Thursday 30 November 2023

These are my words, this is my opinion. Take it or leave it



These are my words, this is my opinion. Take it or leave it

These are my words, this is my opinion. Take it or leave it. Quite a number of people see me as an idiot who believes in conspiracy THEORIES, so they ignore and diminish my words. No problem, they can think whatever they want to think, but I don’t understand what their thinking is based upon, their judgement of my thinking is justified by… what???

I apologize that this is such a long article to read, but I hope you’ll sacrifice the time to read it all to the end. This matters to our lives far more tha most imagine it will.

Am I perfect? Absolutely not. Am I highly intellectually gifted? Absolutely not. Am I superior to ANYONE? NO!!! So how do I justify putting down the majority of the human race? Why am I so incredibly disappointed in the mental capacity (lack of) in the human race? Through observation, I have realized most humans are pussies, spineless worms, selfish and lazy. I hate to be able to think that, but it seems to have been proven through their own actions and inactions.

In the past I have emailed links to a LOT of people regarding the HOAX and CON JOB about global warming and globalist new world order intentions. When the planet proved NOT to be warming, the manipulators conveniently changed the reference to climate change. Still a hoax, still a con job, still pushed up our noses at every opportunity, demanding that WE change our lives, not their lives. They have caused most pollution and harm to the Earth for profit, but they remain blameless because they blame us. They claim it's our fault the Earths resources are being harmed & wasted, even though they profit from the endless mining, factories that pollute, and economic problems they create.

It was decided years ago to use climate and health as the main instruments of manipulating public opinion, to gain CONTROL over economic conditions and gain control over social behaviours. To create broad acceptance of the manipulators intended grab of lands, of money, and of peoples lives… referred to as “globalism” so our acceptance of their manipulations is built and maintained by their owned media.(Media is their property to use against us.)

Unfortunately, most people aren’t paying any attention, accept to main stream manipulated & bribed/owned media. So, people allow themselves to be conned. People actually believe that so called climate change is our fault, so we have to stop using oil & coal etc. to supply our energy needs. People have been conned into believing that the planet is overpopulated (which has been proven WRONG by many researchers and science observers/mathematicians).

Most people are clueless about the FACTS surrounding weather MANIPULATION & CONTROL, and if you bring it up they view you as a tinfoil hat wearing idiot. Little do they know… actual man made weather and climate CONTROL is capable of causing draught, flood, tornado, wind storm, lightning, hurricane, weather river (as happened twice within a couple of weeks in BC Canada that wiped out the orchard fruit belt region and “drowned" countless cattle and livestock). It has never before happened in Earths history, but people accept it as a natural occurrence because people have become incapable of any skeptical thinking whatsoever.

Because people are NOT paying attention, they remain clueless that an intentional food shortage is planned. They hear about food processing plants being burned down all over North America, many many of them. They hear the psychopath Bill Gates now owns much of the prime farm land in the US and Dutch farmers are being shut down by government (Holland used to supply tons of foods to the world) created weather events wipe out farmed crops all over the Earth.

People see very little info about CREATED fires, like across Canada, in Hawaii, across the US, in Australia, etc… but think nothing of it. Fires so hot and so directed that cars and homes become piles of white ash but the nearby trees are untouched. People hear these weather events or fires are CREATED by man made systems and they claim it’s all a conspiracy THEORY. People are willfully ignorant, stupid, gullible, easy to manipulate… BECAUSE THEY DON’T PAY ATTENTION.

I’ve tried and tried to get people to realize fact/truth… but no response, no reaction, no opinion. I’ve wasted a lot of time and effort to wake people up to the ACTUAL CONSPIRACIES afoot that are certainly affecting life on Earth. Accept for a very few people who actually engage their brains, the vast majority simply don’t want to know, they choose wilful ignorance, they choose to remain APATHETIC SIMPLETONS.

I throw my hands into the air, I give up, I won’t waste my time anymore. Those few who do in fact engage their minds, who actually care and are aware, those people I respect and honour because they deserve my respect. I’ll continue to communicate with those few who choose awareness of these threats. The rest are foolish idiots who remain gullible and who will suffer the consequences of their ignorance. Unfortunately those fucking idiots will bring us all down with them.

I have taken the important bits from James Corbett’s article to copy them to you below
November 19, 2023
by James Corbett

Newsflash: contrary to the worries of conspiracy realists, global government is NOT a far-off, distant threat waiting for us in some potential dystopian future. No, it's not a future threat. The truth is that global government is already set up and functioning. Here. Now. In fact, it's not even happening in secret. It's happening in the most visible way possible.

The mechanism by which individual nation-states have been willingly ceding their sovereignty to the globalist technocrats for decades now. I talk about the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's (UNFCCC) COP pretty much every year. In fact, I've been covering it since at least COP 15 in Copenhagen in 2009. Lest we forget, 2009 was the year EU President (and Bilderberg lackey) Herman von Rompuy declared to be "the first year of global government," specifically citing the COP in Copenhagen as "another step towards the global management of our planet.”

Fast forward to 2023. The globalists are fueling up their private jets and chauffered limosines for another wine-and-dine fest—this time COP 28 in Dubai. We get to bear witness to the annual ritual of these would-be global rulers jetting in to lecture us peons about how we're not doing enough to save the planet.

But do you know what a COP really is? And did you know that the UNFCCC's COP is not the only COP being run by the de facto global government? And did you know that the real point of the World Health Organization's (WHO) so-called "pandemic treaty" is to establish yet another COP chamber in this increasingly bloated shadow government?

Note how the friendly folks over at (brought to you by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration!) are keen to stress that, under the terms of the UNFCCC, the "parties" are legally committed to take voluntary actions to prevent the sky dragons from torching the planet. Relax, guys, it's all voluntary!

Hmmm. They "agree to specific goals" but "develop their own voluntary pledges" to meet those targets and they "must" report on their progress toward those "voluntary" targets. You see, these technocratic schemers realize that no one is going to bother digging up (let alone actually reading) the Framework Convention on Climate Change itself.

They realize that average people have enough on their plate just working their 9-to-5 and making ends meet, so they're not apt to discover the tyrannical rules their government has legally committed them to under Article 4 of the climate change convention. And they realize that no one is going to bother to follow the threads and figure out the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change isn't the only supranational, sovereignty-busting, globalist treaty signing entire nations on to the UN Agenda.

So you see, global government is already here. It is operating through a network of conventions and agreements, obligating governments to act in certain ways and committing them to reaching various targets in a wide variety of fields.

And guess what? As bad as all of this is, it's about to get even worse. Remember that WHO document popularly referred to as the "pandemic treaty”? Well, it's not called the "pandemic treaty" anymore. It has now transitioned from its previous formal title of a "WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response" to the somewhat less unwieldy "WHO Pandemic Agreement." The latest draft of that agreement was released three weeks ago.

If you did read that document, you would have noticed all manner of horrible things hidden deep in that forest of legalese. Yes, this is a move straight out of the globalist playbook: distract everyone with the word "treaty" to make them think that this is a document that will require special ratification by their national parliament or congress, and then spring an "agreement" on them that will, in most cases, do a complete end run around the political process. And then, as the coup de grĂ¢ce, insert an article establishing an entirely new bureaucracy, one that will serve as a de facto arm of global government—one that can then redraft and rewrite the global health rules at will at any time in the future.

It's malevolent. It's dictatorial. It's a travesty. But you have to admit it's brilliant. Assuming this agreement (or something very much like it) gets the rubber stamp at the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva next May, most people won't understand what just happened any more than they understood what happened when the UNFCCC established its COP or any of these other globalist institutions first established their respective COPs meetings.

The global government is about to assume jurisdiction over your health. It is in the process of setting up its governing body for drafting up the rules that will control your government's response to the next declared scamdemic. And hardly anyone in the public even knows this is happening.

This is how your coming global governmental body will be brought into existence. This is how it will establish its Rules of Procedure (which can be composed of whatever phoney baloney rules they want). This is how it will establish its funding mechanism: in a transparent sham of a parody of the "democracy" that these rulers pretend to hold dear.

"Shut up, conspiracy theorist!" say the professors and the politicians and the obedient establishment toadies in the lapdog press when confronted with the argument laid out in this editorial. "This COP business isn't global government and it isn't nefarious. After all, your governments have voluntarily committed themselves to these agreements and thus to be bound by whatever decisions the WHO make!”

We understand that our governments' arbitrary enactment of rules and restrictions without our consent is preciselythe problem.

First, our (s)elected representatives sign us up to overarching, unaccountable, international bodies like the UN and the WHO. Then they appointed nameless/faceless bureaucrats to act as our unelected representatives at those bodies that sign us up to conventions and agreements that most of us don't even know exist. These conventions and agreements then "obligate" our national governments to take certain actions or to refrain from certain other actions. Finally, those same governments pass legislation that makes these pledges and targets and restriction the law of our land.

But all this is "voluntary," you see? It's all above board. There's no global government—only global conventions that parties have agreed to abide by. But, as I say, not one person in a thousand even knows about the Framework Convention on Climate Change or the Basel Convention or the proposed WHO, and not one person in a million knows what any of these bodies "voluntarily" obligate the member parties to do.

Would you prefer to watch the sportsball game or read a hundred page document of complicated legal jargon? Would you rather go out for a night on the town with your friends or commit to studying the organizational chart of some obscure arm of the UN bureaucracy? Exactly. As I've had cause to note before, The End of the World Will Bore You to Tears.

Now, back from James Corbett’s article, to state my words again…

IF people were paying attention to such realities:

We could parlay our knowledge into a movement. We'll know we're making progress when the drive to exit the WHO (and exit the UN while we're at it) become the only political issues that people are interested in talking about. And we'll know we've really been successful when those same people start talking about individual sovereignty and our natural right to withdraw from every governmental system of control.

However, that will NOT happen, because sports and soap operas are far more important than considering the dictatorship over our lives is built and thriving. To consider that the WHO will dictate we ALL MUST accept every and all vaccines they dictate us to take, no choices allowed, that doesn’t matter compared to the hockey score or divorcing actress.

The wilful ignorance of the general public is exactly why such intentions of the WHO will completely dictate over our lives. Our own so called governments will surely enforce any and all rulings from the WHO. Hence, my disappointment and disgust with the stupidity of the human race. If I can be aware of these and other realities, obviously anyone can… but no, it’s too upsetting, it’s too much work, don’t expect the general simpleton public to give a shit.




There is no other path.

It is our destiny, and if we don’t take action we will be diluted out from ever again being able to take this course of action that will make us the free

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