Sunday 30 April 2023

“Hitler would have been a Hero of Germany had the World War not happened”

 Hitler would have been a Hero of Germany had the World War not happened” often historians Quote.

But Modern world know Hitler for his Outrageous killings and violent massacres. Nazi Leader is labeled with Genocide of Jews and responsible of billion of Innocent people’s death in Second World War. That’s what Inscribed in our curriculum and other History writings. Let’s not discuss these stories of World war2 often told to us. Just plunged across the carnage of 6 millions Zionist or 2 Millions rapes of German Women by Soviet Red army in WW2.
I used to wonder how Bankrupt German Nation, heavily indebt and economically fettered through Colossal war penalties , could be able to Outclass Allied Armies and almost conquer whole Europe. I  have read about the Germans of their fierce annihilations and violent conquests. But Victories are never made mere through slaughters. For sustainable victories there needed able Political leadership, National support, superior tactical skills and more necessarily Strong economy. How come, in short period of few years’ Nazi party in Hitler Governance built such sound infrastructure and prosperous Germany that even its gleam envied British Crown.

Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 of mournful Country, when hyperinflation and unemployment was dancing across Germany. Sacks of German Mark could only buy a Loaf of Bread. The Treaty of Versailles had imposed devastating reparations on the German people; these reparations costs totaled three times the value of all the property in Germany. And by 1938 Germany was on rollercoaster of prosperity, there was construction boom, unemployment had been vanished and Germany even lacked enough workers to fill the available jobs. This happened at a crucial time when Europe was suffering from Great Depression. The 1933--1938 the Five Years of Miracle!

Monetary Theories of that era says that all money issued should be back by Gold held in Federal Reserve or central bank, who works independently then Government. So those bankers decide how much money should be issued. Hitler outlawed the contemporary economic system of international banking by issuing its own currency not only monetary but also financial ones.  Hitler emphasized that right of issuing money should lie in Government not to bankers, who can issued it for the benefit of people.

Hitler rejected by saying that Money is not something stored in Lockers but actual wealth lie in the Hand of German labors. And that was purely Logical.

"We were not foolish enough to try to make a currency [backed by] gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done or goods produced ... we laugh at the time our national financiers held the view that the value of a currency is regulated by the gold and securities lying in the vaults of a state bank."  - Adolph Hitler

After the world war 1, The International banking Draculas were ready to suck German Laborers blood, willing to offer Germany Loans on interest (Of Course for their own interests). But Hitler refused to accept the slavery of Debt of German people and issued Germany unique currency and his excellent and innovative money astounded the International bankers whose enmity was certain in order to save their aristocracy and more importantly their banking system.

Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money. The German government financed its entire regime without gold, and without debt. It took the entire Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German revolution, and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers So they succeed. Hitler resisted the Evil forces for half a decade but perished.

Hitler began his National credit program by devising a plan of public works. Projects earmarked for funding included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new buildings, roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities.  The projected cost of the various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national currency. One billion Non-inflationary bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates, were then issued against this cost. Millions of people were put to work on these projects, and the workers were paid with the Treasury Certificates. ” The government paid workers in Certificates. Workers spent those Certific Hates on other goods and services, thus creating more jobs for more people. In this way the German people climbed out of the crushing debt imposed on them by the international bankers.

Another great aspect of Hitler economic system was barter system. Germans successfully run that B.C system in 20 century and German foreign trade boosted enormously. Barter system cut down the international bankers, and eliminates the exposure to trade deficit.

England was quite willing to lend money to buy raw materials but Germany insisted upon exchanging goods for goods.

“Germany will enter into no obligations to pay for her imports than she is capable of fulfilling. The German Government thus takes the standpoint of the respectable merchant who keeps his orders in harmony with his power to pay” (Hitler)

These all systems were alarming to the world monopolists. Germany emerging as a new economic power whose influence is spreading rapidly across the countries, which means the popularity of its system that can free world form the shackles of debt and its ever increasing curse. Nations could get this recipe of Prosperity without debt and loans. This certainly would endanger the Jewish Banking system to obsolete. So For the survival of their system the Hitler and his system should be destroyed and they succeed in it. We learn about World War 2 and Hitler through the history written by victors. Hitler was against the communist and Jewish capitalistic banking system. He was abominated for his audacious crime. To me Hitler is not a absolute hero but his economic regime was super heroic, and it is undoubtedly true. That cause the world to see WORLD WAR 2.

Thursday 27 April 2023

"They" are after our land and our children!

"They" are after our land and our children!


"They" are after our land and our children!! Soooo many distractions and lies, all the while "they" are pushing forward with "there" I will say used to be hidden agenda. WE have much more to uncover!! I look forward to comments and some open discussion here. Be the change!!

With everything that is going on - We have thousands in each Province, Republic and around the planet

All these men and women have subscribed to receive important information and to build a network! 

We are looking to connect with organizers to connect with men and women in your local area that are interested in connecting and sharing ideas. This is so powerful to connect with individuals who are working on solutions, of committed to build a future!

These individuals see the importance of security, food security, and Protecting Property.

Please contact us if you want to be a contact in your local area or connected.

The Solution is creating your own Self -sufficient - Protected - Community.

Time is NOW to get organized. It will NEVER STOP until WE STOP IT!

By NOW any logical critical thinker comprehends there IS and NEVER been and LAWs for these Parasites.



I would Like to ask you ONE QUESTION!!!!

The Predators /Parasites THAT want you DEAD, your children! Do you AGREE?

So, if you Agree, then you are ACTUALLY INFORMED! 

IF you think the PARASITES are going to allow a man or women any JUSTICE in their Fictional system!

NOT a Chance!!! 

Nearly every Politician, Lawyer, Judge, Mayor, city council, by law officer, and the so-called police enforcer are all involved!

You cannot be this STUPID or Ignorant NOT to Comprehend this is MASS MURDER

It will be us connecting to restore Law and Order!

And if we do NOT do this ASAP , they will mass murder more.

You Decide !

"They" are after our land and our children! video 

We hold zooms daily 5- 10 est - YOUR Zoom Room at 5 -10 PM Daily or phone in 647 374 4685 meeting ID 694 548 9985

Sunday 16 April 2023

The importance of networking in your community development

The importance of networking in your community development

More realize the importance to become more active in protecting their person property and each others, building a network has become a high priority in the local area.

As we move forward to end the corruption.

Self Sufficient Communities or pods, are being developed as more interest is growing.

We wish you well on your path to liberty and freedom.

Thank You

“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want”. Why networking is powerful. It connects you to people that you can help and who can eventually help you.

Latest video

PROJECT LIBERTY - Self - Sufficient Communities - Restoring Law and Accountability

PROJECT LIBERTY Self - Sufficient Communities - Restoring Law and Accountability at the Local level- YOUR Zoom Room at 5 -10 PM Daily or phone in 647 374 4685 meeting ID 694 548 9985

Please share the link to get on the contact page so we may update you on projects and important information

The Globalists will Not Stop - We will have to Stop them

Thank you - we can and will end this corruption 

Friday 14 April 2023



Self - Sufficient Communities - Restoring Law and Accountability at the Local level

WE ARE PLANNING A CONCENTRATED EFFORT - with more comprehending the psy-op of the convoy to Ottawa was created by the globalists as a huge distraction which now more realize as a FEAR campaign to initiate the Emergency Act, install fear of freezing accounts.

All these were well calculated plans to control the protests to go NO WHERE as usual!

Now we want all these amazing and men and women to Concentrate truly what do we all want, We all want our liberty . How do we do this.

We want you to become involved in convoys in your local area in your respective provinces to go from town to help educate as many men and women that want to listen!

We will spend the entire summer educating the solution -

Men and women interested in this project Liberty - Self - sufficient Communities - Restoring Law and Accountability we welcome you all

No more honking horns for freedom, no more hanging banners over freeways, no more waited time. Time is now to communicate the message!

Spend a week in each town to educate the plan to restore Law and order. Meet you fellow brothers and sister build friendships and connections.

Together we will end this Shit Show

Here are 10 ways to fight corruption

1. Corruption is not only about bribes: People especially the poor get hurt when resources are wasted. That’s why it is so important to understand the different kinds of corruption to develop smart responses.

2. Power of the people: Create pathways that give men and women relevant tools to engage and participate in their community ( this BS of these governments having any authority must be abolished - they are NOT your government - How can they be your government when they are trying to murder you- so get of this stupidity and lets end this shit show– identify priorities, problems and find solutions.

3. Cut the red tape: Bring together formal and informal processes (this means working with men and women to form an administration for your local community,

You all decide everything , from what projects, the entire tax theft is removed and replaced with agreements what each individual wants to pay for and the services.

We remove any all-useless idiots' freeloaders stealing your hard-earned slave labor fiat cash - to enrich themselves at your demise!!!!

(Remove the old corrupt government as well as non-governmental groups)

Change behavior and monitor progress.

4. It’s not 1992 where the parasites made themselves out to be a predator stealing robbing from each and every man and women for the sustainable death sentence,

Over loading basic administration with useless idiots to create their own jobs to suck you dry of your wealth, The freeloaders must go!

Use the power of technology to build dynamic and continuous exchanges between key stakeholders: which is You - the men and women of your local community - You decide and make the decisions.

Not Parasite's or Predators who have never had any authority at all. This entire BS of these individuals having power over you must be removed, and then them fired , and held accountable for murder, Its plain murder what they have done!

Doing this you will be in control of government, business, civil society groups, media, academia etc.

5. Deliver the goods: Invest in institutions and policy – SELF _SUFFICENT improvement in how Your Administration delivers services is only possible if the men and women in these institutions endorse sensible rules and practices that allow for change while making the best use of tested traditions and legacies – imported models often do not work.

6. Get incentives right: Align anti-corruption measures with market, behavioral, and social forces. Adopting integrity standards is a smart business decision, especially for companies interested in doing business in your community.

They want to do business then they abide by the agreement of the community. If they do not the community will not support them financially and they will just go bankrupt. Putting the power into you the individual.

NO more of this corruption with the World Bank Group and other development partners who work to destroy your life and everyone else's!

7. Sanctions matter: Punishing corruption is a vital component of any effective anti-corruption effort.

Grand Jury is already created and training will be available to assist you in developing your grand jury system.

8. Remove this stupidity of NWO Act globally from your vocabulary!

ACT locally: Keep men and women engaged on corruption at "LOCAL LEVEL"

This regurgitated NWO bullshit of national, international and global levels –

This is why we are in this mess. They want you at your local level to have NO authority to prosecute these parasites. This STOPS NOW - We will be enforcing the LAW at the local level. We end the corruption locally . This is the most important step forward to ending the corruption!!!!

Message will be CLEAR if you commit a CRIME YOU WILL PAY FOR IT!

Be NO MORE of this Bullshit where these enforcement officers commit crimes and the tax slave pays the victim, NOT a chance the individual will pay , loose his pensions, his home to repay everything he or she did. Accountability is coming.

Make use of the architecture that has been developed and the platforms that exist for engagement.

9. Build capacity for those who need it most:

We will not fund, help , endorse any of these countries who are involved in the globalist's agenda.

The men and women in these other countries will have to clean up their shit show themselves.

Responsibility comes from them alone, no one else can do it for them. Grow up grab a pair or continue to be enslaved, Free will is yours , You decide your future

Countries or what many of now comprehend are corporations - These corporation which the uneducated refer to as - Countries they suffer from chronic fragility, conflict and violence– because the parasites use these weapons to destroy your community, the restrict you to protect yourself and hold these criminals to justice. This changes NOW. We are the power, and we are done with their Bullshit!

Under the Criminal Parasite system, the so-called countries are robbed , resources are stolen, and financially the men and women fall int poverty.

10. Learn by doing: Any good strategy must be continually monitored and evaluated to make sure it can be easily adapted as situations on the ground change.

What are other ways we could fight corruption? Tell us in the comments.

We hold zooms daily 5- 10 est

We have made huge advances,,, So as we have stated it's not what we can do for you, It is what you can do yourself, We support your efforts, work with teams, help assist them in growth,, It is up you to organize.

Become the leader, and then you become liberated.. We are NOT here to save you , You as an individual Have to save yourself,

As we have stated we will support any real truther, on helping them. We have each other, then it's a 100 percent win,,,

To add it's Not - what you can do for the corporation ( AGENT ORANGE) of the de-facto Canada or the de-facto US,( AGENT ORANGE 2) it's what you can do for you, and your local area.. So simple - once you get this imaginary BS of what you call Canada or I call ( AGENT ORANGE) out of your indoctrination,

There is NO country of Canada ( AGENT ORANGE), it's a Corportation that wants you dead!

The power is for you to clean up the shit show in your local community, one block at a time,

We support that, Build your own team, We cannot build it for you, we are not there, You must fight for your right to live and stop waiting for someone to do it for you. Never going to happen!

So its your battle face it , You have to end this shit show

Were with you on this project!

Monday 3 April 2023



FREE Podcast available HERE. In the previous article, I showed you the origins and the new age ideology of fake guru Sacha Stone. An ideology he bases in the occult, mainly Luciferianism and Agenda 2030 inspired communism. His words act as a spell for many who listen to him on the regular, hard truths mixed with bold lies and scams. Take out the flowery words from Sacha, and what’s left? It seems he talks a lot about nothing, never really naming names or facts. The ploy to distract using $10 words is an old tactic to deflect away from his darkness.

Sacha’s mother was an easy find after all, as daughter and mother came in attacking from different fronts. Gail Adams on Facebook and Toin Adams on Instagram. “If you attack my brother, you attack me!” As expected, they both deny any accusations against Sacha. I don’t fault them over it, and neither should you, family first. They claim Sacha’s father is: Anthony James Adams, “a presenter for Anglia TV.” I’m open to corrections, and so I asked them to send me a copy of the birth certificate. That way, I can change the article because guess what? I don’t trust these people.

Others close to Sacha Stone but not part of his twisted family have confirmed the fact Sir Walter is the dad. Until I see official documents proving otherwise, the article remains as is. Besides ad hominem attacks and assumptions about my character, I can’t say I got much from these exchanges. They seem to be prone to question others “light and grace,” I find the wording interesting. Especially considering how much Toin enjoys sculpting Lucifer.

Fraud and theft

Enough with the Adams family, let’s take a look at the claims of fraud against Sacha. Peter Shelton, who lives across the street from Akasha, otherwise known as the “New Earth Haven,” denounces Sacha Stone of stealing $90,000. A loan that Sacha should’ve paid in two months prolonged for over three years. The terrible experience didn’t end there, as Peter and his wife became a target of Sacha’s cronies. “How dare you, asking for your money back, sir?” Just like they did to me. “How dare you, to give a voice to an abuse victim, sir? Projection.

How about Monica Doe? A woman who loaned Sacha $100,000 – Her total life savings, as she told me. Another life ruined by Sacha’s fraudulent ways, using his seductive manipulation to make the other person feel comfortable. Sacha was supposed to pay back this loan as soon as the “QT-Pi Technology” paid off, which of course, never did. In the screenshots below, you see him boasting about never having anything to do with the technology, and yet he defrauded Monica Doe using it as leverage.

That’s the common denominator – Sacha asks for $50,000-$200,000 loans that he’s supposed to pay off short-term. He never pays back, but most importantly, he never intends to. Monica Doe knows of another person defrauded for £80,000, and I know of another Bali resident whose $200,000 vanished. That’s a total of $441,013 roughly, assuming he paid half to Monica Doe, which should be $50,000. And what about all the pocketed donations that never delivered the promised events or projects? It’s a MILLIONAIRE SCAM. Not to even mention the giving folks who just give him the funds no strings attached.

A New World Order

I think those testimonies alone should be reason enough to distrust the man, but what do I know? I said above Sacha bases his new age ideology on NWO-driven communism, so let me back that up. Everything Sacha earns via Humanitad, New Earth, or The ITNJ goes back to the New Earth Trust. You may read it for yourself in their own words. “The NewEarth Project is an open platform to unite humanity in ushering in a new era of planetary wellbeing, peace, and prosperity.”

Trusts are handy because you can use it as the “owner” of property or company and keep yourself safe from unpleasant legal entanglements. They’re a great way to handle assets with total privacy and immunity if you know what you’re doing. After what you already know about Sacha, what does logic tell you? I suggest you at least stop with the worship and don’t give this man your money or hope! The so-called New Earth Trust claims property over:

  • The ITNJ (law)
  • New Earth Nation (landmass)
  • The New Earth University (education)
  • New Earth Exchange (finance and commerce)
  • The New Earth Projects (buildings, projects, and ecosystems on landmass)

“Membership is open to all: You can become a member of the New Earth Nation by ratifying the New Earth Treaty.” Who is enforcing this treaty? The ITNJ and the fake judge? There is a “blueprint” posted on the New Earth Project website containing several references to the United Nations, one being UNEP – Big into climate change. Agenda 2030 rears its ugly head with Sacha’s initiatives, as they go hand in hand. Not by chance, Sacha started his journey at the United Nations.

Sacha and the occult

As if stealing funds and landmass UN-style wasn’t enough, guess we can always refer you to the symbolism. The Phoenix symbol present in Egyptian culture and Freemasonry, used for a botched award show, is a tiny example. Let’s start with the pinecone present in their logo. The pinecone refers to the pineal gland, the third-eye, a symbol of human enlightenment if you will. However, the pinecone is also a pagan fertility symbol, associated with the child-sacrifice god Baal and the cult of the goddess Cybele.

The pinecone in their logo has a long stem, so it can also symbolize the artichoke or Thyrsus. The leaves of the artichoke refer to the crown chakra, and it’s known as the magic flower representing hope for a prosperous future. In the 18th century, the artichoke was a culinary privilege reserved for the aristocracy and can be considered a symbol of the Italian upper-class. The artichoke is also a symbol of the Italian Mafia. A curiosity that holds more weight as you continue reading.

Project Artichoke was a C.I.A. program precursor of Project MK-Ultra, a form of mind control through hypnosis, drugs, sleep deprivation, and torture. Many Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors are victims of MK-Ultra techniques. According to Sacha, he wants to recuperate these occult symbols and bring them to the light, or some bullshit. HERE his excuses for this and many other things. The pinecone is a prominent symbol in Vatican City, where a statue sits on “Cortile della Pigna.” The armored roof of “Archivio Segreto Vaticano”, contains the archives, where all of the Vatican’s secrets and treasures are stored. Proper?

The gatekeepers of the Vatican

The pinecone symbolizes the church’s hijack of humanity’s enlightenment and replacement with religious surrogate dogmas. The facing peacocks act as the guardians of the Vatican’s secrets. Why would the ITNJ use symbolism that refers to the exact location of the protected secrets of the Vatican? Sarcasm? Unless they represent their interests, it doesn’t make sense. More like hidden in plain sight. Please visit Ella Ster’s website, a great researcher who took my testimony and found more things as we collaborated. Sacha is essentially a Dionysus/Bacchus worshiper, a pagan guru like many before him.

The ancient Greek god of wine, fertility, ritual madness, theater, and religious ecstasy. Is Sacha Stone another bad actor? And yet, the “all-seeing eye” is shown on Sacha’s website promoting his brand. When you place the Humanitad logo next to the Jesuit logo, you see a strong resemblance. Especially with the H in the center of the sun. Does the H refer to Humanitad or the Holy See? The ITNJ is the legal branch of the umbrella organization Humanitad, after all.

Who is Ciro Orsini, the man hiding behind the curtain, pulling the ITNJ strings? Any Jesuit links there? The sun in the Jesuit logo is a nod to the emblem of the Order of the Black Sun. According to Sacha, he is the sole creator and owner of all the logos and symbols representing his assets. Questioning his motives as he uses trigger-happy symbols that may affect survivors negatively is only fair. The ITNJ treaty signed in blood for dramatic effects only, or is there more to it?

Sacha, the predator

The number of red flags with this guy should be more than enough at this point, public death threats and all. Yes, he is known to get crazy online, threaten women with beheading them (even if it’s figuratively) when confronted with his scams. Or he can also brag about sleeping with “hundreds of women” when going ad hominem at some troll while representing the ITNJ. This behavior is not acceptable for the so-called new age guru many have come to accept, albeit blindly.

Testimonies of abuse towards women and girls (even underage) populate the web. These women are offered “no strings attached shelter,” just to find themselves sexually pursued 24/7. Many of the women who send me their stories wanted nothing more with him and his troll army. Yes, Sacha is known to aim several people to stalk you online if you discredit him, and my supporters suffered so. So when he was not abusing women like Jessica Schaub, I guess it was because he was going for younger. You can read Jessica’s memoir HERE.

Sacha Stone has inclinations that are very troubling considering what he portrays himself to be. Keeping a vault of porn films and images, some taken without consent, of his sexual partners is abusive. Resisting to delete said material when confronted by the victims, is criminal. Storing sex videos of the daughters of his lovers is indeed worrying, assuming all of them are over 18, which I doubt. But when I heard of Sacha sexually grooming a 6-year-old is when I decided I had enough:




  AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH TO YOUR BANK   3 Parts to the Affidavit of Truth 1.        Listing who the grievances are and listing of your tru...