Sunday 30 October 2022




 A Factual Examination Of The Constitutional Problem 

 “It is therefore easy to see why Canada is not a confederation………….” 

Dr. Maurice Ollivier, K.C., Joint Law Clerk, House of Commons, before the Special Committee on the British North America Act, 1935

 “I have always contended, for reasons too long to enumerate here, that it [Canada] has not become either a confederation or a federal union.” 

Dr. Ollivier, in a personal letter to Mr. Kuhl, May 30th, 1936


There is probably no political issue in Canada on which there is more lack of information and more misinformation than on the constitutional question. The stalemate and the impasse which the governing authorities in Canada have reached on this question seem to indicate that there is and has been something very fundamentally awry in Canada’s constitutional history. 

For almost half a century this controversy has been raging without a satisfactory solution having been arrived at. Many Canadians, myself included, have had enough of this bickering between politicians and are determined to do something to bring this internecine strife to an end. 

The purpose of this booklet is to indicate in some measure what I as a member of the House of Commons and as a private citizen have attempted to do to bring order out of the constitutional chaos in which Canada finds herself. Democracy is successful only in proportion to the knowledge which people have with respect to their rights and privileges. It is my hope that the information contained in this brochure will assist Canadians to that end. 

Immediately following the recent Quebec election, I sent to Mr. Rene Levesque a personal letter in which I indicated my conception of the constitutional rights which the provinces of Canada enjoy at the moment. At the conclusion of this booklet will he found a reproduction of this letter. Included with this letter was the additional material found in this booklet. A copy of my letter to Mr. Levesque,along with copies of the additional material, was subsequently mailed to each of the premiers of the provinces of Canada. 

I desire to express my gratitude to Mr. R. Rogers Smith, who as my private tutor for almost the entire fourteen years during which I served as a member of the house of Commons, brought to my attention facts from the statutes at large, from the Archives and from original historical sources, the material upon which this brochure is based. 

Walter F. Kuhl 

CANADA: A Country Without A Constitution

Saturday 29 October 2022



QUOTE FROM The Balfour Declaration- Dated Nov 2, 1917
"It being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine."
- Balfour Declaration Nov 2 1917
πŸŸ₯What this single historical document WRITTEN IN 1917 proves is quite incredible.
1. Palestine Exists.
2. There were non-Jews inhabiting the land. Note: The indigenous Arab population is in fact "Semitic" that includes Christians Muslims and Hebrews.
3. The Zionist motto, "A land without a people for a people without a land" is a lie.
4. The Rothschild family being involved in the creation of the State of Israel is not an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. It is a fact.
5. This document giving European Zionist Jews land in Palestine was signed during World War I, over 20 years prior to World War II/ and "The Holocaust."
6. Due to the timing of the signing of the document, it is obvious the land was not given to the Jews because of their suffering of the Holocaust which had NOT happened yet in 1917. It was given to the European Zionists for another agenda.
7. Calling them Zionists is politically correct, not anti-Semitic. NOTE the Words "Zionist aspirations" and "Zionist Federation" in the document itself!!
8. The Zionists DID NOT adhere to the agreement. READ the document CAREFULLY "it being clearly understood that NOTHING shall be done which my prejudice the CIVIL and RELIGIOUS RIGHTS of the EXISTING Non- Jewish (CHRISTIAN and MUSLIM) communities in "PALESTINE" Christians should understand Christ was Born in Bethlehem which is in Palestinian territory. It was over 80% Christian when Israel became a Nation. Today it is 12% Christian ✝️ Research the "Nakba" when 750 000 Palestinians were forced from their land in 1948.
Via Christians of Palestine
πŸŸ₯In fact Israeli IDF Military controls Land, Sea, Air space, Entrances Exits and Trade to Christian and Muslim Palestinian West Bank, Gaza and Golan Heights and East Jerusalem. It also controls these with hundreds of Military checkpoints and Palestinians have lived under Israeli martial law for over 70 years. Try it sometime and see if you love it. Dare ya!
πŸŸ₯Israel is Racist. It wants an all Jewish land!
πŸŸ₯The Christian population in the west bank has dwindled from 30% under British rule 1948 to 2% under Israeli occupation 2022
πŸŸ₯The Christian population in the Bethlehem has dwindled from over 80% under British rule 1948 to 12% under Israeli occupation 2022.
This is Ethnic Cleansing.
πŸŸ₯Israel maintains the Christian population in Israel at 2%. New Testament Bibles are not found in its stores. The state in general denies Christ is Messiah.
πŸŸ₯If you read His Word and Abide in Him YOU are Israel. Abraham's seed is Jesus. READ GALATIANS 3 and Romans 11.
🟦Christians of Palestine, Life Behind the Wall
WATCH this Documentary Produced by a very good friend of mine whose Christian Family is from Bethlehem where Jesus was Born‼️
Her Grandfather was a Christian Mayor of the City‼️ This will shock you. Do not forget about your Christian Brothers and Sisters in Palestine‼️ Keep them in your prayersπŸ™

Saturday 8 October 2022

Jesse Hal upcoming interview with Dallas Hills scheduled for Oct 12th. 2 PM - 4 PM Mountain Time



Jesse Hal upcoming interview with Dallas Hills scheduled for Oct 12th. 2 PM - 4 PM Mountain Time

Clip from Missing Link video where Jesse Hal announces upcoming interview with Dallas Hills scheduled for Oct 12th 2PM - 4 PM Mountain Time. (3 minutes)
Jesse sounds very enthusiastic

Solutions to End the Tyranny

Biography of Dallas Hills

I was born in Rossland, British Columbia, raised on a farm with an orchard, in an area called Black Bridge that lies between Creston BC and Port Hill Idaho. Like most children, I attended the brick & mortar, brainwashing indoctrination institution, called the Central Elementary School, located in Cranbrook, BC. I grew up hunting elk, deer, and moose and led a farming lifestyle. As I recall, "things were amazing" back then.

The bush, mountains, freshwater lakes, and creeks were my back yard to roam and explore freely in as I desired. I spent most of my life in the woods back then, and felt that school was more of a distraction from real-world events as opposed to what really matters in life. Reading, writing, and math are very important subjects, but all other ones, were just hideous propaganda.

In 1979 I moved to Nanaimo, BC on Vancouver Island. This was a huge transition for a country boy like me to relocate to a city of a population of nearly 60,000 people. It was during this time that my life changed dramatically. When I learned of how I was enslaved by this entity called "Canada" and that the entire political system of voting was just an illusion.

Why I am a Truther?

It was during the economic crash of 1980, under the leadership of Pierre Trudeau. I wanted some answers to what was happening to our country. After some research I realized that our so-called government undermined the Sovereign men and women, in what I now refer to as the unlawful corporation of Canada INC.

I learned from other truthers from their research and findings over the years, some horrifying facts. Still unsure, I began to research more and more to discredit their findings. This became an endless journey and also a nightmare to sum it up in simple terms.

I started to delve into many rabbit holes, digging into everything that just did not make sense to me. As my research continued, I struggled as many truthers do, with my findings that the entire system was designed for a few. The rest of the men and woman, were merely slaves to these small groups of PARASITES.

I was surrounded or felt I was in a cross roads in life and unsure what to do.

Speak up and be considered a nut job. Lose my career be blackballed by the PARASITES who own and run everything. Literally, everything from the financial, economic and political their most powerful tool they create their own laws, and have the power to silence anyone who stands in their way!

Or, do nothing and go on through life as a coward, knowing the facts that could save my family and friends but doing nothing. I hesitated for quite a while but always felt that I may be wrong for doubting myself. Asking myself numerous times "why do I see and know these things, and others do not question or mention a word of this?".

My thirst for truth motivated me to relentlessly question the corruption and unaccountability of our so-called politicians and bureaucrats. The most important question and observation was, why is the law only applicable to the people (slaves) but not to the law makers themselves. Why were a certain segment within society "above the law?".

My research also linked me to others that were also questioning the system, and this is how I was able to connect with amazing sovereigns such as, Bill Abram, Dennis Shaw, Terry Hand, Mel Gardner, Pat Callaghan, and many others on the quest of educating the masses on how we have all been deceived. Sovereigns like myself that are determined and dedicated to spreading the truth.

The Purpose of "Travelling Truth", is to bring important information to you , your family and friends that may be interested in re-educating themselves on the true history of Canada and what the solution is.

The video link below is a "blast from the past" on my involvement with spreading the truth and educating others on the corruption of our government system for 40 plus years. The problem of how we're repeating history by following the controlled opposition distractions of useless protesting without implementing the real solution. Protest is useless unless there are concrete plans and solutions presented. This is a fundamental problem that has been the reason that protests have always been controlled by the globalists in some form or another to ensure no solution is ever mentioned.

Demand Action Must Be the First Step!

Bill Abram's video -Canadian Banking System Exposed

Dennis Shaw's video -

Canada a Country without a Constitution

In 1980, I started the - "Travelling Truth Tours " - along with many others that were concerned with the direction that our country was headed.




Chris Gupta and I continued on educating the people on the perils of public water fluoridation, and the fact that it is a known neurotoxin and numerous other important facts the masses have been deceived about.

I continued on my travels and met many more people researching Government corruption and I was able to build a trusted network of investigators. We were able to organize numerous tours across the land mass known as Canada. Between 2007 -2008 'The Travelling Truth Tours' hit every province and in 2009 went to the Northwest territories.

It was back in the 1990's when the BC Refederation Party was formed and behind the scenes a solution to our constitutional crisis was being spear headed by the formatting and writing of a constitution, thanks to, Terry Hand and Mel Gartner. A Constitution that would place the power back to "We, the People".

From Left-Right (Ed Anderson, Dallas Hills, Dennis Shaw, Patrick Kapasky).

Direct Democracy was an attempt for Sovereigns to remove corrupt Legislation and allow the Sovereigns to create Legislation and finally to create a true Constitution, "For the People, of The People, by the People "- Referendums failed as the Clarity Act - ensures NO Referendums are Binding (in simple terms the sovereigns have NO say and never will under the system the globalists created.) READ the Clarity Act!

The BC Refederation Party shows facts that there are three constitutional flaws in Canada. The first being that, there exists no confederation document approved by the sovereigns. The second, that there exists no democratically achieved constitutional documents federally or provincially and the third, that there is NO Constitutional basis for the federal government's rights to collect income tax. This excerpt is taken from the Wikipedia website about the BC Refederation Party - "The BC Refederation Party (abbreviated BC Refed) is a provincial political party in British Columbia, Canada advocating for a direct democracy and reforms to Canadian federalism. It was formed shortly after the 2000 federal election as the Western Independence Party of British Columbia with an explicit western separatist platform; it later renamed itself as the Western Refederation Party of ..."

BC Federation was 30 years ahead of many, there were also many other Sovereigns for years working on FACTS. Now the numbers of Sovereigns have grown exponential - with the latest fake elections, the NEED for a real SOLUTION is here. We need to do keep on educating together - Nothing can stop the Truth!

Here is a Website filled with information to start your journey to the factual examination how you have been deceived, through literature, articles and videos. Information on the Journey to Inform and Educate you more on the facts that "We The People" are Sovereign in each of the Ten provinces and two Territories.

In 2010 of the G20 event- Lyn Davignon and others organized a unified front of all political parties and social action groups in Toronto June 25,26, & 27 at the Neill-Wycik hotel 96 Gerard St. The hotel manager was threatened by so-called Private security, they also threatened to shut down an entire hotel if they allowed the meeting to continue.

During the years between 2017 -2021, I was able to tour all the Provincial Corporations educating others on the FACTS of how the sovereigns are truly governed under an unlawful corporation called "Canada".

There are lots of truths, lots of proofs, lots of evidence, and a lot more smoking gun.

Canada has No Constitution that was ratified or approved by the Sovereigns. No Federation was approved by the Sovereigns. Common Law, Admiral Law, Maritime Law, Civil Law, and the entire B.A.R which stands for British Accreditation Registry do not serve the people but rather the British Monarchy.

The British Legal System of mixed Common Law & Roman Law Has Been Used to Enslave us all!

Common Law has been historically deemed as Law to protect the common man and woman, but research shows it was never intended for the man or woman.

The term more accurately means a law common to the people of England, controlled by the Royal courts. Corrupt Courts unaccountable to the Sovereign men and woman.

Clearly with any investigation and research into Common Law, will show that this was created to be controlled by the hierarchy.

Development of a hierarchical and centralized system of the courts, originally empowered by the kings and later the parliament, was the fundamental basis from which the judge made Common Law and was enabled and maintained. Today this hierarchical platform is still in place and understanding how it continues to legitimize their fictitious decisions is important.

The so-called Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada Corporation are FALSE! So when you refer to them as rights you are DECEIVING YOURSELF and others, TEACHING THEM FALSE information. THE Charter of rights has never been ratified and is not in play: Section 58 & 59 & 23.1 a

The Charter is a Charter for the Corporation of Canada not the Sovereigns and millions are deceived by this Fraud!

The power to appoint Supreme Court justices belongs exclusively to the President of the United States and confirmed by the United States Senate (Governor General) Prime Minister Appoints Supreme Court Justices, … [in Canada]. In Canada, the Prime Minister is the chief adviser to the Governor General, who is the queen's representative in Canada, The Bill of Rights and Charter of Rights in Canada and the United States is controlled by Selected judges!

After reading the information below you will come to the factual conclusion the Court system has the power to remove any and all Rights from the Sovereign man and woman. "Precedent" as used by courts and attorneys refers to following a court's decision in an earlier court case - So it's passed down, and you wonder why nothing ever changes? -Each case decided by a common law court becomes a precedent Conclusion: "There is and never has been any LAW it's been totally controlled by the establishment". They use British Common Law or known to many as common Law, Admiral Law, Maritime Law and Civil Law to ensure there is NO Law for the Sovereign Man or Woman!

Congratulations! You have taken the first step on your educational "yellow brick road." Please get ready for the next leg of the journey.

Fake reality, fake history, and fake cause and effect, as mediated by them, accelerates wherever they accumulate to the point where your own self-evident truths are violently suppressed.

Who does that?


My journey for the truth has been bitter sweet with some vivid time lines that I can recall. It was a few years into my research when slowly I started dropping "truth bombs" to close friends, some listened but most removed themselves from me entirely as a nut job. Twenty years later they called me and others like me conspiracy nut jobs, and still due to this day.

The year was 1991 and I was meeting many other researcher's privately and sharing information and findings and these were complete strangers and they were also connecting the dots to this nightmare!

After many years of collaboration this was a huge turning point. Having lost family and friends to what I was explaining to them really hurt for a while and even today it still was emotionally straining.

Things have improved somewhat, as now I have met with these new strangers and became friends, some short term and some long term. Meeting other investigators and researchers (truthers) made life more manageable. I was not alone in my quest for facts and others starting presenting facts to the sovereigns that were not yet comprehending the LIE they live!

In 1994 I convinced myself, with some trepidation, to run the risk of putting a few more observations in writing. With trepidation, because I will almost certainly offend some who I respect by denying the credibility of claims they find convincing, and others by noticing claims they find utterly ridiculous. I noted that it often seems as though there are only two camps when it comes to political conspiracy theories. One chooses to accept the "official" government explanation in every instance; the other sees masterful deception, sinister motives, and almost divine omnipotence behind every news-worthy event. Considered calmly and in the light of history, both these extremes are nonsensical. Governments are made up of men; generally speaking, unscrupulous and dishonest men, but men none the less.

To consider the first: the idea that official pronouncements on any topic should carry much weight is silly on its face. The dishonesty of politicians and the incompetence of career bureaucrats are both matters of common knowledge. Particularly in regard to foreign policy when official statements are usually meaningless and frequently intended to deceive. Diplomacy has been defined, with good reason, as the art of lying for one's government. The entire history of international relations, from ancient Israel to the present, is a history of deception on a grand scale. In my view, far from lending extra weight to any version of events, the fact that a story is the official line goes in the scales against it. The other extreme, however, is equally silly. It is beyond reason to assume that every major event is part of a vast human plan. Human plans don't generally work out as they are supposed to, and the bigger and more complex they are, the less likely they are to succeed. Moreover, there is a vast difference between recognizing dishonesty in the official story line and uncovering the real truth of the matter. Decades or even centuries later, with the benefit of hindsight, it often remains impossible to know with certainty the truth about many major events. I am continually frustrated when "partially woken truthers" present nonsense or follow controlled opposition marching them in to a dead end, yes! dead end road. These always frustrated me and this continues to this day!

Either way, these "partially woken" are a breath of fresh air, at least they are questioning things and starting to become more of a critical thinker and this is positive!

No doubt Sept. 11, 2001 will go down in history as a huge wake up call for many. The Thompson killings in 1846, the sinking of the Lusitania, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and the Gulf of Tonkin incident were all similarly anticipated, provoked, and used to manipulate the public into support for otherwise unpopular wars. The official story behind each of these events is full of holes. In each case, the enemy was baited into an act of war that justified a military response, and the problems with the official account stems from the difficulty of leaving the bait out of the story. In the meantime, policies and actions that truly threaten everything we hold dear are pushed forward right under our noses and a tremendous opportunity or another blow to individual liberty.

We would all do well to select carefully the issues to which we will devote our time and efforts!


Clip from Missing Link video where Jesse Hal announces upcoming interview with Dallas Hills scheduled for Oct 12th. (3 minutes)


Autobiography of Dallas

 Biography of Dallas 

was born in Rossland British Columbia , raised in an area called the Black Bridge, between a town called Creston BC and the Porthill Idaho.

He was raised on orchard and a farm. Later he attended the (brainwashing indoctrination of the Government public school  system in Cranbrook BC called Central elementary school.

He grew up hunting elk, deer, and moose and a farm life style. Things were amazing as he said. The bush, mountains, fresh water lakes and creeks were his back yard.He spent most of his life in the woods and recalls that school was more of a distraction of to the real world and what really counted. He agreed reading, writing and math were very important, but al the other crap was just a hideous propaganda. 

In 1979 he moved to Nanaimo BC on Vancouver island this was a huge transformation for a country boy to a city of nearly 60 thousand People.

His life changed dramatically when he was learning more of how he was truly enslaved by this thing Called "Canada" and the entire political system of voting was just an illusion!

He Started the  - "Travelling Truth Tour " - Dallas Hills and many others concerned in the Direction the Country has been going since the 1980 started doing some research for over 30 plus years - Collecting information from many historians have complied a data base of very important information.

The Purpose of the Travelling Truth is to bringing some important information you , your family and friends may be interested in Listening , watching videos and may be interested in having the team visit your local area to educate more people on a Solution.

Video below of years of his educating the facts below

His thirst to question the corruption and unaccountability to the so called politicians and bureaucrats forced to him to research and discover why their are two laws, One law for the people (slaves)  and NO LAWS to a a certain segment of society.

His research linked him to others who were also questioning the the system and this is where he met met amazing sovereigns  such a Bill Abrum, Dennis Shaw, Terry hand, Mel Gardner, Pat Callaghan and many others on the quest of educating  the masses how they all been deceived.

Canadian Banking System Exposed – Bill Abram – MAJOR FRAUD !!!



Dennis Shaw Canada a Country without a Constitution !

He continued on educating with Chris Gupta on fluoride Poison  and numerous other important facts the masses have been deceived! 

During his travellers he met more researches and investigators and built a trusted network of truthers.

He has done many presentations over 40 plus years planting the seed to sovereigns to connect the dots. These Sovereigns became educators after they had done their research to also expound the facts to more sovereigns.

Numerous tours across the land mass know as Canada were completed:

2007 -2008 every province 

2009 -  Northwest territories to educate the facts to numerous sovereigns. 

2009 - He was involved with a Political party called BC Refederation Party 

BC Refedration Party was formed in the 1990's - Ed Anderson, Dallas Hills, Dennis Shaw, Dallas Hills, in Picture - Terry Hand, Patrick Kapasky Mel Gartner,- and many others were working on a Solution on a Constitution - and putting the Power back to "We The People "

Direct Democracy was an attempt for Sovereigns to remove corrupt Legislation - Allow the Sovereigns to create Legislation and Finally to create a a True Constitution "For the People of The People by the People "- Referendums failed as the Clarity Act - ensures NO Referendums are Binding ( in simple terms the sovereigns have NO say and never will under the system the globalists created.) READ the Clarity Act 

The BC Refederation Party shows facts that there are three constitutional flaws in Canada. The first, that there exists no confederation document approved by the sovereigns. The second, that there exists no democratically achieved constitutional documents federally or provincially and the third, that there is NO Constitutional basis for the federal government's rights to collect income tax.

BC Refederation Party - Wikipedia
The BC Refederation Party (abbreviated BC Refed) is a provincial political party in British Columbia, Canada advocating for a direct democracy and reforms to Canadian federalism. It was formed shortly after the 2000 federal election as the Western Independence Party of British Columbia with an explicit western separatist platform; it later renamed itself as the Western Refederation Party of ...

BC Federation was 30 years ahead of many - There were also many other Sovereigns for years working on FACTS - Now the  numbers of Sovereigns have grown exponential - with the latest fake elections - and the NEED for a real SOLUTION is here - All we need to do keep on educating together - Nothing can stop the Truth - 

Here are some Videos and Information of the Journey to Inform and Educate more on the "Facts" the "We The People" are Sovereign and each of the Ten provinces and two Territories

G20 - 2010 - Lyn Davignon and others organizing a unified front of all political parties and social action groups. In Toronto June 25,26,27. At the Neill –Wycik hotel 96 Gerard St. 

The hotel manager was threatened by so called Private security of threats and they also threatened to shut down an entire hotel if they were going to allow the conference meeting to continue! 

2017 -2021 - Toured all the Provincial Corporations educating FACT how the sovereigns are truly governed under an unlawful corporation called "canada". 

Canada has No Constitution  was ratified or approved by the Sovereigns ! 

No Federation was approved by the Sovereigns !

Common Law, Admiral Law, Maritime Law, Civil Law, and the entire B.A.R stands for British Accreditation Registry 

The British Legal System Of Mixed Common And
Roman Law Has Been Used To Enslave us all!

The common law has a historically deemed as Law to protect the
common man and woman but research shows it mas never
intended for the man or woman. The term that meant a law
common to the people of England, controlled by the Royal courts.
  - Their Corrupt Courts unaccountable to the Sovereign men and woman.

Clearly with any investigation and research into common law, will show facts that this mas created to ensure, it mas controlled by the hierarchy.

Development of a hierarchical and centralized system of the courts, originally empowered by the kings and later the parliament, mas 
the fundamental basis from which the judge made common law and mas enabled and maintained. Today this hierarchical platform is still in place and understanding how it continues to legitimize their fictitious lam decisions is important.

The So called Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada Corporation are FALSE!

So when you refer to them as rights you are DECEIVING YOURSELF and others, TEACHING THEM FALSE information.

THE Charter of rights has never been ratified and is not in play:

Section 58 & 59 & 23.1 a

The Charter is a Charter for the Corporation of Canada not the Sovereigns and millions are deceived by this Fraud!

The power to appoint Supreme Court justices belongs exclusively to the President of the United States, and confirmed by the United States Senate (Governor General)

Prime Minister Appoints Supreme Court Justices, … [in Canada]. In Canada, the Prime Minister is the chief adviser to the Governor General, who is the queen’s representative in Canada,

So, The Bill of Rights and Charter of Rights in each Canada and the United States is controlled by Selected judges!

After reading the information below you will come to the factual conclusion the Court system has the power to remove any and all Rights from the Sovereign man and woman.!!!!

“Precedent” as used by courts and attorneys refers to following a court’s decision in an earlier court case – So it’s passed down, and you wonder why nothing every change –Each case decided by a common law court becomes a precedent


“There is and never has been any LAW its been a totally controlled by the establishment”

They use British Common Law or known to many as common Law, Admiral Law, Maritime Law and Civil Law to ensure there is NO Law for the Sovereign Man or Woman!

Congratulations! You have taken the first step on your educational “yellow brick road.” Please get ready for the next leg of the journey.

There are lot of truths, lot of proofs, lot of evidences and far lot smoking guns.

If you are a truther, you are only seeking the most close truth to yours.,

Fake reality, fake history and fake cause and effect as mediated by them accelerates wherever they accumulate to the point where your own self evident truths are violently suppressed.

Who does that?

Parasites !

Why I  A "Truther"

During the 1980 economic crash, I started to look more into what the hell happened. After some research I realized the so -called government under Pierre Elliot Trudeau had undermined the Sovereign men and woman , in what I now call the unlawful corporation of Canada .Inc 

I started to delve into many rabbit holes, digging into everything that just did not make sense. As i struggled as many truthers I found that the entire system was designed for a few, and the rest of the men and woman were slaves to these small groups of PARASITEs.

As I learned from other truthers over the years of their research and finding were horrifying and still unsure I began to research more and more to discredit their findings. This became an endless journey and also a nightmare to sum it up in simple terms.

What has transpired for 50 years plus in my  life time, and what i have  did not sit well with me, or I would say made me angry how we all been deceived in every aspect of our existence.

I was surrounded or felt I was in a cross roads to life and unsure what to do. Speak up and be considered a nut job. Loose my career be blackballed by the PARASITES who own and run everything. Literally everything from the financial, economic and their most powerful tool they create their own laws, and have the power to silence anyone who stands in their way !

Or do nothing and go on life as a coward knowing the facts to save my family and friends. I hesitated for a few while, a few years and felt I may be wrong doubting myself. Asking numerous questions why "DO I See and Know these things, and others do not question or mention a word of this".

A few years passed and slowly i started dropping "truth bombs" to close friends, some listened but most removed themselves from me entirely as a nut job. 20 years later they called me and others like me conspiracy nut jobs. 

The year was 1991 and I was meeting many other researcher's privately and sharing information and findings  and these were complete strangers and they were also connecting the dots to this nightmare !

After many years of collaboration This was a huge turning point loosing family and friends to what I was explaining to them really hurt for a while and even today it still was emotionally straining.

Things did improve somewhat as Know I have met with these new strangers and became friends and truthers it made life more manageable , I was not alone in my quest for fats and presenting more facts to the sovereigns what were not yet comprehending the LIE they live!

then in 1994  I  convinced myself, with some trepidation, to run the risk of putting a few more observations in writing. With trepidation, because I will almost certainly offend some who I respect by denying the credibility of claims they find convincing, and others by noticing claims they find utterly ridiculous.

I noted that it often seems as though there are only two camps when it comes to political conspiracy theories. One chooses to accept the "official" government explanation in every instance; the other sees masterful deception, sinister motives, and almost divine omnipotence behind every news-worthy event. Considered calmly and in the light of history, both these extremes are nonsensical. Governments are made up of men; generally speaking, unscrupulous and dishonest men, but men none the less.

To consider the first: the idea that official pronouncements on any topic should carry much weight is silly on its face. The dishonesty of politicians and the incompetence of career bureaucrats are both matters of common knowledge. Particularly in regard to foreign policy, official statements are usually meaningless and frequently intended to deceive. Diplomacy has been defined, with good reason, as the art of lying for one's government. The entire history of international relations, from ancient Israel to the present, is a history of deception on a grand scale. In my view, far from lending extra weight to any version of events, the fact that a story is the official line goes in the scales against it.

The other extreme, however, is equally silly. It is beyond reason to assume that every major event is part of a vast human plan. Human plans don't generally work out as they are supposed to, and the bigger and more complex they are, the less likely they are to succeed. Moreover, there is a vast difference between recognizing dishonesty in the official story line and uncovering the real truth of the matter. Decades or even centuries later, with the benefit of hindsight, it often remains impossible to know with certainty the truth about many major events. I am continually frustrated when "partially woken truthers" present nonsense or follow controlled opposition marching them in to a dead end, Yes dead end road. These always frustrated me and this continues to this day!

Either way, these "partially woken"are a breath of fresh air, at least they are questioning things and starting to be come more of a critical thinker and this is positive!

No doubt Sept. 11, 2001 will go down in history as a huge wake up call for many. The Thompson killings in 1846, the sinking of the Lusitania, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and the Gulf of Tonkin incident were all similarly anticipated, provoked, and used to manipulate the public into support for otherwise unpopular wars. The official story behind each of these events is full of holes.  In each case, the enemy was baited into an act of war that justified a military response, and the problems with the official account stems from the difficulty of leaving the bait out of the story.

In the mean time, policies and actions that truly threaten everything we hold dear are pushed forward right under our noses and a tremendous opportunity or another blow to individual liberty. We would all do well to select carefully the issues to which we will devote our time and efforts!



  AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH TO YOUR BANK   3 Parts to the Affidavit of Truth 1.        Listing who the grievances are and listing of your tru...