Canada A Country without a Constitution

Monday 29 April 2024





3 Parts to the Affidavit of Truth

1.       Listing who the grievances are and listing of your truth.  Grievances.

2.       Proof of Claims – Prove that the Federal Reserve did not fund 100% of the sellers credit during the purchase of your home.  As an example.

3.       Caveat – What is going to happen if all of the truth is not answered or ignored.


Process for the Bank Affidavit of Truth

1.       Fill in your pertinent information.  Print out.

2.       Double check and re-read the entire document.  Understand how this process works and make sure there are no errors.

3.       Have someone proof read it to ensure it is accurate.

4.       Go to a Notary and have it notarized.  Bring a purple ink pen and put your auto “graph” in red (God’s seal which is your thumbprint) next to your autograph.  The notaries will not care if you thumbprint it or not.  Most notaries also don’t care about the color.  You will get some that will be sticklers about it being either black or blue ink.  I typically will just leave and go to the next notary who won’t flinch.  Use people who are willing to allow us to express our freedoms.

5.       Make one copy of the original.

6.       Have the original Affidavit of Truth served by a process server to the CEO/Chairman of your bank.  This makes a statement.  You have to be confidant in this process.  You will find out a lot going through this process.

7.       Another option here is to have it sent to him REGISTERED MAIL.  Either way is good. 

8.       Keep the copy in a file for your records and attach the Affidavit of Service on how it was served.

9.       Mark your calendar for the date they must respond by.  They have 21 days per the precepts of maxim commercial law to respond.  They must pull that together for you as requested, and answer point by point, or have a very good reason as to why they do not have that information.

At this point you wait!  Either they respond, or they won’t.  But if they don’t, they are admitting that what you are saying is truth and it becomes “tacit acquiescence”.  It becomes TRUTH in commerce and TRUTH in any court of law. 



By any man, woman, elected official, doctor, attorney, judge.  You know your situation.  Even a judge cannot turn away an affidavit they MUST RESPOND.  But they are not used to getting these. 

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