Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 13 September 2020




READ: - Information Brief Clarifying this Extraordinary Information

Only the People can Save our Nation! It requires a grassroots "COMMITMENT" of a two-fold plan.

In order for We the People to have "Government by Consent" we must take back control of both our Judicial and Political Process.  Watch the two videos here that are highlighted that provide the Plan that will save our Future. Unify The People has already assembled and educated tens of Thousands of People across every province and Territory's and the world who are poised in all the Provinces an Terrorist's simply awaiting “CRITICAL MASS” as we continue to assemble. Time is short and our success will require the following Commitment of support and time. WILL YOU?

  • Join Unify The People click on "Register" here, or on the Home Page.
  • Commit time to educate yourself by taking our free Historical Documents  and our Free Constitutional Videos, or found under the Home Page link "Unify The People" .
  • Continuing education found under "Fraud of the Canadian Banking System".
  • Attend our meetings click on "DAILY ZOOM CALL" . If you cannot attend you can subscribe and be updated to meetings, Educational Events, and important information to share to family and friends..
  • Organize and start a 'Constitutional Committee meetings in your local area"  go to new locations, have a potluck meeting in a park, or lake and educate more people in your area, If you have musicians, have them use their gift of music to educate more, and bring the community back., visit "Unify The People" above for more information and instructions.
  • Donate $5 a month or more, click on "DONATE NOW

We The People are the answer, The Solution is a Constitution 

We the People have reached the Crossroads, the time of indecision is in the air and now you know what's required of you. Will you save your Nation for yourself and your posterity? Or will you let her fall along the wayside never to find her way again? Do not comfort yourself by believing "the other guy will do it" because (s)he is thinking the same thing.

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