Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 30 December 2018

Voting in Canada: a short history - For You to Consider

Voting in Canada: a short history - For You to Consider

Canada has been a Representative Democracy since Confederation in 1867.  Who was been allowed to participate in that democracy has continually evolved since that time.
At the time of Confederation, eligibility to vote was restricted on a number of issues, as listed below, but all voters had to be male, and own property of a certain value.
From the start it was controlled by the Elite - have things changed since then - Not really
Some non-property owners were also permitted to vote, depending on the amount of rent they paid monthly or annually, but the amounts were high enough that they excluded many. The property-based qualifications for voting were gradually removed beginning around 1900, but was not completely removed until 1948.
The real date lies somewhere between 1919 (the year Canada joined the Criminal League of Nations) and 1931, when Canada ceased to be under the rule of the British Empire.
“We usually associate nations as things that are sovereign and independent. From that standpoint, Canada was not sovereign and independent in 1867, but it is probably one of the most critical events in its eventual emergence as a nation state in a contemporary understanding of those things,”Below is more examples of of disinformation a smuch of History books across Canada
For over 50 years after Confederation, women in Canada were not permitted to vote. That changed for federal elections (and provincially in Nova Scotia) in 1918. The provincial laws giving women the right to vote in provincial elections were also generally introduced around this time, including Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan in 1916 , BC and Ontario in 1917, and Nova Scotia in 1918.  Quebec was last to address the issue in 1940.
The Provinces Below Never Federated into Canada - It was done behind closed doors - and Never Ratified by the people - So it is de-facto 
 Western Canada, also referred to as the Western provinces and more commonly known as the West, is a region of Canada that includes the four provinces of AlbertaBritish Columbia, Manitoba andSaskatchewan

Certain racial or ethnic groups were also excluded from voting in Canada based on being disqualified provincially. For example, Japanese Canadians were denied the right to vote in a federal election until 1948. These exclusions extended to a variety of racial and ethnic groups, all with various limitations on the right to vote based on their province of residence, until the new federal laws in 1948 finally prohibited citizens from being denied their right to vote on the basis of their race. 
Despite this advancement, certain racialized communities faced continuing exclusion. Similar to the 1948 laws preventing the denial of voting rights due to race, in 1955 laws were introduced ending the exclusion of voters on the basis of their religion.
It was not until 1960 that Canada began to address the particularly difficult and complex issue of granting Originals (Natives persons the right to vote. Although Originals (First Nations) persons were permitted to vote from the time of Confederation (within the other limits of the time – Aboriginal women would not have been able to vote until 1918), to act upon the right to vote they would have had to give up their status as Aboriginal persons, and rights they had because of that status.
After 1960, this sacrifice was no longer required for Originals (Natives) persons to vote. Much like the acceptance of women’s right to vote, the right for Aboriginal people to vote provincially happened around this time for most provinces. Nova Scotia was unique in having never excluded status Aboriginal men (and women after 1918) from voting; however, due to treaties and societal arrangements, few Aboriginal people were recognized as owners of property – thus excluding many until the property ownership requirement was removed.
Various changes have been made over the past number of decades to try to make it easier for people to vote.  For example:
  • voting hours were extended to give more time for working people to get to a polling station
  • special polling stations were set up at places such as hospitals and long-term care facilities to encourage seniors to vote
  • more centralized, accessible polling stations were established to make it easier for persons with physical disabilities or limitations to vote. These accessibility changes became law in 1992.
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada are more disturbing to most but I will get into this further into the article became law in 1982. Section Three of the Charter guarantees all adult (18 or over) Canadian citizens the right to vote federally or provincially. This Charter protection reflected the collection of changes that had been made over the previous century, and further expanded on those changes by including all citizens.
However, Section Three of the Charter was limited in some particular ways which have since been addressed.
Between 1988 and 1993 changes were made to address the exclusion of persons with a mental disability from voting. In 1993, persons with mental disability could no longer be disqualified from voting on that basis.
Prisoners did not initially have their right to vote protected by Section Three of the Charter. In 1993 the restriction on voting was removed for prisoners serving a sentence of less than two years. In 2002, the Supreme Court of Canada, in a decision called Sauvé v. Chief Electoral Officer, ruled that no prisoner could be disqualified from voting, no matter the length of their sentence.
Finally, with the introduction of the Canada Elections Act in 2000, steps were taken to make it possible for persons of no fixed address to be eligible to vote without the traditional documentation required for proof of address. This law continues to face some changes and controversy around exactly what can be used as documentation or as an alternative to prove residence in a riding.  However, the basic concept remains that having no fixed address is no longer grounds to be disqualified from voting. Some of the recent changes made, particularly those in the Fair Elections Act, have been criticised by some, such as the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA), Council of Canadians, and Canadian Federation of Students, claiming that the changes infringe upon the Charter protected right to vote.
Among the changes that have been seen as especially troubling are:
  • No longer being able to rely on an Elections Canada voter ID card as identification
  • The tightening of rules around vouching for a person without proof of address
  • Limiting the number of voters that one individual can vouch for
Additionally, a recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision (Frank v. Attorney General of Canada,2015) has impacted the rights of Canadian citizens who live outside of the country. This case has confirmed that Canadian citizens who have lived outside of the country for 5 years or more, are no longer permitted to participate in Canadian elections. This builds on other recent changes which changed rules about when the 5 year period began. Prior to 2007, a citizen simply had to return to Canada for any purpose to restart the period. Now, that person must return to live in Canada before their right to vote is regained. This change has effectively removed a Charter right from Canadian citizens who live outside of the country.
Although these changes may seem insignificant to many, the people affected by these changes are generally groups who already experience difficulty in voting. Heavily impacted populations include seniors, persons with no fixed address, students and Aboriginal persons. Although Canada has come a long way in improving access to the right to vote, many still face hurdles in practicing their Charter protected right.
We are in a serious Problem and this MUST be addressed - As We Head Further into Globalization
The documentary film "The Myth is Canada" is educational, ground-breaking, and massively enlightening for The People of Canada.
Many people around the world are sensing and discovering governments are not what they project. Canada, with its own story, is no different. "The Myth is Canada" will demonstrate the truth of Canada, and importantly, the solution of how Canada can work for us, The People of Canada - legally, lawfully, peacefully - leaving no wiggle room for lies or games!

And now...  let us explore why it is worthy to contribute to the making of this historic and ground-breaking documentary, "The Myth is Canada"
Ever wonder why our elected officials ignore us, I mean really, truly ignore us once elected?
Ever wonder why nothing of what is truly important to you, to The People of Canada, actually gets implemented by our elected officials?
Every wonder why?

The simple reality is that, once elected, there is no legal obligation for an elected politician to:
a) follow through on any promise made to you or the people in your community
b) follow the direct requests of your community, or
c) fulfill on any of their election promises.  
Truly.  This is a FACT.  We have court evidences proving it.
Politicians tell us what we want to hear and then, once elected, do their agenda, often something completely different - and most often, not to our benefit!   All the while spending and wasting our hard earned money, with no accountability!
What to you think about that?     
And it does not stop there!
Do you feel like everything is becoming a money grab?    While the value we derive from paying taxes goes down?    Are you getting tired of all these purported laws mandating licenses for this, licenses for that, charging fees to us for the privilege of reducing our freedoms? 
What about the  provincial / federal governments telling you what to do, how to do it, telling you where to school your children, how to enable healing of your children, even taking your kids away from you if you do not conform with what the state demands and requires you to do (even though there is often ample evidence of better ways...  
Isn't it all getting a bit much?  

You thought you lived in a free country, living by the motto - "Do what you want as long as it does not impinge on the rights, life and liberty of another?"   
Right?   Wrong. 
You thought your representatives were there for you!   After all, they were voted in! 
Right?   Wrong again. 

Guess what?   We / you have all been misled.

The IMPORTANT MESSAGE here is that:
  • Canada is not being run for your, for my, or for the People of Canada's best interests.
  • It is run for the politicians, for the special interest groups, for the big corporate profits.
We know this is true, don't we?   And are you really happy about this?

It is time.  Time to know the truth on how we got here and most importantly the simple SOLUTION  to have Canada work for  all Canadians!

Contributing to the making of this documentary film "the Myth is Canada" will deliver the truth the history books do not disclose, yet seriously impact our everyday life!  
"The Myth is Canada" will shock you, yet will provide you with a tremendous sense of relief!   And will bring us to the Canada that is for you, me and The People of Canada!    
Contribute to the making of The Myth is Canada and together, let us get this vital knowledge and solution out to ALL The People of Canada!   Thank you!  
ps. your kids will thank you too...  

What is Canada?
This year, 2017, in Canada we are told we are celebrating 150 years of Confederation.  If so, why, in 1982 did Prime Minister Trudeau go to a foreign power and ask them to create and authorize a constitution for Canada?    If we were already a de jure government for 115 years (1867-1982), why would Prime Minister Trudeau deem it necessary?    It is a question worth asking and worth answering!   Maybe he was making us double de jure?
So... What is Canada?.....  It is not a legend, not a sovereign nation, not a nation state.  Actually, we have discovered it is a Myth.   All we have been told, taught, read in official history books are deceptions, manipulations and in many cases, outright fraud.
The evidence presented in this documentary film "The Myth is Canada" has been thoroughly researched and the conclusions are based from within those researched documents.  
Evidence!  Not hearsay.  Evidence.
Yes, it is controversial.   Yes, it is ground breaking.   Yes, initially, it will create disbelief...
But... when a people have been largely unknowingly subjected to lies for 150 years by a select few, in the know...  finally hearing and gaining perspective on the truth will be monumental.  
We have invested many years ensuring all information researched is correct.
And, now we are ready.
We are ready to release this evidenced information to you, to The People of Canada, in the form of this documentary film, "The Myth is Canada".  
Join us in this epic journey!

This is our CALL to ACTION to you.  
We invite you to Join the Movement, Become the Movement and/or be part of Expanding the Movement for the simple release of the evidenced based truth of Canada.

Have you had enough?  
Enough of...
high taxes, wasted government expenditures, pretend government services, inflation eating up your wages, higher costs of living, mushrooming government debt encumbering our future, mushrooming private debt just to live - restricting the people's ability to be free and live with peace of mind,,,   
Are you sensing...  "enough is enough"?
Help us produce this documentary "The Myth is Canada"!  
Select the Perk(s) to the side of this page that inspires you the most!   Thanks!

The Impact of your Donation
Can you imagine knowing how we can have Canada tangibly working for us, for you, for me, for our families, for ALL The People of Canada?    Not just the top 5%.
People coming together to peacefully change its political foundation at the core...   (yes, for sure, the Canadian way.... peacefully!)
Not relying on the politicians, who once every 4 years say "whatever" to win the election, who   thereafter, largely do their work in quiet rooms, alone, big money directing the agenda.  
And the people?  uh?   What do they matter?
The result?  Many of The People of Canada now have second and third jobs to keep the lights on and food in the refrigerator. 
Is that the Canada you imagined for you?   For your family?

What will it take for The People of Canada, one by one, to take up the pen (yes, literally the pen) and undertake the steps to seat a legal, lawful, accountable and small government?
Your donation means - we get to take this vastly impactful and important evidence to you and all The People of Canada. 
Your donation means - we will be able to begin location scouting, start pre-production, complete production and ultimately deliver the documentary film, "The Myth is Canada", to you.
Your donation means - we deliver the documentary film, "The Myth is Canada", to all parts of Canada for the knowledge to become alive in the minds of ALL Canadians!

If this is of interest to you, we invite you to contribute - Join the Movement, Become the Movement and /or be a part of Expanding the Movement with us.  
See the Perks to the side of this page to select the one that inspires you the most!
We invite you to contribute whatever amount you can!  

We thank you in advance for the trust you show in us and the encouragement that we get with every donation. We're thrilled about this project and believe it has an incredible future.
Thank you for being a part of this adventure!

What we Need - The Budget 
Total: $500K

"The Myth is Canada" Production Timeline

Risk & Challenges
The major challenge with this documentary has been the 12.5 years of research and coming to understand the various pieces of the puzzle in a comprehensive manner.  Often it was a combination of "something not seeming right" that kept us digging to satisfy that nudge - and otherwise, investigating various rabbit holes that delivered additional critical pieces of information.    Yet, over the past 12.5 years, we did complete the research and now, we are ready.  Ready to reveal the truth of Canada in the format of a documentary film.    
We see the major risk with this documentary is not getting it funded so that this very important knowledge can get out to you, to ALL The People of Canada. 
Your contribution is critical to the making of "The Myth is Canada".
Thank you for contributing the amount you are "inspired" to contribute! 

Can't donate? No sweat! Help us spread the word!
We know money is tight for a lot of people right now. Trust us, we totally get it. So here are ways you can support your "The Myth is Canada" team:
Subscribe to Follow Us!   Send us an email to .   State Follow Us Indiegogo in the subject line.   It'll be great!    You will receive all the good updates via email.
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We believe the documentary "The Myth is Canada" is of interest to ALL The People of Canada. 
If the People of Canada only knew the truth behind their everyday frustrations and the solution to ease those frustrations, life would be SO different for us all !!
Do Share.   The more you share your curiosity, interest, even passion for the making of this documentary film, "The Myth is Canada",  the more opportunity people have to see what a ground-breaking, honest, and revealing documentary it is!  
Thank you!
Nephalem Films

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