My Family
Growing A Garden Such an Important Life Skill
Brian - Ma - Dallas
Woodys Pub Coquitlam BC 2011
Dedication to my Friend Erik Vopni- Always missed and never forgotten
Bella Coola BC our Project at Mary Anne June 2018
Hunting Trip 2007
I been hunting since I was a boy- One of the greatest gifts I learned was respect nature, and survival skills
Rob Williams
Big Horn Sheep
Chris loved to Cook - He volunteered to be camp cook -because he made some special dishes or he did not like what we cooked
Small 6 x 6 I harvested this year
NO Dumping says it all
Left to Right Jesse Hills , John , Wayne Williams , Greg, Dallas (ME IN MY HAT) Chris
Steve Herzberg from Bigger Saskatchewan
Wayne McQuarrie and Dallas
Small 5 x 5 Whitetail
How to make a Deer Stand
Hamilton Ont June 2010 Steves Place
Niagara Fall Ont 2010

April 2008 Pink Mountain Northern BC - 104 klm mark - Near Sasquatch INN
The crew on days off
Jim Foster and Rob Foster
July 2009 Nanaimo Lakes BC
Karl Vopni
Dallas and Brian and his family
Dakota Hills - my second Youngest
Karl Vopni - Dakota Hills
Mark Champagne and Dallas Goofing Around
RIP Erik Vopni and Dallas - We grew up together and was hard loosing a Brother
Dallas and Elona Babcock - Friends since we were 15 years old
Mellesia and Erik
Erik Vopni and Robbi Vopni (Elona younger Brother )
Aug 16 2009 Cedar
April 2008 Pink Mountain
Aug 4 2009 we met Adam Sandler and had some laughs
Banf BC 2010
Beaver River Air Strip Dallas and the Baron
Paintball Adventure Field June 2006 --Started Paintball years back and and went developed a field in 1987
RIP Frank Akens -
Jesse and Dylan Hills
Group Phots of the Participants playing this day
What an adventure Joel , Lee and all of us had on our adventure to Red Fern lake
Good old 4040 Craig - The Stopper
Flipped the Quad and landed in the brush to the Right-- Lee was Behind me - He thought I was Done for - so did I
Sleeping Quarters 14 feet in the Air - As Grizzlies were roaming around
Lee Lost his Quad in the River and we roped it as it was going down the river
Joel laughing as I caught him standing where he was Vulnerable - and did a drive by and well he got the MUD --
Lee and Dallas
THIS WAS THE MOST DANGEROUS PART OF THE TRIP - Getting down the the Hill to the River Bottom- Many have been milled or seriously Injured - We were prepared for such an Obstacle - Slowly Lowered the Quads and Supplies Down
They Call these Piss bombs
Wildlife Pictures ∕ NWT 2007
Wayne Padgent Wood Shed - Darlene and I helped Wayne on this project - 78 years of age
Wayne Padgent and Dallas with Wayne Book -
Stanley Cup Scott Niedermayer on Tip of Fisher Peak - Cranbrook BC area
Fisher Peak is the highest and most appealing summit of the Southern Rocky Mountains , it dominates Cranbrook 's Eastern skyline. The peak is an outstanding 9336 feet (2846 m) high and offers a panorama view of the Kootenay River Valley and the southern Rockies. The elevation gain from the trail head is approx 4400 feet (1400m)
Picture from Marrysville BC and in the back ground is Fisher peak
Brian Birch Dallas and Todd
Sand Sculpting Competition and Exhibition is a world class event for Master Sand Sculptors and is an official qualifying event for the World Championship of Sand Sculpting! Master Sand Sculptors travel from all corners of the globe to participate in our remarkable competition and exhibition in Parksville, British Columbia
My Daughter Dakota Hills
RIP OLD JOE Lansville BC
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