Sunday 30 January 2022

Common Law is NOT Natural Law - MUST KNOW THE FACTS


Common "Law" is a bastard child of the Statist Legal Sy$tem.

It is a legalistic practice that appeals to statutes and previous court rulings.

Common Law depends on the proper use of legalese -the coded court language of the government- and on the rules and rulings of the statist courts, and government policies (man-made-up "laws")
Common Law takes long hours of study, is NOT based on common sense, and is not for the common man. Natural Law does, and is, none of that.
Natural Law is inherent in all of us from birth, as we all automatically know Right from Wrong, Moral from Immoral. It needs no legal records, court precedents or statist statutory "law" (so-called). It just is. Period.

Creating a New Education System Part 10


In Part 10 of this video series, we finally address the third foundation of the firewall that is supposed to protect society and the masses from those who would seek to control them for their own selfish desires and greed. Educating the children (AND adults) is one of the most vital keys to reclaiming our freedom and establishing a new social order that ensures sovereignty for all. Without knowledge of objective truth and the skills for which to discern truth, people can be easily deceived and made to do things completely against their own best interests.

This video covers the history of how the current system was put into place to purposely "dumb down" the population so that the criminal class could go about their plans to buy up the world and control the masses against their will. It also covers what an education system would look like in a Natural Law Republic and why THIS should be the primary focus of EVERYONE in the world at this point in history! We MUST reclaim our inherent power and rights and the only way to do that is to responsibly accept our faults in getting to where we are and to direct our efforts and energies towards building a new system and societal model that makes the current one completely impotent and thus, OBSOLETE!!!

For more information and a knowledge base of all one needs to know to understand better how this world REALLY works and how we must unite to go about FIXING it, please check out:


Here is the new link to our Telegram group. Please connect with us.

Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS to End This Corruption - 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily

Creating a Natural Law Republic

Reclaiming Media & Restoring Truth in Society Part 9


Part 9 - Parts 1-8 primarily covered the need to create a new system, what it would look like and how it would operate, essentially covering the “government” part of the firewall protecting the people. Part 9 is about the second aspect of the firewall: the media. It has long been known that Main Stream Media has been captured by corporations and that all major media is now owned by 6 massive corporations. Corporations who advertise and propagandize the public on these Main Stream Media and thus, have power over the message delivered by all of them. There is NO more “fourth estate” left to keep anyone in check - government OR business. That is a massive problem for a non-thinking public who naïvely and mindlessly believe most, if not all that they see and hear on these outlets.

We all need to educate as . We need to unite to create a new system which will honor the truth and seek to ensure that all sides of every debate is heard and the results abide by Natural Law in the new Republics of the world. This is our chance to take back our power by ending the lies and universal deceit of these legacy entities that have long outlived their utility and usefulness. They are a danger to society and an enemy of humanity for what they have done over the past decades plus. It is time for the insanity to END.

(Apologies for the low quality of this video. Program kept crashing when rendering, Had to get creative to finish the final cut. It’s not to my standards, but it’s the way I wanted to make it, so something had to give. The message is the most important part...)

For more information and a knowledge base of all one needs to know to understand better how this world REALLY works and how we must unite to go about FIXING it, please check out:


Here is the new link to our Telegram group. Please connect with us.

Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS to End
This Corruption - 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily

Creating a Natural Law Republic

Keeping Corporations in Check! Part 8


In a Natural Law Republic, the Free Market will reign supreme, but corruption, deception and egregious violations against nature and humanity will be firmly kept in check. Corporations have obviously done a lot of good for society and humanity, but they have also done an incredible amount of damage. This damage is due to the governments of the world being hijacked by powerful interests representing these corporations so as to allow them to commit massive crimes with impunity. This all ends in a Natural Law Republic as the power is restored fully to the Sovereigns and the Public Service Administrations to keep them in check along with a revolutionary system of contractual checks and balances never before seen in history!

For more information and a knowledge base of all one needs to know to understand better how this world REALLY works and how we must unite to go about FIXING it, please check out:


Here is the new link to our Telegram group. Please connect with us.

Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS to End This Corruption - 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily

Creating a Natural Law Republic

Crime, Reparation, & Reform in a Natural Law Justice System Part 7


Part 7 - Parts 1-6 of this series are an entity of their own. In those videos, I clearly defined an indictment on the current systems of government and the legacy institutions that have enslaved humanity for millennia. I also proposed a NEW type of system that is based on the power of the people and the potential inherent in every individual in the world. The purpose of the first half of the series was to show people that we DON’T have to comply with the current system, or keep it around at all. It can and must be abolished if we ever hope to be free, sentient, and sovereign human beings.

In Parts 7-12, I will delve further into the details of what society in a Natural Law Republic would look like and more details of how things would operate under the acknowledgment and respect of Natural Law. In part 7, the criminal justice system, reparations, restitution, and reform are covered. The current system is archaic and medieval compared to how things should operate and in a Natural Law Republic, crime would plummet anyway as opportunity and abundance would be available for everyone in society.

For more information and a knowledge base of all one needs to know to understand better how this world REALLY works, please check

Here is the new link to our Telegram group. Please connect with us.

Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS t

Creating A Social Contract With Real Protection Part 6

  Part 6 is especially exciting because I finally reveal the one firewall and ultimate protection for the individual that would guarantee their sovereignty as well as end the oppression from government! Clearly, this idea has never been tried before in history because those in power would never have allowed their subjects to have this kind of freedom or protection from being abused. However, the time has come for humanity to rise, try something completely different and create a system that works for EVERYONE and not just a very small percentage of society!

This video finalizes the first half of the series that clearly identified the glaringly obvious societal problems, how government only makes them worse, if not creates them with which to begin; but proposes workable and viable solutions that will allow every society in the world to transition seamlessly and painlessly to a new system without violence or destruction. By now anyone who has watched all 6 parts should begin to see the amazing world we could manifest if we all begin to focus on the SOLUTIONS instead of being bogged down by the problems. We can get there and we must if we ever hope to be free ever again!

The remaining 6 parts of the series will focus on additional aspects of a Natural Law Society and Republic and Natural Law solutions to society's most pressing issues. Topics to be yet covered include; Crime, Reparation & Reform, A Vibrant Education Model and System, Keeping Corporations in Check, Building an Honest and Trustworthy Media Network, Winning the Hearts and Minds of the People and Enforcement Classes, and finally, what it will take to put this all together and actually bring this entire vision to REALITY in a very short period of time! Subscribe, like, share and check out the website for the information we ALL need to know to free our minds from mental slavery!

Supporting documentation for all claims, theories and solutions are available at:

Here is the new link to our Telegram group. Please connect with us.

Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS to End This Corruption - 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily

Creating a Natural Law Republic

How A Public Service Admin Works in A Natural Law Republic Part 5


In Part 5 of this video series, Will explain the structure of a decentralized society and how everyone would be individual sovereigns with government being replaced by Public Service Administrations with RESPONSIBILITY and not POWER. The solutions for all of humanity's problems are now self-evident. This video series will explain in detail how the billions of people on this planet can reclaim our individual power once and for all!

Supporting documentation for all claims, theories and solutions are available at Welcome

Here is the new link to our Telegram group. Please connect with us.

Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS to End This Corruption - 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily

Creating a Natural Law Republic

The Death of Government & Rise of the Natural Law Society Part 4


In Part 4 of the Manifesting A New Reality series the final nail is put in the coffin of what we've known as government our entire lives. It is an idea that is far past its expiration date and it is time for humanity to unite and manifest a new type of societal management system! The very idea of power is discussed in this video and the only legitimate keeper identified.

The pieces of the puzzle to solve our most pressing problems begin to come together in this episode and the vision for a better world is beginning to become more and more clear. We must take personal responsibility for the work that needs to be done, but it CAN be done and we must engage to create a brighter future for ourselves and our progeny.

Supporting documentation for all claims, theories and solutions are available at


Here is the new link to our Telegram group. Please connect with us.

Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS to End This Corruption - 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily

Creating a Natural Law Republic

Exposing Fatal Flaws of Government & Top-Down Societal Control Part 3


Part 3 A New Reality series drives home the fatal flaws of government, statism and proposes a new idea of societal management that would unleash humanity into a new era of freedom and abundance!

Supporting documentation for all claims, theories and solutions are available at
Free your mind from mental slavery and united we can free the world!


Here is the new link to our Telegram group. Please connect with us.

Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS to End This Corruption - 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily

Imagining A Better Future Part 2


Part 2 of a video series that is the final addition to Constitutional Conventions website. It will be uploaded in parts as they are completed and then combined into one full documentary. They are all separate videos on their own, but all play a synergistic part in the overall vision of the goals of Constitutional Conventions; and that is the emancipation of all people of this earth from mental and physical slavery from the legacy systems that have enslaved humanity for millennia. Each video builds upon the previous information conveyed in the series.

Everything fits together from the website's educational content, to the videos, to the activism that will ultimately turn the tide and create the critical mass we need to finally reclaim our individual sovereignty and personal power over our own lives. All claims made in the video are backed up by documentation, articles, books and other videos on the website. Please share with as many people as you can on alternative social media sites!


Here is the new link to our Telegram group. Please connect with us.

Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS to End This Corruption - 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily

Creating a Natural Law Republic

Where We Are & Where We're Going Part 1


Part 1 They are all separate videos on their own, but all play a synergistic part in the overall vision of the goals of Constitutional Conventions; and that is the emancipation of all Sovereigns of this earth from mental and physical slavery from the legacy systems that have enslaved humanity for millennia.

Everything fits together from the website's educational content, to the videos, to the activism that will ultimately turn the tide and create the critical mass we need to finally reclaim our individual sovereignty and personal power over our own lives. Please share with as many people as you can on alternative social media sites!


Here is the new link to our Telegram group. Please connect with us.

Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS to End This Corruption - 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily

Creating a Natural Law Republic

Sunday 23 January 2022



Everyone wonders what’s wrong with people. They wonder why people can’t see the blatantly obvious right in front of their face. (Perhaps because it’s obscured by a diaper…?) 🤔🙄 It’s the same problem with humanity going back millennia and the greatest philosophers have spoken endlessly about it as well throughout history. If humanity is to EVER get past the hurdles keeping us from thriving in abundance on this planet, if we ever hope to evolve to higher levels of consciousness, to live in peace with one another and to be free to live our lives as we see fit without the fear of force and intimidation from illegitimate authority known as government, we must do one vital thing. THINK. We must learn to THINK for ourselves and NOT allow ourselves to be programmed any longer by external forces with an agenda that is contrary to our best interests, optimal health, and overall well-being.
So many have no idea what it means to THINK. Because what they are doing is simply repeating what they’ve been told, what they’ve heard, or what others close to them have chosen to believe. They’re mostly followers who conform to peer pressure and “societal norms” whether they make sense or not. They’re mindless. They are not thinking. They are acting and doing without thought. That leads to societal stagnation, degeneration and decay and everyone suffers as a result. The only progress society makes is progress directed by those who actually DO think. And, unfortunately, those thinkers that have directed the world to where we are today are also among the most ruthless, diabolical, and uncaring people on this planet.
This world is ruled by psychopaths. That is how we’ve gotten here. There is a mountain of evidence proving this fact beyond the shadow of any doubt by this point. You can’t fight these people, but you can make their agenda, and thus their very existence, obsolete by simply creating and sharing infinitely better ideas based in objective reality. Violence won’t work. We must THINK our way out of this mess and yes, it is still possible to do so at this point. The window of opportunity has not fully closed, but the clock is ticking and time is of the essence.
Moving forward is going to focus on helping the world re-learn how to think critically, how to question their beliefs, how to more closely align with objective truth and Natural Law and how to truly reclaim their personal power and individual sovereignty. That is honestly our only hope. We MUST restore our ability to THINK and seek wisdom from those who reject the status quo, think outside the box, challenge “authority.” expose lies and propaganda, and do so fearlessly in the face of public shame, ridicule and controversy. And we must create a critical mass of people who understand this fact. The critical thinkers are the true leaders of our day and only they can show the world a better way to not only live, but thrive on this planet.

Tuesday 18 January 2022

A Guide For Spotting Controlled Opposition Among “Lockdown Critics” (My Take)


A Guide For Spotting Controlled Opposition Among “Lockdown Critics” (My Take)

There are a few ways the press can do this. “Journalists” can quite openly support government restrictions, and take their subsidies. They can provide the faintest opposition to it. They cover stories while leaving out important details. None of this helps the public.

This problem exists in political spheres as well. Politicians can generally be lumped into 1 of 2 categories:

[1] Pro-Vaccine, Pro-Lockdown/Restriction
[2] Pro-Vaccine, Anti-Lockdown/Restriction

See how this works? Even the lockdown resisters support poisoning the public with God knows what.

DISCLAIMER: People who are unaware of certain things should not be lumped into this. If a person is genuinely oblivious, then they should be given the chance to get informed. The following distinction typically applies to politicians, media and other public figures.

There are the points that it’s acceptable to oppose, and to publicly come out against. Typically, they will only oppose the coercion element, but support the overall plan. Granted, they are still ahead of the subsidized media, and most politicians

-Vaccine passports should be opposed
-Vaccines must be voluntary
-Forced PCR testing must be prevented
-Modelling projections don’t justify what’s happening
-Business closures are unjustified
-Media isn’t reporting what’s really happening
-Travel bans/restrictions are unjustified
-Mask mandates accomplish little

-Companies like Pfizer and their sketchy history
-The vaccines are experimental
-The vaccines have “interim authorization” not approval
-The vaccines have another 1 to 2 years of testing
-There are no longitudinal studies on the effects of such vaccines
-Governments handing out money to “increase vaccine confidence”
-Manufacturers are indemnified against lawsuits or legal action
-PCR testing is completely fraudulent when used in this way
-Modelling is a bogus pseudo-science
-This “virus” has never been isolated, possibly doesn’t exist
-Virus patents owned by Gates, Rothschild
-Media in Canada is being heavily subsidized
-Media in Canada is paid to not report the full truth
-“Fact Checker” groups in Canada are heavily subsidized
-Masks cause long term health problems, and this is done deliberately
-Biological tracking has been in the works for a long time
-Larger social agenda at play here, Great Reset
-People like Gates, Bell, Rockefeller are eugenicists
-These scenarios have been going on for years (Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm, Theresa Tam’s film, Clade X, Event 201….)
-Politicians are lobbied for their stance. (See below)

It gets a bit trickier when a public figure will wade a little bit into the unacceptable topics. That said, this should distinguish between the people pretty accurately.

Of course, there is another type to watch out for. There are people who tell the truth, but conduct themselves in such a way as to deliberately appear crazy. This is extremely off putting to the normies.

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Jordan Peterson became famous for rejecting authoritarianism and compelled speech for gender pronouns. That said, he asks people to “suspend judgement another 6 months”, and supports mass vaccinating the public.

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Maxime Bernier made a name for himself opposing lockdown measures. However, he still supports vaccinating Canadians, and claims to have recommended to his own father to get it. To be fair, Derek Sloan may very well be controlled as well, given his fairly tame objections.

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 Texas Governor Greg Abbott, much like DeSantis made headlines by banning vaccine passports. That being said, he still supports injecting people in his own state, on a major scale.

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South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is held in high regard for not imposing any lockdown measures in her state. That said, she is completely on board with the vaccination agenda.

Do you get it now? All of these supposed “freedom fighters” still want to inject everyone with the experimental poison. These people are not on our side.

Video Player

One would think that this admission from John Bell (AstraZeneca Chief) would lead to immediate demands to pull the drug, and open criminal investigations. Strangely, it hasn’t.

(1) Unifor, Media, In Bed With Gov’t, $595M
(2) Government Subsidizes Media To Ensure Positive Coverage
(3) Postmedia Subsidies/Connections, Lack Of Real Journalism
(4) Nordstar; Torstar; Metroland Media; Subsidies & Monopoly
(5) Aberdeen Publishing Takes Handouts, Ignores Real Issues
(6) More Periodicals Taking Grants, Parroting Gov’t Narrative
(7) Tri-City News, LMP Pulls Bonnie Henry Article; Pandemic Bucks
(8) Subsidized Fact-Check Outlets Run By Political Operatives
(9) Groups Funded By Tax Dollars To Combat “Misinformation”
(10) PHAC Supporting #ScienceUpFirst Counter Intel Effort
(11) Even More Subsidies Canadian Outlets Are Dependent On
(12) Media, Banks, Credit Unions Getting CEWS
(13) John Tory’s Sister Board Member At Bell; CEWS; Subsidies
(14) Advertising And Marketing In Promoting “Pandemic” Narrative
(15) NSERC/SSHRC/CIHR Grants In “Confidence”; Mandatory Vaxx


  AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH TO YOUR BANK   3 Parts to the Affidavit of Truth 1.        Listing who the grievances are and listing of your tru...