Tuesday 20 December 2022

Eike Jordon & Detlef Friede – Founders of Naturally Healthy Foundation.

Eike Jordon & Detlef Friede – Founders of Naturally Healthy Foundation.

-We are a growing network of wellness providers with many modalities.
Alternative health. https://naturallyhealthyfoundation.ca

Bio Eike Michaela Jordan

Born and raised in Germany near Hannover, I came in 2006 to Canada and fell immediately in love with Vancouver Island.

I had my entire life long a great passion for healing which was initiated by my own health problems as a child. I suffered from such serious nephritis that I was scheduled for dialysis and only then my parents decided to try a "witch doctor" which was back then the highly reputable Dr. med. Bruker ( 1909-2001 ). He instantly changed my nutrition and switched to alternative medicine and homeopathy and saved my life. My kidneys regained and maintained to date full function. Further I suffered from a severe scoliosis and through the great team work of massage, physio and chiropractic professionals my spine turned into an upright high performance part of my body and I was able to become a competitive athlete.

Parental genetics aren't the best in our family and I decided to break the streak of that imprint by actively changing not only my nutrition and physical activities but as well in researching, learning and applying methods of healing to my own body to proof their beneficial effects.
Health is my Passion – this has been my striving, my passion, and my happiness my entire life long.
I love studying and researching and find that there is simply no limit and all of it is interconnected. I totally understand when colleagues and patients state that it is difficult to find the time and financial resources to be able to get a chance to look into all the various areas affecting and influencing our being.
After finishing high school I decided to first study in Germany Massage, Balneo-, Electro-, and Low Intensity Laser Therapy, Foot Reflexology, Medical Foot Care ( turned into Podiatry ). I became manager of Physiotherapy in our Rehab Hospital, and added specialties to my repertoire such as Rheumatology, Respiratory Therapy, Permanent Disabilities. Plant based therapies ( Phyto-Chemistry is really fascinating ), Homeopathy, Constitutional Medicine, Iridology, Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, Darkfield Microscopy, and Clinical Hypnotherapy, Hyperthermia Therapy, Oxygen and Ozone Therapy, Cryotherapy, Nutrition Counselling, Esthetic Lasers, Microcurrent Therapy, etc... are some more of my many studies and certificates.

Key essential is that I found out that our human body has different parts and layers. The three main components are our physical, emotional and our energetic body. If any of the three are in imbalance it affects the other parts as well.

I am co-author of two #1 Amazon Bestseller books that I co-authored together with Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton and other amazing practitioners:

'Wake Up The Happy Brain' and 'Wake Up Miracles of Healing'.

Further books are in the make. We will as well soon publish the '3D-Healing Guidebook'.

Detlef's bio:

Detlef (Joe) Friede is a Certified Master Clinical Hypnotherapist/ Forensic Hypnotist. He is a Divine connected, gifted and guided quantum healing practitioner, using the Ancient Art and Science of Hypnosis and Trance as well as (initiated) Shamanic techniques, as well as other modalities such as CCMBA, Hawaiian Kahuna "Ho' Oponopono", Reiki, Axiatonal Alignment Procedures,NLP, EFT and more, with stunning and thrilling experiences about spiritual pathways and "miracle" healing.
Detlef is the current (2012 -2023) President of Canadian Hypnosis Association 


He holds a Master Certification as a Clinical Hypnotherapist/ Forensic Hypnotist and is also a member of the Guild of Hypnotherapists of America. He with his predecessor and his late mentor, Diane B. Cherry, have worked to educate people Worldwide on the Anciet Art and Science of Hypnosis, an amazing, safe and effective therapy or investigative tool.

Detlef continues to be a keynote speaker, teacher, and therapist to CEO's, movie stars, athletes, First Responders, politicians, public and everyday people, helping them to reach their full potential.

Detlef with his Divine connection has the ability through a relaxed conscious state, to reboot ones mind and body mechanisms and start the process to true change. Clients have reported great shifts in letting go of negative thought patterns, regained stability, and awareness. Detlef can help to start you on your road to recovery.

He was able to help thousands of people to heal over the years, including victims of MKUltra and war related traumas.
Detlef also holds a class 1&2 BC Justice Institute certification as medical first responding Fire Fighter as well as AST/ BST Security class cerrtification, and holds a 2nd degree black belt in Martial Arts (Ju Jutsu). He has more than 25 successful years in coaching martial arts as well as many achievements as a professional trumpet player, musician and recording artist including philharmonic orchestras, R&B, jazz, funk, show bands and orchestras..... and yes...Oompah music...

Before Covid 19 restrictions, Detlef and his partner Eike Jordan traveled extensively in North America and Europe helping people to unlock their full potential and help them to heal all emotional stress related health issues such Cancer, Heart Problems, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, phobias, etc.
For instance he worked for Years with the following clinics
Naturally Healthy Clinic in Nanaimo BC (www.naturallyhealthyclinic.ca)

Angel Hands team in Vancouver BC (www.angelhands.ca) on the Trauma Release Treatments, Dynamic Tandem Treatments and the Integrated Programs
The Wellness Body and Spa, Calgary, AB, with the team of world renowned psychic and therapist Jenna Kuhlen (www.thewellnessbody.com)

Like any kind of ART, it's all about the skill set and RESULTS!! It does not matter if you look at martial arts, music or hypnosis - the individual practice, a clear perception and Divine connection, skill set and performance makes all the difference between a professional and hopefuls.

Detlef is an ARTIST with very specific skill sets, and also co-author of a #1 Amazon Bestseller book that he co-authored together with Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton and other amazing practitioners.

My partner Detlef Joe Friede and I are very proud to have found an incredibly effective way and approach to heal within every dimension of our being and we name it 3-D-Healing. Please find detailed information here - https://www.canadianhypnosisassociation.ca/

Eike Jordon & Detlef Friede will talk about knowledge sharing via Foundation and some other amazing benefits.

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"Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

And that's what the Parasite globalists, statists, and Great Reset Parasites want to do: control the world and exterminate us..

Message of Freedom and LIBERTY Song https://rumble.com/v200iab-message-of-freedom-and-liberty-song.html

Convoys, Protests, Elections, Courts, ARE useless sysops to give energy to a useless failure. Over and over, the Globalists create these psyops, to deflate your energy. Controlled ops, work diligently to KEEP you walking in circles. These are facts, Stop and think, about this!

There is Never a solution, given, they regurgitate the same useless propaganda over and over!

We have a large public that is very ignorant about public affairs and very susceptible to simplistic slogans by candidates and so called freedom Faktriots who appear out of nowhere, have no track record, but mouth appealing slogans. (AND WANTS LOTS OF MONEY - DONATE DONATE DONATE TO WHAT????? 

Michelle Rempel (fighting for jobs while she part of the cult that is stabbing you in the back), Chris Sky (Just Say No) Kelly Anne Farkus (Wolfe, (national Strike Shut down the country and create more chaos) Mark Friesen (VOTE for another Globalist Party)

Pierre Poilievre , I'LL save you Lies and also Privy Council Member, (that MUST raise a red flag) 

Jane Scharf propaganda of the Canadian Bill of NO RIGHTS! (more useless propaganda. 

Christopher James Warriors Call -  propaganda of common Law (which is enslavement law created by the Parasites (When will you figure it out these are to distract you ) 

Brian Peckford served as Newfoundland’s premier for a decade (1979 to 1989). ( NO ONE IS ELECTED THEY ARE ALL SELECTED) the Canadian Charter of Bill of NO Rights. This is part of the Slave Document the Parasites created in the Canada Act to enslave you ( Parasite Canada Conjob) , I mean canada Act they created for themselves. it is Not a constitution because its constitutes NOTHING! Constitution for the parasites NOT for the Slaves . Time to Comprehend THIS! 

The protests convoys all they do is give slaves false hope that go no where and destroy the momentum for a real solution, stop regurgitating porn, soap operas, or what ever you call these distractions, of stupidity, Nothing will improve until you become WOKEN, so many think they are awake.  Awake means opposite to being WOKEN to FACTS! Become educated and comprehend their IS NOTHING! 


"Who controls the will control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

And that's what the Parasite globalists, statists, and Great Reset Parasites want to do: control the world while they exterminate YOU! 


The road spreading FACTS of information and educating as many Sovereigns that being a Canadian citizen is being a slave, Marking the ballot you just gave away your freedom to their corrupt system. More realize this and this information has become well known.

As we push towards on our quest to freedom we MUST all be sharing important information on the solution to inspire others to see how important this is!

The consequences of globalism and the globalist agenda.will be conquered if we all stay focused and not distracted with all the issues they create!

Their is Zoom daily from 5 - 10 EST to coordinate and important meetings. 

Tues and Thursday 8 Central there is a meeting 

Please share these link with your contacts so everyone has an opportunity to learn about HOW we End the globalist agendas.


Our mission is to educate the Sovereigns that its useless to vote in their corrupt system. If we ever had a vote it must be transparent, as the voting is and always been a scam. After 100 years off voting by now you must comprehend its just an illusion, and waste of time, money and most important your life, because it will not change a thing.!

This is why is Important for all of us to be on the front lines with informed speakers at these events, education the Solution..

Solution is straight forward, canada is and always been a Lie, The Courts are corrupt, , We are the True Sovereigns, and that de-facto canada and the political scam NEVER had the authority to govern!

Click the Image to watch video - Every Canadian Must see - Canada a Country without a Constitution


Click the Image to watch video - Jess Hal and Dallas Hills


Click the Image to watch video - Scott Rayner Special Presentation on Community Building


So please all make good and informed decisions as we move forward to educate the facts!

Any questions or comments please don't hesitate to reply!

Attention Eric at shadow@goinet.ca

Share the Web Site below for Important Information- Far and Wide Thank You!


Please help educate others to Complete the Contact information to be connected with likeminded people in their local area and to receive important information. Please check junk or spam to ensure you receive the confirmation email.


Please connect with us on

Telegram https://t.me/constitutionalconventions

Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS to End This Corruption - 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily https://zoom.us/j/6945489985

647 374 4685 meeting ID 694 548 9985 

Creating a Natural Law Republic 


The path to a Future starts with you.

It is essential to get the critical intel being shared to as many people as possible. Thank you for your patience as we gear up for a busy season with more and more powerful voices with Solutions.

STAY UP-TO-DATE BETWEEN BROADCASTS! https://zoom.us/s/6945489985

Please email us Ideas or if you have a presentation you would be interested in Presenting. Attention Eric at shadow@goinet.ca

Please share the Rumble Channel - as our Solution based message is reaching world Wide!

If you have missed any of the previous broadcasts, it's a great week to get caught up! Enjoy and please SHARE WIDELY - this is how we take ground by determination and planning on a Solution that more will comprehend!

From these meetings we learn to build our own local community meetings, the more involved the more we Take Back our FUTURE!

Sovereigns concerned are gathering to bring you truth and real, on-the-ground facts. Watch for speakers from all corners of the world across different continents and walks of life. For more info about past broadcasts, past speakers, details, syndication suggestions and more please visit:


If you would like to present a presentation please send inquiries to Eric at shadow@goinet.ca


In order for Sovereigns to succeed, it’s important for everyone to be in the loop on what everyone else (and the Sovereigns as a whole) is working and creating.

We look forward to everyone participating in these meetings. One of the reasons for having frequent status update meetings is the need for sharing information and staying up to date on relevant progress and changes. https://zoom.us/s/6945489985

BC Pacific Time 6 PM

Alberta Mountain Time 7 PM

Manitoba Central Time 8 PM

Ontario Eastern Time 9 PM

New Brunswick Atlantic Time 10 PM

Quebec Atlantic Time 10 PM

Nova Scotia Atlantic Time 11 PM

Newfoundland 12 30 PM 

( We will record the meetings for those who may have missed the meeting) 

Each Sovereign has unique and potentially influential information to share with the rest of the group. In order for everyone to be on the same page, it is important that each team member share this information. Not only will this help align the goals of the Sovereign but it helps to build a sense of authenticity and trust among Sovereign. In this way, Sovereign will feel more comfortable contributing to the conversation and will know that they are being heard. Great teams function as a result of these types of connections.

Facebook Pages for the Following:

We The People Constitutional Conventions

Constitutional Convention British Columbia

Constitutional Convention Alberta

Constitutional Convention Saskatchewan

Constitutional Convention Manitoba

Constitutional Convention Ontario

Constitutional Convention New Brunswick

Constitutional Convention Quebec

Constitutional Convention Nova Scotia

Constitutional Convention Prince Edward Island

Constitution Convention Newfoundland and Labrador

Constitutional Convention Yukon

Constitutional convention Northwest Territories

Greetings Video


Please forward this Email to Family and Friends. Thank You 

We’re all working together, that’s the secret. We are creating a Constitution that represents both men & women’s unalienable rights, liberties and PROPERTY. The Constitution will be the FIRST Constitution written and created by the Sovereigns to create an accountable administration that is responsible to the sovereigns. Sovereigns from all provinces and territories now have an opportunity to learn, voice their options and actively participate to make changes to policies through our interactive website and to eventually form Constitution Conventions in every village, county and community. 

Imagine having created such a Powerful Document that united millions of Sovereigns knowing they have a plan, objective and committed Sovereigns to actually create a Future. This will actually ended the Globalists Plan! 


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