Friday 14 May 2021

Canada is three mining companies in a trench coat, wearing a stupid hat and carrying a gun.

Canada is three mining companies in a trench coat, wearing a stupid hat and carrying a gun.

The lands in question are technically unceded, meaning that they lie fully outside of the jurisdiction of the Canadian state — this land was never officially incorporated into the Canadian state, and the Sovereigns there never entered into formal treaties with Canadian colonists. 

After Reading this information I hope it educated you to stop wasting  time in their controlled unlawful corrupt court system.  

Fact, as a 1997 Supreme Court case established, Indigenous land rights and title have never been extinguished in traditional territory, meaning that the lands rightfully ought to be governed by Indigenous laws, which the courts recognized as far predating any colonial presence in the region

This is important as so many are duped into fighting this This Untouchable Corporation, within  Court System that is controlled and owned.

So what if you WIN it is still a 100 percent Loss. So when I hear Rocco Galati  is going to Waste more Sovereigns Time and Financial  loss. I fringe each time I hear Rebel Propaganda, or any other disinformation site pushing court cases or even the ridiculous Common Law

It is, literally, not Canada. Still, Canadian police forced their way onto and through the land, violating  sovereignty and the demands of their political leaders, simply to privatize resources for colonial use and abuse.

In violating territorial sovereignty by pushing their unlawful trespass against sovereigns on Turtle Island , Canada is continuing its practice of colonialism and primitive accumulation. What’s more, Canada is violating international laws around military occupation and around the rights of Indigenous people

Right now, as I write this, many Sovereigns re being detinned unlawfully by this viscous corporation  facing mass arrest and state violence, to protect their lands from privatization at the barrel of a gun. 

But for Canada, this is business as usual. The siege on Sovereignty is what makes Canada “Canada.” The logic of resource extraction, led by private companies and enforced by the state, is what motivates Canadian policy and justifies Canadian national identity. 

Canada is three mining companies in a trench coat, wearing a stupid hat and carrying a gun.

Scratch the surface, and that’s all that’s underneath it. Canada is fake. But the consequences are real. They are extremely dangerous and never forget they murder 100's of millions as they move to their Globalist's UN agenda 21\30 de-population with their Small Pox on Steroids' Bio - Nano Poising Injection.

Now you Know Your Enemy re you Ready to Remove it 

Here is How

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