Wednesday 19 May 2021

Meet Communist Maxime Bernier

 Meet Communist Maxime Bernier

Globalization has paved the way for an historic deterioration of national sovereignty slowly being replaced by one world governance with Marxist ideologies. The rise of the “Social and Solidarity Economy” movement has taken root and flourished. What started off in the 19th century as a labour movement had resurfaced in France in 1968 with the reshuffling of the relationship between the State, corporations, and civil society (1) (2). The phrase “Social Solidarity Economy” originated in France in the late 90s by an association called REAS (Réseau des l’économie alternative et solidaire) who advocated for the restructuring of economic alternatives. REAS members included people involved in Green party politics and disillusioned communists or socialists throughout France (3)

By 1995, the expression “Social Solidarity Economy” gained acceptance in Quebec after an appeal for a solidarity economy was published in Le Monde, a large newspaper in France (3). By 1996, the Quebec government decided to reduce the budget deficit to zero, at a time of high unemployment. Quebec was predominantly a welfare state, and one of the reasons for the deficit was the interest on public debt, which was higher per capita than in any other Canadian province. Premier Lucien Bouchard, of the Parti Québécois called a Socio-Economic Summit in November of 1996 and for the first time in history, social and community organizations along with government, corporations and unions met as partners to adopt the “Social Solidarity Economy” as a priority for job creation and to reduce poverty(3). The unions agreed to freeze wages while the government and private corporate sector agreed that the social economy would be supported by both federal and provincial government policies.

So where exactly did Quebec get the money required for these programs? The “Social Solidarity Economy” refers to the third sector of our economy; the relationship that exists between corporations and foundations, non-profits, NGOs, charities, cooperatives, and organized labour. This sector operates at a loss and relies heavily on government subsidies, grants and tax credits (4). These programs cost billions of dollars each year to implement and produce very insignificant returns. In 1996, the Liberal government under the leadership of Jean Chretien approved these programs (Figure #1).

And who exactly was the legislative advisor to the PQ Party at the time? None other than Maxime Bernier (Figure #2) who served as legislative advisor from 1996-1998 to Bernard Landry, Quebec’s deputy Premier to Lucien Bouchard(5)  So Maxime Bernier knows quite well the workings of the “Social Economy” in Quebec, its toll on Canadian taxpayers and its primary objective in fulfilling the Libertarian vision of global communism!

In 2014, Maxime Bernier was asked: Do you think there should be any changes made to equalization? (6)

“No, we don’t have to touch equalization.… I think it’s going well right now, so I don’t see the necessity to change the formula. The principle is in the Constitution, and by respecting it we can properly respect the needs of the provinces.”

So basically, Quebec was allowed to reduce its deficit down to zero and employ thousands in this “false economy”, all on the backs of the Canadian taxpayer, by implementing the “Social and Solidarity Economy”. And Maxime Bernier, who advocates for smaller government and less government regulations is the champion of this movement. Some have argued that he also advocates for fewer government subsidies to corporations so how can this possibly be true? For the Globalist and their corporations the answer is quite simple: Why not lose the millions in subsidies if we can gain BILLIONS from deregulation. A position Maxime Bernier or the “Minister from Bell” knows quite well when he deregulated the cell phone companies in 2007 (7) which destroyed competition and resulted in Canadians paying the highest cell phone bill rates in the world! (8)

The same groups that were designed in Quebec to promote the “Social Solidarity Economy” developed The RIPESS network with headquarters in Quebec. This Quebec group now advocates for “Open Borders”. On February 4, 2019, the European Chapter of RIPESS released a guide for campaigners, communicators and activists called “How to talk about the societies we want in Europe.” (9) (10) (Figure #3) This guide calls for open borders and makes recommendations on how to phrase the narrative on open borders so as not to upset Europeans:

“We recommend using this imagery of the shared and continuous land and waterways of Europe, but without explicitly mentioning borders… emphasize that borders are invisible.”

And just recently, Quebec signed an agreement with France to to continue sharing information and collaborating in the area of the “Social Solidarity Economy” (11).

Past PQ leaders such as Rene Levesque, Jacques Parizeau, Jean-Francois Lisee all had communist ties




Furthermore the PQ Party Manifesto of 1972 calls for the development of communism in Quebec 


Lucien Buchard prior to becoming Premier of Quebec, worked for the Brian Mulroney Government as Minister of the environment and attended several Trilateral Commission meetings at the request of Paul Desmarais who he was friends with. Lucien Bouchard was never a sovereigntist, he helped to form the BLOC separatist party in Quebec 


It is therefore not surprising that Maxime Bernier has invited former BLOC MPs to the PPC Party, along with NDP and Green party members 



The “Social and Solidarity Economy” is indeed a true Marxist Utopia where citizens share in the wealth of the nation, while our globalist puppet masters control the workings of the government, activists groups, labour groups and the very citizens that they employ. Until of course labour markets are flooded by migrants and cheaper labour alternatives whereby the demands for employment exceed job availability; then the true “Hunger Games” of western civilization will commence.

Welcome to the Peoples Party of Canada, Comrade!

Max also donated to the PQ Communist Party of Quebec!


Figure #1: Jean Chretien one week prior to the Socio-Economic Summit of 1996 approves the investments for pay more equalization payments to Quebec in support of the “Social Economy”.

Figure #2: Maxime Bernier Biography posted for MEI (Montreal Economic Institute) shows he was Legislative Advisor to the Deputy Premier from 1996-1998 at the time of the Socio-Economic Summit of 1996.

Figure #3: Taken from the RIPESS Guide (2019): “How we want to talk about the societies we want in Europe.”


Posted in People's Party of Canada

12 thoughts on “Meet Communist Maxime Bernier”

Fact – Bernier voted for Bill C-16, and made it even more difficult to believe he’s a libertarian when he said he would support M-103 if the word islamophobia was removed. The problem is that M-103 is an anti-speech motion with or without islamophobia.

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