Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 13 September 2020




Welcome to Unify The People


The purpose of Unify The People is to facilitate an education, provide for grassroots' organization and communication and thereby build a National Alliance for Liberty capable of bringing government back under the Consent of We the People.

While it is true that millions are doing an amazing job dismantling the evil works of the Deep State and its New World Order behind it, this is not a time to return to complacency because “Only We the People can save our Future and Create a True Republic”. Without the support of the People behind us and our teams we cannot be successful. Furthermore we cannot have “Liberty and Justice for All” without having a “Government by Consent”, and that requires the sacrifice of some of our time and money.

As Thomas Jefferson said; “if a People expect to be ignorant and free they expect what never was and never will be”… and, "we in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate".

Unify The People has a well-defined in-process Plan to take back control of our judicial process and our political process as well as returning a real education to our children who are presently being indoctrinated in socialism. Time is running out and We the People must act now and our first order of business are education, organization and communication.

Therefore we ask all members to do the following:

(1) Read and watch the videos on our front page, (All Canadians Must See- 2 Videos) this will give you a good orientation to Unify The People.

(2) Invest a minimum of one hour a day in education first. We OFFER FREE Information and the site is full of educational information  After completing your education click on our “Zoom” tab on the main Page and our great Patriots will anser questions, or hear your important information.

(3) Volunteer 1 hour a week or more,  “CONSTITUTIONAL COMMITTEE MEETINGS”. If you have an idea to start a new committee call Unify The People -  at (403 ) 437 -1718 or email

(4) Support Unify The People financially by donating $5 a month or more (that’s equivalent to giving-up 1 cup of coffee and a bagel a month). All Donations are transparent and we recommend you donate locally to your teams, to build your own community.

(5) Join our daily Discussion on Zoom rooms in all the Provinces. If you cannot attend please subscribe to be connected with Honorable like minded people., found on the same page.

To Help us get our message to more, have lawn signs made, T-Shirts and Hats, the Brochures to pass out, and mostly educate as many family and friends as possible to this amazing site to freedom , Prosperity, Liberty, Property and most of all Land.

Thank You for choosing to become a Unify The People  Member and please remember your posterity is depending on you.

Dallas Hills 
One of Unify The People's Founder

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