Tuesday 5 April 2022

The Latest Corruption - Stop the UNALWFUL Power Grab: An Open Letter on the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty March 11, 20220

The Latest Corruption - Stop the UNALWFUL Power Grab: An Open Letter on the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty - March 11, 20220

Have you had enough of the Corruption !

Constitutional Conventions is not a group or organization it is a website of a factual examination of how you have been deceived! (“ https://constitutionalconventions.ca ")

Sovereigns will explain why they Never had the authority to govern any of us and a Solution to END this illusion.

Amazing Sovereigns concerned will help educate Unalienable Rights and Natural Law.

Sovereigns have worked diligently on FACTS on how you are truly enslaved by a corrupt system. We also have a Lawful Solution that has been censored for years by both the Globalist Mainstream and Alternate media. The globalists also have 500 plus websites to distract many from actually hearing IMPORANT information.

We have made enormous break throughs at the protests or events as the Controlled Opposition is being called out and more are aware of these 500 plus disinformation web sites.

The so-called coalition of scientists, doctors, lawyers, and civil society advocacy organizations, supposedly opposes the World Health Organization (“WHO”) but NEVER mention a SOLUTION! Why?

They direct people into corrupt courts, useless liability forms or push political parties. All this is 100 percent distraction and as many have now confirmed there is NO Justice in this System! So "You" Must ask yourself a question Why do they continue to push this agenda?  

The Globalists in the Company Called Canada moves to implement a power grab in the form of a global pandemic agreement, while the Sovereigns in a landmass unlawfully know as Canada INC, have been distracted with Convoys to Ottawa. These convoys are great to get people out, but we need more than to get people out . We need solutions discussed and meetings in every local community to end this fraud and deception of this useless parasite corporation called canada and their puppets to the local level in each community!

They work secretary implementing more draconian Unlawful laws!  Also, the world’s attention is diverted by the latest orchestrated crisis. These methods of distraction and having the protests controlled with their speakers at every event to regurgitate useless dis-info must be stopped.

We need to create events where the sovereigns here Facts, which will educate more at the events to a SOLUTION! Much time and effort has been wasted on courts, constitutional lawyers, (when in fact canada does not have a constitution) or court cases on the useless Charter of NO Rights, and even the Bill of Rights which also is and always was designed to remove your rights.

The same old distractions of pushing more political parties which after 100 years of voting MUST be a good indication of another useless adventure.

Without 100 percent transparency and an agreement or contract by all involved its meaningless. We need Accountability!  

To tackle this Problem, we Need the Sovereigns to be educated on the FACTS, the FIAT currency and Digital currency through blockchain and ripple ( Bitcoin and other cryptos are being used to enslave us all).

We as Sovereigns MUST push forward as there is No Accountability in their System under the BNA act, or the Conjob they call a constitution act (which constitutes nothing but corruption)

Informed Sovereigns comprehending these important facts will inspire more to concentrate on a Solution rather than waste valuable time and money on endless endeavor which have suppressed the truth.

To Comprehend the Problem is where we need to Focus and then we may start to Fix the Problem!

The problem is there NO Accountability and how do we correct this !

Hear is another scam being pulled over everyone and it will occupy their time , as they have NO authority . What will it take to end this scam. Facts are they have never had any authority to govern any of us and it's time to educate that.

The proposed WHO agreement is Unlawful and is a threat to sovereignty and Unalienable Rights. It increases the WHO’s suffocating power to declare unjustified pandemics, impose dehumanizing lockdowns, and enforce expensive, unsafe, and ineffective treatments against the will of the people.

The WHO cannot be allowed to control the world’s health agenda, nor enforce bio-surveillance. While it receives funding from corrupt public sources. In fact, is stolen from the Sovereigns (this MUST End) , it is caught in a perpetual conflict of interest because it also receives substantial funding from private interests that use their contributions to influence and profit from WHO decisions and mandates.

Sovereigns, in the land mass known as the Corporation of Canada, Australia and the US ( are organizing in each Province and territory and the Republics to end these de-facto governments, WHO created the criminal Corporation called the "WHO"!

The "WHO" has never had any authority to make any decisions or abuse of power to assert on any sovereign to make their own decisions.

We have corrupt elections and the so-called representatives that are owned by the globalists. U until the Sovereigns are educated that " Democracy" is the mechanism that enslaves them this FRAUD will continue.

Without a clear direction to facts and the sovereigns comprehending this FRAUD, we will continue to be enslaved under this illusion of Democracy, voting and Elections.

Nearly impossible to find credible government representatives, political parties, trade unions, civil society groups, professionals, public figures, and independent media that are not compromised or all involved in this Plan of UN Agenda 21/30.

We urge everyone to approach Sovereigns to start organizing and building your local community on self-sufficiency plans and comprehending this important task!

There are many Sovereigns doing this in many locations and are eagerly looking for like-minded sovereigns to connect with.

We encourage you to reach out to each other and stop believing their FEAR nonsense. The Entire syop operation in Ottawa was created by the Globalists to install Fear!

Fear: The Foundation of Every de-facto parasite Government’s Power

The parasites who have the effrontery to rule us, who call themselves our government, understand this basic fact of human nature. They exploit it, and they cultivate it.  Without popular fear, no government could endure more than twenty-four hours.

By keeping the population in a state of artificially heightened apprehension, the government-cum-media prepares the ground for planting specific measures of taxation, regulation, surveillance, reporting, and other invasions of the sovereign's wealth, privacy, and freedoms. Left alone for a while, relieved of this ceaseless bombardment of warnings, sovereigns would soon come to understand that hardly any of the announced threats has any substance and that they can manage their own affairs quite well without the security-related regimentation and tax-extortion the de-facto government seeks to justify.

Read WCH’s call to action: First Open Letter on the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty, World Council for Health, 8 March 2022

The distraction of listening to more and more professionals to regurgitating the debate of the poison injection is just a distraction. These distractions have been used for years as GMO's For or Against (or were not against GMO's we want them labelled ) or Vaccine Choice ( or we want safe Poison Injections) . These trickeries have been successful for the Globalists to keep the sovereign's going around the merry-go-round!

Basically, all these distractions are designed to go "NO WHERE"

The FACT's that No one has ever had the right to infringe on your Unalienable Rights! This must be educated so more comprehend these important facts. But the side show distraction continues. Well laid out Plan of confusion has worked for years.

When you hear of treaties or Accords. WHO gave WHO and Authority.  Their corrupt system! NOT you sovereign's

Also ask yourself why is there all these groups or organizations all supposedly fighting for freedom but NEVER give the Facts of What Canada , Australia or US Really is?  Or a Solution! 

let that Sink In! 

Here is the new link to our Telegram group. Please connect with us.

Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS to End This Corruption - 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily https://zoom.us/j/6945489985

or call 647-374-4685 meeting ID 694 548 9985!

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