Canada A Country without a Constitution

Saturday 15 December 2018

How we survived in the past

How we survived in the past
I emphatically call your attention to the obvious face that the primitive Christian doctrine is a specific demand for the suicide of our race, which survived from the end of the Roman Empire to the present only because our ancestors, or fresh barbarian stock, simply ignored in practice a large part of the pernicious doctrine, especially in Northern Europe under essentially aristocratic regimes.
Until the disintegration of Protestantism made it possible for any ambitious tailor, clever confidence man, or disgruntled housewife to have "revelations" and pitch the woo at the lower classes to make themselves important or fleece the suckers, the professional holy men either contented themselves with telling our people they were "sinful" or used the common devices of theologians to conceal the import of the holy book.
From that assessment, Oliver can say without reservation:  "Christians are useless in any attempt to save our race."
Jumping up to the present, Oliver concludes:
In 1914, although we (whites) had the Jews on our backs, we were indubitably the dominant race on Earth; we are now a despised the degraded species of anthropoids on whom all other species, including the very lowest and most brutish, joyously feed.
"When the Jews invade a nation, their first concern is . . . to acquire control over the minds of their victims."
Ever the venerable professor with a preference for truth that spares nobody's feelings, Oliver really gives us something even more to worry about when it comes to that perplexing occupation known as writers . . .
The man whose income depends on vending to the masses is always subject to temptations to profit that are likely to be stronger than any moral restraints he may theoretically acknowledge, and today he is no more than a slave at the mercy of his masters.
Even more precarious is the status of those who have no material goods to sell, such as authors, journalists, actors, clergymen and other soothsayers, salesmen, advertising agents, teachers, and the like, whose livelihood depends entirely on the sale of words, mere sounds whether spoken or written, to masses whose tastes have been formed by the formidable machinery that controls their minds.
These facts of economic enslavement lead many acute observers to the conclusion that our race's only chance of survival lies in the chance that the Jews, blinded by their own arrogant confidence in their absolute superiority, will permit or precipitate a total collapse of organized society into the anarchy in which the strong and resolute will again survive at the expense of the weak and foolish.
To repeat this important message: The only chance free men have to regain a just world is for society to collapse into an anarchy in which the strong and resolute will once again survive at the expense of the weak and the foolish. Some say that day has already arrived. And the strong and resolute are herewith being urged to act.

This version of Revilo P. Oliver's "The Jewish Strategy" can be found at
The quote at the top was excerpted from
Dr. Oliver's essays published in Liberty Bell magazine can be found at

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