mistakes made. A Canadian understands that we need to assist each other when trying to rectify errors and that we may have to make sacrifices ourselves in order to come to the support of others.

Our country our Provinces and our Political system is broken and will take all of US Canadians to correct the mess the Zionist Banking Cartel has created across Canada.

What makes me Canadian? What makes me Canadian is the ability to speak out against what I think is wrong. There are many things about Canada that are right and many things that are wrong. Waving a flag and posting a 'support our troops' sticker on your car is not what constitutes a Canadian. To ignore the injustice is to be unpatriotic

Canadians are different from the rest of the world. We are able to live in a diverse nation, where ethnic conflicts, poverty and acts of injustice don’t go by without action. We stand for values of morality, education, heath care, prosperity, peace and most of all freedom

Canadians work for a better life not only for ourselves but the rest of the world!

What we achieved is now being torn apart year after year - 

The saying is true that a person does not fully appreciate what they have until they loose  it, I am more thankful for Canada and my heritage and I certainly cannot wait for a day that Canada leads the world to peace Prosperity, Liberty and Freedom

Its going to take Unity to save Canada from the Globalist banking Cartel , the corrupt Political system and most of all its going to take You and every  OLD STOCK Canadian to save this Nation .

Sunday 6 January 2019

Radio-Canada parody mocking Trudeau’s India trip blasted as racist, ‘completely disrespectful’

Radio-Canada parody mocking Trudeau’s India trip blasted as racist, ‘completely disrespectful’ 

A scene from Radio-Canada's parody of Justin Trudeau's February 2018 trip to India.Radio-Canada/Facebook

One critic said she was 'appalled' that a government-funded public broadcaster would be so careless with its depictions of Indian culture

MONTREAL — A character playing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau takes a drag from a joint and is suddenly transported into a fantasy world where he is dressed in traditional Indian clothing as talking cows are knocked over by a gorilla with Donald Trump’s signature hair and red tie.
The scene mocking the prime minister’s ill-fated trip to India last February was part of Radio-Canada’s annual end-of-year parody show, during which the national broadcaster satirizes the year’s newsmakers. Called “Bye bye,” the show draws millions of viewers New Year’s Eve and is considered the television event of the holiday season in Quebec.
But this year the French arm of the CBC is on the defensive after a barrage of online criticism from people claiming the sketch was racist and made a mockery of Indian culture.
See More
“This video is completely disrespectful to our cultures. Kicking down cows, ‘imitating’ our dances. Not cool,” Ina Bhowmick, the founder and director of the Montreal cultural company Bollywood Blast, commented under the video on Radio-Canada’s Facebook page.
“I’ve experienced a lot of ignorance and racism growing up,” another Facebook user, Maaha Khan, wrote. “However, I’ve never in my life been as offended as I am after watching this video. (Congratulations) Radio-Canada for creating the most disgusting video of all time.”
The “Bye bye” sketch was taking aim at Trudeau’s trip to India last February during which he came under criticism for his frequent wearing of traditional Indian clothing. The online publication Outlook India referred to his outfits as “too Indian even for an Indian.”
Trudeau was also embarrassed during the visit after Jaspal Atwal — convicted of the 1986 attempted murder of an Indian cabinet minister on Vancouver Island in a plot organized by a Sikh separatist extremist group — was invited to two receptions.
Aside from the talking cows — the animal is considered sacred in Hinduism — critics of the sketch targeted the scene in which the Trudeau character is seated and plays a flute as gasoline-pump hoses rise from baskets on either side of him.
“Snake charming has a very ancient history, and this depiction was a mockery of them — they are traditional healers,” Bhowmick said in an interview Thursday.
She said she was “appalled” that a government-funded public broadcaster would be so careless with its depictions of Indian culture. Bhowmick added the French CBC’s response to the criticism made matters worse, and she is considering filing an official complaint.
A scene from Radio-Canada’s parody of Justin Trudeau’s February 2018 trip to India. Radio-Canada/Facebook
Radio-Canada posted the sketch on its Facebook page Jan. 1, and it has received more than 68,000 views and hundreds of reactions. In addition to the criticism, there have been comments from people wondering what the fuss was all about.
The broadcaster said its intention “was in no way to disrespect the Indian community or Indian traditions or culture.” Writing on Facebook, it said the creators of the skit “were poking fun at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his apparent fondness for superficially ’embracing’ traditional Indian culture via his clothes and, of course, his dancing to traditional Indian music in February.”
Bhowmick said the response ignores the impact of the spoof on Indo-Canadians. “If there are so many of us who are not feeling good about this, then there must be a legitimate reason, and the trick is to listen,” she said.
A scene from Radio-Canada’s parody of Justin Trudeau’s February 2018 trip to India. Radio-Canada/Facebook
She also said she didn’t understand why so many pundits in Canada ridiculed Trudeau and his family for wearing traditional Indian clothing during last February’s visit to the country. The prime minister’s Montreal riding comprises a significant Indian-Canadian population, she said, and Trudeau has for years attended events in the community, sometimes wearing traditional clothing.
While Radio-Canada’s sketch was an example of cultural appropriation, Trudeau’s traditional dress is not, she said.
“There is a difference between appropriation and appreciation,” Bhowmick said.
The Prime Minister’s Office had “no comment” on the controversy, a spokesperson said Thursday.


Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau The Water War Crimes Was His Son, Michel, Murdered?

Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau
 The Water War Crimes
Was His Son, Michel, Murdered? 

Canada's Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau held office from 1968 when the NAWAPA was put forward as a serious plan to solve the looming water shortages in the American southwest and, except for a brief nine months in 1979 when Joe Clark held power with a minority government, he continued in office until 1984.   
After many meetings between with American Presidents, Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan(shown above from left to right) Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau appointed Donald MacDonald to Chair a "Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada", 1982-1985 which recommended that Canada enter a Free Trade Agreement with the United States.

It is a curious co-incidence that 
Donald MacDonald, (shown far right below) is now a partner with the Canadian law firm of Lang Michener where several of the WaterWarCrimes insiders have either been or are also partners, including Jean Chretien, Eddy Goldenberg, Sergio Marchi, John Reynolds, and Cliff Sosnow.  
It is also a curious co-incidence that Donald MacDonald was Canadian High Commissioner to Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1988-1991 which was the period of time when certain investors in England acquired a significant share in W.C.W. Western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd. at the same time that company was acquiring an illegal contract the Government of British Columbia and an illegal monopoly over bulk water exports from Canada to the United States.  According to his online biography, in 1990, Mr. MacDonald was made a Freeman of the City of London which was shortly after shares and warrants in  W.C.W. Western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd.. were delivered to secret accounts in London, England.  The reader can view the list of investors by going to the W.C.W. Western Canada Water Enterprises Page and scroll down to find the list of investors and the London investment firms involved.

In another curious co-incidence, the British Columbia Agent General to the UK, from 1987 to 1992, was former British Columbia Attorney General Gardee Gardom who, in 1992, also became a Freeman of the City of London. Gardom was appointed Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia by Prime Minister Jean Chretien and served in that office from 1995 to 2001.  It is noteworthy that Gardom refused to deliver a speech from the Thone when Glen Clark was the British Columbia Premier.

Pierre Trudeau as Canadian Hero 

There are some Canadians who regard Pierre Trudeau as the modern modern saviour of their nation who resisted the Quebec independence movement, severed Canada's formal legal ties to the English parliament, gave Canadians a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, established bi-lingualism, created multiculturalism and opened Canada's doors to huge in-migration

Pierre Trudeau as Canadian Villian

There are others who regard Pierre Trudeau in a more sinister light.

During the Second World War, Mr. Trudeau, unlike most Canadians of his age, refused to enlist in the Canadian Armed Forces and while other young Canadians were spilling their blood in Europe North Africa and parts of Asia, Mr. Trudeau presented himself as both an fervent anti-Semite and a pro-Nazi driving his motorcycle through Montreal's Jewish neighborhoods wearing Nazi regalia and giving the inhabitants the one finger salute. 

During the Cold War, Trudeau, a self-admitted communist, visited the Soviet Union and  China heaping praise on two of the most murderous regimes in the political history of the world.  He was also a supporter of Cuba's Fidel Castro who earned the enduring enmity of the American government for attempting to point nuclear equipped weapons at the American heartland.

Trudeau made significant changes to the Canadian legal framework that brought it more in line with systems of law administered behind the iron curtain where judges were puppets of the state and constitutional rights of judicial independence were a sham. 

Trudeau is also remembered for his destructive National Energy Policy that destroyed the livelihoods of many hardworking Canadians who relied on the oil and natural gas industry for their sustenance 

At the same time, Trudeau enriched himself and his family through the artful use of taxpayers money when the Canadian Government owned oil company, Petro Canada, acquired shares of the Canadian operation of Petro Fina (a company in which the Trudeau family was heavily invested) at artificially inflated prices.

Pierre Trudeau may have been a communist for political purposes but, for business purposes, he knew how to do an inside deal and one must question whether or not he was an offshore investor in 
W.C.W. Western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd.

Interestingly, when Pierre Trudeau's marriage to a women thirty years his junior fell apart, he sent his wife for psychiatric treatment at the Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal Canada.  This is the infamous Canadian hospital where brainwashing experiments were carried out on many unsuspecting patients and it is reasonable to assume that Pierre Trudeau sent his wife to this hospital in order to remove certain memories from her mind.

Pierre Trudeau was a noted bi-sexual and there are persistent stories that in addition to homosexual activities he engaged in pedophilia.  

These reports of pedofilia were confirmed in December 2015 by international Canadian journalist Benjamin Fulford who reported as follows: 

... during a visit to Canada last week, a member of Canada’s Security Intelligence Service contacted this writer with information about his father Pierre Trudeau. According to this CSIS source, Pierre Trudeau was blackmailed with pedophile charges into ending the use of government owned Bank of Canada money to finance government operations without taxes or debt. Instead, he forced Canada into Babylonian style debt slavery to Khazarian mafia banks. Pedophilia allegations aside, it is a known fact that it was Trudeau who ended the use of Bank of Canada free money to finance the government.

Click here to read full Benjamin Fulford Story 

This report by Benjamin Fulford corroborates the earlier reports by US author Cathy O'Brien in her book, Trance Formation of America  where she implicated Canadian Prime Ministers Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney as pedofiles.

According to Canadian blogger Henry Makow:

"Over the years, insiders have told me that Pierre's 1968 marriage to Margaret was "arranged" by the military. The couple programmed with LSD at a remote farm in British Columbia.

According to Trudeau's Jesuit mentor, Trudeau ordered the kidnap and murder of his enemy Pierre Laporte in October 1970, because Laporte was threatening him with blackmail and exposure as a pedophile

Click here to read more of Henry Makow's opinions about Pierre Trudeau

The Editors have also personally corroborated these reports with formerCanadian military officers who claim they were aware of these activities from intelligence officers who kept Trudeau under surveillance.

The Editors received similar advice from long time British Columbia resident Jack English who claims he personally met a retired senior RCMP officer that in 1969, shortly after he took over as Prime Minister of Canada, several of Trudeau'scabinet ministers met with senior military officers, senior RCMP officers and senior civil servants and plotted a coup d'état against Trudeau because of his pedofiliac ways where he represented Canada overseas.  For reasons that are not clear, the plan did not proceed and Trudeau remained as Prime Minister to 1983 although over the years a lot of the top level people who were elected with him suddenly resigned such as Paul Hellyer, Eric Kierans, and John Turner although Mr. Turnerhung in for a number of years before finally quitting in 1975.

Click here to learn how Jack English was destroyed by the British Columbia Government.  
Pierre Trudeau and Canadian Law Firm Heenan Blaikie

After he left politics in 1984, Pierre Trudeau, became a partner in the law firm of Heenan Blaikie and, although Mr. Trudeau had died in 2000, it is another curious co-incidence that a lawyer, Marli Russin, with the law firm of Heenan Blaikie played a significant role in the destruction of the career of Victoria Police Chief Paul Battershill, when the Victoria Police Force had agreed to carry out an investigation of some of the Water War Crimes and at least two partners of Heenan Blaikie, former Prime Minister Jean Chretien and former BC Attorney General Geoff Plant had previously covered up the Water War Crimes while they held political office.   

The Death of Pierre Trudeau & Sun Belt Water Inc.  

It has been noted by others that the Sun Belt Water lawsuit sent shock waves through Canada's political establishment when it arrived in Ottawa as a claim under Chapter 11 of the NAFTA in 1998 and 1999. Elsewhere on this web site we have described that, in period from 1998 to 2002, notable Canadian political figures suddenly left office when the Water War Crimes achieved a high level of public interest and we have also described how various insiders linked to the Water War Crimes suddenly dropped dead when their participation in the Water War Crimes was made public.

Pierre Trudeau was an old man when the Sun Belt case arrived in Canada's capital"like a bombshell" and it is arguable that its reverberations "psychically" contributed to the dis-ease and death of Pierre Trudeau in September 2000.  If Mr. Trudeau had been one of the secret offshore investors in  
W.C.W. Western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd. he would certainly have felt psychological distress knowing that his participation in this serious crime against the Canadian public had caught up with him.  However, even if Mr. Trudeau were not involved, he would certainly have been gravely distressed to learn that others associated with his regime were involved in criminal activity.   
When the Sun Belt Water Case arrived in Ottawa, with its allegations of political corruption at the highest levels of government in Canada, a lot of people starting leaving office, in Ottawa and other regional capital cities in Canada.  

John Tait, (photo below, right of rats jumping ship) who would have been a key witness due to his former position as Deputy Attorney General of Canada when the crooked water export deal was put together, conveniently, developed a disease and died. 

On September 20, 2000,  Pierre Trudeau died .   

 Due to the fact that the RCMP have refused to prosecute the guilty we cannot say if any of the notables pictured below were guilty but, something was definitely happening, behind the scenes, to cause these long term actors to suddenly leavethe stage.

A short list of some of the political actors who jumped from the political ship, include Roy Romanow, Sergio Marchi, Antonio Lamer, Glen Clark, Marcel Masse, Lucien Bouchard, Lloyd Axworthy, Romeo LeBlanc, and Peter Donolo, all of whom are shown in consecutive order to the right of John Tait and to the left of the hearse carrying Pierre Trudeau. 


On November 13, 1998, exactly one month after Mr. Carten was sent to jail, for 40 days and 40 nights, by  a crooked British Columbia judge and member of the judicial mafia who had put him there because Mr. Carten had exposed one of the greatest crimes in Canadianpolitical history, GOD decided to PUNISH PIERRE TRUDEAU for his wicked ways . . . . . or was he murdered? That day, in the rugged Canadian Rockie Mountains, PIERRE TRUDEAU'S son, MICHEL TRUDEAU, was back country skiing near Kakanee Lake in British Columbia in Canada's Rockie Mountains when an avalanche allegedly swept him into the lake. 

Some people don't believe in GOD and that is their business.  But, no one cannot deny that the timing of Michel's Trudeau's death is remarkable co-incidence, like many other remarkable co-incidence in this case, and that, like any father would,Pierre Trudeau suffered severe emotional grief over the death of his son.

Although he was wealthy, intelligent, well travelled, and politically powerful,PIERRE TRUDEAU could not avoid the LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT (Karma).

If you harm others, you will pay a price.

So, first, PIERRE TRUDEAU lost his son, MICHEL and, then, in his grief, PIERRE TRUDEAU developed cancer and died an agonizingly painful death.


There are some who say Michel Trudeau was mudered. 

An avalanche, in November, in Canada's Rocky mountains, is an extremely unlikely event because snowpacks have not built up sufficiently to create the conditions when avalanches occur naturally. 

In fact, the alleged avalanche that allegedly killed Michel Trudeau was so peculiar that

"Evan Manners, manager of the Canadian Avalanche Centre in Revelstoke, B.C., said
that before the Trudeau death he had never heard of an avalanche pushing someone
into the water who then drowned. "It's very rare,"  he told the National Post
shortly after the accident."

In addition, the media reports state that there were three other people in the ski-party withMichel Trudeau but their names were never mentionned in the reports. Generally, in accidents like these, the names of the survivors are made public and they version of the events are also published.  So, why were the names of the survivors withheld why have they, personally, remained silent . 

Furthermore, the media states that police carried out an extensive search but the body ofMichel Trudeau has never been found which is a surprising event because the very spot where he allegedly went under the water is well known and there are no reported currents in the lake which would carry the body away from that general area.  Allegedly, Michel Trudeau went under wearing his backpack which would mean that body more easily recovered by use of traditional grappling devices.

There is no doubt that Pierre Trudeau had his enemies. His communist inspired policies had ruined many once propserous business people in western Canada.

Revenge is a powerful motive.

What better way to obtain revenge than by killing the youngest son of the man responsible for one's economic ruination?

There are men in the backwoods of British Columbia who know how to use and set explosives as well as and often better than the best military trained experts.  Any of these men could have easily set the charges that started the unlikely avalanche that swept Michel Trudeau to his deatih on that unlikely day in November, 1998, while Mr. Carten was suffering the indignity of an illegal and unlawful imprisonment made at a hearing where he was denied the right to call important witnesses.    

There are some who suggest that friends of Mr. Carten arranged the murder of Michel Trudeau in retaliation for the unwarranted attack on Mr. Carten by the Trudeau mob.       

the Death of Michel Trudeau

Friday, the 13th, is  a day selected by some killers to send a message because of its  symbolism  that initially arises from the massacre of Knights Templar, the alleged precursor of the modern Freemasons,  by the Pope and his agents, on Friday the 13th in 1307.The death of Michel Trudeau, on Friday the 13th, in November 1998, in  freak accident in the Canadian Rocky Mountains when snow packs are low and avalanches are a rarity, is, by itself, just an interesting historical co-incidence.  However,  when understood in the context of who his father was and other related information, a very different story emerges that suggests Michel Trudeau was murdered.  Pierre Trudeau was a prominent and public Roman Catholic but, some suspect, he was also a Freemason, or swung both ways, as they  say, which makes sense because Trudeau'smother was of Scottish descent, a nationality closely identified with Freemasonry and he married a Sinclair, a family closely linked to Scottish Freemasonry. It is an  interesting  co-incidence, that may not be a co-incidence at all, that Michel Trudeauwas allegedly nearly killed on July 17, 1998 when his motor vehicle was broadsided by another vehicle while he was  driving in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, CanadaClick  here to read amazing story of Trudeau's near death by a  suspicious motor vehicle  accident. 

The alleged accident was so powerful that the truck Michel Trudeau was driving rolled over several times and was a complete write off and it was a miracle that Michel Trudeau survived.  By itself, an accident of this nature is frequently viewed as only an accident but in light of the mysteriously accidental avalanche in November, a mere four months later, one must now ask whether the so-called accident in July was a failed attempt at murder.

Editor's Note:  There are some official media reports that he accident actually took place on July 20, 1998, which would place it on the Monday after July 17, 1998.  If this date is correct then the following Freemason symbolism would, obviously, not apply.  However, July 20 has its own significance because July 20 was the date, in 1944, when an assassination attempt was made against Adolf Hitler led by German Army Colonel, Claus von Stauffenbergit.

The date of July 17, the seventeenth day of the  seventh month,  or, 717, is symbolicFreemasonry because the original Grand Lodge,  the Grand  Lodge of England (UGLE) was  established in London, in  the year 1717 and a  rival organization, the Ancient  Grand Lodge of England was  established on July 17, 1751. 
In addition, on July 17, 1918, one of the most significant symbolic assassinations in modern history took place when Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his entire family were  executed, allegedly, by the Bolsheviks but, in fact, by agents of British Intelligence exactly one year after King George V of England declared  the British Royal  Family would henceforth bear the name Winsdor.  Some writers suggest the murder of Tsar Nicholas and his family, on July 17, 1918, was a birthday present for the House of Windsor sending a message to the world that the House of Windsor had succeeded in destroying the Russian Royal family. 
If Michel  Trudeau had died on July  17, 1998 in a freak supposed accident the symbolism would not have been lost on  Pierre Trudeau who was a great friend of the  Communists.Students of ritual murder will recall that when Princess Dianna was killed the car she was driving hit the 13 th pillar in the tunnel.  Click  here for more about the alleged ritual murder of Princess  Diana. 
The purpose of the symbolism  is to send a message to  insiders around the world who understand the  symbolism.
There is now  reason to think that Michel Trudeau may  have been murdered as part  of a warning to Pierre Trudeau and his  friends in Canada's  Queen's Privy Council, who knew about the secret investments of Queen  Elizabeth and the Royal family, that they had better keep their mouths  shut.
We caution the  reader that at this time, there is no direct,  credible,  evidence linking the possible murder of Michel Trudeau to Queen  Elizabeth and the Royal family
(except the key component of motive if  they were investors as alleged) but the  timing of the death, the high level of  secrecy surrounding the insiders in the Water  War Crimes and the recent un-denied revelations that Queen Elizabeth was involved in the Water War
Crimes raise questions that need to be answered.


During his tenure as Canada Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau, paid a visit to Libya, the home of mass murderer Lockerbie bomber, Moammar Gadhafi, where he andGadhafi participated in some form of Arabian dance that was televised in Canada to the astonishment of Canadian viewers.  Co-incidentally, Canada, under Prime Minister Stephen Harper, played a leading role in war by NATO against Moammar Gadhafi.


When Pierre Trudeau first visited Queen Elizabeth, Canada's Queen, he took pains to insult her, in the media, by doing a pirouette behind her as she  left the room.

However, a few years after when he and Queen Elizabeth met again to sign the new Canadian constitution, Pierre Trudeau was so nervous that he actually broke the nib of the pen he was using to sign his name on the document. 

When Jean Chretien picked up the pen to give it to Queen Elizabeth he noticed it had been broken by Trudeau and he muttered "merde" (being French for "sh*t") and according toChretien, Queen Elizabeth, being bi-lingual, laughed.

Some Canadians speculate that Chretien and Queen Elizabeth were sharing an inside joke  about the fraud Trudeau was carrying out on the unsuspecting Canadian public when he brought home Canada 's Constitution and gave gullible Canadians the notorious Charter of Rights and Freedoms that has been an instrument of oppression and totalitarianism by governments in Canada.  Trudeau, like most criminals engaged in a criminal act, was extremely nervous and his body language tells what was really going on.  According to the theory, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually, Trudeau knew he was engaged in a fraud agaisnt the Canadian people and his body reacted by pressing so hard on the pen he was using that the nib broke making it useless.

The question that remains unanswered is whether or not Queen Elizaneth was a party to theTrudeau deviousness. 

The man to the right of Queen Elizabeth in the photo is Michael Pitfield who was a long term Canadian government figure, a former Clerk of the secret Privy Council that governs Canada and a suspect in the Water War Crimes. 

Click here to read more about Queen Elizabeth, the Royal family and the Water War Crimes.

The Peculiar Co-incidence of Dr. Pivnicki,
Pierre Trudeau, and Brian Mulroney 

It is a peculiar co-incidence that when Margaret Trudeau, the wife of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, had a mental breakdown as a result of whatever was going in Ottawa during her marriage to Pierre Trudeau, she was put under the care of a psychiatrist named Dr. Dimitrije Pivnicki, of the Montreal Allen Memorial Institute, who also was the father-in-law of Brian Mulroney, a Montreal businessman who was then jostling for position a leader of the Conservative Party where he would later become Prime Minister of Canada taking over from Pierre Trudeau.

The Allen Institute was notorious for its participation in CIA brainwashing experiments known as MK ULTRA under the leadership of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron.

Editors Note:  The reader is cautioned that the Editors have no information to suggest that Dr. Pivnicki leaked top secret information from his patient, the wife of Prime Minister Trudeau, to his son-in-law Mr. Mulroney that may have assisted Mr. Brian Mulroney and his Conservative Party colleagues to undermine the leftist regime of Pierre Trudeau but this was at the height of the cold war and Pierre Trudeau was sometimes regarded by some as too close to the Communists.  

The logical inference is that the Canadian Department of Defense, under orders of the CIA or US military, directed, Pierre Trudeau, to have his wife brainwashed, or cleaned of information, at the Allen Institute because nobody, especially Pierre Trudeau, would be so stupid as to allow his wife examined by a psychiatrist who is the father- in-law of one of his chief rivals and political enemies.    


In the 1970s, the Communications Security Establishment, Canada’s equivalent of theAmerican NSA, asked the US to monitor the communications of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau’s wife, Margaret.

Was Margaret a suspected terrorist? A narcotics kingpin? A spy spilling secrets to the former Soviet Union?

Not at all… When her marriage to Pierre foundered and they separated, she had affairs with the likes of Ted Kennedy and Mick Jagger.

This, of course, justified surveillance by the Canadian government that was prohibited by law from monitoring its own citizens because it was suspected that Margaret knew some of Pierre's dirty secrets and she might spill the beans to outsiders.  

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