Saturday 20 April 2024

The Clearfield Doctrine arises from a 1943 Supreme Court

The Clearfield Doctrine  arises from a 1943 Supreme Court

Case, Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States, 318 US 363-371.

The essence of the case is that when an incorporated government uses private bank script as its
currency it sinks to the level of any other incorporated entity, loses its sovereign status (if it ever had
any) and becomes subject to the same laws as any other corporation.


So all these CORPORATIONS are in FRAUD 

You can look up the actual case to your heart's delight

Corpus Juris Secundum (CJS) 91 CJS United States sec. 4
".....when the United States enters into commercial business it abandons its sovereign capacity and
is to be treated like any other corporation."

".....when the CANADA enters into commercial business it abandons its sovereign capacity and
is to be treated like any other corporation."

".....when the ALBERTA enters into commercial business it abandons its sovereign capacity and
is to be treated like any other corporation."

".....when the MUNICIPALITY enters into commercial business it abandons its sovereign capacity and
is to be treated like any other corporation."

Now, if you have followed along you know that the British Territorial CANADA or UNITED STATES was never sovereign with respect to us. It was merely a contractor providing us with specific governmental
services and acting under our delegated power to do so. All "federal" powers were delegated to
them and all federal powers are limited to the international jurisdiction of the sea.

So the Territorial CANADA  or UNITED STATES was never sovereign on our shores and by operating as an
incorporated entity, it suffered no loss of sovereignty it never had, nor did it affect the sovereign
status of our lawful government by its actions.

It did however reap the wrath of the court for its self-serving semantic deceits and corrupt attempts
to exercise the coercive powers of the de-facto government for its own business advantage and enrichment.

Just like UNDRIP in CANADA or BLM UNITED STATES and the  franchise doing business as the "PROVINCE OF ALBERTA" and the MUNICIPALITY of CANADA franchise doing business as the PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA or any other PROVINCE that are CORPORATIONS

All these agencies and entities play upon our ignorance and let us assume that they are
"government" entities, when in fact, they are commercial corporations in the business of providing
governmental services --- no different than McDonalds, Burger King, International.

The Clearfield Doctrine strips these pretenders of their "de-facto government" cloak and when they attempt to use the abusive powers of government to enrich themselves, it's time to remind them of exactly who and what they are.

This can be used against them in any number of contexts.

They claim to have a commercial interest in your marriage and children? Prove it

They claim to have a commercial interest in your home and land? Prove it.

They claim to have a commercial interest in your estate? Prove it.

They have a right to tax you for anything? Income? Property? Prove it.

They're not the government and they don't have any special government powers when they are
operating as commercial corporations. Instead, they are subject to all the same regulations and
limitations as any other corporation --- including the requirement that they operate lawfully --- not
"legally", lawfully.

If you are standing on the land and soil jurisdiction of this country neither they nor their courts have
any excuse for even addressing you, and if you are operating as a private Man or Woman "vessel"
conducting international trade and not allowing yourself to be misrepresented as a federal franchise
PERSON, they are obligated to protect you and dismiss any action against you.

Use the Clearfield Doctrine to expose their feet of clay and then stomp on them, assuming that you
have completed your own due diligence and re-conveyed your Trade Name and Assumed NAMES to
their permanent domicile on the land and soil jurisdiction of this country, they have no right to
trespass upon you or presume the existence of any contract with you.

Use the Clearfield Doctrine and object the moment any of these jokers contact you. Remember that a
"Summons" from a court of foreign jurisdiction is a solicitation for business that you can object to and
deny with the same impunity that you would reject a proposal to sell you twenty tons of PIG SHIT.

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