Thursday 5 May 2022

Hello, Sovereigns & Freedom Fighters!


Hello, Sovereigns & Freedom Fighters!

We all have made leaps and bounds this year with facts, and community building. The protests have become what they should off always been a connecting point to bring Sovereigns together to work on solutions. This took a while because of the distractions, controlled opposition, misdirecting many in to false hope, of courts, the fake charter, the NO bill of rights, elections, and common law syops!.  

The road spreading FACTS of information and educating as many Sovereigns that being a   Canadian citizen is being a slave, Marking the ballot you just gave away your freedom to their corrupt system. More realize this and this information has become well known.

As we push towards on our quest to freedom  we MUST all be sharing important information on the solution to inspire others to see how important this is!

The consequences of globalism and the globalist agenda.will be conquered if we all stay focused and not distracted with al the issues they create!

One other note, we are using the Zoom daily from 5- 10 eastern to coordinate these important meetings 

Please share these link with your contacts so everyone has an opportunity to learn about HOW we End the  globalist agendas.

Our hope is to educate the Sovereigns that its useless to  vote in their corrupt system. If we ever had a vote it must be transparent, as the voting is and always been a scam. After 100 years off voting by now your must comprehend its just an illusion, ans waste of time, money and most important your life, because it will not change a thing.!

This is why is Important for all of us to be on the front lines with informed speakers at these events, education the Solution..

Solution is straight forward, canada is and always been a Lie, The Courts are corrupt, , We are the true Sovereigns, and that de-facto canada and the political scam  NEVER had the authority to govern

So they can make good and informed decisions as we move forward to educate the facts!

Any questions or comments please don't hesitate to reply!

Share the following Far and Wide Thank You!

Please Complete the Contact information to be connected with likeminded people in your local area. Please check junk or spam to ensure you receive the confirmation email.

Please connect with us on Telegram Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS to End This Corruption - 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily 374 4685 meeting ID 694 548 9985 

Creating a Natural Law Republic

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The Queen was declared to be lawfully not a valid monarch.

  Then,   Court   Case   in 2011 Regina vs John Anthony Hill May 12, 2011 at Salwand? Crown  Court Case  No. T20107746 The  Queen  was decla...