Wednesday 5 December 2018



Free yourself from the power of a lie designed to render you impotent. By instilling unwarranted guilt and shame upon humanity via the "holocaust", humanity is rendered incapable, or at least very hesitant, to criticise, much less interfere with, any of the designs of Jews or their nation of Israel. The "holocaust" is also an ongoing cash cow for Jewish "holocaust survivors" through the collection of hundreds of billions of euros from Germany, and elsewhere, as WWII reparations that continues to this day.

No one can deny
 that Jews were rounded up and imprisoned by Germans in German occupied territories after the suspension of the HAAVARA TRANSFER AGREEMENT during WWII. Nor can anyone deny that Japanese Americans were rounded up and imprisoned in America for the same reasons, those reasons being primarily security issues, and in the same fashion during WWII. And, after examining the facts, the German prisons built for Jews were far more humanely accommodating than the American prisons built for Japanese.

What is staunchly denied is the existence, much less the use, of homicidal gas chambers, the manufacture of human skin lampshades, the manufacture of human derived soap, institutionalized torture all conducted at "death factories" where 6,000,000 Jews were gassed and cremated and other outright lies disseminated by vindictive and vengeful Jews.

Indeed tens of thousands 
(The International Committee of the Red Cross reported: 272,000 concentration camp inmates died in German custody, about half of them Jews) of imprisoned Jews died during the last months of WWII due to disease, especially typhus, and starvation. After all, as the fortunes of war turn against the losing side, food and medicine become extremely scarce... and deadly scarce for those imprisoned by the losing side due to the ruination of food production, medicine manufacturing, and transportation supply lines. Germany was carpet bombed and firebombed into the stone age during the last year of WWII (a totally merciless war conducted by three Jewish controlled empires against a country the size of Montana).

Indeed there were crematoriums
 working overtime as a means of sanitarily disposing of disease ridden corpses, but these were built during the last year of the war and never was a living person burned alive in one as JEWS would have you believe.

As a matter of fairness
, try to imagine what would have become of all the Japanese incarcerated in American prison camps during WWII had the fortunes of war turned against an America that was bombed into the stone age. I'll wager that they would have been massacred by furious Americans before they had starved to death.

Once you fully realize
 that there were no "gas chambers" or such things as human skin lampshades, most of the Jewish narative regarding the so called "holocaust" becomes a self-serving fabrication disseminated by the lowest sort of scammers.

Only lies need laws for protection. There are many individuals who have been imprisoned in occupied Germany for merely telling the truth about the holocaust scam. These people are imprisoned for "inciting hatred for the Jews" whereas it's actually the JEWS incessantly inciting hatred for Germans with their holocaust LIES.

Offer the FREE HOLOCAUST DEPROGRAMMING COURSE to those who may need it:
The JEWS had to invent the "holocaust" because the truth is that the Germans were actually the "good guys" leading up to and during WWII and many people thought so before and during the war... so the "holocaust" lie does a very good job of falsely demonizing Germans.

"New Pages" of Anne Frank Diary Prove that Her Father Wrote Most of the Book 

Two “newly discovered” pages from the “Diary of Anne Frank” — which supposedly contain risqué jokes — are in fact further proof that the book attributed to the Jewish teenager was in fact written by her father — because the “hidden” writing is, like most of the rest of the “diary,” in her father Otto Frank’s handwriting.

(The New Observer)

The “newly-discovered” pages were announced at a press conference at the “Anne Frank House” museum in Amsterdam, where researchers apparently were able to remove two brown paper pasted pages and “read” the obscured writing underneath using lamps and optical character recognition technology.

The compliant Jewish lobby controlled media focused all its attention on the contents of the “new pages,” but ignored the obvious fact of the difference in handwriting styles on the new pages, with the “new material” all in her father’s handwriting, which contrasts obviously and strongly with the juvenile scrawl of Anne herself.

In fact, as revealed in 2015, most of the diary was written by her father after the war, and who then passed it off as “real” in order to sell it as a “holocaust memoir.”

The scam was revealed in an article in the New York Times that year, when the copyright holders to the diary admitted Otto Frank’s involvement in an attempt to extend their control of the manuscript.

As The New York Times pointed out, when "Otto Frank first published his daughter’s red-checked diary and notebooks, he wrote a prologue assuring readers that the book mostly contained her words, written while hiding from the Nazis in a secret annex of a factory in Amsterdam.”

Normal copyright on books extends only 70 years after the author’s death. As Anne Frank died of typhus in Bergen Belsen in February 1945, the book theoretically entered the public domain in February 2015.

But, as the New York Times went on to say, the Anne Frank Fonds has now decided to try to extend copyright on the book past the 70 year cut-off period—by admitting that Otto Frank, who died in 1980, was indeed a “co-author” after all.

The implications of this admission are obvious. As the New York Times put it:

While the foundation, the Anne Frank Fonds, in Basel, signaled its intentions a year ago, warnings about the change have provoked a furor as the deadline approaches. Some people opposed to the move have declared that they would defy the foundation and publish portions of her text.

Foundation officials “should think very carefully about the consequences,” said Agnès Tricoire, a lawyer in Paris who specializes in intellectual property rights in France, where critics have been the most vociferous and are organizing a challenge. “If you follow their arguments, it means that they have lied for years about the fact that it was only written by Anne Frank.”

The latest pages confirm once again that much of what is claimed to be “Anne Frank’s diary” was in fact written by her father after the war—a fact which also explains the use of ball point pen in the “diary,” a writing device which only became available after 1945.

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