Tuesday 31 January 2023

IMF Reveals That Cryptocurrency Is The NWO Endgame


IMF Reveals That Cryptocurrency Is The NWO Endgame

IMF Reveals That Cryptocurrency Is The New World Order Endgame

Pierre Poilievre & Danielle Smith #PSYOP EXPOSED - You Are Being Corralled Into (CBDC)

The Corporation of Canada Inc. is now openly implementing blockchain technology in creating a global crypto currency, built on the old concept of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). The SDR is a basket of traditional currencies, but could provide a pivot to move to cryptocurrency. 


Dallas Hills

There are two kinds of globalist schemes: First, there are the schemes they spring on the public out of nowhere haphazardly in the hopes that the speed of the event along with some shock and awe will confuse the masses and make them psychologically pliable. This strategy loses effectiveness quickly, though; the longer the plan takes to implement, the more time the people have to reconsider what is actually happening and why.

Second, there are schemes they slowly implant in the collective psyche of the citizenry over many years, much like subliminal messaging or hypnosis. This strategy is designed to make the public embrace certain destructive ideologies or ideas as if these ideas were their own.

The cryptocurrency scam is of the second variety.

I have been suspicious of the cryptocurrency narrative of a “decentralized and anonymous monetary revolution” since 2009, when I was first approached by people claiming to be “representatives” of bitcoin and asked to become a promoter of the technology. After posing a few very simple questions and receiving no satisfactory answers, I declined to join the bandwagon or act as a frontman.

This Ponzi scheme and using the fiat scam to give the illusion that digital crypto is an attack on the private banking Cartel, this is total unfounded. The Private banking cartel created it , have nourished there enslavement tool carefully to the greedy, and selfish parasites .

It's the soc and then promoting the ID digital crypto scam an millions, All these so called patriot's are selling you out. They ushering the NWO block chain Prove me wrong, Willing to debate this important information  

The “currency” was backed by nothing tangible (and no, math is not a tangible resource). Anyone could create a cryptocurrency out of thin air that had attributes identical to bitcoin; therefore, there was no intrinsic value to the technology and nothing stopping the creation of thousands of similar currency systems, eventually making bitcoin worthless. The scarcity argument for crypto was fraudulent. And, in the event of a grid down or an internet lock-down scenario (as has occurred in the past in nations under crisis), crypto was useless because the blockchain ledger was no longer accessible.

Trading with private wallets made little sense: how many people were you likely to run into in your community with a bitcoin wallet? The amount of time and energy required to accumulate these digital nothings seemed counterproductive to me in light of the fact that they might not be there when you actually needed them.

The only attributes that truly made bitcoin valuable were its branding and the amount of hype that was generated around it. But branding and hype are not enough to sustain a currency revolution. There was one other valuable characteristic — the supposed anonymity. In 2009, it was not clear whether this was legitimate. Today we now know that ANY cryptocurrency that is based on a blockchain ledger is highly traceable. There are no anonymous digital transactions no matter how savvy a person thinks they are.

I was also suspicious of the behavior of some bitcoin proponents in web forums. Anyone presenting concrete criticism of the technology was met with aggressive Alinsky-style attacks. They were accused of being “ignorant barbaric gold stackers” that were too stupid to understand the “genius” of the blockchain and how it works. Disinformation was rampant. Claims of anonymity that had long been debunked were brought up over and over again. The value of bitcoin was flaunted as an end-all-be-all argument as to why the critics were wrong. Bitcoin’s price was skyrocketing; therefore, bitcoin was legit.

These were the kinds of tactics I had seen used by disinfo agents in the past: people arguing in favor of the Federal Reserve or globalism in general, or the people claiming that man-made global warming was “self-evident”. This was not the behavior I had come to expect from liberty movement activists, who at that time were focused on facts and evidence to win the information war rather than dishonest mind games and lies.

Conclusion — there was a concerted campaign to push liberty activists through “peer pressure” to adopt a pro-crypto stance. But who actually benefits from this?

Some investors in crypto made a considerable profit on bitcoin and other digital assets for a time, but today many of them are losing their shirts as bitcoin and most coins tumble in value. It is perhaps no coincidence that cryptocurrencies act as though they are anchored to the tech bubble in stock markets. As tech stocks flail and plummet, so too are crypto assets, because cyrptocurrencies are traded like equities in a bubble, not monetary mechanisms. Many of us who were averse to the bitcoin hype train often used the Dutch tulip analogy for why crypto valuations were absurd, and obviously that analogy was not far from the mark.

I wonder sometimes about the people who used to argue that bitcoin’s high value made its legitimacy self-evident. Would they now concede with bitcoin’s plunging value that its legitimacy was in question? I’m guessing they probably won’t.

Crypto was also an effective distraction from people trying to build a labour back monetary system  alternatives to the current economic environment. Bitcoin siphoned up activist energy and redirected it into something useless rather than a system that might truly threaten the central banking establishment.

Beyond that, the entire crypto-storm over the past decade has done one thing very well — it made the idea of cryptocurrencies a household discussion, and I believe this was the goal all along. Once I found growing evidence that international and central banks were deeply involved in building the infrastructure needed to make blockchain technology go global and universal, it became obvious that bitcoin and other coins were merely a pregame test for the introduction of something rather sinister.

 I outlined the questionable nature of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain and why the banking elites seem to be so interested in them.

It was odd that bitcoin was built around the SHA-256 hash function created by the National Security Agency, and that the entire concept was remarkably similar to what was described in an NSA paper published in 1996 titled ‘How To Make A Mint: The Cryptography Of Anonymous Electronic Cash.’

Then, there were globalist institutions like Goldman Sachs coming out publicly in praise of crypto and blockchain tech. And, finally, central banks began entertaining the notion of moving into crypto, but they made it sound like they were approaching the idea half-heartedly, like it was a potential hobby.

So what ties the entire crytpo-scheme together? The International Monetary Fund has now openly revealed their affinity with crypto technology, and thus revealed the new world order end game.

In a paper published last week by IMF head Christine Lagarde titled “Winds Of Change: The Case For New Digital Currency”, the IMF builds its argument for why central banks, including the IMF, should embrace crypto as the future of monetary policy.

As I warned last year, the shift into crypto was not at all a “revolution” against the globalists, but a con designed by the globalists in part to get liberty proponents to become unwitting salesmen for the next phase of the economic control grid. But how do they intend this end game to play out?

Firstly: The Rothschilds own almost EVERYTHING. Their wealth is truly incredible.

Secondly: There are several authoritarian and centrally controlled fascist companies and projects in the cryptocurrency space: Almost all the exchanges, certainly including CoinBase which is the largest, and every KYC project.

Specifically: It’s clear that Ripple (XRP) is a corporate project, for corporate banks, largely owned by the Rothschilds et al.

Central bankers and bureaucrats are seizing on recent turmoil in cryptocurrency markets to push aggressively for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

They made their case to other global elites gathered in Davos on Monday for the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting.

The solution, they say, is CBDCs. Digital currencies issued by central banks, recognized officially by governments, and circulated into the economy in partnership with large commercial banks would supposedly represent safe, secure, and stable digital money.

Several years ago, the then leading exchange Mt. Gox imploded. Hundreds of thousands of Bitcoins were lost or stolen in the Mt. Gox fiasco.

The current leading crypto exchange is Coinbase. It has been beset by deteriorating financials amid the broader tech sector rout. If it were to fail, the assets of customers would be at risk.

Coinbase disclosed in a recent regulatory filing: “Because custodially held crypto assets may be considered to be the property of a bankruptcy estate, in the event of a bankruptcy, the crypto assets we hold in custody on behalf of our customers could be subject to bankruptcy proceedings.”

Would a proposed CBDC, “Fedcoin,” be the solution to such risks?

Not if preserving purchasing power is the goal! A digital dollar issued by the Federal Reserve would make it even easier (and more tempting) for Washington D.C. to grow the supply of dollars at will.

Fedcoin wouldn’t be “a stable store of value” as the IMF describes. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell has even admitted that with inflation at 40-year highs, the central bank is failing to meet its own mandate of price stability.

Sunday 29 January 2023

The Lies Globalists Tell To Destroy The Majority

 The Lies Globalists Tell To Destroy The Majority

In An Effort To Destroy Sovereign Man and Woman the Globalists Use Politics, Education and Media To Distort Reality

 The answer — globalist propaganda.

The globalist’s propaganda is designed to make the majority feel hopeless and defeated. It is manufactured by a small number of so-called “elites” that have successfully tricked the majority into thinking they are now a failed powerless minority although this could not be further from the truth.

Why? Because the globalists do not want any 
Sovereign Man and Woman to reach their potential! No more Sovereign Man and Woman running companies, or anything else. They want to engineer a new society that they can more easily control without what they view as willful Sovereign Man and Woman that could strip them of their power someday.

I detest discussing race. Breaking society down by race feels like a giant step backward, but the Democrat/Marxist/Communism machine set in motion by the globalists is hellbent on using race/ religion/colour to gain power, so, one must respond in a way they can understand.

First and foremost, 
Sovereign Man and Woman need to know that the leftists and Rightest globalists are selling a false narrative regarding who holds the majority of power and privilege in today. Educators and other organizations  are intestinally creating psy-op  groups. organizations to distract millions. 

If you’re thinking why should 
Sovereign Man and Woman stand up? Because we’re the majority. Besides, no one should allow anyone to shame or degrade them or their children. It is unacceptable that educators, politicians, and media seek to convince Sovereign Man and Woman that they are no longer relevant. One such example of abuse is CRT (critical race theory) which claims whites are “inherent oppressors” and people of color are “inherently inferior.” It is an ideology that believes whites are on their way out of power because they were successful and, according to CRT, “in power too long.” CRT is an insulting ideology to people of color but many accept the negatives so as to be elevated by color rather than merit. Education, leftist politicians, and the media push CRT not because it’s true or just but because globalists like George Soros started backing it to harm the Sovereign Man and Woman without having to take the blame for the harm caused.

I suggest 
Sovereign Man and Woman stop bending over and taking a spanking from people that are plotting their demise. Civilization is collapsing and the globalists are winning. UN Agenda 21/30 or UNDRIP are full steam ahead while they have millions distracted on issues! 

As long as 
Sovereign Man and Woman remain disorganized the Globalists push their Agenda of Depopulation!

They MUST not relinquish their unalienable rights to a handful of mega-wealthy soulless oligarchs with a God complex or their minions. Sovereign Man and Woman also cannot allow dishonest  subgroups to cause them harm just because it’s currently trendy for low IQ educators to teach people to keep dividing the Sovereign Man and Woman.

It’s sad, many 
Sovereign Man and Woman worked for decades to improve the lives of minorities, believing in equality and wanting everyone to be treated fairly, only to find that those they helped, along with mentally unstable, have abandoned equality in favor of equity, which is nothing more than role-reversal racism.

Using their numbers as a measure of strength, 
Sovereign Man and Woman must not allow anyone to beat them down. As a class, Sovereign Man and Woman deserve good lives without fear of persecution or unjust belittlement in education or their corporate work environments, this is obvious to non-racists but less clear for those that haven’t dealt with their education manufactured anger or personal insecurities.

Even modern psychology now promotes anti-white racism. 

Colonialism was created by the Globalists to blame the white race to direct the attention away from them the real criminals the Globalists at the local level to the top. 


Their betrayal of truth will prevent people of color from dealing with their core issues and whites from achieving their full potential. Today’s therapists no longer help people to grow and change. On the contrary, they want people to adhere to anti-white racism that makes whites feel inferior. These new brainwashed therapists often don’t know they’re causing harm since they were brainwashed to believe anti-white racism is “just” at university. Therapists no longer encourage personal responsibility or self-awareness, or anything else that might help someone become a better stronger person. Instead, they encourage people to blame others for their problems which prevents them from maturing.

There are other professions operating on the zero-compassion-for-whites methodology as well, law, medicine, virtually all professions, regrettably, far too many to mention, have become racist tools designed by the Globalists. Combined it adds up to whites not having an easy path to success like their minority counterparts.

Its destroys everyone and they play right into the parasites globalists Agenda!

The new ideologues claim whites are hyper-privileged but that is 100 percent easily disproven. Whites, not blacks, make up the majority of poor people in the country. As a class, whites are less supported than people of color by education and other government bodies. Education makes it easy for people of color to glide through life while burdening whites with guilt for crimes they did not commit. Some people of color will be enraged by such statements but that doesn’t make it untrue and honest people know it. Poor whites are not given the same cradle-to-grave nurturing which is patently unjust and unethical.

It is true to say that if a white person wasn’t rich by the end of the last century, it is harder for them to succeed this century. People of color, from what I’ve observed, can’t fail, not even if they choose a life of crime. The vast majority of aid, grants, welfare, assistance, and so forth goes to less than one-third of the country, while poor whites suffer from little or no help at all.

Whites are blamed for being poor while white, this combination, to globalists, is the worst crime of all. White failure is what the elites secretly use to justify their hatred of those in their race they seek to destroy.

At universities, non-legacy whites are less likely to gain access to Ivy League colleges than non-legacy minority groups. The entire modern system is designed to oppress whites, which is why the idea of “white supremacy” is a largely ludicrous and antiquated concept if one looks at the majority of whites that aren’t already successful which is, as I said before, the majority of the majority.

Educators, politicians, and the media beat down the white majority, driving many to despair. Far more whites commit suicide and die of Fentynal drug overdoses than people of color. We are witnessing a white genocide perpetrated by globalists (many of whom are white but unconcerned with poor and middle-class whites who they disdain for existing) and activists that either haven’t recognized their vile bias and anti-white racism or feel entitled to it after being inculcated to believe a malevolent ideology by educators.

Globalists reached a diminishing return concerning their lust for power which is why they began social engineering. To feel more powerful, they sought the God-like power of life and death. To achieve this new level of narcissism and evil they paid off politicians, educators, and the media to perpetuate their crimes against humanity for them and have made significant gains in engineering a two-tiered system of mega-wealthy elites and a second, lower class, of marginally educated slaves comprised of people of color. Meanwhile, white men are disappearing from college campuses and white-collar careers at an alarming rate.

One look no further than the steadily reduced representation of the white majority on television to figure out that whites are slated to be erased from humanity as quickly as the globalists can eradicate them.

Education is doing its best to dumb whites and to shame them but white people have centuries of free thought in their genes which scientists say live on in their cellular memory for at least 200 years. This point gives me hope that 
Sovereign Man and Woman will fight back against the globalist evil being perpetrated.

Of course, the globalists would never admit any of this directly. They lie and censor anyone that speaks the truth about their anti-white holocaust. This essay is currently “under review” by Medium that claims it goes against their community standards.

Globalists advance by deceit, stagecraft, psychological operations, even witchcraft if it will help them trick the public into believing that any harm done to the majority is good, of course, it isn’t good; it’s evil. Ultimately, the only people helped are the globalists since those doing their bidding will someday also be destroyed or enslaved.

There is still hope. If the majority wakes up and stops allowing the abuse, we can still create a genuinely just and fair society for all 
Sovereign Man and Woman, not just for whites or exclusively for minorities but for everyone (except the globalists that should be held accountable for the pain and suffering they’ve caused humanity).

Friday 27 January 2023

The Highland Clearances


The Highland Clearances

Brief account of events

From their very inception, the Highland Clearances have been among the most controversial subjects in modern Scottish history. There is no historical or contemporary consensus on the clearances – their causes, methods and results, both in the short and long term – and picking a path through this controversial area can be problematic.  Much recent historical work has been done on the subject, however, so there is no shortage of material for the interested reader. We start here with a very brief account of the key events, from c.1750 to the twentieth century:

1750-1780: Agricultural change and ‘Improvement’ in a British context

Although often associated with resistance to change or ‘progress’, the Scottish Highlands had experienced revolutionary change in the eighteenth century. After the convulsions of the Jacobite rising and Culloden (1745-6), a new ethos of agricultural, economic and social ‘Improvement’ spread across the region, led by a handful of prominent improving landowners (Sir John Sinclair of Ulster, for example), professional surveyors and writers. Examples of estate improvement were set by the Forfeited Estates, the 11 estates forfeited and administered by the government as punishment for prominent landowners who had taken up the Jacobite cause. Drainage, enclosure, consolidation of larger farms, the introduction of new stock (sheep over black cattle, principally) and crop rotation became widespread. Essentially, Highland estates were being re-drawn along commercial lines, with increasing rents the target for owners and managers. This process had been in place from the seventeenth century, but the pace of change accelerated after 1746; the scene was set for a grander re-organisation, this time, of the population.

1780-1825: the ‘First Wave’ of clearances and Sutherland

The ‘first wave’ of clearances began as early as the 1780s and continued into the wake left by the end of the Napoleonic wars in 1815. Initially, the intention of most estate owners had been to retain and re-deploy the population to other parts of their estates, principally the coastal fringes so they could effectively prosecute the fishing and kelping industries; but later many evicted people entirely, disregarding relocation. Essentially, there was a great deal of variation, even within the ‘first wave’ of clearances, as to intention, execution and results.
An (in)famous example of the clearance policy can be seen on the Sutherland estates, between 1809 and 1821. The one million acre estate was owned by the Countess of Sutherland, who had made an advantageous marriage to Lord Stafford, one of the wealthiest men in the British Isles. With her husband’s investment and the ideological and organisational talent of her commissioner, James Loch, the Countess embarked on a comprehensive series of clearances, eventually relocating nearly 15,000 people. Their land in the interior was converted to sheep walks which brought high commercial returns and a new parallel crofting economy was established on the coastal fringes. The scale of these clearances was staggering, in cost and number of people involved, but the methods used to evict, associated with the vilified Patrick Sellar, made them stand out to both contemporaries and historians since.
The Sutherland clearances, despite being atypical in many ways, have come to symbolise the entire sweep of clearances in the early nineteenth century. The speedy and often violent process of clearance was often met with stiff resistance, although this was overcome in all cases.

1825-1855: the ‘Second Wave’ of clearances and the Great Highland Famine

After the great re-organisations of the 1800s and 1810s there was some consolidation on Highland estates, as managers and owners hoped the crofting population would bed-down into their new lots and employment (principally fishing and the production of kelp). The broader economic climate was adverse, however; the end of the Napoleonic wars brought tumbling prices, returning soldiers and a swift end to the dominance of kelp in the Highland economy. Poverty for the small tenants deepened, in spite of the Improvers’ predictions of economic stability; a serious warning shot came in 1836-7 when a potato blight hit the region, to be followed in 1846-8 with an even more serious subsistence crisis, recognised by contemporaries as the Great Highland Famine. Only the efforts of charities, landlords and the state prevented widespread mortality among the destitute population, and crofting rents collapsed. Many Highland landowners were bankrupted, but others saw the crisis as an opportunity to re-organise their estates along more profitable lines (most famously on the Duke of Argyll’s estate). Some historians have identified this as the ‘second wave’ of clearance, where landowners, dismayed by the destitution of their small tenantry (something which the ideology of the ‘first wave’ of clearances was meant to prevent), evicted the poorest class of small tenants and occasionally arranged, and paid for, emigration out of the region altogether.

1886 and beyond: the Crofters War and legislative atonement

Economic conditions stabilised after c.1855, and up to the 1870s, the Highland population experienced more favourable market conditions – rising prices for their goods and stable rent levels. This period of ‘relative prosperity’ came to an abrupt end in the winter of 1880-1, when a general agricultural depression began to bite, and terrible storms battered the region, with significant economic effects. Perhaps in part inspired by events in Ireland, crofters on the Macdonald estate on Skye resisted attempts by the landlord to remove sections of their grazings at Braes in April 1882, and the Crofters War began. This time, crofter protest and resistance spread across the region, affecting Skye, Lewis, Tiree and parts of western Sutherland particularly hard. Added to this was support from urban Scotland and a broadly sympathetic Liberal government under W. E. Gladstone. In 1883 he appointed a Royal Commission to investigate the claims of the crofters under Lord Napier, and this provided the historical and contemporary basis of state intervention in 1886, with the Crofters Holdings (Scotland) Act. This benchmark piece of legislation gave the Highland crofters security from eviction, the benefit of their improvements and set up a court, the Crofters Commission, to set crofters’ rents, adjudicate on arrears and facilitate extensions to crofts. This Act was followed in 1897 with the Congested Districts (Scotland) Act, which legislated for state land purchase on behalf of crofters and investment into the transportation and agricultural networks of the region, and then by Small Landholders (1911) and Land Settlement Acts (1919) aimed at addressing (with mixed success) the chronic land hunger of the region, which many blamed on the clearances of a century ago.

Changing Perspectives:

Origins – Alexander Mackenzie to Prebble

One of the first, and certainly most influential, texts written on the history of the Highland clearances was the book of that name by Alexander Mackenzie, an Inverness-based journalist and newspaper editor. He collected together a broad range of contemporary reports on the clearances of the early nineteenth century (nearly all less than complimentary about the clearance policy and its results) and published them as a single volume in the early 1880s, at the height of the crofters’ agitation in the region. It constituted a highly-charged critique of Highland landlordism and exposed the sufferings of the cleared population.
Mackenzie’s book set the tone for much of the published work on the Highland clearances up to the 1970s. The seemingly-intractable social and economic problems the region faced, particularly in the interwar period, lent Mackenzie and later authors’ analysis weight. Tom Johnston, the Scottish socialist and later, government minister, published a broadside against the Scottish aristocracy generally, and Highland landowners in particular in his 1909 book, Our Scots Noble Families. This debate was intensified in 1969 with the publication of John Prebble’s The Highland Clearances, an accessible, entertaining and best-selling account of the subject, which famously denounced the clearing landlords of the Highlands.

Key changes

By the 1970s, influenced by ideological changes in the academic profession at large, historians began to look at the Highland clearances from other angles, principally economics and demographics. These historians (such as Malcolm Gray’s in his seminal, The Highland Economy, 1957) asked fundamental questions about the Highland economy and population and put the clearances into the context of industrialisation and urbanisation.
From 1976, the work of James Hunter brought the focus back to the crofting community, based on a full academic apparatus of both archival and oral sources. Hunter continued the long tradition of condemnation of Highland landlordism, blaming them for stymieing the Highland economy for two hundred years, and interpreted the process as ‘class war’; for Hunter, the only resolution was state intervention.
Modern historiography of the clearances has opened up new fields of research and tapped previously ignored sources of evidence. Archaeological research on clearance sites, the work of historical geographers on the chronological shifts in the Highland economy, the use of estate archives and some more detailed work on Highland population history have all added to the bank of knowledge about the clearances.
Latterly, historians have opened up the areas of protest and government intervention in the Highlands (E. A. Cameron), the role of church ministers in Highland society (A. W. MacColl), the perspective of the landed estates (A. Tindley) and the influence of the Irish Land War on Highland events (A. G. Newby). Historical biography has also been utilised to great effect, particularly in E. Richards’ magisterial, Patrick Sellar and the Highland Clearances. The extent to which this new research has contributed to the public and political contemporary debate over the Highland Clearances is, however, questionable.

Documentary record

A plethora of contemporary sources are available for the interested scholar to use, although they are scattered across the country. One of the most valuable types of source material for the Highland clearances are the documentary archives of Highland estates; many collections of estate papers remain in private hands, although surveys of most have been completed by the National Register of Archives for Scotland. Additionally, some key collections have been placed in public hands, in the National Archives of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland (for example, the Sutherland estates papers, the Cromartie papers, Reay estate papers). Lastly, some collections of estate papers in the clearance period have been collected, edited and published under the auspices of the Scottish History Society series. Estate papers provide the historian with the most systematic account of clearance policy and implementation.
Local newspapers, often long-established, carry significant material on the clearances and their aftermath, in particular; the Northern Times, the Military Register, the Scotsman, the Oban Times and the Inverness Courier. For sources giving the small tenants’ perspective, the work of Donald Meek in collection and translation is vital (see for example D. Meek, Tuath is tighearna: tenants and landlords (Edinburgh, 1995). Government inquiries, reports and legislation throughout the nineteenth century also make fascinating reading; one of the most important when looking at the clearances is the evidence given to the 1883 Napier Commission, much of which was retrospective in character.

Key Figures

Patrick Sellar (1780-1851)

Patrick Sellar is perhaps the individual most closely associated with the Highland clearances; as one of the most successful evictors and sheep farmers, accused but acquitted of culpable homicide, he is also one of the most vilified characters in Scottish history. Sellar first came to prominence when he was employed by the Countess of Sutherland to coordinate large-scale clearances in Sutherland, which he undertook with gusto – not least because he would later rent the cleared lands himself for large-scale commercial sheep farming. He was, however, a difficult character, and came into conflict with both the Sutherland people and his employers, not least the Countess and her commissioner, James Loch. He ran into serious trouble in 1816 when accusations were made against him of culpable homicide and he was tried, but eventually acquitted, at Inverness. After the trial, Sellar settled into the life of a successful and wealthy sheep farming tenant on the Sutherland estate, a vocation he apparently excelled at. Although he escaped legal sanctions, Sellar (and his descendents) never escaped recurrent public vilification, and his reputation in current times has not improved.

Donald McLeod (?-1860)

Donald McLeod was born in Rossal, Strathnaver, Sutherland (date of birth unknown) and would become one of the most damaging critics of the clearances on the Sutherland estate. In 1814 he was an eye-witness to clearances in Strathnaver, carried out by Patrick Sellar; later he trained as a stone mason and emigrated to Canada. In the early 1840s, McLeod launched an unprecedented attack on the Sutherland estate via a series of letters published in the Edinburgh Weekly Chronicle, which claimed to be direct eye-witness accounts of the Strathnaver clearances of the 1810s. In 1857, motivated by Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands (1854), which included favourable impressions of the Sutherland family, McLeod re-published his letters in book form (Gloomy Memories in the Highlands of Scotland), plus a full rejection of Beecher Stowe’s arguments. McLeod died in Ontario in 1860.

James Loch (1780-1855)

James Loch, the ‘Sutherland Metternich’ was educated at Edinburgh in law, but would carve out a remarkably successful career as an estate manager and MP. He also stood at the head of a noted Loch ‘dynasty’ which remained influential throughout the nineteenth century in the fields of estate management, governance and the military. His role in the Highland clearances was as architect and apologist for the Countess of Sutherland from 1812. Although clearances had begun in Sutherland before his appointment, Loch organised them on a more extensive footing, and additionally published (in 1820) An Account of the improvement ethos and its results in practice on the estates of his employer, a book which has remained a key text for those interested in the clearances. He combined this work with parliamentary duties as MP for Wick Burghs, and the Loch influence on Sutherland continued after his death in 1855, when his son, George, also trained in law, took over the commissionership until his own death in 1879.

Sir John Sinclair (1754-1835)

Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster was a Caithness landowner born in Thurso, who would rise to become one of the most energetic and influential figures in Highland and Scottish ‘improving’ agriculture and social inquiry. He is best known today for sponsoring and organising the great social and economic survey The Statistical Account of Scotland (Old Statistical Account), based on information collected from parish ministers and published in 21 volumes from 1791-99. He was also a passionate improver and promoter of scientific agriculture; he belonged to many continental and British agricultural societies and was energetic in putting new systems in place on his own estate. Sinclair was convinced that the population on his estate could be re-deployed and that the introduction of sheep would not entail any diminishment of the numbers of small tenants. He was one of the first landowners in Caithness to introduce commercial sheep farming, a policy which led to large scale evictions on his lands and the creation of clearance villages (Badbea, for example) on the coastal fringes of his estates. Sinclair is a key figure in the history of the Highland clearances for his contribution to the development of the improving ideology behind them, and putting that ideology into practice.

Anarchy Is A Solution Not A Problem

Anarchy Is A Solution Not A Problem

4 Things the 'Powers-That-Be' Don't Want You to Know About Anarchy

"None are more enslaved than those who believe they are free." – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

There are few subjects as controversial and taboo as the concept of anarchy. It mostly leaves a bad taste in people's mouth due in no small part to years of psychological conditioning, backwards reasoning, and smoke & mirror political propaganda. But, as Voltaire ingeniously suggested, "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." By explaining what anarchy truly is, we indirectly end up criticizing the powers-that-be, revealing the emperor is not only naked, but insecure and weak at the prospect of free men and women. Here then are four things the powers-that-be don't want you to know about anarchy.

#1. Anarchy ≠ Chaos

"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control; it means out of their control." – Jim Dodge

Anarchy does not equal chaos. Anarchy has been the natural order of human beings since time immemorial. There's a reason why tribal and nature-based societies have survived the trials and tribulations of millions of years of evolution, because they governed themselves in a healthy way: through natural anarchy. It's actually hierarchal and state-run society's that equal chaos. It all comes down to a matter of power.

Here's how: hierarchal and state-run societies have centralized institutions with the monopoly on the use of violence. This large concentration of power attracts a particular type of leader: politicians who crave power. And since "power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely" then such power almost always leads to war. Such wars naturally lead to more power, and so the vicious cycle continues, while keeping the powers-that-be continuously in power.

This is not to say that anarchic societies don't have hierarchy, they just have considerably less hierarchy.

 But even anarchic societies with hierarchies are less likely to monopolize power, because they are engineered in such a way that groups never get to the point of concentrated centers of power. They are engineered so that brutes, or even groups of brutes, cannot rise to power. The checks and balances inherent within the anarchic system, along with the polarizing effect of self-governance, maintains a healthy equilibrium within a society.

When it comes down to it, anarchists are peaceful people who just want to govern themselves. Anarchism does not imply nihilism. Anarchism implies only adherence to, and respect for, the natural order of things: a healthy respect for the unpredictability and improbability of the cosmos, the interconnectedness of nature and the immense diversity of the biosphere, and the holistic inclusion of mankind as a social being with great powers that, thereby, requires an even greater amount of responsibility. To say that anarchy only ever leads to chaos is not only ignorance of the natural world, but ignorance of the nature of the human condition itself.

#2. Anarchy = Liberty or Freedom

"You don't become completely free by just avoiding being a slave; you also need to avoid becoming a master." -Naseem Nicholas Taleb

Simply put, anarchy prefers dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery. It prefers uncomfortable truth over comfortable lies. It prefers the pain of knowledge over the bliss of ignorance. As was written in the Bhagavadgita:

"Better to live on beggar's bread
with those who love alive.
Than taste their blood in rich feasts spread
and guiltily survive."

A common argument against anarchy is that there is no governance. But a society without a government isn't necessarily a society without governance. Really, there is no such thing as a society without governance. A society with no sense of order is oxymoronic; it isn't a "society" at all. A society (a group of people who agree to live among each other) that allows its people to govern themselves is an anarchic society. 

A group of people allowed to govern themselves is a free society (anarchy). A group of people who are not allowed to govern themselves is an unfree society (tyranny). The question is what type of order is preferable: liberty or tyranny. Most reasonable people will choose liberty. And liberty is, by nature, anarchic. 

As H.L. Mencken wrote, "I believe that any man who takes the liberty of another into his keeping is bound to become a tyrant, and that any man who yields up his liberty, in however slight the measure, is bound to become a slave."

#3. Anarchy ≠ Slavery

"If I want the slave to become conscious of his servitude, it is both in order not to be a tyrant myself and in order that new possibilities might be opened to the liberated slave and through him to all men. To want existence, to want to disclose the world, and to want men to be free are one and the same will." -Simone De Beauvoir

The Confederacy of Dunces is always ballyhooing, "But, but, but don't we need leaders" implying that an anarchic system of governance would be leaderless. But what these dunces fail to realize is that they are confusing domination with leadership, in the first place. Raised, as these dunces are, under the tyranny of the state, they cannot see that they are subordinate it. They are under the false notion that the state is a benign institution which satisfies their need for leadership. When, actually, the state is nothing more than a malignant institution of coercive authority that is satisfying its own need for power. This is domination, not leadership. The fact that these dunces vote is just smoke and mirrors, the illusion of freedom, but is not actually freedom itself. 

It's important to note that anarchists do not reject all authority, only that which is unhealthy or unjust. 

They don't have a problem with rules, but with rulers. 

Like Simone De Beauvoir wrote, "A freedom that is interested only in denying freedom must be denied."

If human beings are the most intelligent animal on the planet then why do we need to pay other people to think for us while we slave away for them? 

No other animal is stupid enough to do this, probably because no other animal is stupid enough to invent such a thing as money. That aside, the current economic slavery perpetuated by the state is unprecedented in the history of mankind. 

We live in an authoritarian society that most of us are not even aware of because we've been conditioned to except it. We are daily being preached to by propagandized advertisements on the one side and polarizing bipartisan politics on the other: conform, buy this, be afraid of "the other," you must be approved of by others, be less than you are. 

It turns out that the best slaves are the ones that don't even know they're slaves. 

As Naseem Nicholas Taleb wrote, "Those who do not think that employment is systematic slavery are either blind or employed."

#4. Anarchy = Harmony

"Sovereigns need, and deserve,   a basic understanding of how the world works." 

If, as Nietzsche wrote, "The Ãœbermensch is the meaning of the earth... I beseech you, my brothers, remain faithful to the earth, and do not believe those who speak to you of otherworldly hopes" then it stands to reason that since anarchy is the way the earth governs itself, then it's also the way that mankind ought to govern itself. This is the power of Nietzsche's Ãœbermensch: responsibility to the earth and to the natural order of things. And so it should also be the duty of the anarchist to subsume such power. The only thing preventing the anarchist from his/her responsibility to the earth is the smoke and mirrors of the state.

The state perpetuates the psyche-cosmos split. It aggrandizes mankind over nature itself. It dissociates us from the natural order of things so that it can maintain its power over us. One of the ways the state does this is by claiming that human nature is inherently corrupt and therefore must be governed. But human nature is not fixed. It changes according to its environment. The idea that humans are naturally evil and greedy creatures by default is a complete farce. If we live in an environment that perpetuates militarization, violence, greed and power, then we will behave in militarized, violent, greedy and power-mongering ways. 

If we live in an environment of compassion, empathy, love and prestige, then we will behave in compassionate, empathic, loving, prestigious ways. It really is that simple. This has been proven time and time again by nature-based cultures the world over.

The difficult part is seeing through the mess of it all. To be truly free is both very easy and very difficult. 

But if we can keep our moral compass focused on the principles of liberty, peace, love, and the ethics of reciprocity, then it will point the way, True North, toward a truly free society. It will reveal a society that preserves the moral Golden Mean and the middle-way, as opposed to the immoral, suffocating greed of state politics. It will uncover a society that exemplifies the Golden Ratio of nature, as opposed to the state's expropriation of nature and nature-based cultures. It will bring to light a society that realizes that by hanging the "greater villain," in the first place, neither man nor woman would ever have to steal the goose from off the common.

"They hang the man and flog the woman
who steals the goose from off the common,
but leave the greater villain loose
who steals the common from under the goose."

Thursday 26 January 2023

"The Drug Story" is a factalogical history of America's $10 billion drug cartel (in 1949)

 "The Drug Story" is a factalogical history of America's $10 billion drug cartel (in 1949), its methods, operations, hidden ownership, profits and terrific impact on the health of the American people.

"I firmly believe that if the whole materia Medica could be sunk to the bottom of
the sea, it would be all the better for mankind and all the worse for the fishes."

                                     Oliver Wendell Holmes, M. D. 
                                    -  Professor of Medicine at Harvard.

The following is part of the first chapter in "The Drug Story"

Chapter One
What Nujol Started

Thirty years ago the Standard Oil Company became impressed with the methods of the big packing houses which used, processed and sold every part of the hog but the squeal.

Their sales research department went way back to the 1860's when "Old Bill" Rockefeller, the itinerant pappy of John D. (the first) and a patent medicine showman, used to palm off bottled raw petroleum on the yokels as a cure for cancer.

"Old Bil"� was an upstate New York farmer, until 1850. He moved to Cleveland then, entered the patent medicine racket and had himself listed as a "physician" in the city directory. In selling raw petroleum in a pretty bottle "Old Bill" did nothing new.

He merely took a page out of the book of other patent medicine fakers who were then hawking their wares from the backs of wagons - covered and uncovered. When oil was discovered in northwest Pennsylvania (1850) the jackals of the oil trade found there was more gold in the jeans of the gullible yokels than there was in working for it in the oil fields.

They began to bottle the raw petroleum and palm it off under various names as a cure for everything under the sun. The popular maladies of the day were liver complaint, cholera morbus, consumption and bronchitis. Among the names given this raw petroleum were "Seneca Oil", "Rock Oil"� and "American Medicinal Oil".

"Old Bill" opened up a new field for himself. He called his bottled petroleum "Nujo"� (meaning new oil) and sold it to those who had cancer and those whom he could make fear they would have it.

This sounded good to Standard's researchists. It sounded even better when they found it cost but $2.00 a barrel to concoct Nujol from crude petroleum. And that from one barrel of the raw stuff they could make 1,000 six-ounce bottles of finished Nujol. Instead of calling it a cure for cancer they called it a cure for constipation.

The latest trade catalog lists Nujol as going to the druggist at 28-2/3 cents a half pint (8 fluid ounces). The druggist thus pays about 21 cents for a 6-ounce bottle of Nujol which costs Standard Oil 1/5 of a cent.

These breath-taking profits from Nujol make it inevitable that America's largest and most ruthless industrial combine (the Rockefeller Empire) should soon add the drug traffic to its already vast production and sales domain. It wasn't until 1939, however, that the Drug Trust was formed and the upward curve in their drug profits began to assume the present gigantic proportions which today make it a macabre $10,000,000,000 a year business. How the American Drug Trust was formed by an alliance with its opposite number in Germany is almost a story in itself.

Soon after the present-day Nujol was put on the market it was discovered by physicians to be harmful. It robbed the body of fat soluble vitamins and caused serious deficiency diseases. Standard Oil checked the loss in sales by adding carotene (one of the fat soluble vitamins) to Nujol and claiming this overcame these injuries. Physicians disagree with the sales department of Standard Oil on this point.

And what of Nujol, now being sold to the public as a laxative. For some uyears before his death Senator Royal S. Copeland of New York used to set up a radio microphone every morning in his Senate Office Building quarters in Washington, furnished by the American taxpayers, and plug this greasy concoction – at $75,000 a year.

The New York Senator was a doctor of sorts. Although he possessed a medical degree he was never able to make a living as a bedside practitioner. He went into politics and made medicine pay in a big way. First he became a health commissioner of New York City, then a Senator from the Empire State where he used the prominence thus gained to ballyhoo Nujol to unsuspecting radio listeners.

Today Nujol is made by Stanco, Incorporated, 216 West 14th Street in New York, listed in Moody's Manual as one of the many subsidiaries of the Standard Oil Company. Stanco's only other product is Flit, well known fly killer and insecticide, made from the same raw materials and by pretty much the same process.

When a German beer hall bum named Hitler began to plan his 1,000-year Reich, the powers-that-were in Germany didn't actually know that American politicians were going to solve their acute employment crisis by forcing us into the Second World War to again save England's hide and Rockefeller's oil. But they weren't taking any chances.

Germany's huge dye trust (or chemical cartel) known as the I.G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, enjoyed a monopoly on all chemical products manufactured in Germany. German IG made an alliance with American Standard Oil in order to control important patents. The general idea was that the two were to pool their processes. This was done in a one-sided way.

With the help of Standard Oil the German behemoth prevented American chemists from learning how to make synthetic rubber until after the Japs took the Malayan Peninsula and its vast rubber plantations. This almost lost the war for the United States.

So, in 1939, when it became apparent that Germany would soon be unpopular in the United States, Standard Oil helped Hitler's Reich cover its American holdings in the drug and chemical field. The American IG was formed, by taking over the Sterling Products Company, the Grasseli Chemical Works (alias the General Aniline Works), the Agfa-Film Company, the Winthrop Chemical and the Magnesium Development companies.

Standard Oil took 15% of the stock in the new German-American chemical trust. Efforts to hook the DuPont company into this situation partially failed. Among the directors of the "�cover up"� company were Walter Teagle (President of the Standard Oil Company), Paul Warburg (a Roosevelt-Rockefeller stooge), and Edsel Ford.

Five hundred thousand shares of stock were issued to Walter Teagle. At a later Securities & Exchange Commission investigation Mr. Teagle denied his parentage of this stock, claiming he was holding it as a dummy for someone else.

When asked by the examiner who this "someone else"� was he blandly replied he did not know, although he was under oath. Everyone else knew it was either one of the Rockefeller clan in person, or the Standard Oil Company.

The war was getting pretty close to this country. President Roosevelt was setting up the Pearl Harbor disaster, and had ordered our radar defenses let down at 7 o'clock every morning. History records that the Japs accepted this "opportunity"� to destroy most of the American Navy, made defenseless on orders from Washington.

At this juncture American IG Farben decided to camouflage its German parentage and sympathies, with the help of Standard Oil. It changed its name to the General Aniline & Film Corporation shortly before the Pearl Harbor attack. Before doing this, American IG purchased an undisclosed number of shares in the Ozalid Corporation, Schering & Company, Mission Corporation, Monsanto Chemical, Aluminum Corporation, Drug *Incorporated), Dow Chemical, Antidolar Company, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Standard Oil of Indiana, Standard Oil of California and the DuPont Company. It took over bodily the privately-owned Hoffman-LaRoche Company.

Meanwhile, Sterling Drug gobbled up Winthrop Chemical, the Bayer Company, General Drug, Vegex (Inc.), Cook laboratories, the Centaur Company and Alba Pharmacal Company.

Drug, Inc., owned by Louis K. Liggett (a powerful Massachusetts politician during the Hoover administration), had in 1929 taken over the Bristol-Myers Company, Vick Chemical, United Drug, Life Savers (Inc.), and the Liggett chain of "RX" Retail drug stores.

With Vick Chemical, Drug, Inc, (and the Rockefeller-Standard Oil-German IG Drug Trust) got the J.T. Baker Chemical Company, the William S. Merrell Company, the Jensen-Salsberry Laboratories, Prince Matchabelli (Inc.), Alfred D. McKelvy Company, Loeser Laboratories (Inc.), Taylor Chemical and the Sofskin Company.

When the American doughboys sloughed into Germany, and reached the industrial city of Frankfort, they were amazed to find intact all of the buildings and the huge plant of the German IG Farben Chemical Trust. American aviators, pinpointing their targets, had demolished every other structure in town.

What the doughboys didn't know was that the Secretary of War, one Robert P. Patterson, was a Rockefeller lawyer, appointed by President Roosevelt upon Rockefeller orders, fresh out of Dillon, Read and Company. The Dillon-Read concern not only is a Rockefeller subsidiary, but was the banking house that financed German IG Farben and attended to the financial details of forming the American "cover up" firm for the German chemical cartel.

Amerian aviators, who gnashed their teeth at their orders to miss the biggest target in Frankfort, have never accepted the weak alibi given them from headquarters. Which was that this juicy and IMPORTANT target shoud be saved because the American Expeditionary Forces would "need an office building"� when they got into Germany proper.

To show how the German Chemical Cartel and the Rockefeller Drug Trust affect the lives of most American people, Sterling Drug's 66 subsidiaries manufacture among other things Phillips' Dentrifices and Cosmetics, Double Danderine, Ironized Yeast, Andrews̢۪ Liver Salts, Ross' Pills, Mejoral, Astringosol, Campho-Phenique, Molle, Energine, Diamond Dyes, and many anaesthetics, vitamins, antimalarials, sulfa drugs, analgesics, arsenicals, barbiturates, antiseptics, anti-bacterials and digenstive ferments.

The Bristol-Myers Company makes Ipana Tooth Paste, Sal Hepatica, Vitalis, Ingrams' Shaving Cream, Mum, Minitrub, Trushay, Perman's Insecticides, Benex and Ammer̢۪s Powder.

Dow Chemical makes Epsom Salts, bromides and many other USP (U.S. Pharmacopoeia) products. Monsanto makes glycer-phosphate, vanillin, aspirin, saccharin, benzoic acid and many medicinals and �"fine" chemicals. The Centaur Company makes Castoria.

Hoffman-LaRoche makes Allonal, Alurate, Antihistamine, Cal-C-Tose, Citro-Thiocol, Digitalis, Pantopon, Sedulon Cough Syrup, Presidon (sedative), Thephorin (a phony hay fever nostrum), ViPenta Drops and Vitaminets. Hoffman-LaRoche is privately owned, and is part of the Swiss branch of German IG, set up in 1939 to prevent confiscation as alien property.

With these Rockefeller concerns having all of these things to sell, plus thousands of the 12,000 drug items described and advocated in medical text-books, it was the most natural thing in the world - human nature and human greed being what it is for the Rockefeller Foundation to be changed into an instrument for "educating" medical students into the excessive use of drugs.

The Rockefeller Foundation was first set up in 1904, and called the General Education Fund. An organization called the Rockefeller Foundation, ostensibly to supplement the Fund, was formed in 1910 and an effort was made to get a charter from Congress.

There is much more to this story as you can most certainly understand. As time allows I will continue this story for you until such time as we can provide access to copies for you. Currently as Amazon.com  explains,this book is "Out of Print".


Queen Elizabeth Controls - U.S. Social Security Chairman of the 300 committee Club

 Queen Elizabeth Controls - U.S. Social Security Chairman of the 300 committee Club

The Ultimate Delusion

This paper explains and documents very much. It is absolutely mind-blowing! It will shock even those who think that they know what has happened and what is now taking place. The deception is incredible. This paper is not opinion. It is *FACT* and is well documented.

For those who wish to dig into this, there is a site called the Avalon Project, which has many old documents and treaties. This is a Yale Law School sponsored site. Read the Treaties and you will be surprised and wonder what kind of U.S. History you were "taught".

I guarantee that you were never taught the facts that are included in these treaties. Take the time to read them. You will be surprised that the United States of America was borrowing money from the King of France (England) less than 18 months after the revolutionary war, which we "won". You will be surprised to see the number of loans that the United States secured from the King over the next few years. Learning about the depth of fraud and deception that has been shoved down your throat from birth is the first important step toward regaining a true sense of freedom.

People all over America are emerging victorious over the images in their minds. What is happening in America is unbelievable. People are slowly coming out of their delusions. They have begun to realize that the United States is purely fictitious and that it only exists in their minds. Tens of thousands of people now know that the "United States" does not exist and that it never has. There is no such thing as the "National Debt" or a loan from the bank. Has anyone ever seen any "fiat" money?

The entire governmental system only exists *in your mind*.

Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security as follows:

S.I. 1997 NO.1778 (The Social Security United States of America Order 1997 made 22nd of July 1997) coming into force the 1st of September 1997. At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 22nd day of July 1997. Now, therefore Her Majesty in pursuance of section 179 (a) and

(2) of the Social Security Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is pleased, by and with advise of Her privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows: "This Order may be cited as the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 and shall come into force on 1st September 1997."

Does this give a new meaning to Federal Judge William Wayne Justice stating in court that he takes his orders from England? This order goes on to redefine words in the Social Security Act and makes some changes in United States Law.

Remember, King George was the "Arch-Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire and of the United States of America." See Treaty of Peace (1738) 8 U.S. Statutes at Large. Great Britain, which is the agent for the Pope, is in charge of the USA 'plantation.' What people do not know is that the so-called "Founding Fathers" and King George were working hand-in-hand to bring the people of America to their knees, to install a Central Government over them and to bind them to a debt that could not be paid. First off, you have to understand that the UNITED STATES is a corporation and that it existed before the Revolutionary war.

See Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43. 28 U.S.C. 3002 (15).

Now, you also have to realize that King George was not just the King of England. He was also the King of France. Treaty of Peace (1738) *U.S. 8 Statutes at Large 80.

On January 22, 1783 Congress ratified a contract for the repayment of 21 loans that the UNITED STATES had already received, dating from February 28, 1778 to July 5, 1782. Now the UNITED STATES Inc. owes the King money, which is due January 1, 1788 from King George, via France. Is this not incredible that the King funded "both sides" of the War! But there was more work that needed to be done. Now the Articles of Confederation, which were declared in force March 1, 1781 states in Article 12 "All bills of credit emitted, monies borrowed, and debts contracted by, or under the authority of Congress, before the assembling of the United States, in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed and considered a charge against the United States, for payment and satisfaction, whereof the said United States, and the public faith are hereby solemnly pledged."

After losing the Revolutionary War, even though the war was nothing more than a move to turn the people into debtors for the King, they were not done yet.

The loans were coming due, so a meeting was convened in Annapolis, Maryland to discuss the economic instability of the country, under the Articles of Confederation. Only five States came to the meeting, but there is a call for another meeting to take place in Philadelphia the following year, with the express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation.

On February 21, 1787 Congress gave approval of the meeting to take place in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, to revise the Articles of Confederation.

Something had to be done about the mounting debt. Little did the people know that the so-called "founding fathers" were acutely going to reorganize the United States, because it was bankrupt!

On September 17, 1787 twelve State delegates approved the Constitution. The States have now become Constitutors. Constitutor In the civil law, one who, by simple agreement, becomes responsible for the payment of another's debt. Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. The States were now liable for the debt owed to the King, but the people of America were not because they were not a party to the Constitution because it was never put to them for a vote. On August 4th, 1790 an Act was passed which was titled - An Act making provision for the payment of the Debt of the United States. This can be found at 1 U.S. Statutes at Large, pages 138-178. This Act, for all intents and purposes, abolished the States and Created the Districts. If you don't believe it, look it up. The Act set up Federal Districts. Here in Pennsylvania, we have two. In this Act, each District was assigned a portion of the debt.

The next step was for the states to reorganize their governments, which most did in 1790. This had to be done because the States needed to legally bind the people to the debt. The original State Constitutions were never submitted to the people for a vote. So the governments wrote new constitutions and submitted them to people for a vote, thereby binding the people to the debts owed to Great Britain. The people became citizens of the State where they resided and ipso facto a citizen of the United States.

A citizen is a member of a fictional entity and it is synonymous with subject. What you think is a state is in reality a corporation. In other words, a Person. "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is Person." 9 F. Supp 272". The Word "person" does not include state. 12 Op Atty Gen 176.

There are no states - just corporations.
All corporations are fictitious entities.
They only exist in your mind. They are images in your mind, that speak to you. We labor, pledge our property, and give our children to a fiction.

Before we go any further let us examine a few things in the Constitution:

Article Six, Section One keeps the loans from the King valid. It states; "All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation."

Another interesting tidbit can be found at Article One, Section Eight, Clause Two, which states that "Congress has the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States." This was needed so the United States (which went into Bankruptcy on January 1, 1788) could borrow money, and then because the States were a party to the Constitution, they would also be liable for it.

The next underhanded move was the creation of The United States Bank in 1791. This was a private Bank (just like the Federal Reserve Bank) of which there were 25,000 shares issued, of which 18,000 were held by those in England. The Bank loaned the United States money in exchange for Securities of the United States.

Now the creditors of the United States, which included the King, wanted to be paid the Interest on the loans that were given to the United States. So Alexander Hamilton came up with the great idea of taxing alcohol. The people resisted, so George Washington sent out the militia to collect the tax, which they did. This has become known as the Whiskey Rebellion.

It is the Militia's duty to collect taxes. How did the United States collect taxes off of the people, if the people are not a party to the Constitution?

I'll tell you how. The people are slaves!! The United States belongs to the founding (floundering) fathers and their posterity and Great Britain!

America is nothing more than a Plantation. It always has been. How many times have you seen someone in court attempt to use the Constitution and the Judge tells him that he can't. It is because you are not a party to it.

We are SLAVES!!! If you don't believe it, read Padelford, Fay & Co. vs. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah. 14 Georgia 438, 520, which states "But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution. The Constitution, it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it."

Now back to the Militia. Just read Article One, Section Eight, Clause 15, which states that it is the militia's job to execute the laws of the Union.

Now read Clause 16, which states that Congress has the power to provide for "organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States." The Militia is not there to protect you and me. It is there to collect our substance.

As you can plainly see, all the Constitution did is set up a Military Government to guard the King's commerce and make us slaves.

If one goes to 8 U.S. statutes at large, 116-132, you will find "The Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation." This Treaty was signed on November 19th, 1794, which was twelve years *after* the War. Article 2 of the Treaty states that the King's Troops were still occupying the United States. Being the nice King that he was, he decided that the troops would return to England by June 1st, 1796. The troops were still on American soil, because quite frankly, the King wanted them here. Here is the key to were this started. Many people tend to blame the Jews for our problems. Jewish Law governs the entire world, as found in Jewish Law, by MENACHEM ELON, DEPUTY PRESIDENT SUPREME COURT OF ISRAEL. To wit, "Everything in the Babylonian Talmud is binding on all Israel." Every town and country must follow all customs, give effect to the decrees and carry out the enactments of the Talmudic sages, because the entire Jewish people accepted everything contained in Talmud. The sages who adopted the enactments and decrees, instituted the practices, rendered the decisions and derived the laws constituted all or most of the Sages of Israel.

It is they who received the tradition of the fundamentals of the entire Torah in unbroken succession, going back to Moses, our teacher."

We are living under what the Bible calls Mammon.
Mammon is defined as "Civil Law and Procedure".

Turn to the "The Shetars Effect on English Law" -- A Law of the Jews Becomes the Law of the Land, found in "The Georgetown Law Journal, Vol 71, pages 1179-1200." It is clearly stated in the Law Review that the Jews are the property of the Norman and Anglo-Saxon Kings. It also explains that the Talmud is the law of the land. It explains how the Babylonian Talmud became the law of the land, which is now known as the "Uniform Commercial Code" (UCC).

The written credit agreement -- the Jewish Shetar -- is a lien on all property (realty) and today it's called the mortgage! The treatise also explains that the Jews are owned by Great Britain and the Jews are in charge of the Banking system.

We are living under the Babylonian Talmud. It is where all of our problems come from. It was brought into England in 1066 and has been enforced by the Pope, Kings and the Christian churches ever since. It is total and relentless mind control. People are taught to believe in things that do not exist. Now before you scream that the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is unconstitutional, I'm sorry but you are not a party to any constitution. Read the case cited below.

"But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution. The Constitution it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it." -- Padelford, Fay & Co., vs. Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah 14 Ga. 438, 520.

You have to understand that Great Britain, (Article Six, Section One) the United States, and the States are the parties to the Constitution, not you.

Let me try to explain. If I buy an automobile from a man and that automobile has a warranty and the engine blows up the first day, I have it. Then I tell the man just forget about it. Then you come along and tell the man to pay me and he says no. So you take him to court for not holding up the contract.

The court then says case dismissed. Why? Because you are not a party to the contract. You cannot sue a government official for not adhering to contract (Constitution) that you are not a party to. You better accept the fact that you are a "Slave". When you try to use the Constitution, you are committing a CRIME known as CRIMINAL TRESPASS. Why? Because you are attempting to infringe on a private contract that you are not a party to.

Then, to make matters worse, you are a debt slave who owns no property or has any rights. You are a mere "user of your Masters property"! Here are just a couple of examples:

"The primary control and custody of an infant is with the government" -- Tillman V. Roberts. 108 So. 62

"Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties - the husband, the wife, and the state" -- Van Koten v. Van Koten. 154 N.E. 146.

"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State. Individual so-called *ownership* is only by virtue of Government, i.e. law amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." -- Senate Document No. 43 73rd Congress 1st Session (Brown v. Welch supra).

You own no Property because you are a slave.

Really, you are worse off than a slave, because you are also a debtor.

"The right of traffic or the transmission of property, as an absolute inalienable right, is one which has never existed since governments were instituted, and never can exist under government." -- Wynehamer v. The People. 13 N.Y. Rep.378, 481.

Great Britain, to this day, collects taxes from the American people. The IRS is not an Agency of the United States Government. All taxpayers have an Individual Master File, which is in code. By using IRS Publication 6209, which is over 400 pages, there is a blocking series which shows the taxpayer the type of tax that is being paid.

Most taxpayers fall under a 300-399 blocking series, which 6209 states is reserved, but by going to BMF 300-399, which is the Business Master File in 6209 prior to 1991, this was U.S.-U.K. Tax Claims, meaning taxpayers are considered a business and involved in commerce and are held liable for taxes via a treaty between the U.S. and the U.K., payable to the U.K.

The form that is supposed to be used for this is form 8288, IRPTA-Foreign Investment Real Property Tax Account. The 8288 form is in the Law Enforcement Manual of the IRS, chapter 3. The OMB's-paper-Office of Management and Budget, in the Department of Treasury, List of Active Information collections, Approved Under Paperwork Reduction Act, is where form 8288 is found under OMB number 1545-0902, which says "U.S. withholding tax return for dispositions by foreign persons, of U.S. Form #8288, #8288a.

These codes have since been changed to read as follows: IMF 300-309, Barred Assessment, CP 55 generated valid for MFT-30, which is the code for the 1040 form. IMF 310-399 reads the same as IMF 300-309, BMF 390-399 reads U.S.-U.K. Tax Treaty Claims. Isn't it INCREDIBLE that a 1040 form is a payment of a tax to the U.K.!! Everybody is always looking to 26 U.S.C. for the law that makes one liable for the so-called "Income Tax", but it is not in there because it is not a Tax. It is a debt collection through a private contract called the Constitution of the United States, Article Six, Section One and various agreements. Is a cow paying an income tax when the machine gets connected to its udders? The answer is no. I have never known a cow that owns property or has been compensated for its labor.

You own nothing that your labor has ever produced. You don't even own your labor or yourself. Your labor is measured in current credit money. You are allowed to retain a small portion of your labor so that you can have food, clothing, shelter, and most of all, breed more slaves. Did you ever notice how many of the other slaves get upset if you try to retain your labor. You are called an extremist, terrorist, and sometimes even a freeman. They say that you are anti-government.

The truth of the matter is you just don't want to be a slave!! But, you do not have the right to force others to be free, if they want to be a slave. That is entirely up to them. If they want to bow down and worship corporations, let them!

The United States, Great Britain and the Pope are not the problem. It is the other slaves. We would be free if the "want-to-be-slaves" were gone. The United States, Great Britain and the Pope would not even exist, because no one would acknowledge them. I, for a matter of fact, think that those who are in power are also tired of the slaves. All the slaves do is stand around and "MOO" For free health care, free education, free housing, and they beg those who are in power to disarm them. I do agree that a slave should not have access to a firearm. How can you disagree with the government passing out birth control? I hope the breeding of slaves stops, or at the very least, slows down.

You see - we are cows - the IRS is the company who milks the cows - the United States Inc. is the veterinarian who takes care of the herd - and Great Britain is the Owner of the farm in fee simple. The farm is held in allodium by the Pope.

Now to Rome.

"Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state of passive obedience, which they owe to their princes, the high contracting parties declare it to be their intention to sustain in their respective states, those measures which the clergy may adopt with the aim of ameliorating their interests, so intimately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes; and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their views of submitting the nations." Article (3) Treaty of Varona (1822)

If the Sovereign Pontiff should, nevertheless, insist on his law being observed, he must be obeyed (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844). Pontifical laws moreover, become obligatory, without being accepted or confirmed by secular rulers. Syllabus, prop. 28, 29, 44.

Hence, the jus nationale, (Federal Law) or the exceptional ecclesiastical laws prevalent in the United States, may be abolished at any time by the Sovereign Pontiff (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law. Vol. I 53-54). So could this be shown that the Pope rules the world?

The Pope is the ultimate owner of everything in the World (See Treaty of 1213, Papal Bull of 1455 and 1492).

I could go on and on. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Don't let this information scare you, because without it you cannot be free. You have to understand that all slavery and freedom originates in the mind. When your mind allows you to accept and understand that the United States, Great Britain and the Vatican are corporations, which are nothing but fictional entities which have been placed into your mind, you will understand that your slavery was because you believed a lie.

The Social Security Number

The Secret Shadow Government

The Nature Of Government - Report #TL07B

The Illuminati And Council On Foreign Relations

Wizard Of Oz And Illuminati Mind Control

The Destruction of America

The United States Is Still A British Colony

The Coming Battle

Why Waco?


  AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH TO YOUR BANK   3 Parts to the Affidavit of Truth 1.        Listing who the grievances are and listing of your tru...