Monday 29 November 2021

Questions to ask to the Supreme Court of Canada.


Questions to ask to the Supreme Court of Canada.

(Questions originally composed in English)

Is the Parliament of Canada sovereign only within  the specified sphere of the competence as stated by the British North America  Act of 1867, section 91?


Is the Legislature of a province sovereign only within the specified sphere of competence as stated by the British North America Act of 1867, section 92?

Does the Parliament of Canada have the competence to ask the Crown to modify the Constitution of Canada, and if so, is the Queen  compelled to grant such a request?


Does the Government of Canada have the competence to ask the Queen to modify the Constitution of Canada, and if so, is the Queen  compelled to grant such a demand?

Does the Parliament and the Government of Canada, by combined action, have the competence to ask the Queen to modify the Constitution of Canada, and if so, is the Queen  compelled to grant such a demand?


Does someone else, than whom the Constitution of Canada belongs to, has the competence to ask the British Crown to change the said Constitution in any way, and if in part, to which extend?

Whom does the Constitution of the Canada belong to?

What is the validity of theses constitutional changes that took place between December 11, 1931 and today, and by virtue of which power where they imbedded into the Constitution of Canada?

Who is responsible for the constitutionality of an Act when passed in Canada?

Has the constitutional test of a new Act always had been extensively conducted, and if not, how come such an Act can be inforced anyway?

Is the Parliament, according to the preamble of the British North America Act of 1867, the servant of the provinces forming Canada, and if in part, to which extend?

Is the Canadian Income Tax Act constitutionally valid or in part, and if in part, in what respect?

Is it within the competence of the Parliament of Canada to delegate to the Legislature of a province authority to impose a sales tax in the nature of indirect taxation?

In the event of such a delegation being  made, is it competent for the Legislature of a province to accept such a delegation of power?

In the event of such a delegation being made, is it competent for the Legislature of a province to impose such a tax?

Is it within the competence of a province to delegate to the Parliament of Canada authority to impose a tax in the nature of direct taxation, as referred to in the said Act?

In the event of such a delegation being  made, is it competent for the Parliament of Canada to accept such a delegation of power?

In the event of such a delegation being made, is it competent for the Parliament of Canada to impose such a tax?

What is the validity of theses constitutional changes that took place between December 11, 1931 and today, and by virtue of which power where they imbedded into the Constitution of Canada?

Questions à demander à la Court Suprême du Canada.

(Questions originalement composées en anglais)

Est-ce que le Parlement du Canada est souverain seulement à l’intérieur de la sphère de ses compétences, telles que spécifiées dans l’acte de l’Amérique du Nord Britannique de 1867, section 91?

Est-ce que la législature d’une province est souveraine seulement à l’intérieur de la sphère de ses compétences, telles que spécifiées dans l’acte de l’Amérique du Nord Britannique de 1867, section 91?

Est-ce que le Parlement du Canada a la compétence pour demander à la Couronne de modifier la Constitution du Canada et si oui, est-ce que la Couronne est tenue d’agréer à une telle requête?

Est-ce que le gouvernement du Canada a la compétence pour demander à la Couronne de modifier la Constitution du Canada et si oui, est-ce que la Couronne est tenue d’agréer à une telle requête?

Est-ce que le Parlement et le Gouvernement du Canada, par action concertée ont la compétence pour demander à la Couronne de modifier la Constitution du Canada et si oui, est-ce que la Couronne est tenue de d’agréer à une telle requête?

Est-ce que quelqu’un d’autre que le propriétaire de la constitution a la compétence pour demander à la Couronne de modifier la dite constitution de quelque façon et si en partie, dans quelle mesure?

A qui appartient la Constitution du Canada?

Quelle est la validité des changements constitutionnels qui prirent place entre le 11 décembre 1931 et aujourd'hui, et par vertu de quel pouvoir ont-ils été incorporés dans la Constitution du Canada?

Qui est responsable de la constitutionnalité d’une loi, lorsqu’elle est passée, au Canada?

Est-ce que le test de la constitutionnalité d’une loi a toujours été amplement démontré, et sinon, comment une telle loi peut-elle entrer en vigueur?

Est-ce que le Parlement, selon le préambule de l’Acte de l’Amérique du Nord Britannique de 1867, est le serviteur des provinces formant le Canada, et si en partie, dans quelle mesure?

Est-ce que la loi canadienne sur l’impôt sur le revenu, est valide et, si en partie, suivant quel aspect?

Est-ce de la compétence du Parlement du Canada de déléguer à la législature d’une province l'autorité d’imposer une taxe de vente de nature indirecte?

Dans le cas d’une telle délégation, est-ce de la compétence de la législature d’une province d’accepter la délégation d’un tel pouvoir?


Dans le cas d’une tell délégation, est-ce de la compétence de la législature de la province d'imposer une telle taxe?

Est-ce de la compétence d’une province de déléguer au Parlement du Canada l'autorité d'imposer une taxe de nature directe, tel que référé dans l’acte précité?

Dans le cas d’une telle délégation, est-ce de la compétence du Parlement du Canada d’accepter la délégation d’un tel  pouvoir?


Dans le cas d’une telle délégation, est-ce de la compétence du Parlement du Canada d'imposer une telle taxe?

Friday 26 November 2021

Today we are faced with NO CHOICE but to End the Corrupt System! .

 Today we are faced with NO CHOICE but to End the Corrupt System! .

Parasites hide behind their corporations.  Corporations employ puppets like Brian Mulroney, Paul Martine, Stephen Harper, in the Corporation of Canada.Inc In the Corporation of United States. Inc or the District of Columbia the Republics have also under this Un Agenda 21/30  Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and Jair Bolsonaro to serve rotational roles as villains in order to focus the unthinking masses on “two minutes of hate” against fleeting enemies, distracting us from the more fundamental forces behind our collective extinction. Our species has fallen victim to Gustave Le Bon’s horrific vision of unthinking crowds, divided against each other and incapable of thinking deeply. In this way we become so polarized that we are more inclined to accept global annihilation than to conceive of the possibility of changing the dominant systems of power. In this way, identity politics have rendered us incapable of perceiving objective reality, and so we deny apocalypse even as it rains down upon our heads.

In Canada, Australia,  United States, and other Sovereign Nations all owned by a corporation. we bear witness to a tragical comedy of controlled opposition; two parties representing the same cause vie against each other in violent cultural battles, at the expense of the marginalized and to the profit of those few invisible hands who hoard the abstract figures of monetary games. 

The United States or District of Columbia is one of the three cults of controlled opposition; the Republican Party marches uncontrollably toward a death urge, while the Democratic Party controls the public backlash through weakness, compromise, and incrementation. For hundreds of years they have have enslaved murdered , and so the cycle goes until there is nothing left but the burning wreckage of a plundered planet concentrated into the silos of a few hopeless bunkers inhabited by fictional billionaires on a dead planet.

This supposed resistance movement is made up of privileged members of society who drape themselves in the robes of moral superiority while simultaneously largely ignoring the facts. They are controlled opposition, with their marching orders from the same criminal system . Largely most of every rally , event, is 100 percent controlled, by the same parasites. 

We are led to believe that street theatre, weekend marches, and media interviews are the fringe of rebellion. By framing the world this way, they are effectively controlled opposition. Joining their cause does much more than add us to government lists; it confines us within the predetermined boundaries of the death cults who are, at this very moment, leading us to global extinction.

In every Sovereign Nation parasites who want to maintain the corrupt system use the fake elections, to keep their power and authority. STOP VOTING !!!!! politics we are asked “will you vote Globalist 1 or Globalists 2” and in environmental activism we are asked “will you perform street theatre or deny global warming?” or now its Mask vs Hugs, Vaccine Canada Choice., end the Lock Down, We are all Essential, The Line, to control the protests.

Then we are bombarded by shills who are either part of  the system to maintain it with corrupts B.A. R Attorned (lawyers) prompting endless distractions of court filings, to mention Rocco Galati who presents himself to uneducated Victims as a Constitutional Lawyer.  or the other cons pushing their agenda of distractions while they steal millions in donations for their antics , to mention a few are Christopher J (warriors call selling common law distraction)  Keven J Jonson, Chris Sky, Kelly Anne Farkus (Wolfe in a sheep's clothing) , Vladislav Soboley. There are list of others in their gang of distractions and deceiving millions. 

Then use their Religions to again divide the people, Religions have been used to enslave us all for thousands of years, Artur Pawlowski is just another controlled opposition.

The restaurants or small business protests are also controlled Opposition. These distractions are used well to keep you going in circles 

By controlling the opposition and defining the parameters of acceptable rebellion, the forces of death nullify our ability to meaningfully resist our own annihilation; they make us both the victims and the perpetrators of genocide.

Gaia TV – Controlled Opposition!!!!


Gaia TV – Controlled Opposition!!!!! - Stop Promoting these Shills!!!! 


There is a lot of really great stuff on Gaia TV! BUT the whole project, Is controlled opposition. In spite of juicy and good information, it still contains a lot of dis-information. Greg Braden being one, probably Nassim Haramein another, and David Wilcock for sure, just to mention a few, with a lot of definite exceptions, making the channel on the whole absolutely controlled.

Today, science is our modern religion. Not science in itself, but the pseudo-science world view based on assumptions as Big Bang, Evolution, Gravity and The Heliocentric Theory. The whole idea of space, moon landings, Mars trips, space station, galaxies, Hubble teloscope and other science-fiction, –  completely without shreds of empirical evidence, except for being gigantic deceptions and lies the whole world buys into these days, because we have been spoon fed ever since we walked into a class room or turned on a TV.

Watching Greg Braden and the like, all these assumptions are taken for granted. On the surface he comes up with interesting ideas like the existence of ether, free energy, other civilisations etc, but underneath the viewer is at the same time indoctrinated into the modern pseudo-religious world view. To promote this modern religion is the purpose of Gaia TV, and probably why there is so much money behind it, and so many suspiciously professional presentations.

It is still mind control, a sugar coated pill for the spiritual, seekers and intellectually curious feeding them 80% truth and 20% lies. Ultimately sending them in the wrong direction, which is the basic purpose of controlled opposition. Control the critiques, before they control you. You will not find any flat earth videos on Gaia TV, a theme which very often smoke out conspiracy shills like David Icke, Alex Jones, Sasha Stone and other dubious foxes out of their nests. For the critical minded, who knows how to choose – Gaia TV is still good stuff, with 80% truth and 20% pure bullshit !

Sunday 21 November 2021

Project B - Sovereigns Building a Future

 Project B - Sovereigns Building a Future 

Building Road and Landing  Sept 2 2021 

After P

Tool Shed 

Wood Burning Stoves 

The Puppies Bonnie May 16 2021 (female) and Clyde Aug 6 (male) Learning their New home

Ferrell  Cat we rescued  was name Ebony 2 month old


Bonnie (L)and Clyde (R):

Bonnie (L)and Clyde (R):



Clyde (L ) Bonnie (R)
Clyde (L ) Bonnie (R)



 Chicken Coup Sept 2 2021

Wood- Shed 

Paint Horses out in the field

Oct 17, 2021

Oct 18 2021 

Sept Completed Concrete Project 

Nov 5 , 2021 

Adrianne and Wanda  Building Truss and Rear North's Wall for Underground Greenhouse

Nov 6, 2021 -North Back Wall and Center Beam 40 Feet were Positioned and Rafter being Placed into Hurricane Hangers 


  AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH TO YOUR BANK   3 Parts to the Affidavit of Truth 1.        Listing who the grievances are and listing of your tru...