Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 20 December 2020

Natural Law is simple, in contrast to what we have experienced up to this point through their controlled courts of civil law, corporate law and common Law.



Natural Law is simple, in contrast to what we have experienced up to this point through their controlled courts of civil law, corporate law, and common Law.

Therefore, several readings may be required to digest and apply the material.

So, for now, Natural Law operates parallel with current governing structures until critical mass has been reached and the transition to Natural Law is complete.

You may find the simplicity of Natural Law difficult to imagine. This is because humanity has been subject to fictitious, nonsensical ‘legal’ complexities intentionally designed to boggle our minds, thus allowing the few to control the many. Civil, corporate, and common ‘law’ structures were never intended to be understood nor utilized for the benefit of the general population.

They were set up by a few who considered themselves ‘elite’ and privileged to make decisions for all of humanity. So, it may take time for our minds to accept and catch up to what we’ve always known intuitively within our hearts:we are heirs of creation and directly responsible for the care of what immediately surrounds us.

That responsibility comes with the privilege of individual sovereignty, functioning within a society of equally self-sovereign individuals.

When you have digested the material from, you may begin forming your constitutional committee meetings .

Once it becomes obvious to society that corporate codes, policies and ordinances serve no useful function—because everyone in your community is committed to functioning in a way that honors the interdependent, regenerative nature of Earth’s living systems—they will drop away. The people will mandate it.

We are in transition. Transition takes time and allows each one to adjust as they are able. This is how stability is maintained. However, we can speed up this process by holding regular meetings and discussing the material from

There is a Unify The People zoom open from 10 AM - 10 PM seven days a week. These are Sovereigns committed and available to work with on this SOLUTION.

Remember, we are not attempting to destroy the current system, but only allow it to be seen for what it is.

Then let all decide for themselves.

And making an informed decision requires that everyone be exposed to the material. So it is up to you who are reading this to spread the good news of 

The amazing facts of a Constitution written by " Administration of the Sovereigns , By the Sovereigns, For the Sovereigns" with protection of Liberty , Freedom, and PROPERTY.

If you realize the system, they created only benefits a few elites , then you will see the importance of a Sovereign Constitution is Lawful and must be educated to everyone.
Natural Law! is the protection of Unalienable Rights and common law being just another distraction to keep you in chains?

So, we invite you to come see what this will mean for you and your family and their future

Sovereigns Forever

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