Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 13 September 2020




In order to be a Free and Independent self-governing People the following duties MUST BE PERFORMED by the People.

  1. A proper education on Canada History, civics, constitution and the duties of all People must be provided to our children. Once We the People take back control of our courts under Natural Law Unify The People will lead a nationwide campaign to provide a suitable curriculum for all grade and high schools and move to require by all educational institutions to comply. As Thomas Jefferson said: “If a People expect to be ignorant and free, they expect what never was and never will be.” And, "An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people."
  2. Unify The People provides such an education for all its members in order to achieve the necessary education that We the People have been robbed of.
  3. ALL the People are responsible for the security of a free state and therefore are part of the Militia -- . ALL the People MUST be armed with a military grade weapon and pistol. The People are responsible to make sure that they are properly trained in the use of firearms; many gun clubs are available to join to receive such training
  4. It is the duty of ALL the People to become educated so they can be liberated. This is one of two ways where We the People self-govern by consenting or not to the current Regime government’s Corruption and  Fraud. We always had the authority to Fire and remove corrupt servants. If we exercised our Natural Law and stopped consenting to their fraud of their one Globalist political system  of no accountability.  We Never had the authority to request for an indictment, removal of an elected or appointed servant who breaches their oath, because they never swore an oath to We The People - They swear an Oath to a foreign Globalist un-elected Regime.
  5. It is a decision that I hope you consider very soon.  We the People self-govern by interviewing the employees in order to choose who understand they work for We The People rather than the Globalists . The Sovereigns must be able to control every aspect of the administration and  have the power to FIRE servants who do not honor their oath.

The purpose of Unify The People is to facilitate an education, organization and communication in order to empower the People on the grassroots level by building A True Republic and a Constitution.

All positions portrayed in the Pre Draft Constitution are there for viewing and your input.

There are no prerequisite requirements to take a leadership role with Unify The People we will provide all the necessary training and education. We at Unify The People hope you take a stand because Only the People can Save our Future and We the People at Unify The People intend on doing it.

Please do some research and add your greatest gift, the gift of a Solution to correct the madness of the UN Agenda 21, and New World order.

Unalienable rights are rights the government cannot take away. But in order for the principle to work, government cannot be the highest authority. If no consensus of higher authority exists, then government is on its own to determine right and wrong. If no consensus exists, then the central government's capricious authority becomes absolute.


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