Saturday 5 February 2022

Cranks, Fakes, Frauds and Phonies in the Alternative Media

 Cranks, Fakes, Frauds and Phonies in the Alternative Media

Over the years we have seen many “online personalities” emerge, rise to stardom, and fade away. There are many reasons for this, and sometimes it’s because they aren’t who they claimed. They are fakes; cabal-paid shills, spinning tales and making off like bandits with the money they panhandled from unsuspecting people.

From time to time, we get a flashback of one of these characters and muse to ourselves… whatever happened to so-and-so?

I’m not religious, but I do know a little about who has been running our planet, and we each have to take responsibility for protecting ourselves.

Weapons of mass intelligence are real, and sometimes lethal.

I would say one aspect of our Armour is knowledge. We need a baseline for separating good from evil, truth from falsehood, to ward off the dark ones and stop them from doing what they came here to do, which is fight us to ruthlessly to continue their reign.

Bad actors were inserted into our reality to entertain, distract, shape the narrative, misinform, cover up truths, intimidate, create drama and conflict, and even relieve patriots of their hard-earned cash. Some were very believable. Some were not.

When you speak out about these people and question their integrity and their facts and your blog’s comments are suddenly clogged up with new visitors viciously attacking you, it’s a pretty sure sign they were a cabal agent

We’re far too gullible and want to believe the best of people. Too many failed boot camp.

If you subscribe to the notion that they may know who will out their shills, would it make sense the dark cabal might introduce a smear campaign well in advance to discredit a source so we discount their claims without even investigating? Just a thought.

There is a tendency in Humans to ferociously protect the reputation of someone who tells them things they want to hear—particularly when the teller portrays themselves as a selfless victim who risked all to bring secrets to Humanity. No one likes to learn they were deceived and no one wants to look the fool.

Unfortunately, even the people who are working for Humanity have foibles, make mistakes, succumb to disinformation, and not everything they say is the truth. Individually, we have to decide “who is who in the zoo”.

The lunatic left aren’t the only ones who don’t want to hear the facts, but when we’re wrong, we need to refrain from beating ourselves up. It’s the nature of the beast.

We need to ask ourselves if, by accepting their story as truth, are we furthering our agenda as truth seekers, or theirs?

Having said that, following are a few examples of characters in this “movie” we’re watching who have been exposed with very strong evidence that they have an agenda that doesn’t match ours.

We won’t go into all the people who have been attacked for exposing frauds because that is what the dark ones do. Some wind up in jail to silence them.

I saw one source myself; word for word = credibility zero. It would be nice if we could trust everyone in the alternative news community but we’ve had figures thrown out there suggesting 80 – 90% of it comprises fakes and fraudsters.

Alex Jones was also outed, and that was a no-brainer. He lost credibility long, long ago. A terrible actor.

Whatever his source, he’s been called out just as he was to soar to stardom in a book—another way the cabal loves to edify their own, mislead the public, and (re)write history

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