Canada A Country without a Constitution

Saturday 19 December 2020

Coronavirus UNDRIP Agenda 21/30

Coronavirus UNDRIP Agenda 21/30

There are many ways in which the Coronavirus event serves to advance the NWO agenda:
1. Primarily it serves as a cover for the central banks to finalize their destruction of the economy. With the populace hypnotized by a factitious pandemic, banks can escape blame for their actions in inflating the largest bubble in human history, and subsequently popping it through monetary contraction. America’s economy will never recover.
2. Small businesses will not survive an extended lockdown. As they go under, their assets can be bought up by creditors (the banks) for pennies on the dollar, and their market share will be absorbed by big business, never to be surrendered.
3. As many are laid off or their jobs are deemed non-essential during the crisis, money will become increasingly tight. Many governments will institute some form of basic income to buoy peoples accounts (though not nearly as much as they give to the banks). This will increase reliance on government handouts, erode self-sufficiency, and reduce odds of rebellion against the hand that feeds.
4. Increase public demand for vaccinations, as well as move the Overton window closer to mandatory vaccinations, since the public can be easily convinced (Brainwashed with mass Propaganda Media) that vaccine programs are the only way to prevent future pandemic events.
5. Increase demand for the state and for authoritarian policies that will enforce business closures and social distancing. South Korea has used their surveillance system (credit card payments and smartphones) to track the movements of those allegedly infected to control the spread. This will manufacture consent for such invasions of privacy in the West.
6. Many of those following government recommendations will be unable to see their significant others for the duration of the lockdown. On top of this, dates will be indefinitely postponed and those that are single will have no opportunity to meet possible partners. This furthers the ‘Split the Sexes’ project that keeps men and women from finding fulfilling relationships, resulting in increased consumption of material goods to fill the void in their lives.
7. Many people have commented on social media that it is as if they have been training for Coronavirus all their lives; their daily routine has not been affected by orders to stay home and socially isolate. The comforts of modern living have already enticed a non-trivial portion of the population into Last manhood – taking no risks and living for only comfort and security. After adjusting to the ‘new normal’ of remaining in the home and consuming pacifying media, many will find it difficult to return to lives that include any kind of venture or personality.
8. With people forced to stay home and avoid contact with others, many will turn to video games, pornography, and drinking/drug use to pass the time. In an effort to encourage people to stay home, PornHub has offered free premium subscriptions worldwide in a ‘StayHomeHub’ campaign. Game development company Kagami Works is offering free copies of a pornographic video game to players in China. Adult sites that used to be blocked in India are now accessible, as the country goes into a 21-day lockdown. This will all have the obvious effect of increasing porn usage and mainstream acceptance.
9. Finally, this event serves to test how far the public can be pushed to surrender their rights voluntarily. How easily can they be influenced by ‘experts’ and talking heads in the media? People have been calling the police to report others for not practising social distancing, or having the gall to have a pickup basketball game. Playgrounds have been closed in Canada and children seen playing are reported to their parents. The creation of an atmosphere of fear and the consequent division and spying is a great tool of social control, and in this case does not even require the creation of a secret police.
Among all the talk of protecting ‘our most vulnerable’, the group that is really the most vulnerable, children, is mostly ignored. A fabricated crisis like this arising during the developmental period will leave an indelible imprint on their lives. Here are the ways the Orwellian response to Coronavirus will adversely affect children (mainly ages 2-12):
1. It will create a generation of germophobes. If childhood experience has any impact on adult neuroses, then the upcoming generation will be the most vigilant lysol-wiping, disinfectant-spraying cohort in history. Rather than learning that proper nutrition and ample physical activity is the key to health, and thus disease avoidance, children will grow up convinced that toxins plied by the pharmaceutical industry are the only defence against invisible, ubiquitous threats.
2. Small children will not be able to engage in face-to-face play with same-age peers. Even those children lucky enough to have siblings in the household will likely lack playmates at the same developmental stage. Children in the crucial developmental window from 2-4 may suffer permanent social deficits as a result of a month long (or longer) lockdown.
3. After practising social distancing for a significant amount of time, children may find it difficult to resume normal patters of behaviour. Those already suffering from social anxiety will find it most challenging to reintegrate into their social circles, as they have ingrained a maladaptive habit that caters to their existing disability.
4. All the above factors suggest a massive upsurge in mental illness and developmental disorders in the next generation. Mental illness is already a hallmark of the Millennial generation and Generation Z is not doing much better. In fact, as of 2017 12.7% of Americans over the age of 12 were taking antidepressant medication. Per the diathesis-stress model of depression, those suffering childhood traumas such as might be inflicted by a society-wide psychosis over the flu will be more likely to develop mood disorders. This has the result of turning these kids into more malleable taxpayers, and lifelong dependants of the pharmaceutical industry.
5. Children’s neighbourhood play groups have suffered terribly in the past half century. Child abduction scares, serial killer scares, or satanic child sacrifice scares have made parents reluctant to allow their children to play outside as would have been normal in the 60s. Add pandemic scares to the mix, and overly sheltering parents may be unwilling to let their children outside the house without a hazmat suit.
6. Children during this time will, of necessity, be interacting with their friends through screens. This will increase the dependence of children on digital media to interact socially, to the detriment of their real world social skills. Screen time has already become an integral part of childhood in most homes, with toddlers given an Ipad to keep them quiet while the parents watch Netflix. This will serve to reinforce that trend. Once children have become adept at using technology to socialize, it will be difficult to coax them into pursuing the more difficult face-to-face interaction (with its more overwhelming environment of body language, physical touch, etc.)

Now what is your plan to stop this MADNESS?

Unify The People has a Plan, committed, and FACTS to prove the So called canadian government is 100% fraud - and it time to educate a SOLUTION to end this Tyrannical criminal system and restore a lawful System for We The People.

What stops the FACTS to be educated to millions is the mechanism of controlled opposition and distractions.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead them.” — Vladimir Lenin

What has hindered us is the controlled opposition groups controlling the protests so NO Solution is ever offered-- So patriots must take control of the protests and actually start to discuss solutions,,

The distractions from so many issues have so many running in circles - they need to focus on the problem, The problem that has caused all the issues .

It is the de-facto canada Inc, who is unlawful -

How do we fix this - Go here and meet amazing Patriots

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