Saturday 7 March 2020

No Representation! That’s what we have. Canadians actually have No True Representation, once politicians are elected.


No Representation! That’s what we have. Canadians actually have No True Representation, once politicians are elected.
After reading this, you will see yet another example of why it is vitally important to Join and to the making of the document , “Constituional Conventions Coast to Coast 
What is this About?
Fundamentally, the information is empowering and educational.  It will demonstrate, with evidence, not only HOW we arrived to where we are at today, it will also outline the SOLUTION to gaining, what we know of as Canada, to work FOR The People of Canada – NOT for the politicians, NOT for the corporate entities that fund the politicians.  To Work For The People of Canada.
To Create an "Accountable Government"
This  is not about politics.   It is not about any particular political party, as it matters not which political party is in Ottawa or any provincial capital or any municipality.
The information is about The System that, We The People of Canada, have inherited to date.   It is about educating each of us of the current status, and then, educating each of us how we can change / replace The System for Canada to work for us, The People of Canada.  It is about The System.
Why is the  Important to Make?
In truth, until , We the People, actually fully comprehend, that no elected person has any legal responsibility to honor and/or comply with the desires of:
  1. any individual person in Canada
  2. any and all people in their riding,
  3. their province
  4. their country…
the direction of Canada will be completely at the whims of the politicians.
And, how do you rate the scorecard of politicians?   Are you happy with what is going on in our beloved country called Canada?
Did you actually know that the people we elect to represent us in govt have NO legal responsibility to represent and present our wishes or demands into govt proceedings?
True, none at all – as evidenced in this Alberta court case, The People vs J. Wilton Littlechild, MP.   Please read it.  It is short.
In it, the Judge states:
“I know of no legal duty on an elected representative at any level of government to consult his constituents or determine their view.  While such an obligation may generally be considered, there is no legal requirement.”  
The Judge further states:
“… it appears to me that the only remedy existing for the Plaintiffs (the voter) is the remedy provided by our Constitution in the right to vote in a future election.”
You may disbelieve it, but it is real.   You may be shocked or disturbed, particularly after you truly reflect on the implications of this court ruling.   But it does not change the facts of the case:
The person(s) you/we elect do not have responsibility to you/us.   The persons we elect do have self interest responsibility to their party (otherwise they risk being kicked out or replaced by another candidate in the next election – we have seen that where politicians go against the party line…) and often, have responsibility to the corporate entities that funded their campaign.
But responsibility to us, The People of Canada?  None.
And as noted in another of the Consequence Series, even the Prime Minister designate, upon being sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada…  swears allegiance to the Queen, NOT to the People of Canada… but solely to the Queen!
Getting curious?   Want to know more…   Click:  Find Out More
What is the true impact of this?
Until and unless The System changes, no matter what you or I or we may do or want to do to make Canada better, NOTHING will make a lasting impact.      And, of course, once elected the politicians can run amuk – as outlined on this webpage .     And please… do not get hung up on this piece relating to the Harper government – it matters NOT which party, ALL parties  do it!
Now you may have gained insight into why…   how emails, conversations, activities (yours or others) presented to an elected politician, regardless of party affiliation, often get brushed aside, ignored, talked down to…
This is not a political issue at hand, it is an issue of The System.
The information, We the People Constitutional Conventions coast to coast" will outline, with evidence, how this came to be AND, will outline a simple Solution to correct it.
What Can You Do to Help?
If you are curious, intrigued and / or interested to know more, we invite you to Click: Find Out More
And you can share this page with friends.  It may become the most important action you could ever do!
What is Our Goal?
Our goal at "Constitutional Conventions coast to Coast ”, is first, to inform and Secondly educate the FACTS ,to towns and cities across Canada to educate ALL The People of Canada, respectfully, peacefully.
To Complete this awaking, we are reaching out to you and all The People of Canada  – hopefully to create inspiration within you – to help us reach our funding goal so this vitally important, ground-breaking, impactful and historic document may be produced.  Again, the Canadian way…
We truly thank you for your time in reviewing this page and look forward to hearing from you!
The Team is everyone who wants this to happen
“We the People Constitutional Conventions Coast to Coast ”
Donations may be e-trasfered to 
If inspired, please forward this page to your friends and family!

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