Thursday 12 March 2020

A Grand Jury style Sovereign Chamber for scrutiny - The Republic of Alberta

 A  Grand Jury style Sovereign Chamber for scrutiny - The Republic of Alberta 
A second scrutiny chamber should also be established containing a 50/50 split of sovereign's chosen at random from all parts of Wales in the same style as a compulsory jury service, as well as non party affiliated experts in their fields from all walks of life and from all areas of the Republic of Alberta. These would have to be at least 21 years old and chosen by a independent non political panel. They would have the right to study new legislation and scrutinise the Republic of Alberta members in a second chamber or session. If the justified scrutiny or questions raised by the sovereign's Chamber hasn’t been satisfactorily answered, the Sovereign Chamber could ask the legislation to be re drafted, and if still not satisfied that these justified and lawful concerns haven’t been met they could ask for another amendment or re draught or ask for a judicial review. The sovereign's Chamber sessions would be presided over by a non partisan presiding officer recommended by the independent sovereign's panel. ( That will be created)
The role of the Sovereign's Chamber would be to scrutinise legislation that may have been drafted over-hastily in the the Republic of Alberta, to hold the Administrators members to account and to suggest amendments if necessary. They also will be changed every five year term and a new jury brought in to replace them.
The non party affiliated experts and jury of sovereign would be chosen from a geographical balanced selection from north, mid and south , with ten experts and 10 sovereign jury chosen from each of these regions. All fields of expertise would be given equal consideration; business, science, the arts, transport, engineering, education, health, crime, technology etc. They would be paid a basic fee plus traveling costs and would meet at least twice for each new legislative proposal.
No more than three ex Regional Administrators or Federal Administrators could be considered as members of the ten experts in their chosen fields and for each area (north, mid and south)
Anyone could recommend candidates to be experts in the Sovereign Chamber, by way of a petitioning website, where candidates with numerous recommendations (and over a certain amount of recommendations) having to be given first choice by the panel, if  all lawful and other necessary criteria checks are ok’d. This would allow local communities and areas to have the sovereign's they want scrutinizing our Administrators at all 3 levels and speaking on their behalf. Sovereign Chamber members  would also be allowed to stand as MOS’s (Administrators) but would have to resign from the Citizen Chamber if selected.

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