Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 25 August 2019

WE brought this up at the WEXIT MEETING , but the Politicians did not answer it - as usual - For some reason, the second link I provided to the BANK of CANADA "SECRECY" ACT

WE brought this up at the WEXIT MEETING , but the Politicians did not answer it - as usual - For some reason, the second link I provided to the BANK of CANADA "SECRECY" ACT, does not work anymore, so I found another one which does...once you open the .pdf file, go to page 16. It been removed - If anyone has the PDF File I am on the Road please forward to me thank you - I my email link below thank you You can also see the actual OATH, at the end of the document (SCHEDULES II AND III). I will not communicate or allow to be communicated, to any person not entitled to it, any confidential information that relates to the business or affairs of the Bank that I may learn in the course of performing those duties; allow any person to inspect or have access to any books and records that belong to or that are in the possession of the Bank and that relate to the business or affairs of the Bank. Kinda seems like the same OATH (SECRECY) and, procedure, that BEN BERNANKE of the FEDERAL RESERVE lives by too..."who got the money"..."hundreds and hundreds of BANKS, and BANK that has access to the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM"..."can you tell us who they are"...NO!

Travelling Truth Tour - The Myth is Canada - Why we are Creating a True Constitution - Learn more about this amazing Document - here
Travelling Truth Tour - The Myth is Canada - this is a brief description what this page is designed for and our Goals
Anyone interested in Donations for the Tour may e-transfer to this email
Constitutional Conventions Core beliefs:
DeJure Constitutional Conventions -
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and Women are created with equal rights, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Freedom, Justice, prosperity, abundance, emancipation and the ability for all people to thrive.
Uniting people across the land, inspiring people with truth.
Bringing the actions hidden in darkness into the public light.
This is all being done to form a new system that will be for the benefit of the people.
We are attempting to educate the population to help aid them in comprehending the true nature of the political reality we are currently dealing with in "Canada".
We want the people to become involved in the formation and drafting of organic constitutions for each "province" with respect to native lands.
(Each province is in fact it's own country already. Please see links provided for educational purposes ).
Travelling Truth Tour - The Myth is Canada…/UC_kvnUusdDPeJgByvgkEFAA/videos
The Myth is Canada
http://www.themythi canada
Canada a Country without a Constitutions
A Factual Examination Of
The Constitutional Problem
By Walter F. Kuhl
Member Of Parliament
Jasper-Edson 1935-1949
January 1977
"It is therefore easy to see why Canada is
not a confederation............."
Dr. Maurice Ollivier, K.C., Joint Law Clerk,
House of Commons, before the Special Committee
on the British North America Act, 1935
"I have always contended, for reasons too long to enumerate here,that it [Canada] has not become either a confederationor a federal union."
[Dr. Ollivier, in a personal letter to Mr. Kuhl, May 30th, 1936]…/canada-country-…
Never Have so Many Known so Little About so Much
HO, CANADA ! by R. Rogers Smith, ( Chief Wapanatak )
Canada is merely a geographical expression, not a political entity, says R. Rogers Smith, long-time battler
for the right of Canadians to vote as Canadians, a right he claims they have never possessed.
In his final chapter the author proposes a “ do-it-yourself ” method whereby the individual Canadian can assert this right.
Writing often in a style, which has brought consternation to officialdom, R. Rogers Smith blends a scholar’s knowledge of Canada’s political history with a formidable array of facts, which cannot be disputed.
Bilderberg Group confirms hidden agenda - Gerard Batten
Sinister UN Agenda 21 being implemented in Canada
Duke Willis - The Indian Act Doug Force explains how Natives have been sovereign since 1901
To see the countries across this land come together as a unified sovereign population which will establish and preserve the core beliefs laid out in this summary.
To ensure our native brothers and sisters have their sovereign rights finally established and truly recognized. This partnership will guarantee our sovereignty and prosperity in a unified cooperative relationship.
We have been given the greatest opportunity of any nation around the world.
This opportunity has been waiting for the people to seize since 1931.
The people across this land have had a history of triumphing against insurmountable odds throughout the course of history. This will be no different.
We should not let their sacrifices be in vein.
This page is the Beginning of What will be the Founding of Constitutional Committee to bring people to educate in each community about De Jure Government - and a understanding the process to eventually to hold a Constitutional Convention For All Countries - Your Sovereignty and the Future for Generations to come - Be Part of the History by working together to Free Your Country from the de-facto Canada
Constitutional Convention For Each Country - Educate Yourself on the Myth Of Canada to Save Your Country (Provinces \Territories )from the UN Globalist Agenda 21/30 and the de-facto corrupt political system - THE MYTH IS CANADA - A MUST SEE FILM FOR CANADIANS
Constitutional Committees in each community to educate and to eventually create a Constitutional Convention for all Countries
DeJure Constitutional Conventions -
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Newfoundland and Labrador
Yukon Territory
Northwest Territory
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