Canada A Country without a Constitution

Monday 10 December 2018

National Socialism: An Antidote and Solution to the New World Order and the World’s Problems – Nature, Family, Altruism, Spirituality, Economics, NSDAP

(It is important to realise that we have been fed so many lies about National Socialism and Adolf Hitler our whole lives, by Hollywood, the Education System, Television etc… the propaganda is incessant – and there is a reason you have been fed these lies. They don’t want you to know the truth about National Socialism… its tremendous benefits… and that it is not a racist ideology)
(The victors write the history – and the Zionists won WW2, and they own the major news networks, newspapers, TV networks, Hollywood, publishing companies, the education systems…)
(I have provided insights into National Socialism from a variety of sources.)
(At the end of this article there is a link to another article called ‘12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany’ – I highly recommend reading that as well. It will validate everything I am telling you.)

Introduction (National Socialism and Spirituality):

I too was brainwashed against National Socialism and Adolf Hitler at one point. But after a great deal of research I have found that National Socialism is a brilliant, uplifting, spiritual, altruistic system that can create tremendous happiness and abundance in a country. It is a system that respects and cares for nature and works in harmony with it. It looks after the people in that country and promotes and protects their traditions and culture. It frees the people from debt slavery. And contrary to all the lies we have been told – It also respects other races and cultures. It is a system that, in theory, could be adopted by any country in the world.
When I discovered what National Socialism was really all about I realized that I had always believed in National Socialism. It just fit right in with my own ideas on spirituality, altruism, nature, community, camaraderie, co-operation, courage, ancestry, traditions, culture, working for the greater good… etc. It is also a progressive system, looking to the future with innovation… But unlike our governments it looks to use technologies for the benefit of the people… and it would never be used to the detriment of the people’s cultures, traditions, ethics and morals (highlighted by all the work the NSDAP did in developing free energy).
Our DNA has a connection to our Soul Energy – the so called ‘Elites’ and Secret Societies very much seem to understand this, we know that they have access to hidden knowledge and they have protected their bloodlines throughout history. We all know the royal families and the so called ‘elite’ bloodlines do this. But these same people try to convince the rest of the world that we don’t need to protect our bloodlines, our DNA, and our long standing heritage and culture, and they want to try to convince you that race mixing is a really great thing. They also want to try and convince you that you as a soul are without identity when you are not in a body, that you don’t continue to have connections to your ancestors and family when you leave the body – but this is not true. Everyone’s Soul Energy is unique. I believe we incarnate into bloodlines that are compatible with our Soul Energy – my research into spiritually and metaphysics definitely suggests that this is the case. DNA and ancestry is a very spiritual thing. We have soul families and soul groups. Protecting our race, culture, ancestry and traditions is a spiritual thing.
Our blood and DNA – this connects us to each other, we have a racial collective-consciousness. Our blood and DNA contain our genetic memory and our connections to our ancestors and soul family / group. Our blood / DNA is connected to our Soul energy and Soul memory. (There is a reason that people say the expression ‘it is in my blood’ or ‘it is in my DNA’ – this is ancient knowledge / memory coming through – it is metaphysical / cosmic knowledge)
Many people don’t understand what National Socialism is – as from the moment they are born they hear ‘Nazi’ this and ‘Nazi’ that – and are bombarded with anti-Hitler and anti-National Socialist lies and propaganda. Hitler is the most lied about man in the world and National Socialism is the most lied about and misunderstood system. Germany’s National Socialist system did not have a focus on ‘white supremacy’ and ‘world domination’, these are 100 percent lies and propaganda by the Jewish Zionist owned media (they own most of it). And surely you must know by now that the holocaust didn’t happen – it is a hoax, probably the biggest lie ever told – this link below is possibly the site with the most comprehensive body of evidence to show that it didn’t happen:

The holohoax is just another way to demonize Hitler and National Socialism and gain sympathy for Jews and Israel – and to further oppress Germany with reparation payments – and also to install a false feeling of guilt within the modern German population, as well as in the European white races.
Here is a little gallery on National Socialism before we proceed 

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