by Dru Oja Jay
There is a prevailing myth that Canada's more than 600 First Nations and native communities live off of money -- subsidies -- from the Canadian government. This myth, though it is loudly proclaimed and widely believed, is remarkable for its boldness; widely accessible, verifiable facts show that the opposite is true.
Indigenous people have been subsidizing Canada for a very long time.
Conservatives have
leaked documents in an attempt to discredit chief Theresa Spence, currently on hunger strike in Ottawa. Reporters like Jeffrey Simpson and Christie Blatchford have ridiculed the demands of native leaders and the protest movement Idle No More. Their ridicule rests on this foundational untruth: that it is hard-earned tax dollars of Canadians that pays for housing, schools and health services in First Nations. The myth carries a host of racist assumptions on its back. It enables prominent voices like Simpson and Blatchford to liken protesters' demands to "living in a
dream palace" or "
horse manure," respectively.
It's true that Canada's federal government controls large portions of the cash flow First Nations depend on. Much of the money used by First Nations to provide services does come from the federal budget. But the accuracy of the myth ends there.
On the whole, the money that First Nations receive is a small fraction of the value of the resources, and the government revenue, that comes out of their territories. Let's look at a few examples.
Barriere Lake
The Algonquins of Barriere Lake have a traditional territory that spans 10,000 square kilometres. For thousands of years, they have made continuous use of the land. They have never signed a treaty giving up their rights to the land. An estimated
$100 million per year in revenues are extracted every year from their territory in the form of logging, hydroelectric dams, and recreational hunting and fishing.
And yet the community lives in third-world conditions. A diesel generator provides power, few jobs are available, and families live in dilapidated bungalows. These are not the lifestyles of a community with a $100 million economy in its back yard. In some cases, governments are willing to spend lavishly. They spared no expense, for example, sending 50 fully-equipped riot police from Montreal to break up a peaceful road blockade with tear gas and physical coercion.
Barriere Lake is subsidizing the logging industry, Canada, and Quebec.
The community isn't asking for the subsidies to stop, just for some jobs and a say in how their traditional territories are used. They've been fighting for these demands for decades.
Attawapiskat has been in the news because their ongoing housing crisis came to the attention of the media in 2011. (MP Charlie Angus referred to the poverty-stricken community as "Haiti at 40 below.") More recently, Chief Theresa Spence has made headlines for her ongoing hunger strike. The community is near James Bay, in Ontario's far north.
Right now, DeBeers is constructing a
$1 billion mine on the traditional territory of the Ä€htawÄpiskatowi ininiwak. Anticipated revenues will top $6.7 billion. Currently, the Conservative government is subjecting the budget of the Cree to extensive scrutiny. But the total amount transferred to the First Nation since 2006 --
$90 million -- is a little more than one per cent of the anticipated mine revenues. As a percentage, that's a little over half of Harper's cut to GST.
Royalties from the mine do not go to the
First Nation, but straight to the provincial government. The community has received some temporary jobs in the mine, and future generations will have to deal with the consequences of a giant open pit mine in their back yard.
Attawapiskat is subsidizing DeBeers, Canada and Ontario.
The Lubicon Cree, who never signed a treaty ceding their land rights, have waged a decades-long campaign for land rights. During this time, over
$14 billion in oil and gas has been removed from their traditional territory. During the same period, the community has gone without running water, endured divisive attacks from the government, and suffered the environmental consequences of unchecked extraction.
Sour gas flaring next to the community
resulted in an epidemic of health problems and stillborn babies. Moose and other animals fled the area, rendering the community's previously self-sufficient lifestyle untenable overnight. In 2011, an oil pipeline burst, spilling 4.5 million litres of oil onto Lubicon territory. The Lubicon remain without a treaty, and the extraction continues.
The Lubicon Cree are subsidizing the oil and gas sector, Alberta and Canada.
What will Canada do without its subsidies?
From the days of beaver trapping to today's aspirations of becoming an energy superpower, Canada's economy has always been based on natural resources. With 90 per cent of its settler population amassed along the southern border, exploitation of the land's wealth almost always happens at the expense of the Indigenous population.
Canada's economy could not have been built without massive subsidies: of land, resource wealth, and the incalculable cost of generations of suffering.
By contrast, annual government spending on First Nations was
$5.36 billion in 2005 (it's slightly higher now). By any reasonable measure, it's clear that First Nations are the ones subsidizing Canada.
These industries are mostly taking place on an Indigenous nation's traditional territory, laying waste to the land in the process, submerging, denuding, polluting and removing. The human costs are far greater; brutal tactics aimed at erasing native peoples' identity and connection with the land have created human tragedies several generations deep and a legacy of fierce and principled resistance that continues today.
Canada has developed myriad mechanisms to keep the pressure on and the resources flowing. But policies of large-scale land theft and subordination of peoples are not disposed to half measures. From the active violence of residential schools to the targetted neglect of underfunded reserve schools, from RCMP and armed forces rifles to provincial police tear gas canisters, the extraction of these subsidies has always been treated like a game of Risk, but with real consequences.
Break the treaty, press the advantage, and don't let a weaker player rebuild.
Idle? Know More.
The last residential school was shut down in 1996. Canadians today would like to imagine themselves more humane than past generations, but few can name the Indigenous nations of this land or the treaties that allow Canada and Canadians to exist.
Understanding the subsidies native people give to Canada is just the beginning. Equally crucial is understanding the mechanisms by which the government forces native people to choose every day between living conditions out of a World Vision advertisement and hopelessness on one hand, and the pollution and social problems of short-term resource exploitation projects on the other.
Empathy and remorse are great reasons to act to dismantle this ugly system of expropriation. But an even better reason is that Indigenous nations present the best and only partners in taking care of our environment. Protecting our rivers, lakes, forests and oceans is best done by people with a multi-millenial relationship with the land.
As the people who live downstream and downwind, and who have an ongoing relationship to the land, Cree, Dene, Anishnabe, Inuit, Ojibway and other nations are among the best placed and most motivated to slow down and stop the industrial gigaprojects that are threatening all of our lives.
Movements like Idle No More give a population asleep at the wheel the chance to wake up and hear what native communities have been saying for hundreds of years: it's time to withdraw our consent from this dead-end regime, and chart a new course.
Scott creighton covered this with some good pics/vids
The guards all had m-16’s but no ammo. Camera men all over inside. Amateurs, eh?
This post needs a map to go with it. I found the whole one way thing very hard to follow.
For those who find the April 2013 Google image of bullet holes that were supposedly from a gun fired on Oct. 22, 2014 to be more tinfoil hat crazy, I just checked. It is still posted at,-75.7001496,3a,90y,67.88h,88.9t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sDM19X-jMbXbdKblfKFWm-w!2e0!3e5!6m1!1e1
I would post the screen grab I just took but can’t; it indeed shows the date of April 2013 at the top of the page and also in a copyright caption in small characters at the bottom right. The bullet holes are clearly there 18 months before the shooting we were just treated to.
This is worse than I thought. It means terrrrists have unlocked the secrets of time travel. We are so screwed.
Your response to this?
“But it seems that the author, “for some reason” has cropped the image so as to omit the arrow that shows that “Parliament Buildings Street View Apr 2013” is not a title to the image, but is instead a link, as you can see in the full image: (,-75.7001496,3a,39.1y,88.03h,77.99t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sDM19X-jMbXbdKblfKFWm-w!2e0!3e5)
clever these so called debunkers are! Finally got to a laptop (iPhone was not showing anything relevant) and checked.
This article is correct – it is from 2013 april – the debunkers actually LIED about the article on MHB was a lie. Unreal. And they cite MHB and lead the reader to infer James is the fraud. Even on their own screenshot it says april 2013 at the bottom right.
Now the question is: how are those conclusively bullet holes?
Wasn’t this a hoax? Nobody shot anybody. We can’t take the medias word for the location of the bullet holes while saying whatever the media says is false.
And we can’t get mad when the media updates its false info to disagree with our damning interpreation, since we don’t rely on them, RIGHT?
So I don’t see what the big emergency is, how this proves anything, and I don’t see why James needs to be “all hands on deck.”
We have bigger fish to fry here in America.
Clever these so called debunkers are! Finally got to a laptop (iPhone was not showing anything relevant) and checked.
This article is correct – it is from 2013 april – the debunkers actually LIED that this article on MHB was debunked. Unreal. And they cite MHB and lead the reader to infer James is the fraud. Even on their own screenshot it says april 2013 at the bottom right.
Now the question is: how are those conclusively bullet holes?
Wasn’t this a hoax? Nobody shot anybody. We can’t take the medias word for the location of the bullet holes while saying whatever the media says is false.
And we can’t get mad when the media updates its false info to disagree with our damning interpreation, since we don’t rely on it, RIGHT?
So I don’t see what the big emergency is, how this proves anything, and I don’t see why James needs to be “all hands on deck.”
We have bigger fish to fry here in America.
well it looks like someone beat me to it – calling out metabunk for their poorly backed claims. The admin appears to be doing some heavy editing now as I type, but hopefully we have all learned a valuable lesson: metabunk needs to put a “g” where the “t” is in their name.
To their credit metabunk are letting me comment with an opposing view. Not much else is to their credit in that thread.
So did dino’s extended family with the fake brain tumor kill herself yesterday? Dino?? Are you still with us?
Yes, still with you. The last word is that she did not go through with it. On Oct. 31 or 30, there was a report that she changed her mind, saying, “Now is not the right time.”
As I’ve told you, the women in the videos and on the cover of People Magazine, as well as elsewhere, are not Brittany. I called the People photographer up at his studio to find out why he represented this model as Brittany, but they would not let me speak to him. I’ve been working to pin down other pieces of information, but can’t post what I’ve done in this blog–I will write an article, and see if James will publish it, when I finish my research.
I could, in fact, just call her up–I have a cellphone number from 2008, as well as an email address; and I have a friend (my best friend!) who has been castigating me for “not reconciling with [my] dying niece.” Sigh.
I should mention, too, that not only did I publish the info about Brittany’s uncle being a military intelligence analyst on this blog, but on Oct. 30 (I think it was) I did so on Infowars, too, in a comment on the story about the nurse, Kaci-someone, who made a big fuss when she was quarantined for 3 weeks after coming back from Liberia. The story said her lawyer was a White House visitor.
So I published this comment about Brittany’s uncle having this same kind of connection, and not that long afterwards came the report, “Now is not the right time.” Of course I don’t know if these events are connected.
Brittany’s uncle (her mother’s brother) is David Q. Ziegler.
She changed her mind. After checking off all the items on her bucket list, she decided life was in fact worth living.
This article has lots of photos; I’d love to hear Dino’s take on it:
In response to Recynd: I watched it; it’s basically a redo of the first video.
The narrator is not Brittany. Some of the still photos are of Brittany. If you compare a photo of the real Brittany (such as the one of her in the lounge chair with the dog in her lap) with the video narrator, you will see Brittany’s smile is much wider, and not downturned at the edges when she smiles, as the narrator’s is.
Granted, the narrator is convincing. Even Debbie (her mother) is convincing, to a degree. The takeaway message is actually the opposite of what they wanted to put across, though: Brittany isn’t going through with it, after all. She’s not ready. Where there’s life, there’s hope. (By the way, in the story on cnn, the reporter revealed the astonishing fact that SHE had RECOVERED fully from Stage IV cancer of some type last year!)
I find it interesting seeing how Brittany dwells on the love of her family, being surrounded by “family and friends” at the end, etc. She doesn’t tell you she is referring only to her mother’s people.
One comment I made to my friend, looking at the “Love” and “I am Loved” T-shirts worn by mother and daughter in one of the still photos, was, “How very Sandy Hook.”
I just saw the post that Brittany has passed. If it’s true, I am sorry for the family’s loss. Thank you for your insights on this…What a good example how massaged and manipulated “news” stories are. The directors of these stories are clearly all cut from the same cloth.
I responded to you earlier, Recynd, but my comment is in moderation.
Wanted to add to it that, in the original video, Debbie says she’s going to meet Brittany in Macchu Pichu. However, the photos of Brittany’s travel show she’s already BEEN to Macchu Pichu. (And, as I’ve pointed out before, Brittany herself says she wants to go to the Grand Canyon as her last trip.)
Brittany also says in the original video that she went to Alaska with her best friend, who is pictured with her: a slim blonde. The best friend does not show up among the attendants at her wedding.
I have said before that I think the wedding photos are fake. Does anyone get married in a vineyard? Brittany mentions, however, that she and her husband took a trip to the wine country for a New Year’s Eve celebration in 2013.
In the new video, she says she is her mother’s only child, and that is true. I believe this statement was corrected from the original video, in which I remember Brittany saying she is “her PARENTS’ only child” (although now I can’t find that). I thought to myself, at the time, Brittany appears to have forgotten about her half-brother 11 years younger, who used to adore her.
Finally, she said she intended to take the pill “upstairs in my bedroom that I share with my husband.” In fact, she and her husband are renting a house in Portland. Did she intend to commit suicide in someone else’s house? As to the house they still own in Contra Costa County, California, that cost almost $1 million. The picture of her bedroom shown in the video has a four-poster bed in a small room with sloping ceilings–an attic–not what you’d expect for the master bedroom in a $1 million home. She probably wouldn’t be doing this legally in California, anyway. She could not avoid the autopsy or doctor’s examination there.
My local paper just posted that Brittany Maynard has died.
I know I seem heartless, but I still don’t believe it. For the record, I had called three different law enforcement agencies in Oregon and asked for a (discreet) investigation. So her publicly saying she wasn’t going to do it on Nov. 1, then doing it the next day, may have been to throw them off.
I still have a question whether she intended to commit suicide in someone else’s house, because she has been renting in Oregon.
I will have some other stuff to convey on this in a few days, I think.
It getting to the point where psy-ops are just obvious prior to seeing the facts. As soon as the news reports it, one can use logic and a bit of socio-political wherewithal to dissemble most MCEs/shootings/etc. prior to the avalanche of evidence.
Can you Imagine… the ISIS having a major beef with Canada? WHY? How about a shooter in the Canadian parliment building who is so stupid as to reveal his weapon prior to the encounter of a “High-value” target? What is the shooter’s motive? Cui Bono?
How about the solutions we’re offered…? Bomb the Middle East to the Stone Age! Ban The Guns (Canada’s ahead of us on that one). Change the Politicians! Baaaa! Baaa!
[…] By Dario Di Meo It only takes one hole to slowly sink a boat. The official Ottawa shooting storyline has more than one such hole. The following suggests the widely-reported October 24, 2014 Ottawa shooting was a staged event. [Image Credit:] Exhibit One CBC reported that a driver with a dashboard camera driving along Ellington Street EB captures a video of the alleged shooter, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, casually walking to his car, a Toyota Corolla, and getting in. This is in conflict of witnesses stating they saw Bibeau running across the street, suggested by the More… […]
Well done to Dario Di Meo or whoever busted the ‘bullet-holes’ story.
It’s certainly irrefutable proof that CBC did not have the details right. So who gave them those details? And have they apologized yet to their audience? And will they do any investigation into why they were given false information?
If the location of the alleged final shoot-out is still officially correct, the absence of new damage to the wall from the gun fight raises its own questions, of course.
The only part of this hoax that I do believe is that Harper was in the closest when it happened. And you better believe that he hasn’t come out yet!
James, this is Jeff C. from Free Radio Revolution. I can’t thank you enough for posting this! I just made a video on it and you should expect to see a lot more people showing up. This is absolutely ENORMOUS for Canada – they are pushing through bills that will destroy our rights (illegal searches, detainment, spying etc… see bills C13 C36 C44) effectively the Patriot Act + NDAA for Canada. We desperately need Americans on board to help break this one down. I have done tons of work and I’m featuring many others on my different channels. Everyone should see this video (Proof the CPR was faked on Cpr Nathan Cirillo):
I can’t thank you enough for all the amazing work you’ve done (and all your awesome commenters) on Sandy Hook and Boston Bombing etc… We need all hands on deck for this one!
Sincerely, Jeff C. Free Radio Revolution
ps. feel free to contact me anytime
That’s good stuff from TFM, there, Jeff, thanks for calling attention to it.
Not mentioned but important, the prone Cpl. Cirillo does not appear to move at all in response to the alleged CPR. Compare with this known to be real footage:
CPR rocks the whole upper body, shoulders and head rhythmically. Of course that requires contact …
I agree. This is ENORMOUS for Canada and I will do what I can to get this information out to other CDNs. Thanks for your 10min video on this topic.
We are organizing an Emergency Round Table for tomorrow on Max Resistance. We have 100% proof that this event is staged – we need to reach the rest of Canada with this. We would like to invite Prof. Tracy to take part. It will be at 8pm eastern on Sunday Nov 2nd. Please send me an email if you can take part. Thank you!
Just a correction – our Emergency Round Table will be at 9pm Eastern. We ask Prof James Tracy that if he can’t make that time, we would be happy to have him on tuesday’s show at 8pm eastern. I believe UpNorthofthe49th will contact you with the details. Thanks!
Yes, this one is particularly badly done. It won’t win an award at the “Hoaxer’s Ball” this year, I’ll wager.
What I notice is that the reactions of the people in the videos are “over the top”. Why would they all be running away like that? Especially the scene where the car pulls up and he gets out.
In the previous scene we hear gunshots. What are they supposed to be coming from? It’s a Model 94 Winchester. I have one. Unless you’re “The Rifleman” you can fire that quickly.
As someone else pointed out, it seems pretty obvious that the plan was to link hunting rifles to “terrorism” This stuff has truly gotten ridiculous. First “the shooting”, then “the legislation”.
As with all of them, they are concerned with “the impression” that they make. None of them stand scrutiny.
This is Dario….your welcome Nick Dean. I found this out after watching Evan Solomon on YouTube and decided to go for a virtual Google tour of the Parliament buildings. Presto! There it was staring at me. I was in such disbelief to say the least.This became Ottawa’s WTC 7. This became the impetus for me to write my first piece on a false flag. I followed this story right from the get go and after the positive feedback of this piece I am planning on composing a follow-up.
Please Dario help. Canada believes this whole-heartedly without question. It is frightening. The people are so brain-washed. Completely lobotomized. Help.
CBC added an edit to their online posting of the Solomon report:
This story has been edited from a previous version that stated there were nine bullet holes in the wall near the Parliamentary library, based on information from multiple sources. In fact, upon further investigation, not all the marks were caused by the bullets. The exact number of bullets that hit the wall in the shooting is unclear. Also, the pistol used by the sergeant-at-arms is a semi-automatic, not an automatic as reported in an earlier version and in the TV piece attached.
Oct 25, 2014 5:15 PM ET
The ‘correction’ raises its own questions.
CBC was fed a pack of nonsense by multiple officials and ran the story unchecked. Why did CBC not check the claims for themselves? How could multiple officials all come to tell the same false story to the media absent collusion and an intention to mislead? Why would officials invent and seek to propagate the ‘bullet-hole’ story unless they felt the need to add verisimilitude, somehow – and why should they feel the need to do that?
And is CBC even asking these reasonable questions- especially after they say they were misled into making false claims themselves?
The “correction” is BS. Its pathetic at how many “corrections” media makes after an aware public catches this gross anomalies. How does Evan Solomon, an intelligent guy, use words like “exact” and “details” in a tone of confidence where there is NO doubt about what he is going to say. How can any media outlet put out information in this way and then makes statements like, “….upon further investigation….” Really?? Why the hell didn’t you do your due diligence to begin with? You never put the cart before the horse. CBC and all MSM seem to think this is acceptable. Remember In Living Colour? Homey D. Clown…. “Homey Don’t Play Dat!”
The dutch “tourist”wasn’t a tourist,he was a crisis actor.and it is a hoax,not a false flag.
They are Busted BIG time,with this hoax,just like sandy hook,boston marathon,the santa barbara shooting,the houston shooting-cassidy stay,mh17 hoax,ebola hoax…..SO?and nothing is going to stop them,for making other hoaxes in the future..and james tracy is linked to alex jones…1+1=2….jeff.c do you trust james tracy?
References on your claim re: alex jones?
I went ahead and researched your alleged link to AJ for you. If you are referring to the month after SHES AJ interview with a fledgling prof shoved into the limelight, then your ability to provide weak links has preceded you.
Hoax, are you a drive by commenter or can you tell us about who you are?
Seems the state department will have to issue a ‘correction’ as well
ippedOff1 second ago…/4TheCirilloDrill.pdf
Jeff you hopefully will find this interesting. Also I spent alot of time reviewing footage. I believe they had cirillo play bad guy. When you look at the pic of him with gun (zehaf) you can see he has on white dress shirt. (look at cuff on hand holding barrel) Then when he is running into the parliment doors you can see white shirt when his jacket flips up. Then when they show cirillo being put in ambulance you can see Zehaf scarf hanging down from his waist. I know the footage is really grainy but I’m telling ya they have same forhead except they have him wearing wig while playing Zehaf. I don’t know check it out. Cirillo drill.. Vickers Count.. Concealment garment needed…
Heard something interesting on Radio Lab, today, November 1. It was about War of the Worlds and how we are normally told it went down when Orson Welles did his show. It analyzed the alleged public reactions and the stories about people responding to it as though it was real. It raised the possibility that those hyper-reactions, the interviews with “survivors”, and much we have been told about this history of the broadcast, were themselves hoaxes. Then someone shot in a little remark about “seeing the plane hit the building on 9/11”, opining that most people who said they saw it in real time actually saw rebroadcasts later in the day. This of course is a bit of limited hang-out. But the deeper meaning is that no one really saw it except on tv, and it is irrelevant what time they saw it because it could have been a fake.
But I would recommend the analysis of the probably false history of the War of the Worlds which they were getting at – not just Orson Welles’s version, but the wider aspect of hoaxing history deliberately. Quite a take-down of those history shows about how gullible the public was, with all those just-folks characters reacting to what they thought was a catastrophic event.
[…] Ottawa Shooting: Evidence of a Staged False Flag Attack […]
As shown in this link “Tourist Megan Underwood stands with Cpl Nathan Cirillo on the same day he was shot dead”
The fun fact is that Tourist Megan Underwood who calls herself a “British -Canadian Actress” also has a photo with her and the Mayor of Ottawa, Jim Watson and states in her Twitter:
“Glad you’re sticking around, @JimWatsonOttawa! Brunch at the @ManxPub wouldn’t be the same without you.”
Any statisticians want to work out the odds of this happening?
It’s kind of funny a guard would step so far away from his post in order to be in a picture. I was recently in Canada, at Quebec City’s citadel. The guards there did not have such a casual relationship with members of the public, even though the post itself is not much of what it once was. They are just as solemn outside their post boxes as the guards at Buckingham Palace. This is like one of the gladiators at Rome’s colosseum, dressed up and posing with tourists. Does not hit the right note for me.
The Twitter account of this woman, after her remarks about Cirillo and her attendance at them, seems totally over it. Like it was an assignment she had completed.
Even without the prior google images I think anyone who doesn’t immediately notice the odd, suspicious, and impossible symmetrical outline of the marks to be lacking. It is if a trick shot artist were shooting around and making an even outline around his subject target.
[…] IT OUT THERE!!! MAKE IT VIRAL FOLKS!! It’s GAME OVER!! James Tracy Blog:… Here’s the google Street view:… Tweet this […]
That’s a good point, Musings. This is what is often wrong with “eye witness testimony”. People are not necessarily lying, they just have such a strong need to “belong” that they want to “me too” whatever someone else says.
It’s a lot like “Harley Man”. Just like Rivero at “Whatreallyhappened”, he goes ballistic with people who point out that no plane (certainly not an airliner), hit the Pentagon. His stock refrain is “but people SAW a plane”. Did they?
Maybe there was a “Harley Man” there too. “Did you see that? There was an airliner and it hit the Pentagon”. Despite very good eye witness evidence to the contrary, some believe the “official” tale simply because they said that eye witnesses saw it.
It is no exaggeration to say that I’ve had to “unlearn” most of what I’ve been taught. The simple fact is that the evidence shows that it can’t be trusted.
When an event happens is it the job of the media to tell us exactly how something happened down to the suspect and the methods used? In real life, when a actual event happens it takes time to find these things out. In fact, in a real criminal matter, it may not be wise to be insisting on “belief” when the details are unknown.
When they insist that they have the details it may be wise to ask “where did you get that information?”. To me it is obvious that the real reason for doing this is to condition people to accepting whatever they say as truth. Are you going to argue with Anderson Cooper?
It is very instructive that later, when people examine the evidence, and it is found that their story couldn’t possibly have happened that way, they get indignant. It’s actually pretty funny. “Hey, ‘reality’ is OUR job. Who do you think you are following up on our proclamations?”.
I rather think that the “War of the Worlds” story is an urban myth. It was quite a publicity stunt.
I think Orson Welles enjoying spoofing and then double-spoofing. He enjoyed playing Citizen Kane outside the set, if indeed he played with the alleged after-effects of War of the Worlds (the Radio Lab broadcast I listened to recently explained that a very small percentage of radio listeners were actually tuned into his show, and that the publicity afterwards was partly generated by newspapers who were losing readers (then as now) and who wanted to show how the public was being hoodwinked by such broadcasts – although I would imagine that Welles was the one who interviewed all the alleged dupes, using other actors, and then coming forward sheepishly and with an aw-shucks style to remind everyone that this story was already well-known. Radio Lab alleges that other communities have also used the story to generate the effect of an alien invasion, by using local landmarks to reinforce the message.
When I think about 9/11, I have one startling image from the after show at the Pentagon: a bunch of cafeteria ladies in actual hairnets, smilingly assembling burgers at a steam table for the tired workers at the “tragic” scene. That was an image designed to trigger retro memories in the public, in my opinion, of Cold War duck and cover days, and also even farther back (though that generation was not as targeted as our Boomers) – of Rosie the Riveter – that “can do” working class gal, brave and tough as old boots, smiling in the face of tragedy. I see fake people.
[…] blogger created a post delving into the conspiracies of the Ottowa Shootings, supporting his own belief. Web 2.0 allows […]
[…] 8) Ottawa shooting appears to have been staged… […]
[…] Ottawa Shooting: Evidence of a Staged False Flag Attack – Dario Di Meo Free Radio […]
[…] […]
[…] Canada’s false flag terror: fingerprints of U.S. involvement […]
[…] bills exposed James Tracy : Memory Hole Blog False Flag attack reveals evidence of October […]
[…] the dash-cam video does not even appear to be carrying a gun, as elucidated by Professor James Tracy here. (Ottawa Shooting: Evidence of a Staged False Flag Attack « Memory Hole) A Winchester rifle is not […]