Canada A Country without a Constitution

Wednesday 2 January 2019


Things to ponder - There are many educated people who have researched who actually runs the world
Many are still believing in a corrupt political system - Which there is no accountability -
I created this Red vest that actually has Real Demands -

The most important information that Canadians need to know is that:

NOTHING in LAW supersedes the WILL of the PEOPLE in regards to our GOVERNANCE

This means that the type of Governance WE the PEOPLE as a whole choose, can be how we govern ourselves

The present governing system in Canada is not justiciable therefore judges cannot rule on our democratic system because it is the will of the people that rules not the politicians.

Definition of jus·ti·ci·a·bleadjective LAW (of a state or action) subject to trial in a court of law

This is why the political parties want to control which type of democracy is in place, so they can keep us under de facto governance. This is also why Canadians have never had a referendum to determine our future and our governance as the shareholders of this country, under the present de facto false democracy. Together we can remedy this.

I have researched their information and much of their information is correct. Will their process work in this corrupt system -Time will tell - I do recommend you to research their information - just for the history lessons alone and educational purposes

Canadian Peoples Union MANDATE

AUTHORITY from de facto governments at all levels, impose 
moratoriums on all government actions taken without full 
disclosure and consent of the majority of the Canadian people, 
demand that the Supreme Court of Canada UPHOLD Constitutional 
changes established in the Statute of Westminster 1931 and in the 1982 
Constitutional patriation that firmly, lawfully and legally placed the 
people as official CO-OWNERS of the Crown of Canada ABOVE the 
Institutions (Government, Parliament, Courts, and Constitution], and 
lawful legal shareholders of the Crown and Crown Corporation of Canada
 with FINAL DECISION MAKING AUTHORITY to enforce required 
true referendums by the people in a DIRECT DEMOCRACY.

I also researched this information and recommend the 

It's time for a paradigm shift in gov't. It's time to turn the tables
on the tax man, on greedy corporations and put the power back
into the hands of the people.

Demands - To save Canada

Years ago people immigrated here to become Canadian - To work with other Canadians - to build a nation- to work with not against - , For the longest time I have met new people move here from different Nations to build a better life for their families - this has all changed

If i moved to a different country and told them they had to change their their Nation I would be charge din many cases more sever,
Well what gives you the right to go the USA or Australia or Canada or Europe move in to your neighbors house - as a guest - and decide what the he/she eats -- they move in and sleep in your bedroom, - Not know the invasion is here, You need to educate yourself - sooner the better -- Look at Europe and Australia , and German and Sweden - The immigration now is destroying Canada

All of Europe has seen a sea-change since the migration crisis erupted: Britain is just months away from quitting the European Union

Italy's new Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini, has already threatened to deport hundreds of thousands of migrants unless Europe gets serious

Sweden Reportedly Losing Billions Annually Due to Massive Asylum ...
Jun 1, 2018 - Since the onslaught of the 2015 European migrant crisis alone, Sweden has taken in well over 200,000 immigrants, becoming one of the most

Canada is expected to take a Million a year -

NUMBER ONE Demand is - Re-Enact Bank of Canada - Remove the Zionist Jew UN Agenda 21 Private USURY THEFT BANKS who have used fraction reserve to bankrupt the people of Canada by Trudeau -

NUMBER TWO Each Province Returns to IT;s SUPREME Authority OF the Citizens in their respective Province and they are the Authority - not an elected representative who belongs to a party with their own personal agenda.

NUMBER THREE - Politicians have NO Consent to create any legislation without the approval of the People. Referendum must be called when the citizens off the Province disapprove of any Legislation or Laws.
- Legislation that has been passes by previous governments and current governments must be scrutinized and investigated - We have been forced to accept corrupt legislation that has removed our freedom , Liberty and our free speech far to long

- If legislation found to be treasonous - sever consequences to those involved and must be held accountable - NAFTA/ GAT/SPP. and numerous other trade deals have been detrimental to Canad and the provinces. and to the people of Canada and the Provinces

Global Warming Scam - Climate Change Scam - the list of corrupt legislation continues - without consent of the people

Carbon tax rip off - GST Scam are just a few created to cover the interest payments to a the private banking scam our so called elected Politicians pushed through in secret

Politicians will be removed from their official Politician status and be what they are - hired employees for the people - This old corrupt political system is None Sense - once they are elected they may do as they please with out any accountability to the people - is finished

- They may be JAILED and all assets removed if found a TRAITOR -

NUMBER FOUR Implement Direct Democracy so that all legislation if need be will go to a referendum and the public will decide in their respective Nations(Provinces)

NUMBER FIVE - Ottawa will be replaced as they have NO Authority - they never have had any authority - Canada has been de-facto from day one. ( We do not need MLAs AND MPs in each province - A team of employees will be hired in each province reporting back to the their respective Nation (Province) to work with other Provinces - and Any Negotiations with other Nations will be open source and employees hired will swear an oath of to their respective Province not to the Queen of England

Their is a huge populous of uneducated people in Canada due to the government inadequate school system , teaching them false history, and basic fundamental about the Political mess we are in in the Corporation of Canada

NUMBER SIX - Canada has been very liberal about VOTING in Canada - as doe many years immigrants came to Canada to become Canadian and took on Canadian traditions - This is not the fact now - Immigrants have an agenda - they are forcing their believes on Canadian values , this multicultural crisis we are in , has to be stopped

We may have to look at Voting rights to only Born Citizens to protect this Nation from foreign interests -

- In a nutshell if your not born here you cannot VOTE

- If you are an immigrant - landed immigrant you are a guest in this NATION and you will not be eligible to vote - THIS is drastic change and its up for debate - But clearly with Trudeau recent treacherous activities this MUST be considered to protect Canada and the Provinces

If you or I moved to a different Nation and started demanding they change their food habits - and numerous other demands - we would tortured or more sever be be-headed - The uprising in Europe. Sweden, France, Australia and numerous other countries has been alarming , from mass rapes, to other crimes - This is no secret - even though the press has been delinquent in reporting it the information is staggering

We have no problem with immigration - we have a problem with criminals coming here - our immigration policy is a mess

Numerous Nations are deporting these criminals -
. -
The Recent Immigration Immigrants that have come here, have proven to have an objective to destroy the Provinces and Canada

- If new immigrants do not like this - they are free to return to your Nation of Birth

NUMBER SEVEN - NO Foreign Company Can Purchase any Land or Invest into our Resources THESE ARE OUR RESOURCES - AND 100 Percent owned by the Citizens of their Respective NATION (Provinces) We have seen clear that all these Traitors are in Bed With UN Globalists stealing the wealth of every Nation world Wide - ITS Done


Do this and we will build the most prosperous Nations (PROVINCES) and other nations will follow Liberty and freedom

- For these Zionists Globalists Criminals have one objective - to create their Communist New World Order

OIL GAS AND JOBS will come after we remove the Private banking Cartel and the Zionists UN World Freaks

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