TOTAL LIE: “Diversity is Our Greatest Strength!”
Ranting by Phillip Marlowe
Recently I read somewhere many Japanese in Japan don’t even bother closing their garage doors at night. Can you imagine? Well, we all know why. Japan is populated virtually by all Japanese and they are generally law-abiding people just like us Whites.
America used to be like that. Freckle-faced boys went out riding stingray bicycles or skateboards all over the place with little worry other than skinned kneecaps from trying to pull off rad maneuvers to impress the girls. Mothers in colorful print cotton dresses or Capri pants gathered in front yards for coffee in the cool of the evening, while kids ran around collecting firefly’s in mason jars. Men drank cold brewskies and shucked oysters or peanuts in the garage while arguing over the best fishing lures or latest baseball score.
America was wonderful not so long ago. Peaceful, safe and decent. I remember America like this. The America us Whites created with our genius, tough fighting ability and organization skills — not theirs.
Hell, our special White genius and work ethic put us on the moon. Just think about that with the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 moon landing this week. It wasn’t any other race that did it, but us White Americans; regardless of lying PC propaganda out of Hollywood with ridiculous movies like “Hidden Figures.” Those few black women were a mere handful out of hundreds of White women who did math computations for NASA, since computers did not exist like we have today. Notice how they came up with a totally bogus ending where the hero black chick saves the day. That never happened. They now feel quite free to rewrite history since if you say anything, they scream “RACIST!”
Look closely at the old B&W news reels and color footage they show in the Apollo 11 documentaries this coming week. All the scientists, engineers and brainiacs behind the US space program were Whites. Notice how we haven’t been back to the moon or much of anything else big since never-ending black entitlement programs sucks up most of our tax dollars — not to mention all the worthless, do-nothing AA hires now “working” at NASA. Diversity has ruined America!
The brainwashing hypocrites stole America from us White people. The dirty bastards took advantage of us sure as I’m sitting here. After we foolishly let in the filthy, subversive Jews in from Czarist Russia, what did we get? Absolutely nothing but continuous commie bull crap, social engineering across the board, perverted media and convoluted financial shenanigans until the America we created was destroyed.
We all need to keep pointing out these stinking ef wad Jews so all Whites can quickly spot them in a second (it is hard sometimes because a lot of them have stolen White genetics). We can tell by what they say and promote all the time in the media. It’s always PC stuff, immigration of Third Worlders, White-hating and Geopolitics promoting the NWO and Israel’s Zionist agenda in the Mideast.
Already, the Jews know we’re waking up in droves. That’s why they are scrambling everywhere to find ways of censoring Whites without making it too obvious. But that’s only on the Internet, since they’ve long had control of the MSM. The lefty brainwashing of the White race has been going on for literally decades.
Practically all of your criminals, rapists and murderers out there are black or illegal aliens. Everyone knows it. The above black animal (Brandon Howell) shotgunned 3 Whites to death in their front yards after beating an elderly White couple dead.
Sure, there was the rare perv out there back in the day. Most of the time, they were relatively harmless, looking into windows and masturbating — stuff like that. If caught, neighborhood men would simply beat the living tar out of them right then and there and hand them over to the cops, no questions asked. Criminals were quickly sent to prison. Criminals who killed people were hung by the neck until dead.
Nowadays it’s a completely different story. There’s no telling what insane people are out there, sometimes well-armed. You can’t even go grocery shopping anymore without the possibility of a run-in with a crazy nutcase or criminal. And those types are almost always black or Mestizo illegals. Hell, you can spot this out if you pay close attention to the local news. It’s no wonder they stopped reporting race decades ago — they’ve always known exactly the deal when it came to black behavior and criminality.
Thank goodness, so many idiot Negroes love made-up African sounding names!
Notice, too, how the media stopped reporting immigration status on Mestizo criminals in the last few years. You may not know it, but the media orders local stations to follow suit (they are all owned by the same globalist multinationals). Same thing with advertising — they now love putting White chicks with smiling black men everywhere, right along with mud children.
Like that recent REPATHA (heart drug) TV commercial where this goofy White guy is giving away his cute daughter to a black in a wedding and he’s dancing to a KC and Sunshine band disco song at the wedding party, yukking it up with the black groom’s parents — looking like a complete idiot. It’s all so much fun getting jiggy with the homies!
Not only are they giving away our jobs but our future as a race. They are clearly working to destroy Whites from the inside out. No doubt about it, this has been the agenda all along.
Us White Americans have been sold a bill of goods for the last 75 years, maybe longer. That means we’ve been taken for a ride — Americanism for lied to. For decades politicians and social engineers have been telling us “oh look, isn’t it so nice to have other races and cultures living the American dream sweetly among us?” The food is now so much more interesting!
Total, unmitigated BULL CRAP. It was a LIE from the get-go. Diversity has been the biggest line of horse manure ever created. The sooner you get that, the easier it is to spot the brainwashing.
Now they are doing everything possible to invade our lands with more Third Worlders to further destroy White demographics. Sure, they appeal to our sense of justice and emotions. They’ve been playing that violin from the start. Haven’t you noticed all the dead body shots they make a big deal about like that man and a kid who drowned down at the border with Mexico? Same crap with dead Syrian kids. The brainwashing media people literally decide what dead kiddie shot to play up or ignore. Believe me.
We already know they lie to us all the time. Why do you think the term “FAKE NEWS” so resonates? It’s exactly like the commie propaganda organ Pravda, but in ways tailored to our “mass populations” — meaning us regular White folk.
Scroll back upwards to my artwork showing Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. The media did everything it could to ignore that absolutely brutal crime. Not long after it happened, I talked to an editor at the Washington Post about it. You know what the stinking, lousy leftist bitch said to me? It was a common “garden variety” crime. Yep, that’s what she called it. Like it was no big deal. That was the final straw for me.
Meanwhile, every single time some criminal, out-of-his-mind, doped-up homie gets put down by a cop or even roughed up a little, we got to see it front and center on the nightly news, like it’s another example of evil White “racism.” In addition to that, any White criminal fingered gets non-stop coverage and big special reporting like on “Dateline” and “20/20.” Notice also the constant TV reports on “White supremacy” and “White terrorism” they have coming out days. Even old crap like Hitler, the Nazis, WWII and holocaust documentaries seemingly go on and on AND ON FOREVER.
Get the BS yet?
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