Saturday 2 April 2022

Just go and read the Littlechild case:

 Just go and read the Littlechild case:
No MP has a legal obligation to their constituents!

Canada's political system is a dictatorship that has the appearance of a democracy! - But even Democracy or Direct Democracy is a Fraud - A Republic is what we all need, Unlikeable Rights.
- Private corporations select their candidates.
- Those candidates names are put on a ballot.
- The voter can vote for only one of them or cancel his ballot.
- Cancelled ballots have no effect on an election.
- Elected mp run on a blank signed check for 4 years!

There should be a way to vote for "None Of The Above" on every ballot!

Better yet...
- An election is mode or system of selection.
- Let the mp be selected by a draw.
- That would be the end of political parties.
- There would be almost no corporate based lobbying anymore.
- The people would be the only one voting to pass a law or not via regular referendums.

You are scared by anyone ending up to be an mp because of the random nature of a draw?
Current mp are lawyers, engineers, doctors, wealthy businessmen.
They have show a level of professionalism so low they do not even register on a professional scale!
They do blow the roof up on the lobbying scale almost every day!
The parliament or the many legislatures are not representatives institutions.
The seats of all those houses are occupied by personal or corporate interest.

I just don not see it as realistic to say that those allegedly "representing" us are doing better than what the average citizen would do!
Historically, they have proven the opposite almost all the time!

Remember that an election is an actual abdication of one's power to speak for himself in favour of a candidate selected by a corporation for the next 4 years.
- He cannot be removed from office...
- He does not have to act, vote or do as you want...
- He vote laws that are imposed on you...
- He wants the power for himself and his masters...

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