Canada A Country without a Constitution

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Multiculturalism is being used against Humanity – to help bring about the Zionist New World Order

Multiculturalism is being used against Humanity – to help bring about the Zionist New World Order – Kalergi Plan – White Genocide – Immigration

This is a very sensitive and delicate subject. I will point out that I grew up in London – which is extremely multicultural – my friends growing up were from a wide range of racial and cultural backgrounds – my mum was also a childminder and would take care of children from many different backgrounds, and for a period we also looked after two young Ugandan children who were genuine refugees fleeing war. I am also a qualified teacher and taught at a school for three years where half the children were Muslim.  I have had a great deal of experience with multiculturalism – and I did not see it as a problem until I woke up and really began to educate myself and understand the agendas behind it all and the long term ramifications. 

You see back then I never thought – ‘Why is it that only the White Counties take all the refugees and immigrants, mainly Europe and America – and who is deciding that this should happen?’ ‘Why do all the European countries leaders and politicians encourage it?’ The only place where diversity is encouraged so strongly and told that it ‘must happen’ and ‘needs to happen’ is in White European Countries. Why is this? Who is deciding all this? And back then I did not know who was behind all the wars and conflicts.
(Note: I always try to stay objective, I am not affiliated with any groups or movements – my main aim is to seek truth and fairness and justice – I try to stick up for all parts of the world that are being oppressed or unfairly treated. Anyway, I am going to try and explain some of this tricky subject area.)

I am trying to write about this in a way that is accessible to many – many people will see someone complain about multiculturalism and that the white race is being targeted for extermination, and they think “oh it’s just ‘white supremacists’ or ‘nazis’.” or something like that, so that they can dismiss it – but it really is a problem. And it will affect the whole word in a negative way – all this multiculturalism is being used against humanity, I know it may not seem like it to you right now – but you don’t know how these Jewish Supremacists / Zionists and Freemasons work, it is a big part of the Zionists plans (And we must get this clear as well – it is not the ‘’Illuminati’ or any other similar name – it is the Jewish Supremacists / Zionists that are causing all the problems on this planet – this is not racist or antisemitic, it is a totally objective assessment based on facts and documents – and easy to find facts, if you are not scared to learn the Truth. The New World Order agenda all stems from jewish doctrines.

It is important that you realize how much control, of the world and our governments, these Jewish Zionists have, which stems from their control of the debt based financial slavery system that they run and control. It is important for your to also realize that the elite Jewish Zionists practice Satanism and want a Satanic / Luciferian future for the planet – this is easy to find out about – do your research. This is serious stuff we are talking about here – I don’t write about these subjects for fun, it is not a hobby – I do it because I care and because I understand the huge threat that humanity is facing if they don’t wake up and do something about it soon. 
Lets start with a gallery which should hopefully help you to see quickly that this is a very real phenomenon – and then I will write about it – click on each image to expand them:

Anyway, let’s begin: Its an amazing phenomenon that we have on this planet — all these countries, cultures and races, all with their own unique ways and skills. But the Jewish Supremacists would like to wipe many of them out through miscegenation – they have no love and appreciation for other races and cultures – even a hatred towards some of them. One of the Jewish Zionists tactics is to create and promote immigration – the extremely rich and highly influential Jewish Zionist bankers create the immigration on purpose, with wars and conflicts they create – and then they finance the immigration as well and encourage it in a wide variety of ways, and even provide logistical support – pretty much all the Western world leaders are Zionist puppets and take part in this agenda. Ideally the Jewish Zionists would like one race – all races mixed together – and then the Jewish people to rule over them. The Jewish Zionists falsely believe they are the ‘chosen people’. Judaism has pretty much become like a mind control cult – it seems to now be based around Babylonian Talmudism. I recommend you learn about the Talmud and what it says about the Goyim (Non-Jews).

(There are many videos on YouTube about all these subjects, If you haven’t heard about all this before it is actually being highlighted and discussed by many people)
You can see it all happening very clearly if you are conscious: The elite Jews / Zionists create the conflicts and wars, displace people, promote the immigration through the media and the zionist puppet leaders and politicians, and then fund and provide logistics for some of the mass immigration. It is in a lot of cases not the immigrants fault – they are fleeing the wars the Zionists created, but there are also groups of people who are not fleeing wars – often groups of young men who have been encouraged to ride on the waves of this mass immigration – but all this mass immigration is clearly at the expense of the White Race. The Aryan race is especially targeted – again this is just based on facts and evidence.
These Jewish Zionists even give out awards for it – yes, the Zionist western world puppet leaders or politicians who have promoted it, or implemented the ‘mass immigration plan’ the best, are even given an award!

It is called the Charlemagne Prize but is also known as the Coudenhove-Kalergi prize (again, look up the ‘Kalergi plan’). Angela Merkel and Tony Blair have both won it. The Zionists also heavily promote the interbreeding of different races through the media – as of course the media, the TV networks and Hollywood are entirely owned by Jewish Zionists.Some quotations from Jewish Zionists about this agenda:
“The [European] man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space [nations], time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples [races] with a diversity of individuals” – Freemasonic Zionist, Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi:

“We intend to turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negros ruled over by the Jews.” – Freemasonic Zionist, Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi
“The ultimate goal is the forcible-coordination of all countries of the world. That shall be achieved by mixing the races with the goal to create a light brown race in Europe. For that reason 1.5 million immigrants from the third world shall migrate to Europe every year.” – Thomas P.M Barnett – Jewish Zionist – director of the Israeli military consultancy
“The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists……Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed”. – Noel Ignatiev, Jewish Zionist Professor

“We are ready to implement our most important and ambitious program. One which will finally and totally remove from existence the impediments of our absolute control of this Earth. I speak of the death of the white race. We now control the destiny of this race.”
– Abe Foxman, Jewish, Anti Defamation League President
There are many more quotes for Jewish Freemasonic Zionists saying similar things. And it is not only Europe they focus on and where the manipulate the different races, but very much in America as well:
“We must realize that our Party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mold them to our program. The terms ‘colonialism’ and ‘imperialism’ must be featured in our propaganda. In America we will aim for subtle victory while inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the Whites a guilt complex for exploiting the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sport and entertainment. With this prestige the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process that will deliver America to our cause.” – Israel Cohen, Jewish Zionist, 1912, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century

I have got respect for other races and cultures – and we need to preserve the unique races and cultures. I do not want to see the different races and cultures die out. And I have nothing against people of mixed race. This is a tricky subject to address to be honest – it is just that on this planet the interbreeding of different races is being pushed very hard by the Jewish Zionists – particularly in places such as America and Europe, so that it will be easier for the Zionists to take over the planet – as crazy as that can sound to someone who is new to this, and then rule it from Israel – or Jerusalem to be more precise – all this is all based on facts and evidence – facts that you can find.
Bloodlines and DNA are very important on this planet – socially, psychologically, spiritually and metaphysically.
(I have Celtic/Anglo Saxon and Germanic/Nordic genetics. I am classed as White… or perhaps Aryan.  If you saw me you would think ‘that’s a White guy’ – and I would be classed as a ‘White European’ –  I have different strains of White European DNA. What we are mainly talking about, regarding the Zionists agenda with interracial families, is to mix Asian people and Black people with White people to eventually get rid of the White / Aryan race. They actually clearly state it – and if you are conscious you can see how they incessantly promote it.)
They promote race mixing constantly in movies and television shows – as well as in adverts. Just a few examples: Here in the UK almost every other advert on television has a mixed race family or mixed race couple…  and they regularly portray White men as buffoons and weaklings in the adverts, and Black men as more virile and more competent – and I could go on and on about how it is promoted in pretty much all areas of the media (when you are conscious you see all the programming). As jews own all Hollywood, all the TV Networks, the Advertising Companies, the Publishing Companies etc… and they want to eradicate the White European / Aryan race.

The biggest threat to the Jewish Zionist New World Order Agenda is patriotic and nationalistic countries who are protective of their race, country and culture – and countries with leaders who genuinely wish to look after their people. (This is why Hitler and Germany were completely destroyed and are incessantly demonized by all the Jewish Zionist owned media ) And I am not saying that people of mixed race cannot ever be patriotic or care for one or both of their cultural heritages – but this mixing of races is part of a larger Zionist agenda, which involves multiculturalism as well.
Although it can be an interesting experience to interact with people of other races and cultures in your own country – multiculturalism is being used against humanity to erode national, racial and cultural identity. If they can erode all sense of national, racial and cultural identity in the powerful European countries then it is easy for them to increase their control in them – this is some of their reasoning. They also see the White/Aryan race as their biggest threat, with regards to a group or Nation stopping, or putting up a fight against, the jewish New World Order agenda. And multiculturalism does create significant tensions when you push groups of different cultures together, especially into impoverished areas where resources are more scarce – and If you look at the crime statistics in European countries you can see that immigrants cause a lot of problems. I do not think it is ‘racist’ to say any of these things – facts are facts. As well as looking out for my own race I am trying to look out for all races, countries, cultures and humanity in general.

So love your race and culture – and respect other races and cultures – but understand that this hard promoting of immigration, interracial families and marriage, and multiculturalism is being used against humanity. And the Zionists biggest target is most definitely the White Race – again, this is not speculation, as the Jewish Zionists have clearly written about it in their plans – and we can look at what is happening in the world, and the statistics, to see clearly that this is the case.
We can never underestimate how scheming and manipulative these Jewish Supremacists / Zionists are – you can read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and you will see this very clearly.
There is some some anti-Muslim propaganda out there to distract you from the Zionists, but mainly there is so much anti-White propaganda. I will address a few pieces of false anti-White propaganda. Firstly that White people were the instigators and main race involved in the slave trade – this is untrue, it was Jewish people, they were the main instigators and creators of the slave trade. Very few White people had slaves. Dontell Jackson and many others will tell you about his – there are books written about it with documents and evidence. Here is a video about it: – in it Dontell Jackson’s work is discussed and there is also the black professor Dr. Tony Martin in it – as well as Minister Louis Farrakhan – all have been targeted by the Jewish Zionists because of how they exposed the Jews as being the main propagators of the slave trade. Louis Farrakhan points out that jewish people ran the cotton trade and owned the plantations.  Dontell Jackson has also had his very good Wix website taken down by the Jewish Zionists – too much truth in it… a lesson about creating websites with (((Wix))).

And there is also the false idea that the ‘Nazis’ were evil and wanted to dominate the world etc – this again is false – The Nazi slur was created by a Jewish man (research it) and used by Jews / Zionists in anti-Germany and anti-national socialists propaganda – they were called The National Socialist German Workers Party and not the ‘Nazis’ – and only wanted to live to high ideals and look after their country, race and culture – and wished all other races did the same. Hitler and Germany had absolutely no intention of trying to take over Europe or the World – that’s another huge Jewish / Zionist lie. Remember first International Jewry declared war on Germany in 1933 (research it) and then it was the Zionist controlled allies that declared war in 1939 after Hitler tried very hard for peace. (And the National Socialists most certainly did not gas any jewish people – the ‘holocaust’ is an obvious hoax.)

So what is the ultimate outcome for all this race mixing and mass immigration?When we look into the future – it will mean unique races and cultures dying out – the first to go will be White Race and then eventually all of them, if it continues… and if the Zionists have their way and we don’t do something about it. So is it not these people that are pushing diversity and multiculturalism that are ‘racist’ – if what they are promoting is going to lead to the inevitable destruction of unique cultures and races? Do you think it will end when Europe has been turned into the light brown race they desire? – No they will focus on the next race that they feel is a threat to their designs on having complete control of the planet.

It is the elite Jewish Supremacists / Zionists against all of us, against The Rest of the World. The Jews / Zionists even create racial tensions on purpose through the media, that they own – and they even create and form aggressive extremist groups and instigate the conflict themselves, or even just faking the conflicts with crisis actors – all to keep people distracted from the fact that it is really the Jewish Supremacists / Zionists against The Rest of the World. It may sound crazy to some – but do you research – go down the rabbit hole – it’s where it leads. We have to not let them divide us and realize that we all have a common oppressor.


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