It is necessary at an early stage of planning the process to pay careful attention to the financial implications and the means of raising sufficient funds. 

All people are entitled to a fair, participatory, and effective process. 

Ways must be found to minimize costs whenever possible. Sometimes the ambitious goals of the process must be scaled down. However, if the design of the process is good and efforts are made to avoid wasteful expenditures, the international community is likely to assist. 

An early estimate of the costs should be made so that the process can be realistically planned and efforts to secure support from external sources can be initiated.

Drafting the Constitution

It is becoming common to allow time for public scrutiny and comments on the draft constitution before it is approved by the assembly. (“Assembly” here is used to refer to the body that makes the decision on adoption, even if the adoption is subject to a referendum.) Alberta Assembly were sovereign who volunteered their time and expertise.

The Sovereigns of each Province have been Notified, all major News. Media and the de facto government employees have been Contacted with the information the Sovereigns have initiated a Constitutional Convention.

The advantage of this practice is that the public can react to a concrete and comprehensive set of proposals, and assess with some confidence its significance for them and the state. 

There has been an OPEN PLATFORM for all Sovereigns the opportunity for prior public consultation, and to add there input into the drafting of the draft Constitution. Here is the sight to join and be involved  

Every Sovereign  can now judge to what extent their views have been taken or discussed in Zoom Rooms or Constitutional Committee meetings in Numerous cities through out their respective Provinces. The period of public consultation can also be seen as a chance for “peer review,” an examination of the document’s strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunity to correct policy and drafting errors. 

(Some countries have been  invited experts to review the draft: 

The Process of the Constitution

We in canada Inc understand Political parties in the existing Regime do not represent the Sovereigns. They represent the Canada Inc Corporation.

If the general Sovereign are divided on some issues, here is another chance to build consensus,  during this period fresh differences may emerge .

It is important to ensure that the Sovereigns are correctly informed about the contents of the draft and allowed to make an assessment of it. 

Here Sovereigns can play a vital part in the creation

It is surprising how ill-informed debates on draft constitutions and proposals can be so we have numerous Sovereigns available to listen and educate the draft 7 days a week

The Role of the Constitution

An understanding of the role of a constitution is critical to designing the process for making it. And the process is not only for making the constitution but for generating or creating the environment, promoting the knowledge, and facilitating the public participation that are conducive to a good constitution and to the prospects for implementing it. We therefore begin with a short discussion of the importance and role of the constitution here:

Enacting the Constitution

The first decision to be made is about which body will have the primary responsibility for approving or rejecting the draft constitution. 

Here the choice, as noted above, is the constituent assembly. 

The second decision is whether there should be more than one stage of approval. 

The most common instance of more than one stage is when there is a referendum. Sometimes the draft can go straight from the drafter to the people for a referendum. This seems to have happened with the constitution of the European Union, and is stipulated in the Federal Transitional Charter of Somalia of 2004, but there are other examples. — then a referendum. 

It is important that there should be ample opportunity to consider the suitability of the draft, but too many approvals place hurdles in the way of enactment, give further opportunities to the spoilers to regroup, and perhaps need to be avoided. (the globalists)

The other major decision regarding the design of the process concerns the rules for decision- making; different institutions have different levels where a decision to carry on with the process or to approve the draft will be made. Here the primary question is the majority required. A simple majority may not be seen to give enough protection to minorities. The constitution- making process is an opportunity to build consensus on fundamental national values. Sometimes this is taken to mean that there must be unanimity. 

We feel confident that all Sovereigns will see this as a Future they have dreamed of , Prosperity, Freedom, Liberty, Property, and Land Rights and more.

Recommended for a two-thirds majority if no consensus was achieved. A large majority is preferable if the Nation is deeply divided, especially on regional. 

We feel very positive the Sovereigns will be very honored to be part of such an amazing document.  

 (this is where education, is critical ). 

Once that was resolved, a referendum for ratification may start.

Increase in Constitution support is being achieved as more are aware of the importance of what this offers, but we still struggle as controlled media, and the Globalist work hard to hinder the information.

There has been much concern with constitutions and constitution-making in the last 20 years as more are educating themselves on the current system being unaccountable to the Sovereigns

The New World Order has expanded its reach of tyranny, have all contributed to the production of constitutions. The variety of contexts in which constitutions have been made shows that the primary purposes a constitution serves vary considerably: nation- building as a new state emerges.  These purposes determine the orientation of the constitution, and often also the process by which it is made.

Constitutions are dependent on national contexts in another significant way. The conception and understanding of, and therefore the respect for, constitutions vary, depending in considerable part on national history and the reliance on and respect for law as a key mode of organizing society and state. So the terms “constitution” is becoming a clear solution to Stop the UN Agenda 21 Globalist plan of Tyranny .

Implementation of the Constitution

Constitutions that are the product of negotiations in which different interests are carefully balanced, or that seek to make fundamental changes in the organization of the state and society, or that are agreed to under external pressure, are not easy to implement. Many provisions, particularly those dealing with values and ethical standards, or institutions aimed at accountability and the rule of  Natural law. 

Therefore special attention needs to be paid to the mechanism for a constitution’s implementation and enforcement. This is seldom done as part of the constitution-making process. In some recent processes this matter has been addressed by a variety of measures: a schedule (an annex) in the constitution dealing with transitional matters; another containing a list of legislative and other steps necessary for implementation and deadlines for action; an independent commission with responsibility for supervision and implementation; a constitutional provision that principles should be implemented by executive authorities so far as possible, even if no legislation has been passed; a provision that courts should be able to give orders within the same framework; the empowering of Sovereigns to participate in the implementation and mobilization of the constitution; and making the implementation of certain principles a condition.

What a Constitution will Bring

The provisions of the constitution to protect the rights of the Sovereigns, promote constitutional values of equality and social justice, and ensure the integrity and the accountability of the government. 

Hindrance of the Controlled Opposition 

One reason is that the state in many developing, and indeed some developed, countries is the principal means by which ministers, bureaucrats, and others with special access to the state accumulate illegal wealth, give state jobs and contracts to relatives and friends, and protect themselves from due process of the law (by impunity, bribery, or intimidating the judiciary). 

Even when new institutions to promote the accountability of state organs or fight corruption or protect Sovereigns’ rights are established (as they are in many new constitutions), they are corrupted and often rendered ineffective by ministers, bureaucrats, and tycoons.

A particular difficulty in implementation arises with regard to constitutions that are made in conflict or post-conflict situations. 

They are made under considerable pressure or even coercion, often from powerful Globalists.

The Sequencing The Process

By “sequencing,” we mean how the different stages are organized and ordered, whether there are clear demarcations among them, and whether the commencement and the conclusion of the process depend on collateral processes and decisions. There are two distinct issues here. 

The sequence depends on various factors, including the extent of public participation and the distribution of responsibilities for the different tasks. The sequence also depends on the purposes of the process, which can include national reconciliation, nation-building. The first step is to agree on the need for constitution, the principles underlying it, and the modalities of the process. 

The next is to engage the public in the process by providing civic education and information about the process and soliciting the views of the Sovereigns on constitutional Committees, and Constitutional Conventions. There are different ways in which the Sovereigns can be engaged; the choice may be to seek public opinion on the basis of a questionnaire or through an open- ended process, or indeed on the basis of a draft constitution—or a combination of these. 

A central task is the drafting of the constitution, and here a critical issue is to determine who should have the principal responsibility for it. The debate on the draft constitution and its enactment are the next stages, which are often considered the final ones. But the adoption of a new constitution is only the beginning of the task of establishing a new political and social order, and it is extremely important to consider strategies for implementation as part of constitution-making.

Another general sequencing was the Sovereigns must be consulted before or after the preparation of a draft. Subsequent consultation gives the public a chance to comment on concrete proposals, but prior consultation provides greater scope for the expression of public views and the enhancement of Sovereign’s initiatives. It is possible to have public consultation both before and after the draft is prepared, which is what we  practice.

Throughout this constitution-making process many individuals, communities, and interest groups play a part, give of their time and engage their passion, lobby for different values, institutions, and procedures, teach or learn about constitutions, deliberate, and decide. So when planning different stages, it is necessary to agree on the role of these actors: how they are to be represented, how they will express their views, and what part they will play in the actual decision-making.

Constitutions as symbols and manifestos, and as Lawful Rules

A constitution has several dimensions. A distinguished authority on constitutions, the late Professor Kenneth Wheare, drew a distinction between those who regard a constitution as primarily and almost exclusively a legal document in which, therefore, there is place only for rules of law and for practically nothing else, and those who think of a constitution as a sort of manifesto, a confession of faith, a statement of ideals, a “charter of the land” (Wheare 1966). Since he wrote this in 1966, the debate over the proper function of constitutions has intensified.