Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 25 August 2019

“If we can’t understand the laws, the lawyers have failed. It really is that simple. We are not stupid; they must be deceptive”. - Robert-Arthur: Menard

If we can’t understand the laws, the lawyers have failed. It really is that simple. We are not stupid; they must be deceptive”. - Robert-Arthur: Menard -

"The Bank of Canada, unlike the Federal Reserve in the U.S., is wholly owned by the people of Canada".is it or isn't it
This is something that seems way too vague for me other words, there is doublespeak here, and it's probably loaded with LEGALESE.
BANK OF CANADA was founded in 1934 as a privately owned CORPORATION. In 1938, it became a CROWN CORPORATION belonging to the federal government. Since that time, the Minister of Finance has held the entire share capital issued by the BANK (I don't know about you , but I don't have any shares). Ultimately (vague), the BANK is owned by the people of (are they referring to the human beings living on the geographical landmass known as Canada)...or, the CORPORATE ENTITIES CREATED TO SUPPLY REVENUE TO THE CORPORATION, CANADA. The BANK is not a government department (Does it, or does it not, belong to the federal government) and conducts its activities with considerable independence (under cover of SECRECY) compared with most other federal institutions. SECRECY - SECRET OATH of DIRECTORS and STAFF. 16. Before a person starts to act as a director, an officer or an employee of the BANK, he or she shall take an oath, or make a solemn affirmation, of fidelity and secrecy. BANK OF CANADA ACT “If we can’t understand the laws, the lawyers have failed. It really is that simple. We are not stupid; they must be deceptive”. - Robert-Arthur: Menard

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