You, the “Queen” and the Governor General [GG] - 1
The Queen and the Canadian GG
The examination of Canadas constitutional situation
This is a seven part mini series of short articles that together reveal contradictions and flaws in the one document that controls every Canadian Life
NOTE: Late 1990's the formation of what would eventually become the BC Refederation Party- worked hard to Educate the people on the Fact Canad had No Constitution - No Federation Papers existed - and WE THE PEOPLE" have a lawful Right to create a Constitution and choose how we want to be Governed - We tried and many others over the years have tried to create political parties to represent the people with "Unalienable Rights" attempt to to negotiate the so-called federation - Here is some important information the BC Refederation tried - Referendums - Petitions all Failed - The system they have created for themselves only benefits them ,- NOT us "WE The People" So the message in 2019 after the elections is still the same results. The Sovereigns in Each Country are NOT represented - Time to Change this system - Constitutional Committees and constitutional Conventions - To finally have a lawful Constitution and SEAT a De Jure Lawful Government.
1 The Principle of Self Determination
2 The end of lawful government in Canada
3 The start of unlawful government in Canada
4 The continuation of unlawful government 1982
5 Who is the Queen of Canada ?
6 The Crown separating myth from reality
7 Giving Royal Assent to Canadas laws
8 Law v Convention
9 Constitutions v Statutes
10 Democracy in Canada, for a change, at last
11 Democracy in Canada a dream or a possibility ?
12 Setting up the BC model
13 Using the BC model to bring Ottawa under control
14 Back to the Queen and the Governor General issue
15 Summary
1 Introduction - The Principle of Self Determination
To re-phrase Winston Churchill, Canadian politicians have seized the Canadian people by the hair of their head. The Canadian people need to enforce the right of a sovereign people to choose the form of their government. It is the right of the people of a nation to decide how they want to be governed [without the influence of any other country].
The United Nations Organization insists that within a country the STATE must allow the people to decide which form of government they will live under. Endnote 1
In Canada that has never been allowed.
In international law a sovereign people has full control over its territory. The people have the inherent right to decide the structure of their government and to control their system of domestic law.
2 The end of lawful government in Canada “ the Statute of Westminster 1931
The people of Canada have never been allowed by the politician-class to choose the form of their government. Before 11 Dec 1931 the British parliament was the lawful source of the authority for the Canadian government.
The next day on 12 Dec 1931 the newly sovereign people of Canada should have approved a document giving the central government the needed authority to govern the people of Canada. There can be no other source of the authority needed by a government to lawfully govern. That document should have dictated the structure of Canadas central government. That document is called a constitution. A charter of government deriving its whole authority from the governed Endnote 2
3 The start of unlawful government in Canada - 1931
Instead, the central government of the day took power on 12 Dec 1931 and carried on as if there had been no break in legal continuity. Ever since that day the Canadian people have voted in elections for an unlawful government that was imposed on them by politicians. The people of Canada have never given informed consent to government at any level in this country. Without this informed consent of the people all governments have been unlawful since 12 Dec 1931. What is legal in this world is not always lawful.
Part 2 of the series examines flaws in the document that is held out by the politician-class to be the fundamental law of our country.
1 Res 50/172
2 Blacks Law Dictionary [6th Edition]
The Queen and the Canadian GG
The examination of Canadas constitutional situation
This is a seven part mini series of short articles that together reveal contradictions and flaws in the one document that controls every Canadian Life
NOTE: Late 1990's the formation of what would eventually become the BC Refederation Party- worked hard to Educate the people on the Fact Canad had No Constitution - No Federation Papers existed - and WE THE PEOPLE" have a lawful Right to create a Constitution and choose how we want to be Governed - We tried and many others over the years have tried to create political parties to represent the people with "Unalienable Rights" attempt to to negotiate the so-called federation - Here is some important information the BC Refederation tried - Referendums - Petitions all Failed - The system they have created for themselves only benefits them ,- NOT us "WE The People" So the message in 2019 after the elections is still the same results. The Sovereigns in Each Country are NOT represented - Time to Change this system - Constitutional Committees and constitutional Conventions - To finally have a lawful Constitution and SEAT a De Jure Lawful Government.
1 The Principle of Self Determination
2 The end of lawful government in Canada
3 The start of unlawful government in Canada
4 The continuation of unlawful government 1982
5 Who is the Queen of Canada ?
6 The Crown separating myth from reality
7 Giving Royal Assent to Canadas laws
8 Law v Convention
9 Constitutions v Statutes
10 Democracy in Canada, for a change, at last
11 Democracy in Canada a dream or a possibility ?
12 Setting up the BC model
13 Using the BC model to bring Ottawa under control
14 Back to the Queen and the Governor General issue
15 Summary
1 Introduction - The Principle of Self Determination
To re-phrase Winston Churchill, Canadian politicians have seized the Canadian people by the hair of their head. The Canadian people need to enforce the right of a sovereign people to choose the form of their government. It is the right of the people of a nation to decide how they want to be governed [without the influence of any other country].
The United Nations Organization insists that within a country the STATE must allow the people to decide which form of government they will live under. Endnote 1
In Canada that has never been allowed.
In international law a sovereign people has full control over its territory. The people have the inherent right to decide the structure of their government and to control their system of domestic law.
2 The end of lawful government in Canada “ the Statute of Westminster 1931
The people of Canada have never been allowed by the politician-class to choose the form of their government. Before 11 Dec 1931 the British parliament was the lawful source of the authority for the Canadian government.
The next day on 12 Dec 1931 the newly sovereign people of Canada should have approved a document giving the central government the needed authority to govern the people of Canada. There can be no other source of the authority needed by a government to lawfully govern. That document should have dictated the structure of Canadas central government. That document is called a constitution. A charter of government deriving its whole authority from the governed Endnote 2
3 The start of unlawful government in Canada - 1931
Instead, the central government of the day took power on 12 Dec 1931 and carried on as if there had been no break in legal continuity. Ever since that day the Canadian people have voted in elections for an unlawful government that was imposed on them by politicians. The people of Canada have never given informed consent to government at any level in this country. Without this informed consent of the people all governments have been unlawful since 12 Dec 1931. What is legal in this world is not always lawful.
Part 2 of the series examines flaws in the document that is held out by the politician-class to be the fundamental law of our country.
1 Res 50/172
2 Blacks Law Dictionary [6th Edition]
You, the “Queen” and the Governor General [GG] - 2
Part 1 in this 7 part mini series explained that the Canadian people have never been allowed to choose how their government should be structured, which should have happened when Britain’s Statute of Westminster made them a sovereign people in 1931.
4 Continuation of unlawful government 1982
In 1982 Trudeau persuaded federal and provincial politicians to sign his attempt to make Canadian governments lawful the Constitution Act 1982. He proclaimed that this statute was now the Canadian constitution. However, several things are wrong with that
- The Canadian people have never ratified [or approved] Trudeau's document, so the government does not have the consent of the governed. It means that the Trudeau document has no authority to be a constitution.
- That Constitution Act 1982 retains the old BNA Act as the structure of government in Canada, and Sec 9 states - The Executive Government and Authority of and over Canada is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the Queen. [that is, Queen Elisabeth ll]
- But the British government has recently confirmed in the case of Australia that The Queen, in her role as Head of State of the United Kingdom, has no executive powers exercisable within Australia. Footnote 1. This is also true in the case of Canada. So Sec 9 of the Canadian Constitution Act 1982 must be repealed “ the British Monarchy is the creation of the British Parliament and the British queen is not allowed to be the Queen of Canada.
- A British Queen with no executive authority over Canada can not appoint a Governor General [GG] to exercise supreme power over Canada. But Sec 12 of the old BNA Act still gives the GG total power over Canada [with or without the advice and consent of anyone else - read Sec 12]. So Sec 12 must be repealed.
- The GG is appointed to the GG position by a Letter Patent. But the British Queen is not allowed by the British Parliament to sign a Canadian Letter Patent because the people of Canada are sovereign. Therefore the GG can not claim to be the representative of the British Queen. [since 1947 the Letters Patent appointing GGs have been signed by the Canadian Prime Minister [PM]]. Footnote 2.
- Competent Canadian politicians must know of this circular farce of an elected PM appointing a GG with the power to fire the Prime Minister. The Canadian GG has the power to fire the entire government [an Australian GG has not too many years ago fired the Australian GG, and a State government].
- The Canadian people who have never approved of our present form of government did not elect this GG, who is also the Commander in Chief of our armed forces.
- All public officials of this sovereign nation of Canada must swear an oath of allegiance, [name], do Solemnly swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors according to law, forever. So help me God. This oath is not to support or protect the Canadian people or a proper Canadian constitution. It is an oath to be faithful to a foreign head of state. It must be changed. Ireland abolished the Oath of Allegiance to the British Monarch in the 1920s.
- On 3 Dec 07 Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was sworn in. He refused to swear an oath of Allegiance to the Queen. His Oath is to well and truly serve the Commonwealth of Australia, her land and her people, so help me God”.
Foot note 1 Letter to an Australian citizen from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Jun 03 [copy on file]
Part 1 in this 7 part mini series explained that the Canadian people have never been allowed to choose how their government should be structured, which should have happened when Britain’s Statute of Westminster made them a sovereign people in 1931.
4 Continuation of unlawful government 1982
In 1982 Trudeau persuaded federal and provincial politicians to sign his attempt to make Canadian governments lawful the Constitution Act 1982. He proclaimed that this statute was now the Canadian constitution. However, several things are wrong with that
- The Canadian people have never ratified [or approved] Trudeau's document, so the government does not have the consent of the governed. It means that the Trudeau document has no authority to be a constitution.
- That Constitution Act 1982 retains the old BNA Act as the structure of government in Canada, and Sec 9 states - The Executive Government and Authority of and over Canada is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the Queen. [that is, Queen Elisabeth ll]
- But the British government has recently confirmed in the case of Australia that The Queen, in her role as Head of State of the United Kingdom, has no executive powers exercisable within Australia. Footnote 1. This is also true in the case of Canada. So Sec 9 of the Canadian Constitution Act 1982 must be repealed “ the British Monarchy is the creation of the British Parliament and the British queen is not allowed to be the Queen of Canada.
- A British Queen with no executive authority over Canada can not appoint a Governor General [GG] to exercise supreme power over Canada. But Sec 12 of the old BNA Act still gives the GG total power over Canada [with or without the advice and consent of anyone else - read Sec 12]. So Sec 12 must be repealed.
- The GG is appointed to the GG position by a Letter Patent. But the British Queen is not allowed by the British Parliament to sign a Canadian Letter Patent because the people of Canada are sovereign. Therefore the GG can not claim to be the representative of the British Queen. [since 1947 the Letters Patent appointing GGs have been signed by the Canadian Prime Minister [PM]]. Footnote 2.
- Competent Canadian politicians must know of this circular farce of an elected PM appointing a GG with the power to fire the Prime Minister. The Canadian GG has the power to fire the entire government [an Australian GG has not too many years ago fired the Australian GG, and a State government].
- The Canadian people who have never approved of our present form of government did not elect this GG, who is also the Commander in Chief of our armed forces.
- All public officials of this sovereign nation of Canada must swear an oath of allegiance, [name], do Solemnly swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors according to law, forever. So help me God. This oath is not to support or protect the Canadian people or a proper Canadian constitution. It is an oath to be faithful to a foreign head of state. It must be changed. Ireland abolished the Oath of Allegiance to the British Monarch in the 1920s.
- On 3 Dec 07 Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was sworn in. He refused to swear an oath of Allegiance to the Queen. His Oath is to well and truly serve the Commonwealth of Australia, her land and her people, so help me God”.
Foot note 1 Letter to an Australian citizen from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Jun 03 [copy on file]
You, the “Queen” and the Governor General [GG] - 3
Part 2 of this mini series looked at Trudeau’s statute which is sold to the public as a constitution, and shows why a statute can not lawfully be the constitution of Canada.
This Part 3 explains why there is no such person as the “Queen of Canada”.
5 Who is the Queen of Canada mentioned in the Canadian oath ?
This picture [above] is Queen Elizabeth the Second of the UK - the British Queen.
In 1953 a decision was reached by Elizabeth’s prime ministers at the Commonwealth Prime Ministers Conference of 1953, whereby the British Queen would accord herself different styles and titles in each of her realms, reflecting that in each state she acted as monarch of that particular country, regardless of her other roles. So about 20 Prime Ministers, 19 of them non-Canadian, made this decision. None of their peoples voted for it. Certainly no Canadians voted for it. A Commonwealth realm is a sovereign state that chooses to have the British Queen as a monarch.
So the Canadian Royal Style and Titles Act 1953 was proclaimed in Canada by two men “ the attorney general and the PM Louis St Laurent [the parliament and the people had no part in it]. It created a Canadian title for the British Queen - Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. However, the Canadian Royal Style and Titles Act 1953 created no Canadian powers of this new Queen of Canada
This picture [above] is Queen Elizabeth the Second - the British Queen
Therefore the British Queen and the Canadian Queen are the same person. There is no separate human being who is the Queen of Canada. But because the British Queen has no executive power within Canada, it appears then that the Queen of Canada must have the executive power. But which document lays down the executive powers of this Canadian queen ? From where does she draw her constitutional power ? Not from the Canadian Royal Style and Titles Acts. No Canadian legislation sets out her powers. And no Canadian official swears allegiance to the Queen of Canada – they swear allegiance to Elizabeth the Second. No Queen of Canada has ever been crowned. It's a shell game.
6 The Crown separating Myth from reality
On the one hand the Crown is defined as the legal embodiment of the executive government. Footnote 1. So court cases are R v John Smith [ R is latin for Queen]. The PM is the Chief Executive Officer of the Crown.
But on the other hand the Canadian Interpretation Act says the Crown is the SOVEREIGN of the UK, Canada, and her other Realms and territories. Footnote 2. In this conflict the Canadian Interpretation Act takes precedence, and the Crown is defined as the Queen of Canada, which is a title without executive power. Therefore as defined in the Canadian Interpretation Act the Crown has no executive power over Canada.
The Crown is a corporation sole, a legal entity, presumably created by legislation. The GG is a corporation sole, appointed by the Crown [the PM]
If the GG is the representative of the British Queen she will have the same executive power over Canada as the British Queen does none. If the GG is the representative of the Canadian Queen she will have the powers delegated to her by the Queen of Canada“ none because the Queen of Canada has no legislated powers.
The Canadian GGs powers are listed in the Letter Patent that appoints her/him. Therefore her powers are conferred on her by the person who signs the Letter Patent “ the Canadian Prime Minister.
So the GG is loosely referred to as the representative of one of two queens. One queen under international law has no executive power in Canada, and the other has under domestic law no executive power over Canada. In the name of one of those two Majesties she is appointed by a PM who has no authority to grant her supreme powers over the Canadian people. As Head of State she then swears into office the PM who appointed her, and who himself takes an oath to obey a foreign head of state. So the PM and his government are sworn into office by a GG who lacks the power to do so. Is such a government lawfully constituted ? Is this system unlawful, archaic, and unnecessary ?
Footnote 1. The Crown is a corporation sole that in certain countries of the Commonwealth of Nations, as well as in any provincial or state sub-divisions thereof, represents the legal embodiment of executive government. [Wiki]
Footnote 2. Her Majesty His Majesty, the Queen the King or the Crown means the Sovereign of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories, and Head of the Commonwealth; Sec 35 (1)
You, the “Queen” and the Governor General [GG] - 4
Part 2 of this mini series looked at Trudeau’s statute which is sold to the public as a constitution, and shows why a statute can not lawfully be the constitution of Canada.
This Part 3 explains why there is no such person as the “Queen of Canada”.
5 Who is the Queen of Canada mentioned in the Canadian oath ?
This picture [above] is Queen Elizabeth the Second of the UK - the British Queen.
In 1953 a decision was reached by Elizabeth’s prime ministers at the Commonwealth Prime Ministers Conference of 1953, whereby the British Queen would accord herself different styles and titles in each of her realms, reflecting that in each state she acted as monarch of that particular country, regardless of her other roles. So about 20 Prime Ministers, 19 of them non-Canadian, made this decision. None of their peoples voted for it. Certainly no Canadians voted for it. A Commonwealth realm is a sovereign state that chooses to have the British Queen as a monarch.
So the Canadian Royal Style and Titles Act 1953 was proclaimed in Canada by two men “ the attorney general and the PM Louis St Laurent [the parliament and the people had no part in it]. It created a Canadian title for the British Queen - Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. However, the Canadian Royal Style and Titles Act 1953 created no Canadian powers of this new Queen of Canada
This picture [above] is Queen Elizabeth the Second - the British Queen
Therefore the British Queen and the Canadian Queen are the same person. There is no separate human being who is the Queen of Canada. But because the British Queen has no executive power within Canada, it appears then that the Queen of Canada must have the executive power. But which document lays down the executive powers of this Canadian queen ? From where does she draw her constitutional power ? Not from the Canadian Royal Style and Titles Acts. No Canadian legislation sets out her powers. And no Canadian official swears allegiance to the Queen of Canada – they swear allegiance to Elizabeth the Second. No Queen of Canada has ever been crowned. It's a shell game.
6 The Crown separating Myth from reality
On the one hand the Crown is defined as the legal embodiment of the executive government. Footnote 1. So court cases are R v John Smith [ R is latin for Queen]. The PM is the Chief Executive Officer of the Crown.
But on the other hand the Canadian Interpretation Act says the Crown is the SOVEREIGN of the UK, Canada, and her other Realms and territories. Footnote 2. In this conflict the Canadian Interpretation Act takes precedence, and the Crown is defined as the Queen of Canada, which is a title without executive power. Therefore as defined in the Canadian Interpretation Act the Crown has no executive power over Canada.
The Crown is a corporation sole, a legal entity, presumably created by legislation. The GG is a corporation sole, appointed by the Crown [the PM]
If the GG is the representative of the British Queen she will have the same executive power over Canada as the British Queen does none. If the GG is the representative of the Canadian Queen she will have the powers delegated to her by the Queen of Canada“ none because the Queen of Canada has no legislated powers.
The Canadian GGs powers are listed in the Letter Patent that appoints her/him. Therefore her powers are conferred on her by the person who signs the Letter Patent “ the Canadian Prime Minister.
So the GG is loosely referred to as the representative of one of two queens. One queen under international law has no executive power in Canada, and the other has under domestic law no executive power over Canada. In the name of one of those two Majesties she is appointed by a PM who has no authority to grant her supreme powers over the Canadian people. As Head of State she then swears into office the PM who appointed her, and who himself takes an oath to obey a foreign head of state. So the PM and his government are sworn into office by a GG who lacks the power to do so. Is such a government lawfully constituted ? Is this system unlawful, archaic, and unnecessary ?
Footnote 1. The Crown is a corporation sole that in certain countries of the Commonwealth of Nations, as well as in any provincial or state sub-divisions thereof, represents the legal embodiment of executive government. [Wiki]
Footnote 2. Her Majesty His Majesty, the Queen the King or the Crown means the Sovereign of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories, and Head of the Commonwealth; Sec 35 (1)
You, the “Queen” and the Governor General [GG] - 4
Part 3 of this mini series showed the confusion that results from mention of “the Queen” when there are two titles called “the Queen”. One is the British Queen with no executive power over Canada in international law, and the other is a title, not a person, with no executive power over Canada in Canadian domestic law - the “Queen of Canada”.
Part 3 also revealed that “The Crown” is defined in Canadian law as “the Sovereign”, and therefore can have no executive power over Canada.
This Part 4 will show that there is no requirement in the Constitution Act 1982 for Royal Assent to be given to a parliamentary Bill, and also reveals how “convention” is used by the politician-class and by judges.
7 Giving Royal Assent to Canadas laws
When the representatives of the Canadian people today pass a law in parliament it does not have the force of law in Canada until the head of a foreign State agrees with it. The GG as the representative of one of two foreign queens has the power to withhold Royal Assent to the bill. The Canadian PM seems to have given her that power in his Letter Patent when he appointed her.
However, this arrangement that REQUIRES parliament to pass a bill and then send it to the GG for Royal Assent is not mentioned in the Constitution Act 1982. Nowhere in the Act is that practice REQUIRED.
This signature is the Royal Sign Manual.
However, this arrangement that REQUIRES parliament to pass a bill and then send it to the GG for Royal Assent is not mentioned in the Constitution Act 1982. Nowhere in the Act is that practice REQUIRED.
It can therefore be nothing more than a convention. It is a practice that should be repealed. It is difficult for a sovereign mind to find the logic in a PM passing a bill in parliament and appointing an unelected person with the power to veto that bill. And all the while the people have no say in the bill or the veto.
As in Canada, Australia has the same constitutional problem, and the Australian Attorney Generals office replied in May 2001 to a Freedom of Information request by an Australian citizen. The citizen had requested a copy of the empowering document or legislation issued by the UK government empowering the Queen of Australia [read also Queen of Canada] to use the Royal Prerogatives granted to the Queen of the UK, in particular the Royal Sign Manual
The Royal Sign Manual is simply the Monarchs signature used to grant her assent to parliamentary bills. “ it is affixed by the GG to the bill to grant Royal Assent to Australian [or Canadian] bills.
The Australian Attorney Generals reply ? [copy on file]
¦no such document, as described by you in your request, exist.
So the situation in Canada seems to be that
- There is no requirement in the Constitution Act 1982 for a bill to receive the Royal Assent from the GG in order to become law.
- The Queen of Canada has no Royal Sign Manual and no authority to use the British Queens Sign Manual [signature] to give Royal Assent to parliaments bills.
- The Queen of Canada has no constitutional authority to grant or withhold Royal Assent. The Queen of Canada is not mentioned in the Constitution Act, 1982. All reference to the Queen in the Constitution Act, 1982 is to Queen Victoria of the UK.
- The Canadian GG as the representative of either Queen has no constitutional authority to grant or withhold Royal Assent.
8 Law v Convention
Because politicians have never allowed the Canadian people to limit their politician powers with a constitution, the politicians are free to use laws selectively if they wish. They can also circumvent laws in the same way the judiciary can, by the use of what they call convention. Convention is the creation of new rules, or a new doctrine, that must be obeyed, but which inconveniently for the politicians do not exist in the law books. One example is the British doctrine of the indivisibility of the Queen. Overnight this became the new doctrine of the divisibility of the Queen when it solved headaches for the British politicians and judiciary. This maneuver allowed the British queen to simultaneously become the Queen of all the Commonwealth countries. Footnote 1.
So the right of the British parliament to legislate the status of the monarchy [going back to the Act of Settlement, 1701] was undermined by a one paragraph statement by one judge. Easy “ just announce a new convention. Done deal.
The same resort to a handy convention happens in Canada. In fact a Canadian Chief Justice once defined the Canadian constitution as a combination of statutes and conventions. A proper constitution is neither a statute nor a convention “ it is a written binding contract between citizens and their government.
Footnote 1. See R v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs , ex parte Indian Association of Alberta [1982] 1 QB 892 where Denning LJ said at 917 “
Hitherto I have said that in constitutional law the Crown was single and indivisible. But that Law was changed in the first half of this century not by statute “ but by constitutional usage and practice. The Crown became separate and divisible according to the particular territory in which it was sovereign. Thenceforward the Crown was no longer single and indivisible. It was separate and divisible for each self-governing dominion or province or territory.
Part 3 of this mini series showed the confusion that results from mention of “the Queen” when there are two titles called “the Queen”. One is the British Queen with no executive power over Canada in international law, and the other is a title, not a person, with no executive power over Canada in Canadian domestic law - the “Queen of Canada”.
Part 3 also revealed that “The Crown” is defined in Canadian law as “the Sovereign”, and therefore can have no executive power over Canada.
This Part 4 will show that there is no requirement in the Constitution Act 1982 for Royal Assent to be given to a parliamentary Bill, and also reveals how “convention” is used by the politician-class and by judges.
7 Giving Royal Assent to Canadas laws
When the representatives of the Canadian people today pass a law in parliament it does not have the force of law in Canada until the head of a foreign State agrees with it. The GG as the representative of one of two foreign queens has the power to withhold Royal Assent to the bill. The Canadian PM seems to have given her that power in his Letter Patent when he appointed her.
However, this arrangement that REQUIRES parliament to pass a bill and then send it to the GG for Royal Assent is not mentioned in the Constitution Act 1982. Nowhere in the Act is that practice REQUIRED.
This signature is the Royal Sign Manual.
However, this arrangement that REQUIRES parliament to pass a bill and then send it to the GG for Royal Assent is not mentioned in the Constitution Act 1982. Nowhere in the Act is that practice REQUIRED.
It can therefore be nothing more than a convention. It is a practice that should be repealed. It is difficult for a sovereign mind to find the logic in a PM passing a bill in parliament and appointing an unelected person with the power to veto that bill. And all the while the people have no say in the bill or the veto.
As in Canada, Australia has the same constitutional problem, and the Australian Attorney Generals office replied in May 2001 to a Freedom of Information request by an Australian citizen. The citizen had requested a copy of the empowering document or legislation issued by the UK government empowering the Queen of Australia [read also Queen of Canada] to use the Royal Prerogatives granted to the Queen of the UK, in particular the Royal Sign Manual
The Royal Sign Manual is simply the Monarchs signature used to grant her assent to parliamentary bills. “ it is affixed by the GG to the bill to grant Royal Assent to Australian [or Canadian] bills.
The Australian Attorney Generals reply ? [copy on file]
¦no such document, as described by you in your request, exist.
So the situation in Canada seems to be that
- There is no requirement in the Constitution Act 1982 for a bill to receive the Royal Assent from the GG in order to become law.
- The Queen of Canada has no Royal Sign Manual and no authority to use the British Queens Sign Manual [signature] to give Royal Assent to parliaments bills.
- The Queen of Canada has no constitutional authority to grant or withhold Royal Assent. The Queen of Canada is not mentioned in the Constitution Act, 1982. All reference to the Queen in the Constitution Act, 1982 is to Queen Victoria of the UK.
- The Canadian GG as the representative of either Queen has no constitutional authority to grant or withhold Royal Assent.
8 Law v Convention
Because politicians have never allowed the Canadian people to limit their politician powers with a constitution, the politicians are free to use laws selectively if they wish. They can also circumvent laws in the same way the judiciary can, by the use of what they call convention. Convention is the creation of new rules, or a new doctrine, that must be obeyed, but which inconveniently for the politicians do not exist in the law books. One example is the British doctrine of the indivisibility of the Queen. Overnight this became the new doctrine of the divisibility of the Queen when it solved headaches for the British politicians and judiciary. This maneuver allowed the British queen to simultaneously become the Queen of all the Commonwealth countries. Footnote 1.
So the right of the British parliament to legislate the status of the monarchy [going back to the Act of Settlement, 1701] was undermined by a one paragraph statement by one judge. Easy “ just announce a new convention. Done deal.
The same resort to a handy convention happens in Canada. In fact a Canadian Chief Justice once defined the Canadian constitution as a combination of statutes and conventions. A proper constitution is neither a statute nor a convention “ it is a written binding contract between citizens and their government.
Footnote 1. See R v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs , ex parte Indian Association of Alberta [1982] 1 QB 892 where Denning LJ said at 917 “
Hitherto I have said that in constitutional law the Crown was single and indivisible. But that Law was changed in the first half of this century not by statute “ but by constitutional usage and practice. The Crown became separate and divisible according to the particular territory in which it was sovereign. Thenceforward the Crown was no longer single and indivisible. It was separate and divisible for each self-governing dominion or province or territory.
You, the and the Governor General [GG] - 5
Part 4 of this mini series showed that the requirement for Royal Assent is a convention, and that conventions are used by the politicians and judges to change “the rules of the game” and bypass parliament.
This Part 5 exposes the biggest trick of the politician-class - using a statute in place of a proper constitution.
9 Constitutions v Statutes
How did the politicians grip the people of Canada by the hair of their head ? Answer - they dictated to the people the form that government would take in Canada a form that puts all power with politicians and not with "We The People".
We all know the sayings about our free and democratic nation that politicians are the servants of the people, and parliament rules through the representatives of the people, and so on. And we all know that something is wrong with this picture that for some reason we do not seem to have government of the people by the people, for the people.
The reality is that politicians wrote the rule book so that politicians have all the political power and the people are only allowed to choose which politicians will hold the people by the hair of their head and lead them with a rope through a nose ring.
In 1982 the politicians passed an Act or statute that gave all Canadas politicians complete control over Canadas supposedly sovereign people.
Footnote 1. But ask yourself, where does any government get the authority to pass statutes with the force of law ? Answer, the power to enact a statute comes from the nations constitution. But in Canada the nations constitution is a statute. Neat politician trick. Read that again.
Footnote 1. But ask yourself, where does any government get the authority to pass statutes with the force of law ? Answer, the power to enact a statute comes from the nations constitution. But in Canada the nations constitution is a statute. Neat politician trick. Read that again.
Look at these two definitions. First - Democracy is when the will of the people prevails. Second: the only definition of a constitution that results in democracy is A Charter of government deriving its whole authority from the governed.
So where SHOULD a government get its authority to pass statutes ? Answer, from a constitution that has been written and approved by the governed. Such a constitution transfers limited power from the sovereign people to their politicians. That has Never has happened.
To turn Trudeaus statute into a lawful constitution all he had to do was to allow the people to vote on it “ to accept it as the supreme law of the land, or to veto it.
Would the people of Canada vote today to accept the present form of Canadas government, where politicians have total power over the people ? Possibly not, but with one simple and powerful amendment to the Constitution Act, 1982, the people could get a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. The people can insist on their right to install a government that is under their control between elections. Here how.
10 Constitution, for a change “ at last
NOTE- Here is something to ponder - We the Sovereigns are the owners of the Land Mass they call Canada Inc - Now here is how they trick you into thinking you are a share holder of canada .INC when factually you are NOT A share holder.
The citizens are the shareholders in the big corporation called Canada and the corporation must allow the shareholders to approve the structure of the corporation, or to alter it by changing its Charter. The shareholders of the corporation must have the right to vote the Board of Directors in and out, and the right to do so at a special general meeting at any time. All corporations operate this way, and Canada is a corporation.
The charter of one of the most prosperous nations on earth was written by its shareholders, not by the Board of Directors. All power in the corporation comes from the shareholders, who wrote the rules the corporate Charter.
The Canadian people need only add a simple but powerful control mechanism to Canadas corporate Charter.
If Trudeaus Constitution Act 1982 added such a mechanism then the people in a national referendum could safely approve it, and change it from a statute into a lawful constitution. The people would then control the politicians, and that is what we MUST do!
I recommend we go further - We look at creating a Republic Constitution -
Footnote 1. Constitution Act, 1982 Sec 52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada - Lets change this - the Sovereigns MUST be the Supreme Law
You, the Queen and the Governor General [GG] - 6
Part 5 in this 7 part mini series explained the political trick used by the politicians, judges and media to prevent the people having a say in how they are governed. Also a start was made describing how the people can get back some control over the political system.
Part 6 has more detail on how the people of BC , Alberta, Saskatchewan and other Countries can give themselves the right to have the last word in how their Country is governed.
11 Democracy in Canada“ a dream or a Lie ?
The international community including the International Law Commission is unwilling to back up its principles with action.
In the real world politicians and judges will never give up their total power. The people will have to take it from them [peacefully with a Constitution not bullets]. British Columbians nor Albertans will never change the Ottawa system with ballots, but they can change the system with Lawful Constitution. By educating constitutional committees, constitutional conventions then finally to ratify a Constitution by the Sovereigns. This will install a lawful BC government. When Albertans see the advantages to the people of a lawful government they will copy the BC model, and so on across the rest of the countries whom also been tricked into the Myth of Canada Lie.
The only level of government in Canada that can bring change to the central government is the provincial level. The provinces created the central government in the first place, and they can combine to change it. The provinces combined have the power to install a mechanism at the national level, and to bring the central government under control sort of, like, you know, getting back to the rules of the original federation before Ottawa got out of hand a re-federating of the lawful provinces ?
12 Setting up the BC model
Controlling politicians by adding an element of Direct Voting to the BC political system requires government action. A party must be voted into power in Victoria to make the necessary changes. Voters must combine to vote such a party into power.
Once in power the new government will govern the province in the normal way so that life goes on without disruption. Changes will be phased in slowly. Authority for creating a Direct Voting in BC will come from a new provincial constitution approved by the people, whereas the current BC politicians unlawfully use a handy statute in place of a constitution.
So the people will be given the right to write and approve a BC constitution that puts power in the hands of the people. In that constitution the people will retain to themselves the right to control future politicians with a water-tight Direct Voting system. Only the people will be able to alter the Constitution of British Columbia.
13 Using the BC model to bring Ottawa under control
There is one key to persuading politicians in Ottawa to create a lawful central government subject to the control of Canadian voters between elections money.
As long as the provinces continue to feed the Ottawa machine with provincial money Ottawa will dominate the land. When the provinces first created a central government direct taxes were allowed only to the provinces. The new BC government will return to that agreement. A new fiscal arrangement with Ottawa will be phased in.
Direct taxes raised in BC will be collected by BC and held in the BC Treasury. Ottawa will be paid only for the cost of central government services provided to the province. This will have two results. The Ottawa bureaucracy will be reduced in size, and BC will have control over its taxes and will have money to funds social services. This was the intention of the original confederation [don't listen to Ottawa propaganda about this“ read the Quebec Resolutions 1864 for yourself]. Or read The Intention
Negotiations between the province and the central government to bring about these changes will also be different from negotiations that take place today. The difference will be that the province will be in possession of the money.
You, the Queen and the Governor General [GG] - 7
Part 6 in this mini series detailed how BC can lead the way to a lawful Canadian central government.
This Part 7 winds up the series.
14 Back to the Queen and the Governor General issue
Part of Ottawas control over the provinces comes from Ottawas manipulation of the queen, the Crown, the GG, and the Lt Governors in the provinces.
Ottawa politicians appoint an entity they call a representative of a queen, and claim to be subject to that entity [the GG], and claim that the provinces are subject to the queen and the GG too [although the people never agreed to this arrangement].
As a result Ottawa politicians control provincial legislatures by means of the Lt Governors. The giving or withholding of Royal Assent to provincial legislation is really the giving or withholding of the PMs assent to provincial legislation [because under the present system he appoints the GG and sets the GGs powers].
Under a BC Direct Voting system the people will have the RIGHT to veto or create legislation. The result of the vote under this system is binding on government. Legislation voted on by the people will become law because the people are the source of all political power in the province. The Lt Governors Royal Assent will not be required.
Attempts at disallowance of provincial legislation by the central government will hinge on the question of the authority or lack of authority of this GG, and of the authority or lack of authority of this queen. The British queen and the titular fiction called the Queen of Canada are the same person, and in neither role does that person have any executive power over Canada. At best the GGs role should be ceremonial only.
So the PM may resort to the Supreme Court of Canada. [The Australian experience shows that constitutional contradictions will not be rectified by the judiciary]. But if the Canadian central government is unlawful because the people have not approved a proper Canadian constitution, then the SCC is also unlawful until a proper Canadian constitution is created.
15 Summary
The Canadian people have the inherent right of all peoples to decide the form of their government. That is not the right of a handful of politicians.
A simple Direct Voting element added to the present structure of government will give the people political power.
It can all start in BC. Alberta or Saskatchewan
[Note, research into this topic is not complete. It is ongoing]
Overview of all the 7 parts of this mini series
1 The Principle of Self Determination
2 The end of lawful government in Canada
3 The start of unlawful government in Canada
4 The continuation of unlawful government 1982
5 Who is the Queen of Canada ?
6 The Crown separating myth from reality
7 Giving Royal Assent to Canadas laws
8 Law v Convention
9 Constitutions v Statutes
10 Democracy in Canada, for a change, at last
11 Democracy in Canada – a dream or a possibility ?
12 Setting up the BC model
13 Using the BC model to bring Ottawa under control
14 Back to the Queen and the Governor General issue
15 Summary

Travelling Truth Tour - Dallas Hills and many others concerned in the Direction the Country has been going since the 1980 started doing some research for over 30 plus years - Collecting information from many historians have complied a data base of very important information
BC Refedration Party was formed in the 1990's - Ed Anderson, Dallas Hills, Dennis Shaw, Dallas Hills, in Picture - Terry Hand, Patrick Kapasky Mel Gartner,- and many others were working on a Solution on a Constitution - and putting the Power back to "We The People "
Direct Democracy was a Solution to remove corrupt Legislation - Allow the Sovereigns to create Legislation and Finally to create a Constitution "For the People of The People by the People "- Referendums failed as the Clarity Act - ensure NO Referendums READ the Clarity Act Below
Video Are on Brighteon "Our Free Speech Site" Please support free Speech
Travelling And Educating has been the foundation to inform More People
We also ask for our important research and to Please Support the Travelling Truth Tour - So they may continue their work, research, Thank You - donations may be e-transferred to - our direct line is 403 -437 -1718
Also we are please to visit your locations to put on a presentation. Please contact us to setup a community event to have a live presentation - on constitutional committees - constitutional convention - and a Constitution - We look forward to meeting many more Native Brothers and Sister
PREAMBLE Constitution - has started - Please get involved
HO CANADA - Russel Rogers Smith
The Amazing Truck here belongs to Don Morrison - He has been using amazingly decorated truck to educate many of the issues WE THE PEOPLE must correct!
Removing the INDIAN ACT - BNA ACT - the first step to Liberty, Prosperity and a FUTURE
WE are all Native Brothers and Sisters and united together - We are Sovereign - We have a Lawful right to create an amazing Constitution together to remove the corrupt BNA Act and the Indian Act - so all may live in peace, prosperity for future generations - the steps to do this are educating each other - then participate in constitutional committees, constitutional conventions, then to create a Constitution accepted by the Sovereigns.
We feel after you do your research you will find a Republic Constitution is the most powerful Constitution to protect "WE THE PEOPLE"
Travelling Truth Tour -"WE THE PEOPLE"
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and Women are created with equal rights, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men/Women, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Freedom, Justice, prosperity, abundance, emancipation and the ability for all people to thrive.
We are attempting to educate the population to help aid them in comprehending the true nature of the political reality we are currently dealing with in "Canada".
We want the people to become involved in the formation and drafting of organic constitutions for each "Country (province)" with respect to native lands.
Each province is in fact it's own country since 1931 Statue of New West Minister . The Video Below - Dennis Shaw does an amazing explanation in detail how WE THE PEOPLE are Governed under this West Mister System - and some ideas how we may correct this injustice we have been inflicted with since 1931.
Canada a Country without a Constitutions
A Factual Examination Of The Constitutional Problem
"I have always contended, for reasons too long to enumerate here,that it [Canada] has not become either a confederationor a federal union."
Canada a Country Without A Constitution
Travelling Truth Tour - Has been educating Facts since 1990 - here are some of the latest videos
In his final chapter the author proposes a “ do-it-yourself ” method whereby the individual Canadian can assert this right.
Writing often in a style, which has brought consternation to officialdom, R. Rogers Smith blends a scholar’s knowledge of Canada’s political history with a formidable array of facts, which cannot be disputed.
"Unalienable: incapable of being alienated, that is, sold and transferred." – Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 1523:
THEIR GONNA GIVE YOU A CHOICE And toss us in the ditch
GIVE THE POWER TO THE PEOPLE We keep getting poorer
SO YOU MAY HAVE A VOICE They keep getting rich
COME JOIN US IN OUR CAUSE Exporting all our tree’s
OUR FUTURE IS AT STAKE So future generations will end up on their knees ONCE WE ARE UNITED
There cunning and so cruel They threaten those who speak We know their plan for corporate rule They removed all our free speech Its time for us to unite as one - And put them in their place - Restore equality to the human race
(Chorus Again)

Looking for a Real Solution - Looking for lower pricing, the resources in Alberta have belonged to “We the People” since 1931, isn’t it time. We exercised our right to seat a legal and lawful government for the people here in Alberta.
Please Support the Travelling Truth Tout - The Myth is Canada - donations may be e-transferred to - if you interested please contact us to setup a community event to have a live presentation - on constitutional committees - constitutional convention - and a Constitution - We look forward to meeting many more Native Brothers and Sister
Next We will explain - Monetary System - The Benefits of seating a De Jure Government and what this mean to you and your family and your Sovereign Country
"WE THE PEOPLE" We have had the Power since 1931
(UK) – Statute Law Revisions act, Removed of Sec. 2 of the BNA act, legally removing the Monarchy and all heirs from Canada upon Queen Victoria’s death in 1901.
1931: Statute of Westminster, ending the letters patent/BNA act, allowing Canada to Confederate. Key word here is (the letters patent) only the crown in chancery in England issue letters patent. Not the queen.

Travelling Truth Tour - Dallas Hills and many others concerned in the Direction the Country has been going since the 1980 started doing some research for over 30 plus years - Collecting information from many historians have complied a data base of very important information
The Purpose of the Travelling Truth is to bringing some important information you , your family and friends may be interested in Listening , watching videos and may be interested in having the team visit your local area to educate more people on a Solution
BC Refedration Party was formed in the 1990's - Ed Anderson, Dallas Hills, Dennis Shaw, Dallas Hills, in Picture - Terry Hand, Patrick Kapasky Mel Gartner,- and many others were working on a Solution on a Constitution - and putting the Power back to "We The People "
Direct Democracy was a Solution to remove corrupt Legislation - Allow the Sovereigns to create Legislation and Finally to create a Constitution "For the People of The People by the People "- Referendums failed as the Clarity Act - ensure NO Referendums READ the Clarity Act Below
The BC Refederation Party argues that there are three constitutional flaws in Canada. The first, that there exists no confederation document approved democratically. The second, that there exists no democratically achieved constitutional documents federally or provincially and the third, that there is no constitutional basis for the federal government's rights to collect income tax.
The BC Refederation Party (abbreviated BC Refed) is a provincial political party in British Columbia, Canada advocating for a direct democracy and reforms to Canadian federalism.It was formed shortly after the 2000 federal election as the Western Independence Party of British Columbia with an explicit western separatist platform; it later renamed itself as the Western Refederation Party of ...
BC Federation was 30 years ahead of many - There were also many other Sovereigns for years working on FACTS - Now are numbers have grown exponential - with the latest fake elections - and the NEED for a real SOLUTION is here - All we need to do keep on educating together Nothing can stop the Truth - Please share the information - The more share the faster we can have this Done
Here are some Videos and Information of the Journey to Inform and Educate more on the "Facts" the "We The People" are Sovereign and each of the Ten provinces and two Territories can
Canada a country without a constitution is - if not one of the best videos created how "We the People " are governed under the Westminster - Parliamentary system - Democracy corrupt system. During this video it clearly explains Canada has NO Constitution - NO Federation Papers - it also educates into Direct Democracy (RIC) which failed to control the Dictatorship and much more (because it is NOT BINDING) - This video is powerful educational video - Please forward to educate more so we may all get on the SOLUTION to end the fraud and corruption - UN Agenda 21/30 -Banking fraud - and all the unlawful ACT's they have created to harm us "We THE People "We also offered a #1000.00 dollar reward in the early 2000's for any one to produce the so-called federation papers- There has been another reward for $25 000 dollars in 2019 to produce these documents- good luck - on finding them - many have triedThe Three Steps that Dennis Shaw, Terry Hand , Dallas Hills , Mel Gardner , and many more worked on in the late 1990# 1 Implement DD to remove corrupt legislation and allowing the Sovereigns to create Legislation to protect the people# 2 Allow the People of British Columbia to create a Constitution how they want to be governed , rather than be Dictated too - In the Constitution there was Accountability#3 Was we were going to re-negotiate with Ottawa on there unlawful activities on a the Sovereign Country of British Columbia - and doing so other Countries would demand the same thing
Canada a Country without a Constitutions
Dallas in Victoria - Bank of Canada Scam -October 15th
This was educating more people but it was hijacked by George Soros and the real message was never to get on Main stream media - But it has always been controlled - But now its 2019 and more are awake the Facts - the entire system is a LIE and must be removed
Video Are on Brighteon "Our Free Speech Site" Please support free Speech
Dallas Hills speech at the Capital BC Legislature BC Canada
Video Are on Brighteon "Our Free Speech Site" Please support free Speech
Attached in the comments are some information you may very informative
Our solution is are educating and uniting on a solution to end the Lies and corruption - Thank you all for being part of the Creation of our FIRST Constitution - removing the shackles of the BNA ACT and the Indian ACT
Travelling And Educating has been the foundation to inform More People
Also we are please to visit your locations to put on a presentation. Please contact us to setup a community event to have a live presentation - on constitutional committees - constitutional convention - and a Constitution - We look forward to meeting many more Native Brothers and Sister
We have moved to Brighteon As this Site offers Free Speech - Please Join and share this out
- Why we are Creating a True Constitution - Learn more about this amazing Document - here
PREAMBLE Constitution - has started - Please get involved
HO CANADA - Russel Rogers Smith
Travelling Truth Tour - "WE THE PEOPLE" - Native Sons and Daughter Unite to save their Countries
The Amazing Truck here belongs to Don Morrison - He has been using amazingly decorated truck to educate many of the issues WE THE PEOPLE must correct!
Because VOTING is NOT THE SOLUTION - Educate yourself to become Liberated
Removing the INDIAN ACT - BNA ACT - the first step to Liberty, Prosperity and a FUTURE
WE are all Native Brothers and Sisters and united together - We are Sovereign - We have a Lawful right to create an amazing Constitution together to remove the corrupt BNA Act and the Indian Act - so all may live in peace, prosperity for future generations - the steps to do this are educating each other - then participate in constitutional committees, constitutional conventions, then to create a Constitution accepted by the Sovereigns.
We feel after you do your research you will find a Republic Constitution is the most powerful Constitution to protect "WE THE PEOPLE"
Types of Government, Explained - Republic - Democracy
This is Video explains the typed of Governments
Travelling Truth Tour -"WE THE PEOPLE"
Constitutional Convention -on the tour educating and learning from others.
Travelling Truth Tour - The Myth is Canada - this is a brief description what this page is designed for and our Goals Constitutional Conventions Core beliefs:
De Jure Constitutional Conventions - on Facebook
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and Women are created with equal rights, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men/Women, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Freedom, Justice, prosperity, abundance, emancipation and the ability for all people to thrive.
- Uniting people across the land, inspiring people with truth.
-Bringing the actions hidden in darkness into the public light.
-This is all being done to form a new system that will be for the benefit of the people.
We are attempting to educate the population to help aid them in comprehending the true nature of the political reality we are currently dealing with in "Canada".
We want the people to become involved in the formation and drafting of organic constitutions for each "Country (province)" with respect to native lands.
Each province is in fact it's own country since 1931 Statue of New West Minister . The Video Below - Dennis Shaw does an amazing explanation in detail how WE THE PEOPLE are Governed under this West Mister System - and some ideas how we may correct this injustice we have been inflicted with since 1931.
Canada a country without a constitution is - if not one of the best videos created how "We the People " are governed under the Westminster - Parliamentary system - Democracy corrupt system. During this video it clearly explains Canada has NO Constitution - NO Federation Papers - it also educates into Direct Democracy (RIC) which failed to control the Dictatorship and much more (because it is NOT BINDING) - This video is powerful educational video - Please forward to educate more so we may all get on the SOLUTION to end the fraud and corruption - UN Agenda 21/30 -Banking fraud - and all the unlawful ACT's they have created to harm us "We THE People "We also offered a $1000.00 dollar reward in the early 2000's for any one to produce the so-called federation papers- There has been another reward for $25 000 dollars in 2019 to produce these documents- good luck - on finding them - many have tried
The Three Steps that Dennis Shaw, Terry Hand , Dallas Hills , Mel Gardner , and many more worked on in the late 1990# 1 Implement DD to remove corrupt legislation and allowing the Sovereigns to create Legislation to protect the people# 2 Allow the People of British Columbia to create a Constitution how they want to be governed , rather than be Dictated too - In the Constitution there was Accountability#3 Was we were going to re-negotiate with Ottawa on there unlawful activities on a the Sovereign Country of British Columbia - and doing so other Countries would demand the same prosperity and future
Canada a Country without a Constitutions
A Factual Examination Of The Constitutional Problem
By Walter F. Kuhl Member Of Parliament
Jasper-Edson 1935-1949
January 1977
"It is therefore easy to see why Canada is
not a confederation............."
Dr. Maurice Ollivier, K.C., Joint Law Clerk,
House of Commons, before the Special Committee
on the British North America Act, 1935
"I have always contended, for reasons too long to enumerate here,that it [Canada] has not become either a confederationor a federal union."
[Dr. Ollivier, in a personal letter to Mr. Kuhl, May 30th, 1936]
Canada a Country Without A Constitution
Travelling Truth Tour - Has been educating Facts since 1990 - here are some of the latest videos
Never Have so Many Known so Little About so Much
HO, CANADA ! by R. Rogers Smith, ( Chief Wapanatak )
Canada is merely a geographical expression, not a political entity, says R. Rogers Smith, long-time battler for the right of Canadians to vote as Canadians, a right he claims they have never possessed.
In his final chapter the author proposes a “ do-it-yourself ” method whereby the individual Canadian can assert this right.
Writing often in a style, which has brought consternation to officialdom, R. Rogers Smith blends a scholar’s knowledge of Canada’s political history with a formidable array of facts, which cannot be disputed.
Download Download PDF
Katrín Oddsdóttir talks on Icelandic constitution
Katrín Oddsdóttir talks on Icelandic constitution
Participate in writing a People's Constitution for Europe, volunteer or organize a local crowdsourcing session:
For more info, see this presentation:
and the movie Blueberry Soup:
"Jaws dropped around the world on October 9, 2008 as a small collective of bankers brought an entire nation to its knees. Blueberry Soup chronicles the three-year aftermath of the Icelandic financial collapse that resulted in the extraordinary re-writing of the nations constitution. After extreme frustration and a sense of powerlessness Iceland elected a committee of 25 (non-politicians) to re-write their constitution to ensure a disaster like this will never happen again.
500 ran for the constitutional election and 25 were chosen, each representing the eclectic array of Iceland’s society. Such members include teachers, pastors, radio hosts, lawyers, artists, farmers, activists, and more.
Our message is straight forward "Become educated to become liberated"
So… here are 10 very important questions that you need to ask yourself:
1. Where are the Articles of Confederation, if Canada had confederated in 1867 and is a sovereign nation?
2. Why was Canada known as the “Dominion of Canada” a British colony until 1931, if Canada had confederated in 1867 and is a sovereign nation?
3. Why in 1867 was the BNA act created to be Letters Patent for a Governor General to the Dominion of Canada if Canada had confederated and is a sovereign nation?
4. Why in 1893, would the British Parliament deem it necessary to repeal certain sections of the BNA act, with the “Statute Law Revisions act” if Canada confederated in 1867 and is a sovereign nation?
5. Why in 1931 would the British parliament create the “Statute of Westminster” to nullify the Dominion of Canada, if Canada confederated in 1867 and is a sovereign nation?
6. Why in 1946 did a foreign Monarch, King George VI appoint a representative for the UK, a Governor General and then command the Parliament of Canada to create Letters Patent in 1947 for his Governor General, if Canada confederated in 1867 and is a Sovereign Nation?
7. Why did PM Trudeau in 1982 have his liberal government create the “Canada act” and then take that act to a foreign Monarch and have her parliament pass that act as the “Constitution act, 1982” if Canada confederated 115 years earlier and is a sovereign nation?
8. Why do Prime Ministers and other officials when sworn into office here in Canada, swear their allegiance to a foreign monarch, Queen Elizabeth, and not the people of Canada if Canada confederated in 1867 and is a sovereign nation?
9. Why in 1947 did Canadian Citizenship come into existence if Canada confederated 80 years earlier and is a sovereign nation?
10. Why was it necessary in 1990 to sue a member of the federal parliament, J. Littlechild MP, to force him to do his duty to his constituents and have the courts rule against his constituents, if Canada had confederated in 1867 and is a sovereign Nation?
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” – Søren Kierkegaard

Barbara Mcmahon Kevin Johnston Dallas Hills Randy McMahon
Barbara Mcmahon Kevin Johnston Dallas Hills Randy McMahon
(UK) – Statute Law Revisions act, Removed of Sec. 2 of the BNA act, legally removing the Monarchy and all heirs from Canada upon Queen Victoria’s death in 1901.
1931: Statute of Westminster, ending the letters patent/BNA act, allowing Canada to Confederate. Key word here is (the letters patent) only the crown in chancery in England issue letters patent. Not the queen.
The politician hatched a plan to make their own letters patent so the people would not know that the governor general is commissioned with no authority and can’t royal assent anything (no authority) and there is no enacting clause in any act. An enacting clause may invoke the ultimate sovereign. The people not the politician - now that the people have ultimate sovereignty, the politicians do not. The people have the power so they came up with a Canadian Citizenship Act run by a Minister, means such member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada as is designated by the Governor in Council as the Minister for the purposes of this Act (British) to diminish your state of sovereignty. (make you mad yet???)
Canadian Citizenship Act
Canadian Citizenship Act
The Canadian Citizenship Act is, however, a horse of another colour. It affects every Canadian of voting age. As it has been incorporated into the statutes of Canada, it is an instrument intended by those who sponsored it to keep Canada and its citizens in thraldom, and it is diametrically opposed to the raison d’être of the Statute of Westminster.
Definition of thralldom or thraldom: noun. A state of subjugation to an owner or master: bondage, enslavement, helotry, serfdom, servileness, servility, servitude, slavery, thrall, villeinage, yoke.
Citizenship Act: Definitions
Citizenship Act: Definitions
Minister means such member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada as is designated by the Governor in Council as the Minister for the purposes of this Act; ((Begin of language: French) ministre (End of language: French))
What is a Constitution - One of the Most Important Decisions You Will Ever Make
, you decide what happens to your future and your grand-children's future is now - and nobody else can do it but, “We the People”. It becomes the only legally recognized document that ensures their future - It’s called a Constitution - and we have this right since 1931 , and it’s time we completed this document to protect our children's future
Your wishes are carried out the way you planned in a Legal contract of WE THE PEOPLE - OF THE PEOPLE - FOR THE PEOPLE - as many understand the current system has NO ACCOUNTABILITY, NO PROSPERITY and NO FUTURE - Lets change the RULES and Give US THE PEOPLE a Contract that gives us a Future - Accountability - and Prosperity –
Looking for a Real Solution - Well here it is - We the People of Alberta had the right since 1931, isn’t it time. We exercise our right to seat a legal and lawful government for the people here in Alberta.
The state of a thing or right which cannot be sold -
Things which are not in commerce, as public roads, are in their nature unalienable. Some things are unalienable, in consequence of particular provisions in the law forbidding their sale or transfer, as pensions granted by the government. The natural rights of life and liberty are UNALIENABLE. - Bouviers Law Dictionary, 1856 Edition
"Unalienable: incapable of being alienated, that is, sold and transferred." – Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 1523:
Liberty and freedom SONG
When I was growing up we only had a few rules
Never question authority
Obey their golden rules
But it’s time for change
Let’s re-arrange, what we were taught in school
The system they created only benefits a few
Never question authority
Obey their golden rules
But it’s time for change
Let’s re-arrange, what we were taught in school
The system they created only benefits a few
THEIR GONNA GIVE YOU A CHOICE And toss us in the ditch
GIVE THE POWER TO THE PEOPLE We keep getting poorer
SO YOU MAY HAVE A VOICE They keep getting rich
COME JOIN US IN OUR CAUSE Exporting all our tree’s
OUR FUTURE IS AT STAKE So future generations will end up on their knees ONCE WE ARE UNITED
(Chorus Again)

Help us Help you - educate everyone on Constitutional Conventions - If you understand creating another Party is just like - filling up a glass of water in the deep end of a pool and walking to the low end of the Pool and pouring into the pool and expecting changes - Lets give the People a SOLUTION - Rather than take their hard earned money on another wasted Political party
Looking for a Real Solution - Looking for lower pricing, the resources in Alberta have belonged to “We the People” since 1931, isn’t it time. We exercised our right to seat a legal and lawful government for the people here in Alberta.
Alberta is one of the largest Oil Producing Countries in the World – Is it Time – to Seat De Jure Government
Oil Producing Nations Price of Gas per Liter in Cdn Dollars:
Alberta: $1.05???
Russia: $0.95
Indonesia: $0.93
Saudi Arabia: $0.77
Nigeria: $0.54
Iran: $0.15
Venezuela: $0.01
The Myth is Canada- Doug Force has been collecting information for years also - and has collected some great information on the website below -
"WE THE PEOPLE " Constitutional Conventions - Save Your Country
Please Support the Travelling Truth Tout - The Myth is Canada - donations may be e-transferred to - if you interested please contact us to setup a community event to have a live presentation - on constitutional committees - constitutional convention - and a Constitution - We look forward to meeting many more Native Brothers and Sister
Next We will explain - Monetary System - The Benefits of seating a De Jure Government and what this mean to you and your family and your Sovereign Country
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