An army of large biotechnology companies is using psychological tactics to "create a demand for vaccines [1] ", analyzes Céleste McGovern in her article of May 7, 2021. We read it with interest and recognized what we live in France almost in the letter. We provide you with the main extracts here to help us understand what is happening to our private and / or professional surroundings.
Many of us wonder what furious madness pushes so many people apparently supposed to rush towards experimental pseudo vaccines, with effects - in the short and especially in the long term - unknown for an endangered disease which above all kills little [2 ] apart from the very old who have already exceeded the average life expectancy.
No, your friends, your relations, ourselves… are not mad, but victims of a monstrous enterprise of well-established and efficient manipulation. To all of us, if we don't manage to wake up and bring ourselves back to the reality of the facts.
Poor Sidonie
So how can we explain that our friend Sidonie, who has just lost her father suddenly three days after her first injection of Pfizer, gets vaccinated anyway, when she is only thirty years old and therefore no risk of dying from covid, in any case much less than when she crosses the street?
Of course, Sidonie's doctor, applying the recommendations of the order's council, faithful to his Vichy history, told him that there was no proof that the vaccine was responsible. Simple temporal coincidence! Let's sleep peacefully, without reporting side effects by the doctor (dissuaded by the administrative procedures and his fear of being taken for an antivax [3] ) or by the family (who is unaware that they could do so directly at the French agency, and / or European). The high frequency of non-reports suggests that the 10,000 deaths recorded by the EMA and published on Eudravigilance are very underestimated because many Sidonie are gullible and are silent and do not believe these documents, which are however very official.

In short, Sidonie is a smart girl, but blinded by massive global propaganda. And since it is advocated everywhere, is not it? What happened ?
The United States is inundated by a surplus of vaccines against the coronavirus, because the epidemic has been in sharp decline since January 2021, long before the vaccination which affected less than 5% of the population at that time could curb the course of the disease. . The weekly number of contaminations fell from 1,745,361 in the week of January 4 to 235,638 in the week of May 11, leading to the abolition of health measures in the majority of states, the refusal of the vaccination pass and a sudden drop in demand. vaccine.

To avoid the sudden loss of such a promising market, an army of communication agencies has been mobilized to fight “vaccine hesitation”. She uses mass marketing to " create demand" using surveillance, rapid data analysis, media control, and a host of behavior control strategies outlined in their behavioral playbooks.
In the United States, demand falls after a major vaccination phase: 40% of the adult population has been fully vaccinated, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Demand fell 25% after peaking in mid-April, and 56.4% of adults received at least one dose. But five million people - about eight percent of those who took a first dose - skipped their second dose appointments, according to the CDC.

Surplus vaccine stocks are building up across the country. Empty chairs at a Philadelphia mass vaccination site where 4,000 unused doses of vaccine were due to expire. One million doses, representing a quarter of the doses sent to Louisiana by the federal government, were awaiting volunteers.
A county in Wyoming has called on the state to stop shipping the vaccine. North Carolina has closed its vaccination clinics due to lack of demand.
"For the first time, we have had appointments at many unfilled vaccination sites ," Los Angeles County Director of Public Health Barbara Ferrer said at a press briefing in early May. “There are a lot of people here who don't want to get the vaccine anymore,” said Ralph Merrill, an engineer who sits on an Alabama County board of directors.
Many republican American states have used effective early treatments [4] and this element, never mentioned, surely contributes to the rejection of the vaccine perceived as useless to informed citizens.
“ Many mainstream media worried about 'vaccine hesitation', blaming ' covid-19 denial ' , 'conspiracy theories' and QAnon supporters, Trump supporters and minority distrust of government with its brutal history of racist eugenics . "
Many other explanations could be at the origin of this skepticism about the vaccine: many no longer believe in the effectiveness of the vaccine and especially since Harvey Risch, professor of epidemiology at Yale revealed that according to many doctors the majority of people recently infected with covid-19 had already been vaccinated [5] !
Gradual awareness of deterrent side effects
Also forgotten is the main reason for vaccine refusal cited by 45% of those polled in March by the Delphi Group for Facebook researchers, the fear of side effects.
Adverse reactions reported at the end of April 2021, a total of 118,746 in the United States alone, including 3,410 deaths and 1,595 permanent disabilities, are a legitimate deterrent.
The sudden stop in South Africa and several European states of AstraZeneca's vaccine for its high rate of serious complications and the break from Johnson and Johnson did nothing to reassure.
“A lot of people just fear the new vaccine more than the new virus that the CDC says has an overall survival rate of 99.4% for people aged 50-65 who get the infection.
The risks increase as people get older, but decrease if people are younger. For those under 18, the coronavirus case fatality rate estimated by the CDC is 0.000 02, which translates to a covid survival rate of 99.98%.
In fact, for those under 18, the lifetime chances of being struck by lightning are higher than the chances of dying from the virus. "
Yet the Biden administration like the EU is pushing for vaccines. Biden wants 70% of all Americans to get their first dose by July 4. It is particularly aimed at young people when this vaccine is of no interest to them. He does not hesitate to lie by claiming " getting the vaccine not only protects you, but reduces the risk of giving the virus to someone else ", classic line of "social marketing", script of a global industry. behavior change experts forcing people to fold.
Vaccination request observatory [6] [7]
“The Observatory was created with a group called ' Public Good Projects ' (PGP) which 'designs and implements large-scale behavior change programs for the public good', in association with UNICEF - which has received $ 86.6 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation since 2020 - and the Yale Institute for Global Health, also funded by Gates.
PGP (public good projects) was founded by Joe Smyser , a public health scholar trained at the CDC and associated with Google and Facebook. Board members include executives from Merck Pharmaceuticals, Pepsi, Lévi-Strauss, the Advertising Council, Sesame Street, Campbell's and TikTok. "
The Observatory maintains a “beta dashboard” of data and resources “intended for certain global public health professionals”. The PGP website states that through "media monitoring and bots, grassroots social media organization or thought leadership, we are deploying tremendous resources and connections to communication for change ."
Bots - or internet robots, also known as crawlers - can scan content on web pages all over the internet and create automated conversations and comments.
“ PGP is monitoring coronavirus-related media conversations 24/7 to provide organizations with real-time public health expertise and messaging advice . "
" The supposed danger of the disease should be emphasized, because" if people perceive that they are at low risk of contracting covid-19, or that the consequences of the infection will not be severe, they will be less willing to do so. vaccinate . "
This group had previously promoted vaccines and developed the #StopFlu campaign , recruiting 120 social media influencers in "African American and Latin communities across eight states", giving them incentives to sell their audiences the ideas they flu is a serious problem and healthy people need flu shots.
The PGP Observatory aims to "reduce mistrust of all vaccines ".
You recognize through this description the messages rehashed 24 hours a day on TV, on the usual radios and even on your magazines including the subliminal messages at the top of the screen on any program. Balanced, factual information has completely disappeared in favor of permanent propaganda, organized and financed by billionaires in the service of the Stock Exchange and Big Pharma and their interests.
The “three pillars” of the manipulation program are:
- social listening analysis,
- a training program
- a "vaccine acceptance intervention laboratory" (VAIL) to "leverage behavioral and social research and social listening ideas" and develop " prompts to vaccinate people against said vaccine misinformation ". These would be "quickly field tested for impact of tone, format and behavior change before being implemented ".
In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) created a new area of public health called “ infodemiology ” - the “science of managing infodemocracy”.
“ PGP and UNICEF are leading the“ Field Infodemiologist Training Program ”based in UNICEF country offices, government offices, and offices of other“ multilateral partners ”to train“ managers ”. on the ground ”to conduct“ public health surveillance against disinformation ”and to provide“ community support in “outbreaks of disinformation ”.
Of course, you will have understood that what qualifies as “disinformation” is anything which is not the message decided by the dealers of vaccines and their supports. So all the information about the proven facts, the real results regarding the effectiveness of vaccines and the reality of side effects are considered and called disinformation, conspiracy, etc.
You have all known that Facebook has officially deleted posts and accounts informing about side effects of vaccines, for example. Twitter blocked accounts for a few days that only reported the information given by the French Minister of Health saying that the vaccine does not protect against new contaminations or Covid. However, the minister had not become a conspirator and he was responding to a request from the Council of State at the end of March.
Big Biotech's Global Network and the Normalization of Truth as Orwell Described It
Among the huge network of organizations and programs involved in mass marketing demand for vaccines - besides WHO, CDC, UNICEF, PGP and Yale - the main orchestrators are based on a new international campaign formed by an “ever-growing number of public and private sector partners,” including PGP, Google and BIO.
" Whether it's vaccine misinformation or denial of climate change, we are seeing a dangerous strain of anti-science rhetoric on the rise online," read their website. “Our goal is to cut the rumors and normalize the truth . "
We can of course write the exact opposite, but Orwell's world is that of the inversion of values (remember peace, it is war, etc.). And the provaccin covid campaign is no exception. Let us examine the actors of this vast global manipulation in favor of the anticovid vaccination by drugs in current therapeutic trial (first evaluation 2023).

A huge "association" of multinationals
- BIO - Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO ), is the world's largest biotechnology advocacy association representing member companies, including vaccine manufacturers Pfizer Inc., Moderna Therapeutics Inc., Johnson & Johnson, Janssen Biotech and GlaxoSmithKline, as well than large agricultural companies like Monsanto and academic institutions and “related organizations”.
- The RCAID project - created by PGP for “Rapid Collection Analysis Interpretation and Dissemination” - provides “ real-time media monitoring with daily analyzes from public health experts”.
- Zignal Labs - a " media intelligence platform" for "crafting messages" and "taking control of threatening stories before they emerge ".
- Family Health International or FHI 360 [8] :
“Organization that uses social psychology, anthropology, behavioral economics, social marketing and other behavioral sciences” to effect behavior change in populations .
She has received tens of millions of dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to "create demand for long-acting contraceptives " in poor countries. Its donors also include the CDC, the World Bank, and vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson. He is now associated with creating demand for covid-19 vaccines. "
We see the huge network of companies, each richer than the next, organized to manipulate our brains through very elaborate social engineering .
Jeff French, professor at the University of Brighton and author of Strategic Social Marketing: For Behavior and Social Change , [9] whose text is mentioned in most mass vaccine marketing guides, dominates the subject. His advice inspired much of the standard sale of the pandemic vaccine:
" An effective campaign against vaccine hesitation should focus on the dangers of the disease" and "build on the powerful motivator of fear of loss as well as the possibility of positive health gain "
Appeal to emotions since data alone will not suffice.
Don't put adverse events at the center of “demand creation efforts”, but “make sure you contextualize them” and help the audience understand that “most will be rare and of limited duration”.
“Any media management and engagement strategy that is developed will need to include proactive and rolling press briefings, story generation, editorial feeds… and will also need to include 24/7 media monitoring systems. 7 days a week and rebuttal and correction systems . "
These American messages completely correspond to the propaganda scheme followed by the French media and nothing should surprise you in this presentation, apart from the fact that they are so well prepared and well organized, that they demonstrate, if need be, that 'There is no connection in these arguments with any health problem, but only a marketing project.
Citizens who work in the trade should have been able to realize this more quickly than the average person who does not know anything about the sales strategy of Nutella or vacuum cleaners.
But here the business of conditioning the world's population is such that they may not have seen the connection… Probably too huge, too monstrous, for our normal, non-perverse brains to accept. Truly unbelievable.
The global intoxication program continues with the following tips:
- " Authorities should have 'agreements' on 'how and when information deemed misleading and defenders of such information should be removed and flagged as problematic on social media .'
- “Repeat a positive message that emphasizes the protective benefits (individual, family and community) of the vaccine and the loss associated with not being vaccinated (death, poor health, loss of freedom and social solidarity, disability to travel ”, etc.)
- “Partner” with the pharmaceutical industry, and other for-profit organizations, and NGOs to promote vaccines.
- “ Seek interventions” with key leaders in the anti-vaccination community and “seek to turn these informants into advocates for immunization ”.
- “Continue to promote other protective behaviors such as hand washing and physical distancing. "
- “ Integrate financial and non-financial incentives … ” as well as penalties for non-compliance by imposing restrictions on travel, education or employment.

Nothing surprises you
We have previously reported how vaccine promoters behave as if they are selling coca cola or mac do. Small gifts, voucher vouchers, or free tickets to visit an amusement park. These typically American promotional methods have invaded our sad plains with the development by certain municipalities of "vaccine drives" which are proud of them ...
“ Governments will need to provide and communicate the mix of incentives and penalty interventions that will be used to promote demand . "
A 2014 document published for the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control on vaccine uptake said that " behavioral interventions should seek to reward desired behaviors and, where appropriate, penalize inappropriate behaviors."
The World Health Organization published a “technical advice” in October in the wake of Jeff French's guidelines entitled Behavioral Considerations for Acceptance and Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccines , two months before a vaccine was even available.
Some of this often misleading advice seems very familiar to us now:
- “ Take advantage of anticipated regrets in communications. For example, by " asking people how they would feel if they don't get vaccinated and end up contracting covid-19 or passing it on to their loved ones ."
- “ Focus on social benefits. Tell people that " vaccination not only benefits the individual" but that it strengthens " the numbers of people" or " the immunity of the people".
- “ Focusing on economic benefits, such as being able to stay in the workforce and provide for family care, could also encourage immunization. "
- “ Manage expectations . "
- Emphasize the danger of illness. “ If people perceive that they are at low risk of contracting COVID-19, or that the consequences of infection will not be severe, they will be less willing to be vaccinated. "
- " Minimize the dangers of vaccination and the side effects ." “Some people may try to compare the risk of infection to that of taking a new vaccine and determine that between the two, the risk of COVID-19 is lower. "
"Field guide"
The UNICEF and PGP Immunization Information Management Field Guide advises vaccine promoters to consider putting immunization in a “ winning picture” :
- “ Show happy, healthy and productive people in the graphics, and if you have to show the act of immunization try to avoid needles and tears. "
- One of Jeff French's tactics is to harass people to accept vaccination as a “social norm”.
- Explain that “the majority of people adopt certain behaviors and this is what others expect you to do to achieve a common good”.
We recognize in each line of this practical guide what we have been going through for several weeks in France through repetitive text messages, associated with iterative phone calls and letters from health insurance offering appointments. The daily televised lies about the lack of mortality in France from vaccines even as the drug agency publishes them on its site. The lies about the protection of the other brought by the vaccine are the most perverse, because people think they are protected while they become dangerous for others especially in the first weeks after vaccination. Reversal of things unlikely a priori, but very real in proven facts.
FHI 360 has released its own "Quick Guide" on " Demand Creation and Advocacy for Acceptance and Adoption of COVID-19 Vaccines "
He advises governments to "put together a demand creation and advocacy task force" - which Biden did in March, with a blitz on vaccines.
FHI 360 [10] also advises:
- to break the people in "audience segments" of "easy sale" that have "great confidence in health care providers, and does not questioning vaccines" and "hesitant in vaccines" that " of high safety concerns and "low confidence in institutions that promote the vaccine".
- Then create “ targeted messages”, making “ referral sheets for cultural and religious leaders”.
- " Carrot and Stick" Operative Psychology Marketing Methods by Professor Jeff French.
A total of 26% of Americans said they would not get vaccinated, and 44% of Republicans are resisting. " Without a bigger carrot or a bigger stick" many Americans will not be vaccinated and we will suffer more death and dislocation, claim the lying communicators.
These include the Great Barrington Declaration , signed by over 43,000 physicians and 14,000 scientists and public health physicians. It proposes to allow the spread of natural immunity, while protecting those most vulnerable to infection by COVID, which would be less harmful than confinements.
“ As immunity increases in the population, the risk of infection for everyone, including vulnerable people, decreases. We know that all populations will eventually achieve herd immunity, that is, the point when the rate of new infections is stable - and that this can be helped by (but not dependent on) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we achieve collective immunity, ”the statement read.
Following infodemocratic guidelines, YouTube's medical disinformation policy expressly prohibits any discussion of the risks of vaccines, their actual effectiveness, or natural immunity, on its platform.
Emphasizing fear is a strategy frequently used by public health personnel.
Former CDC Director Tom Frieden employed a derivative of the "social norm" tactic and advises to " emphasize the danger of the disease" in a recent tweet that painted unvaccinated people as scattered. " Infected" with variants believed to be fatal.
Research like a recent Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University study that found that the newer variants of the coronavirus are in fact weaker than the original Wuhan strain of virus should be ignored or treated as " misinformation . "
Marketing programs to recruit religious leaders have also been successful, as vaccination campaigns have even moved inside mosques to convince skeptical Muslims to roll up their sleeves.
And Pope Francis has enthusiastically adopted the infodemocratic mission of behavior change and is organizing a world conference this week on the promotion of public health vaccines where he naturally receives the greats of this world, of their world ...
A group of doctors writing in “USA Today” suggested that the government impose special taxes (ie fines) on people who refuse vaccination and that companies simply refuse to serve them. [11] Another physician suggested that people who refuse a vaccine should be given psychoactive medication to induce compliance. [12] Everything is allowed in manipulation.
The author of the cited article revolts:
" We can no longer accept without flinching the diktats of the executive powers, especially since, statistically speaking, the initial weight of the COVID crisis has passed.
Neither can we accept the dictates of doctors who seem detached from reality and science, and who seem to be attached only to the idea of promoting ideas that contribute to the increase of power and control of people. political interests, and to the wealth of those who can make big money from the sale of a COVID vaccine. "
- [1] MAY 7, 2021 []
- [2] In any case less than the Asian flu which was not used to create panic and impose undemocratic measures []
- [3] Because as a minister of health reminded the deputies " in France, vaccination cannot be discussed " []
- [4] Harvey Risch Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk COVID-19 Patients That Should Be Ramped Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis Am J Epidemiol. 2020 May 27 []
- [5] []
- [6] Vaccination Demand Observatory []
- [7] "Together with UNICEF, the Vaccination Demand Observatory unites experts from multiple sectors to support global communities with increased vaccine demand and reduce the impact of misinformation" []
- [8] FHI 360 is an international nonprofit working to improve the health and well-being of people in the United States and around the world. []
- [9] Strategic Social Marketing: For Behavior and Social Change Second Edition by Jeff French and Ross Gordon []
- [10] FHI 360 is an international nonprofit working to improve the health and well-being of people in the United States and around the world) []
- [11] []
- [12] []

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