Canada A Country without a Constitution

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Zionism – Judaism – Freemasonry – New World Order – Satanism – Kabbalah – Israel – Palestine – Holocaust – Hitler – Second World War – National Socialism

(A gallery of many image/photo quotes are at the end of the article. This article did get pretty long, but it is packed full of information from many different sources: quotes, excerpts, videos – and I recommend the gallery at the end)


I feel it is extremely important to have a page on this website dedicated to information about Zionism. From my research I can only conclude that the vast majority of the world’s problems can be traced back to the Zionists and Israel. The Jewish Zionists are behind the the slave system we find ourselves in on this planet. Some call these Jewish Supremacist Zionists ‘Ashkenazi Jews’ or  ‘Fake Jews’ or ‘Khazar Jews’ or ‘Khazarian Mafia’ – I don’t use the word ‘jew’ too often as this can be emotive (triggering) for people… as I know how brainwashed people are… it is however pretty accurate to say that it is the ‘elite’ Jewish supremacists (International Jewry) and Zionists causing all the problems in the world… (see the two Red Pilling introductory videos below, which will explain some of this. Much programming has been done to attempt to get people to not criticize jewish people, they can do this as they own all the media. Anyway, if you read through the great deal of information on this page you will see.)
It is important to recognize that the Jewish Zionists have written our history books, that the Jewish Zionists own all the media, they own Hollywood, all the Banks, the Television Networks, the Large Corporations, the Music Industry, they own Google, Facebook, YouTube etc – and have agents infiltrated into the alternative media, ufology and spiritual groups. 
I would like to point out that I am a seeker of truth,  and not affiliated to a religion. You should see from the content of this website that I am a man motivated by Love, Truth and Justice. I put this article together for these reasons, and because I don’t want to see humanity get continually oppressed, manipulated and engulfed by this New World Order agenda.
This article will also have some information and links related to how Hitler and National Socialism have been misrepresented – both were a huge threat to International Jewry’s plan for their ‘New World Order’.  Essentially, evidence strongly suggests that Hitler was fighting against the Jewish Freemasonic Zionist Bankers – the allied forces were all Zionist controlled, and they brought war against Hitler and Germany, so as to destroy them completely. Hitler tried many times for peace. 

It is hard for many to believe some of these things – the amount of propaganda the Zionists have put out regarding Hitler, the Second World War and Germany is astonishing – but we have been told so many lies about it. The most shocking thing that I have come across related to this subject is the Holocaust Hoax – there is no real evidence that gas chambers were used and that any Jews were gassed at all – plenty of evidence to suggest that no gassing occurred. I would suggest you research and listen to Ernst Zundel, David Cole, David Irving, Nick Kollerstrom, Dennis Wise and Fred Leuchter to start with, when researching the Holocaust – and there is a link to an excellent Holocaust article later in this article. 
And remember The National Socialist German Workers’ Party did not call themselves ‘Nazis’ or refer to ‘Nazism’ – these terms are part of the Zionists anti-Hitler and anti-Germany propaganda. Again – it’s The National Socialist German Workers’ Party, not the ‘Nazis’. This article will explain it for you:
People should also remember that Jewish Zionists were of course the architects of the 9/11 false flag attack – the evidence, of course, leads to Israel and Mossad being behind it.
Essentially these Zionists (which of course includes Donald Trump – an obvious Zionist Puppet: look at all the Zionists he has surrounded himself with politically, look how he has continued with the fake terrorist attacks in America, look at his families links and background – and also what he has said about Israel) are trying to set up this New World Order. They want to totally destabilize the Middle East, (The Greater Israel Project) expand and eventually rule the world from there – from Jerusalem. International Jewry and the Zionists constantly seek more and more control over the general public, or the ‘Goyim’, ‘Goy’ or ‘Gentiles’- words they use to refer to the rest of humanity, or the ‘non-Jews’.
These Freemasonic Jewish Zionists running things are also behind all the fake and fabricated terrorism we see occurring in the world… the fake shootings in America and the fake Islamic terrorism in Europe – Article link:
In this article I will share lots of quotes from a variety of sources and I am going to provide excerpts from some articles, with some links below them – so that you can then read the full article from which the text was taken from. I will also provide some relevant videos on this subject. There will also be a gallery of many jpeg photo quotes at the end. The article will provide some important information, but its main aim is to sow some seeds and inspire you to do further research. But be aware that the Zionists have a great deal of controlled opposition agents, (hasbara) all over the internet and alternative media, and they are incredibly manipulative – and they will try to debunk many of these quotes.
“And we in the real Truth movement are aware that we are not up against a NWO, or the Illuminati, but a Jew World Order. With International Jewry pulling all the strings.” –
“The meaning of the history of the last century is that today 300 Jewish financiers, all Masters of (Masonic) Lodges, rule the world.” – Jean Izoulet, prominent member of Jewish Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1931
“At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.” – Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish, Prime Minister of England

A couple of introductory videos on this subject

Video was Banned -  on YouTube so uploaded it on Vimeo  enjoy

All credit to TheTruth8 for making this awesome video of truth and giving permission to mirror!

Standing Alone on Truth 
By Truth8

For thousands of years they have plagued the earth,
Victimizing those in every land in which they dwell,
I try to educate people for all it’s worth,
Already 109 expulsions, will people ever wake up?
Only time will tell

History should be renamed His-Story,
For it is the traitor who has written and propagated these lies,
To cover up their crimes the truth is now a mystery,
Stand back, examine, investigate and open your eyes

They ran the Atlantic slave trade, they owned the ships ,
They manned the boats,
Resulting in over 100 million African deaths, 
They admit to these facts go and read their quotes,

They discovered the Americas and conquered the Indians,
Indulging in an Orgy of mass murder, kidnapping, rape and torcher,
They would eradicate hundreds of tribes sending tens of millions to oblivion,

They conquered the Incas, 
They did it for gold,
20 million dead conservatively,
Some more facts you’ve never been told

They were behind the Armenian Genocide, 
1.5 million Armenian Christians dead, 
Are you now beginning to identify,
How you have been mislead,

They spawned communism and funded the Bolshevik revolution,
They occupied all the prominent positions in communist Russia, 
Condemning tens of millions to the gulags and to execution,

They confiscated all of the food in the Ukraine,
Condemning 11 million to starvation and death in what is now known as the Holodomor,
These people are parasites, scum inhumane,
They also engineered the first and second world war,

They run the media, they own the banks,
Slaughtering 1.5million Palestinians and stealing their land,
Yet they’re the victims? The ones with the tanks?
This is the height of lunacy why can’t you understand?

They deliberately attacked the USS Liberty without consequence,
They bombed American installations in the Lavon Affair,
Yet they receive tens of billions in aid every year,
These facts alone prove their dominance,

They were behind the mass murder on 9-11,
They instigated the fictitious war on terror,
2 million people dead in Iraq,
Was the allegation of WMD’s really just an error?

Yet they cry persecution in the face of all their crimes committed against all races of peoples, 
And whine about the loved ones lost,
In a myth they call the Holocaust 

They control the compulsory education
Which really means brainwashed and neatly combed
There’s mercury in the vaccination 
And the border of education is Jewish owned

Many don’t know who is pulling the strings
Those who do are considered crazy or paranoid 
The International Jew is responsible for these things 
Now take a stand before our world is destroyed

We are indeed in a struggle with the few
Most who are aware feel helpless and give in 
But I will never submit to the Jew
Do not let the parasite win.

Jews in the Reich (March 30, 1933) 561,000 
Jews in the Sudetenland (October 1938) 3000 
Jews in Austria (March 1938) 220,000 
Jews in Bohemia and. Moravia (March 1939) 118,000 
Jews in Memel (1939) 3000 
Jews in Danzig (1939) 10,000 
Jews in Italy (1939-40) 52,000 
Jews in Denmark (1940) * 6000 
Jews in Norway (1940) * 2000 
Jews in Belgium (1940) 80,000 
Jews in the Netherlands (1940) 135.000 
Jews in Luxembourg (1940) * 3000 
Jews in Tunisia (1943) * 85,000 
Jews in Libya * 21,000 
Jews in France (1940) 280.000 
Jews in Yugoslavia (1941) 75,000 
Jews in Hungary (1941) 750.000 
Jews in Romania (1941) 302.000 
Jews in Bulgaria (1941) 50,000 
Jews in Greece (1941) 90,000 
Jews in Albania (1941) * 1000 
Jews in Finland (1941) 2000 

Total number  Jews in standing  2,849,000
Also on Vimeo:

Also on Vimeo:

Introductory Quotes:

“It is a marvel that the American people do not rise up and drive every JEW out of this country…. We Jews have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we promote both sides of the issue as confusion reigns. With their eye’s fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is behind every scene. We Jews toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse….  We control every media of expression including newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Even your music! We censor the songs released for publication long before they reach the publishers. Before long we will have complete control of your thinking.” –  The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976, The Hidden Tyranny 
“The role of the president of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel. It is not up to us to pick and choose from among the political parties.” – Ann Lewis, Senior Advisor to Hillary Clinton
“Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” – Ariel Sharon, Former Israeli Prime Minister
“The Jews of the world, the Zionists and their co-religionists everywhere, are determined that they are going to again use the United States to help them permanently retain Palestine as their foothold for their world government. That is just as true as I am standing here. Not alone have I read it, but many here have also read it, and it is known all over the world.”– Benjamin Freedman –
“Zionism is Judaism, and Judaism is unthinkable without Zionism.”  – Harper’s Encyclopedia of United States History, Vol. X, “Zionists”
“The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia, is going to become Reality for the whole world.” – (The American Hebrew Magazine, New York, Sep. 10, 1920)
“All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples.” – The Talmud, a central text of mainstream Judaism.
“First of all, we have to understand what communism is…..real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.” – Bobby Fischer, a Jew, press Conference, September 1 1992 –
“The governments of the peoples included in this world republic, with the aid of the victorious proletariat, all will fall without difficulty into Jewish hands. Private property will then be strangled by the Jewish directors, who will administer the state patrimony everywhere. Thus the promise of the Talmud will be fulfilled, that is, the promise that the Jews, at the arrival of the Messiah, will possess the key to the wealth of all the peoples of the earth.” – Baruch Levy, in a letter to Karl Marx, published in the Rothschild controlled La Revue de Paris, June 1, 1928

The Curse of Usury

We want to transform this planet – we want abundance, a good life for all and the end of poverty – we want fairness and justice – we want to restore the natural world – we want to work less – we want the end of debt slavery – we want creativity and beauty – we want to spend more time with our families. We want to stop the New World Order Agenda. Then we must end usury. All countries must end usury. All people need to understand the curse of usury.
“You have got to have trust, and I am saying that this is the problem with Jewish involvement in finance – they are taught not to trust the ‘Goyim’, they are taught to exploit the ‘Goyim’ – this is what they learn from the Talmud. Eventually, through usury, they take control and there is no trust in the society, and the society breaks down. And that’s where we stand now.”– E Michael Jones – Goy Guide To World History
“Usury concentrates wealth into fewer and fewer hands. And so for a group like the Jews, that is always a small minority, will be interested in strategies that will concentrate wealth. They’ve also had centuries of experience in dealing with it, from small time stuff, to big time stuff. So they would naturally gravitate towards this, they have become experts in using these covert means of taking over the culture. Using finance in a predatory way, that is covert – and so most people don’t see them as being involved” – E Michael Jones – Goy Guide To World History
“Usury is the original sin in the economic sphere and the root cause of all our economic problems. It causes unfathomable suffering. It is so pervasive, so normalized, it seems unavoidable. The truth is we have everything we need to create an interest-free money supply and eradicate usury and associated rent-seeking completely from our economic and social lives. A Usury-Free economy ends poverty and brings abundance to the many. It will save our souls in the process.” –
“The cultures of ancient Greece and Rome likewise denounced usury. Aristotle called it the most unnatural and unjust of all trades. Money, he said, was to be used for exchange, not the breeding of money from money. Plato condemned it on the grounds that it set one class against another and was therefore destructive to the state. In Rome Cicero, Cato and Seneca made similar censures.” –
“Usury is the elite Jews most powerful and demonic weapon amongst their whole armament of destructive weapons. More powerful than their poisons and even their mind control techniques. Because it’s their use of compound interest that enables them to create a stranglehold on every industry and therefore every level of society.” –
“Capitalism, according to Heinrich Pesch, is state sponsored usury. And it’s the appropriation, the systematic appropriation, of all surplus value – so the first reform would be to eliminate usury, and that would be the alternative.”  – E Michael Jones – Goy Guide To World History

Satanism – Freemasonry 

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