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of the inherent Power of Justice |
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Supreme Court of British Columbia rules that former British Columbia Premier Bill Vander Zalm and several colleagues acted illegally in the water war crimes swindle to favour friends and harm competition.
Click here to read judgment
Supreme Court of British Columbia rules that former British Columbia Premier Bill Vander Zalm and several colleagues acted illegally in the water war crimes swindle to favour friends and harm competition.
Click here to read judgment
Example of Illegal Canadian Water Trade Law
A person must not remove water from British Columbia unless the person
(c) removes the water in containers of 20 litres capacity or less, of water that has been packaged in British Columbia,
Section 5 British Columbia Water Protection Act
The above provision in the Water Protection Act is clearly illegal and unlawful under every major trade law and will be a target of the US Government as US President Trump investigates trade law violations by Canada and imposes penalties.
(c) removes the water in containers of 20 litres capacity or less, of water that has been packaged in British Columbia,
Section 5 British Columbia Water Protection Act
The above provision in the Water Protection Act is clearly illegal and unlawful under every major trade law and will be a target of the US Government as US President Trump investigates trade law violations by Canada and imposes penalties.
Read More about Public Servant Crime In British Columbia
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Click here to visit the Graveyard of the Guilty - some more guilty than others
Problem + Solution
Click you tube on left to read about the problem. Click you tube on right to read about the coming solution. |
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Click here to go to New Developments Blog and keep informed of the most recent developments in this continuing story of corruption and political murder in Canada.
There Is A Real Need for Additional Water In The United States
Since the days of Richard Nixon, a Californian (shown above far left with Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau), successive American Presidents knew that, eventually, their nation would need fresh water from Canada. It appears that a bargain was struck by Ronald Reagan, (shown above in photo to right of Nixon) another Californian, and Canadian Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney, but that bargain fell apart due to political corruption in Canada and British Columbia, much of which is described on these pages. We say it appears Mulroney and Reagan made the bargain but there is emerging evidence the the deal was made sometime during the 16 year tenure of Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau who had earned reputation for profiting from secret resource deals while in office.
The duplicity and corruption by Canadian governments prompted American Attorney and director of the Goleta Water District, John Deloreto to state "Only a complete fool would do business of any size, shape, or color with the Canadian Government". Click here to read full text of Mr. Deloreto's scathing comments.
Caught in a crime and the breach of an international trade treaty, the Canada US Free Trade Agreement, that it had recently negotiated with the American Government to save Canada from bankruptcy, and afraid of a public backlash in Canada, the Canadian and British Columbia governments committed further crimes to cover up the high level corruption.
Immediately after he was elected to the office of President of the United States, Barack Obama visited Canada in February, 2009, to meet Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, much like an ancient Roman emperor visiting the Governor of an important province in the Roman empire. Prime Minister Harper had some explaining to do because the American government was very unhappy that Canada had reneged on the bargain that gave Canada access to American markets in exchange for American access to Canada's resources, including water.
Intelligent observers will have noted that over the few years, Canadian political leaders were acting very strangely as the American Administration increased the pressure on Canada. Statements coming from the White House and other American officials, while discrete and nuanced, indicated the US Administration was deadly serious about access to water from Canada and increasingly impatient with dithering, delay, and procrastination by Canadian Governments.
There Have Been At Least Eight Canadian Prime Ministers Linked to the Water War Crimes and Their Cover Up
The story of bulk water exports from Canada to the United States and the untold story of the criminal conspiracy to capture a bulk water export monopoly by various Canadian insiders has been deliberately mis-represented to Canadians by its mainstream media and political elites.
It is a story that has involved, at least, eight Canadian Prime Ministers and you can read about their involvement by clicking on their name, Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney, Kim Campbell, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin and Stephen Harper. We say at least eight because there was one Canadian Prime Ministers during the relevant period, Joe Clark, but we have not yet uncovered anything indicating his participation. Mr. Tuner, whose named in not highlighted, has refused to respond to email inquiries about the involvement of his former law firm, McMillan Binch, in an insider trading scam involving shares of
W.C.W. Western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd.
While the story assuredly goes back to the time of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, our paper trail begins in the era of Brian Mulroney and the negotiation of the Canada US Free Trade Agreement where American access to Canada's water resources was the quid pro quo for Canadian access to American markets. Despite all the lying and posturing by Canadian politicians and their public relations machine, intelligent and respected legal scholars readily admit that water was included, as a commodity, under the Canada US Free Trade Agreement.
Prime Minister Harper who covered up the Water War Crimes for almost ten years was removed from office by the Canadian public in October 2015 and replaced by Justin Trudeau, the son of Pierre Trudeau who, in the Editors opinion was engaged in high level discussions about American access to Canadian water back when Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter were in the White House.
It is a story that has involved, at least, eight Canadian Prime Ministers and you can read about their involvement by clicking on their name, Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney, Kim Campbell, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin and Stephen Harper. We say at least eight because there was one Canadian Prime Ministers during the relevant period, Joe Clark, but we have not yet uncovered anything indicating his participation. Mr. Tuner, whose named in not highlighted, has refused to respond to email inquiries about the involvement of his former law firm, McMillan Binch, in an insider trading scam involving shares of
W.C.W. Western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd.
While the story assuredly goes back to the time of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, our paper trail begins in the era of Brian Mulroney and the negotiation of the Canada US Free Trade Agreement where American access to Canada's water resources was the quid pro quo for Canadian access to American markets. Despite all the lying and posturing by Canadian politicians and their public relations machine, intelligent and respected legal scholars readily admit that water was included, as a commodity, under the Canada US Free Trade Agreement.
Prime Minister Harper who covered up the Water War Crimes for almost ten years was removed from office by the Canadian public in October 2015 and replaced by Justin Trudeau, the son of Pierre Trudeau who, in the Editors opinion was engaged in high level discussions about American access to Canadian water back when Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter were in the White House.
There have been at least seven British Columbia Premiers Involved in the Water War Crimes and there cover up.
Successive British Columbia Premiers and their governments have been involved in the Water War Crimes or their cover up. The Water War Crimes appear to have played a direct role in the destruction of the careers of Bill Vander Zalm, (second from left top row) Michael Harcourt, (third from left top row) Glen Clark (on right top row), Ujjal Dosanjh (bottom row on left) Gordon Campbell (second row middle when he was photographed in Hawaii after a drinking and driving arrest).
The convict Premier, Gordon Campbell, witnessed his career come to a halt due to material published on this web site that revealed his role in the cover up of the Water War Crimes. It is a legal maxim of long authority that "To conceal a crime is a crime".
The seventh Premier of British Columbia that involved in these matters is Premier Christy Clark, who inherited a corrupt civil service that regularly engages in serious crime.
Premier Clark and her regime are part of the cover up and, realistically, what can they do because to tell the truth would require putting a whole bunch of people in jail.
Our experience and the public input has proved that Canada's courts and judges cannot be trusted, its legal system is rife with criminals and its governments, at least its federal government and the British Columbia provincial government, have acted like irresponsible criminals in this and many other cases.
This is not an unreasonable thought.
We started this web site in July, 2009, to support a lawsuit we, John Carten and Karen Gibbs, had filed in Canada's Federal Court in January, 2008, that was being deliberately stalled by Court Officials who would not allow the case to go to a trial of any kind, presumably on directions from insiders linked to the Water War Crimes.
In the lawsuit, we sought redress and compensation from Canada's Federal Government for the harm we endured at the hands of its officers, employees, and agents, including the Government of British Columbia, who savagely attacked us and our families in order to protect a group of crooked insiders who had sought to profit from a Canadian bulk water export monopoly they had, almost successfully, engineered for themselves through a company that had high level political connections in Canada.
The case was delayed by an obstructionist and patently ridiculous judicial ruling by a Federal Court judge appointed by Prime Minister Chretien, then blocked by a further obstructionist rulings at the Federal Court of Appeal, by judges who were also appointed by former Prime Minister Jean Chretien.
An application was filed with the Supreme Court of Canada in April 2011, where it appears to have prompted Justice Ian Binnie, another judge appointed by former Prime Minister Jean Chretien, and who had a personal conflict of interest due to his past activities, to take early retirement.
In October, 2011, a three person panel of the Supreme Court of Canada rejected the application for leave to appeal, without giving any reasons, and the corrupt insiders in Canada heaved a sigh of relief thinking that the case was over but two more insiders immediately dropped dead and a third had a heart
attack. Incidentally, the present Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada Beverly McLachlin is the Chairperson of the Canadian Judicial Council that has consistently refused to investigate our claims of judicial corruption.
Eight months later, Madam Justice Layden-Stevenson, a relatively innocent Federal Court of Appeal judge, and Eric Noel, a Department of Justice lawyer linked the case, were murdered presumably to protect the other, more guilty, parties. You can read more about the strange tale of more than 40 sudden deaths as the lawsuit moved forward on our web page entitled Graveyard of the Guilty.
In the lawsuit, we sought redress and compensation from Canada's Federal Government for the harm we endured at the hands of its officers, employees, and agents, including the Government of British Columbia, who savagely attacked us and our families in order to protect a group of crooked insiders who had sought to profit from a Canadian bulk water export monopoly they had, almost successfully, engineered for themselves through a company that had high level political connections in Canada.
The case was delayed by an obstructionist and patently ridiculous judicial ruling by a Federal Court judge appointed by Prime Minister Chretien, then blocked by a further obstructionist rulings at the Federal Court of Appeal, by judges who were also appointed by former Prime Minister Jean Chretien.
An application was filed with the Supreme Court of Canada in April 2011, where it appears to have prompted Justice Ian Binnie, another judge appointed by former Prime Minister Jean Chretien, and who had a personal conflict of interest due to his past activities, to take early retirement.
In October, 2011, a three person panel of the Supreme Court of Canada rejected the application for leave to appeal, without giving any reasons, and the corrupt insiders in Canada heaved a sigh of relief thinking that the case was over but two more insiders immediately dropped dead and a third had a heart
attack. Incidentally, the present Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada Beverly McLachlin is the Chairperson of the Canadian Judicial Council that has consistently refused to investigate our claims of judicial corruption.
Eight months later, Madam Justice Layden-Stevenson, a relatively innocent Federal Court of Appeal judge, and Eric Noel, a Department of Justice lawyer linked the case, were murdered presumably to protect the other, more guilty, parties. You can read more about the strange tale of more than 40 sudden deaths as the lawsuit moved forward on our web page entitled Graveyard of the Guilty.
We felt there was an important story to be told both in terms of how we were attacked by Canadian Governments and in terms of what has gone on and what is going on, publicly and behind the scenes, in Canada, with respect to the highly sensitive political issue of bulk water exports from Canada to the United States and Mexico.
Our involvement with these issues began when the Governments of Canada and British Columbia, then under the leadership of Prime Minister Jean Chretien (shown above left) and Premier Michael Harcourt (shown above right), invaded our lives and attacked us because we were assisting the small American company, Sun Belt Water Inc., in a lawsuit that was leading to exposure of criminal misconduct at the highest levels of Governments of Canada and British Columbia, its western most province. The lawsuit, much to the dismay of the Canadian and British Colombian Governments, subsequently metamorphosed into a claim against Canada under NAFTA for $10.5 billion dollars that threatened to jeopardize Canada's control over its fresh water resources and the NAFTA itself - a trade agreement that arguably saved Canada from bankruptcy.
It was a distasteful experience being attacked by one's own government and the experience has lasted almost 2 decades with the most recent being a malicious judgment of British Columbia Provincial Court Judge, John Lenaghan, that attempts to take away Mr. Carten's sole source of income leaving him destitute in 2014 after a malicious prosecution in the Provincial Court in 2008 which failed because a Supreme Court justice was sent in to stop the out of control Chief Judge Stansfield and his assistant at the Provincial Court, and Mr. Carten was acquitted in 2008, when the chief crown witness was proved to be deliberately misleading the court by contradictory evidence of a crown lawyer, who now is a Professor at Thompson Rivers University, but who, to his credit and with our eternal gratitude, would not commit perjury to benefit the government.
All the while the Canadian Prime Minister and Minister of Justice failed to seriously address the issues in the case, as they are required to do by the Constitution of Canada, and people died because justice was denied when all they had to do was do a little justice and pay for their crimes but instead, people died and careers were destroyed and lives were lost.
All the while the Canadian Prime Minister and Minister of Justice failed to seriously address the issues in the case, as they are required to do by the Constitution of Canada, and people died because justice was denied when all they had to do was do a little justice and pay for their crimes but instead, people died and careers were destroyed and lives were lost.
In the meantime, we have watched the Governments of Canada and British Columbia engage in what has obviously been a complex negotiation with the Government of California over the issue of water exports. British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell, disingenuously referred to these negotiations as "clean energy projects" but only the naive and blind accept his remarks at face value. Campbell has a well deserved reputation as for deception and California needs water a whole lot more than it needs energy so the only plausible reason behind the schmoozing between the Governor and the Premier was that the Governor was on very important state business.
The Public Feedback Is Excellent
Since we first published this website in 2009, we have had over 200,000 visitors from almost every nation on earth. We have had an excellent public response to the information posted here. Some of that response is posted on the blog associated with this site but we have received many more positive comments through our Contact Us Privately feature. If you have thoughts you wish to share on the issues, please feel free to use either feature.
We have been particularly moved by the sad tales of other Canadians who have been caught up in the corruption and sleaze that has come to characterize Canada's legal system, its lawyers and its judiciary, and we were encouraged by their gratitude that we had published this material on our site - a beacon of light - we are told, time and time again.
It is not a co-incidence that many of the same Canadian judges and Canadian lawyers whom we identify here are involved in abuses and mis-carriages of justice in other cases. It is also not a co-incidence an a pleasant surprise to see the careers of these dirty judges and lawyers come to an end shortly after we publish the details of their crimes.
Legal and judicial corruption in Canada is not confined to water cases. It is an extremely serious problem, innocent people are losing their live savings, their homes, their businesses and the guilty judges and lawyers laugh at them.
We have been particularly moved by the sad tales of other Canadians who have been caught up in the corruption and sleaze that has come to characterize Canada's legal system, its lawyers and its judiciary, and we were encouraged by their gratitude that we had published this material on our site - a beacon of light - we are told, time and time again.
It is not a co-incidence that many of the same Canadian judges and Canadian lawyers whom we identify here are involved in abuses and mis-carriages of justice in other cases. It is also not a co-incidence an a pleasant surprise to see the careers of these dirty judges and lawyers come to an end shortly after we publish the details of their crimes.
Legal and judicial corruption in Canada is not confined to water cases. It is an extremely serious problem, innocent people are losing their live savings, their homes, their businesses and the guilty judges and lawyers laugh at them.
In January 2010, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper shut down Canada's Parliament so that secret meetings could be held between American and Canadian officials. The Olympic Games taking place in Vancouver provided a perfect distraction for the national and international media.
Shortly afterwards, Premier Gordon Campbell announced that a major water reservoir would be constructed at Site "C", a location on the Peace River in north eastern British Columbia, that is a necessary part of the water delivery system. This was after over 20 years of stalling and delay by Canadian politicians. Someone was obviously holding a gun to Campbell's head. At the same time, Premier Campbell introduced legislation exempting the "Site C Dam Project" and other so-called "green energy" projects from the independent environmental review program in British Columbia.
Click here to read more about Site C Dam and the Secret Agreements Signed Under Cover of the Olympic Games.
Members of the US Congress Threatened to Repeal NAFTA
While these matters were being discussed and implemented, reluctantly, in Canada, prominent members of the American Congress rallied to assist their President and increased the pressure on Canada by calling for the repeal of the NAFTA. Click here to read Reuters Story about "Repeal of NAFTA" March 4, 2010.
This trade agreement, that was vital to a former previously bankrupt Canadian economy, was threatened because criminals inside and linked to Canada's governments had cheated our American friends and neighbours and would have cheated the Canadian people if their plans had not been thwarted by one, small American company, Sun Belt Water Inc.
Finally, in June 2010, Canada's Head of State, Queen Elizabeth came to Canada, and the Canadian Governor General who was loyal to another political party, was sent to China so she could cause no mischief while Queen Elizabeth was here. Queen Elizabeth signed important, highly confidential documents, in Ottawa, and then traveled to New York for a highly unusual five hour visit after her nine day business trip to Canada. It was the Queen's first visit to New York in 35 years and it is a safe bet her visit had something to do with whatever documents she signed in Canada. It is also worth noting that the Queen did not visit British Columbia while she was in Canada but camped, for most of the visit, in the province of Ontario. The Government of British Columbia, under Gordon Campbell, was a highly embarrassing entity that had publicly humiliated the Queen by its blatant corruption.
Click here to Read About the Royal Family and the Water War Crimes
Working in her Palace in London, Queen Elizabeth receives regular reports on developments in Canada especially those that might bring about a conflict between Her Dominion of Canada and its more heavily populated and much more powerful neighbour to the south, the Republic of the United States of America, over the issue of access to Canada's huge fresh water resources. In the context of the Water War Crimes, the surprise visit of Prince Charles to the White House, in November 2005, and the refusal of Prime Minister Paul Martin to attend the Commonwealth Conference in that same month made perfect sense.
Further, the visit to Canada by both Prince Charles, in the fall of 2009, where he encouraged Canada to consider "water harvesting", (a new phrase never before used in the debate about bulk water exports) and by his mother, the Queen, in June/July 2010, make sense in the context of the Water War Crimes. Canada's Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, had an important role to play in the protection of the integrity of the Canadian nation and its institution and it appears she played it well, in accordance with her duty. Or, this is what we would like to believe, that is, that the Queen was true to her duty, as Queen, and that she was not secretly cheating her subjects, the citizens of Canada.
Further, the visit to Canada by both Prince Charles, in the fall of 2009, where he encouraged Canada to consider "water harvesting", (a new phrase never before used in the debate about bulk water exports) and by his mother, the Queen, in June/July 2010, make sense in the context of the Water War Crimes. Canada's Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, had an important role to play in the protection of the integrity of the Canadian nation and its institution and it appears she played it well, in accordance with her duty. Or, this is what we would like to believe, that is, that the Queen was true to her duty, as Queen, and that she was not secretly cheating her subjects, the citizens of Canada.
The Role Of Queen Elizabeth In the Water War Crimes Brings Shame On the Royal Family
We are not happy to raise this issue because we like to think that Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen of Canada, our country, is a nice, honest, decent, Queen, who does her job and does not commit crimes against the people in her realm - as Canada is described.
However, in early August, 2011, we received information, from a reliable source, that Queen Elizabeth, the Queen of Canada and England, along with her husband, a gentleman known as Prince Phillip, a.k.a. the Duke of Edinburgh, had been secretly investing in the scheme to loot Canada's water export wealth through a company known as the Royal Trust Bank of Switzerland, S.A., that was an investor in W.C.W. Western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd. the company whose president bragged had been selected by the Government of Canada to export water to the U.S.A.
We immediately reported this information to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister, John Baird, Canadian Foreign Trade Minister, Ed Fast, Canadian Justice Minister, Rob Nicholson, the top dog at the Privy Council of Canada, Wayne Wouters, and Canada's Governor General, David Johnson.
All of these individuals, with the exception of Governor General Johnson, have refused to acknowledge our correspondence about Queen Elizabeth and, in our opinion, are complicit in whatever criminality Queen Elizabeth and her husband may have been involved in because it is an old legal maxim that "to hide a crime is to commit a crime".
Click here to read more about Queen Elizabeth, the Royal Family and the Water War Crimes
However, in early August, 2011, we received information, from a reliable source, that Queen Elizabeth, the Queen of Canada and England, along with her husband, a gentleman known as Prince Phillip, a.k.a. the Duke of Edinburgh, had been secretly investing in the scheme to loot Canada's water export wealth through a company known as the Royal Trust Bank of Switzerland, S.A., that was an investor in W.C.W. Western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd. the company whose president bragged had been selected by the Government of Canada to export water to the U.S.A.
We immediately reported this information to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister, John Baird, Canadian Foreign Trade Minister, Ed Fast, Canadian Justice Minister, Rob Nicholson, the top dog at the Privy Council of Canada, Wayne Wouters, and Canada's Governor General, David Johnson.
All of these individuals, with the exception of Governor General Johnson, have refused to acknowledge our correspondence about Queen Elizabeth and, in our opinion, are complicit in whatever criminality Queen Elizabeth and her husband may have been involved in because it is an old legal maxim that "to hide a crime is to commit a crime".
Click here to read more about Queen Elizabeth, the Royal Family and the Water War Crimes
The Murder of Many of the Guilty Proves a Criminal Gang Operates Inside Government.
The sudden deaths of twelve (12) Canadian judges, and thirty (30) or so others, all linked to the Water War Crimes brings the revealed death count in the Water War Crimes to over forty.
This is a statistically impossible co-incidence. Forty people, most of whom were potential witnesses or defendants in one explosive lawsuit, have suddenly died. It is probable that one or more of them were murdered in order to silence them.
Who will be next? Who is doing the killing?
This is a part of the Water War Crimes story that proves there is a criminal gang operating inside the provincial civil service in British Columbia and in the federal civil service operating throughout Canada that is prepared to kill people to protect its other members.
This is a statistically impossible co-incidence. Forty people, most of whom were potential witnesses or defendants in one explosive lawsuit, have suddenly died. It is probable that one or more of them were murdered in order to silence them.
Who will be next? Who is doing the killing?
This is a part of the Water War Crimes story that proves there is a criminal gang operating inside the provincial civil service in British Columbia and in the federal civil service operating throughout Canada that is prepared to kill people to protect its other members.
Corrupt Canadian Judges Protect Corrupt Politicians Who Loot Private Assets - All Foreign Investment In Canada At Risk From Politically Appointed Judiciary
Click Picture to Go To Story
From British Columbia to Alberta and to Ottawa, leading Canadian judges, all appointed by politicians involved in the Water War Crimes, assisted to protect Canadian politicians and other insiders involved in the Water War Crimes enabling them to conceal crimes.
The Canadian Judicial Council, controlled by politically appointed Chief Justices, consistently refused to investigate allegations of wrong doing by these members of the judiciary. An RCMP Inspector and a former Military Intelligence Officer confirmed the existence of a judicial mafia in Canada that fixes cases to benefit insiders.
We have told the story of the misconduct of each judge, as we saw it, and posted it on this site and the reader can find the information by scrolling down the side bar and clicking the link associated with an individual judge. Not surprisingly, since we began publishing this information, average Canadians have contacted us with similar tales of corruption by the same judges.
Twelve of the judges identified on the side bar to the left are interred in what we call the Grave Yard of the Guilty. They died shortly after we exposed their crimes. Due to the sudden nature of their deaths, while often in the best of health, and closely linked in time to exposure of their crimes, it is felt that one or more of the judges and, probably, some of the other players in these crimes were murdered in order to silence them.
The Canadian Judicial Council, controlled by politically appointed Chief Justices, consistently refused to investigate allegations of wrong doing by these members of the judiciary. An RCMP Inspector and a former Military Intelligence Officer confirmed the existence of a judicial mafia in Canada that fixes cases to benefit insiders.
We have told the story of the misconduct of each judge, as we saw it, and posted it on this site and the reader can find the information by scrolling down the side bar and clicking the link associated with an individual judge. Not surprisingly, since we began publishing this information, average Canadians have contacted us with similar tales of corruption by the same judges.
Twelve of the judges identified on the side bar to the left are interred in what we call the Grave Yard of the Guilty. They died shortly after we exposed their crimes. Due to the sudden nature of their deaths, while often in the best of health, and closely linked in time to exposure of their crimes, it is felt that one or more of the judges and, probably, some of the other players in these crimes were murdered in order to silence them.
We have chosen to name names, post photos and publicize what the "bad guys" have done.
In part, we did this because the responsible authorities in Canada, the RCMP, the Victoria City Police, Ministers of Justice for Canada, Attorney Generals for British Columbia, Canadian Prime Ministers and British Columbia Premiers have refused to do their jobs and, in our opinion, have deliberately covered up the major crimes by their friends and cronies who were involved in the Water War Crimes.
In addition, we felt that Government employees, judges, lawyers and politicians should not be able to commit crimes, to abuse people, and/or loot public assets, without being held accountable for it.
Curiously enough, as we started publishing the information, some of these "bad guys" started dropping dead, while others suddenly left their places of employment. We think some of them may have been murdered or committed suicide due to the sudden nature of their deaths shortly after we published our information about them.
While we are not particularly happy that the deaths of these potential witnesses may have been hastened by our publication of their involvement in the Water War Crimes, we are consoled by the fact that we encouraged every Prime Minister of Canada, every Minister of Justice for Canada, every Premier and every Attorney General of British Columbia, since 1996, to resolve the claim of Sun Belt Water Inc., fairly and in accordance with established principles of law and equity, but we were stonewalled and then attacked in a most despicable manner through the supposed "administration of justice". Fortunately, we are able to tell this story to you, the reader. The mainstream media, in Canada, that should be exposing this kind of government corruption, has been part of the cover up and obfuscation.
We tried to resolve the Sun Belt case in the courts but crooked judges illegally dismissed the case.
We tried to resolve the Sun Belt claim under NAFTA, but The Government of Canada refused to comply with NAFTA.
We tried to resolve our claims through negotiations but politicians and supposedly responsible, just, and fair civil servants lied, cheated, refused to respond to us and the death toll began to mount higher and higher. In Canada, civil servants and politicians are, for the most part, only interested in three things, their jobs, their pensions and the bribes they are paid.
So, we put the blame for at least some of these forty deaths squarely in the hands of the Governments of Canada and British Columbia and whomever may have carried out the murders as their agents.
Click here to read more at the Graveyard of the Guilty.
In part, we did this because the responsible authorities in Canada, the RCMP, the Victoria City Police, Ministers of Justice for Canada, Attorney Generals for British Columbia, Canadian Prime Ministers and British Columbia Premiers have refused to do their jobs and, in our opinion, have deliberately covered up the major crimes by their friends and cronies who were involved in the Water War Crimes.
In addition, we felt that Government employees, judges, lawyers and politicians should not be able to commit crimes, to abuse people, and/or loot public assets, without being held accountable for it.
Curiously enough, as we started publishing the information, some of these "bad guys" started dropping dead, while others suddenly left their places of employment. We think some of them may have been murdered or committed suicide due to the sudden nature of their deaths shortly after we published our information about them.
While we are not particularly happy that the deaths of these potential witnesses may have been hastened by our publication of their involvement in the Water War Crimes, we are consoled by the fact that we encouraged every Prime Minister of Canada, every Minister of Justice for Canada, every Premier and every Attorney General of British Columbia, since 1996, to resolve the claim of Sun Belt Water Inc., fairly and in accordance with established principles of law and equity, but we were stonewalled and then attacked in a most despicable manner through the supposed "administration of justice". Fortunately, we are able to tell this story to you, the reader. The mainstream media, in Canada, that should be exposing this kind of government corruption, has been part of the cover up and obfuscation.
We tried to resolve the Sun Belt case in the courts but crooked judges illegally dismissed the case.
We tried to resolve the Sun Belt claim under NAFTA, but The Government of Canada refused to comply with NAFTA.
We tried to resolve our claims through negotiations but politicians and supposedly responsible, just, and fair civil servants lied, cheated, refused to respond to us and the death toll began to mount higher and higher. In Canada, civil servants and politicians are, for the most part, only interested in three things, their jobs, their pensions and the bribes they are paid.
So, we put the blame for at least some of these forty deaths squarely in the hands of the Governments of Canada and British Columbia and whomever may have carried out the murders as their agents.
Click here to read more at the Graveyard of the Guilty.
It is a curious phenomenon but two of the prominent "political gangs" in Canadian political history that have played a role in the Water War Crimes are both associated with a leader named Campbell.
The Kim Campbell Gang (shown below) was formed in the early 1990's and attempted to take over the Government of Canada. Kim Campbell (shown far left below) was assisted by political organizer and lawyer Lyall Knott (to the right of Kim Campbell), the strategist Allan Gregg, (to the right of Knott), present when this was written, but now ex-Justice Minister Rob Nicholson (to the right of Gregg). Finally, there was Prime Minister Jean Chretien (far right below) who posted Kim Campbell to be Canada's Consul General in Los Angeles, presumably because both Campbell and Chretien had an interest on covering up who might have been involved in the Water War Crimes.
The Gordon Campbell Gang, (shown below) was interlinked with the Kim Campbell Gang, (shown above) formed in the mid nineties, and took over the Government of British Columbia through devious means that included engineering a "police putsch" that effectively destroyed the regime of Premier Glen Clark. The Gordon Campbell Gang (shown below) includes the political and lawyer, Lyall Knott, former Premier Gordon Campbell's Mistress and Deputy Chief of Staff, Lara Dauphinee, the lawyer, Paul Fraser, and the money-man, Peter Brown. Knott, Fraser, and Brown were closely connected to W.C.W. Western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd., a Vancouver based company that, despite it's government conferred water export monopoly, and generous support from the Canadian Government and private investors, collapsed into bankruptcy in 1993. Premier Gordon Campbell was forced to resign in disgrace, on November 3, 2010 after this web site and other social media sites began publishing the details of his deceit and duplicity where he used public funds to pay an extravagant salary ($150,000 per year) to his mistress/Deputy Chief of Staff, the lovely Laura Dauphinee, while winning elections by pretending he supported family values and was happily married to his wife, a woman with whom he had not lived with for several years and who lived in a different town.
Canada's mainstream media has disgracefully kept Campbell's mistress a secret for over two decades ever since she allegedly left her job as a member of a different type of bar, as a bar maid, in Vancouver to join him at Vancouver's City Hall, then as his assistant when he became leader of the opposition in the legislature and, finally, as his over paid Deputy Chief of staff while he was Premier.
Canada's mainstream media has disgracefully kept Campbell's mistress a secret for over two decades ever since she allegedly left her job as a member of a different type of bar, as a bar maid, in Vancouver to join him at Vancouver's City Hall, then as his assistant when he became leader of the opposition in the legislature and, finally, as his over paid Deputy Chief of staff while he was Premier.
The Grand Plan
The Traitors Within
Click Picture to Go to Story
For decades, political and business insiders with Canadian and British Colombian governments, had known that the water resources in the American southwest and Mexico were dwindling in the face of an increasing population.
In the mid to late 1980's a small group of Canadian political insiders, linked to both the Kim Campbell Gang and the Gordon Campbell Gang (but also linked to other political parties) saw the opportunity to earn massive profits for themselves, instead of going into the coffers of the British Columbia government for the betterment of the people, from the export of Canada's fresh water. These gangs set about on a fraudulent and corrupt scheme to capture for themselves an illegal water export monopoly so they could line their pockets with revenues from the sale of Canadian public assets and gouge American consumers. In order to achieve their goals, these insiders created a sinister fraud that continues to influence Canadian politics and Canadian public attitudes towards bulk water exports.
Click here to go to the Story.
In the mid to late 1980's a small group of Canadian political insiders, linked to both the Kim Campbell Gang and the Gordon Campbell Gang (but also linked to other political parties) saw the opportunity to earn massive profits for themselves, instead of going into the coffers of the British Columbia government for the betterment of the people, from the export of Canada's fresh water. These gangs set about on a fraudulent and corrupt scheme to capture for themselves an illegal water export monopoly so they could line their pockets with revenues from the sale of Canadian public assets and gouge American consumers. In order to achieve their goals, these insiders created a sinister fraud that continues to influence Canadian politics and Canadian public attitudes towards bulk water exports.
Click here to go to the Story.
Premier Gordon Campbell may be out of office but a remnant of his gang continues to control the Government of British Columbia. They have used their control of the levers of power to sell public assets to corporations controlled by pals and cronies. We have viewed Gordon Campbell as one of our enemies and we began to target him, personally, on this web site, in order to assist the process of forcing him from office, a process that was completed when his successor, a radio talk show host named Christy Clark, took power in February 2011. Christy Clark is widely regarded as the puppet of Patrick Kinsella, a player in the Water War Crimes, and one of the puppet-masters who controlled former Premier Gordon Campbell although, to her credit, Premier Christy Clark has removed many of guilty from the ranks of the civil service since she took office.
In May 2010, we asked the British Columbia Conflict of Interest Commissioner, Paul Fraser, (salary $192,000) to investigate the alleged secret love affair between Premier Campbell (salary $180,000) and his Deputy Chief of Staff, Lara Dauphinee, who is paid an inflated public salary of $150,000.
Click here to go to Story of Conflict of Interest Commissioner and Premier Campbell.
Click here to go to story on the Premier's alleged affair with his Chief of Staff.
Fraser proved to be a coward and declined to do his job but the resultant attention to Campbell's scandalous deception and cheating with taxpayers dollars forced him to announce he was resigning in early November, 2010, which is not bad work for a private web site and demonstrates the overwhelming power of truth when effectively presented. Sun Belt Water Inc. gave Premier Campbell every chance to resolve the issues fairly and equitably. Premier Campbell followed the usual politics of "do nothing" and the injustice continues, unresolved.
In our opinion, Campbell was just another dirty politician interested only in some vain form of ego gratification and who didn't give a damn about the people he and his crooked cronies in the government steamrollered and destroyed in their lust for power, money, fame, and glory.
Click Here to Read The Big Picture. The Grand Plan to Loot Canada's Water Resources and the Traitors Within.
In May 2010, we asked the British Columbia Conflict of Interest Commissioner, Paul Fraser, (salary $192,000) to investigate the alleged secret love affair between Premier Campbell (salary $180,000) and his Deputy Chief of Staff, Lara Dauphinee, who is paid an inflated public salary of $150,000.
Click here to go to Story of Conflict of Interest Commissioner and Premier Campbell.
Click here to go to story on the Premier's alleged affair with his Chief of Staff.
Fraser proved to be a coward and declined to do his job but the resultant attention to Campbell's scandalous deception and cheating with taxpayers dollars forced him to announce he was resigning in early November, 2010, which is not bad work for a private web site and demonstrates the overwhelming power of truth when effectively presented. Sun Belt Water Inc. gave Premier Campbell every chance to resolve the issues fairly and equitably. Premier Campbell followed the usual politics of "do nothing" and the injustice continues, unresolved.
In our opinion, Campbell was just another dirty politician interested only in some vain form of ego gratification and who didn't give a damn about the people he and his crooked cronies in the government steamrollered and destroyed in their lust for power, money, fame, and glory.
Click Here to Read The Big Picture. The Grand Plan to Loot Canada's Water Resources and the Traitors Within.
Canada's Red-Coated Police Proved They Are Yellow and Refused To Investigate Crimes By Government Insiders Operating In League With Foreign Criminals
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Canada's famous red-coated police force, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, aka the RCMP, under both Commissioners Zacardelli and Elliott turned yellow when asked to investigate the Water War Crimes of insider trading, fraud, perjury, obstruction of justice, and political corruption carried out by Government employees and politicians in Canada.
An RCMP Inspector confirmed the existence of a "judicial mafia" that fixes court cases in Canada. His remarks confirm information from a retired
Canadian Military Intelligence official.
Click here to read how the RCMP protect crooked Canadian politicians.
Former Constable Paulson, who Mr. Carten once cross-examined on a witness stand in a courthouse in Courtenay, British Columbia,
was the Commissioner of the RCMP from November 21, 2011 – June 30, 2017. He and his police force have proved themselves inept and as a consequence Canadian Federal Court of Appeal Justice Carolyn Layden-Stevenson was murdered in June, 2012, and they have been unable to find the murderer.
An RCMP Inspector confirmed the existence of a "judicial mafia" that fixes court cases in Canada. His remarks confirm information from a retired
Canadian Military Intelligence official.
Click here to read how the RCMP protect crooked Canadian politicians.
Former Constable Paulson, who Mr. Carten once cross-examined on a witness stand in a courthouse in Courtenay, British Columbia,
was the Commissioner of the RCMP from November 21, 2011 – June 30, 2017. He and his police force have proved themselves inept and as a consequence Canadian Federal Court of Appeal Justice Carolyn Layden-Stevenson was murdered in June, 2012, and they have been unable to find the murderer.
The Victoria Police Chief Who Agreed To Investigate Was Destroyed By A Sexual Take Down Engineered By A Crooked Law Firm
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One of the most intriguing and salacious stories related to the Water War Crimes is the destruction of the career of Victoria City Chief of Police Battershill during the period of time that his Department was carrying out an investigation of complaints of criminal conduct by employees of the Ministry of the Attorney General in Victoria on a file that was linked to former Prime Minister Chretien, former Justice Minister, Irwin Cotler, and former British Columbia Attorney General, Geoff Plant.
The question naturally arises of whether or not Canada's prominent national law firm, Heenan Blaikie, (home to former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, former British Columbia Attorney General Geoff Plant and Brett Baker, a former senior advisor to former Justice Minister Irwin Cotler, used one of its young, attractive, female lawyers to undermine and sabotage the investigation being undertaken by the Victoria City Police.
Four lawyers, one large law firm and one cop. Was Chief Battershill the victim of a sexual take down?
Click here to go to the story of the sex scandal that stopped a police investigation
The question naturally arises of whether or not Canada's prominent national law firm, Heenan Blaikie, (home to former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, former British Columbia Attorney General Geoff Plant and Brett Baker, a former senior advisor to former Justice Minister Irwin Cotler, used one of its young, attractive, female lawyers to undermine and sabotage the investigation being undertaken by the Victoria City Police.
Four lawyers, one large law firm and one cop. Was Chief Battershill the victim of a sexual take down?
Click here to go to the story of the sex scandal that stopped a police investigation
Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS)
The Water War Crimes
In November 2010, as the traffic to this web site began to increase and the death toll began to rise, Jack Hooper, (shown in photo on far right) the retired former Associate Director of the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS) dropped dead "supposedly" from a sudden heart attack at age 57 and in excellent health. Was there a motive to murder Jack Hooper? You bet there was. Jack Hooper had been a part of Canada`s intelligence service since the 1970's and he knew all the secrets.
A few months later, in January 2011, an Ottawa based intelligence expert, Michel Gratton was found dead in his apartment. Was there motive to murder Michel Gratton? You bet there was. Gratton had been an investigative journalist specializing in intelligence matters and he knew plenty of secrets also.
Click here to read about CSIS and the suspected murders of Jack Hooper and Michel Gratton as part of the Water War Crimes cover up?
Several Major Canadian Law Firms Were Involved In the Attempted Looting of Canada's Water Wealth
It would not be unfair to describe some of Canada's major law firms as organized criminal gangs. Certainly, in the context of the Water War Crimes, several of Canada's major law firms can be fairly said to have assisted in a crime of monumental proportions and/or offered shelter and generous salaries to those who did.
We have published pages on this web site to discuss the role of several of these law firms in the Water War Crimes, McCarthy Tetrault, Lang Michener, Clark Wilson, Heenan Blaikie, and Bennett Jones. We expect to be adding pages to describe the role of other law firms that were involved: McMillan Binch, in Toronto, and MacLeod Dixon, in Calgary.
Unfortunately, the Water War Crimes are not the only crimes carried out against the people of Canada by Canadian law firms of all shapes and sizes. Behind the combined veils of solicitor client privilege and client confidentiality, Canadian law firms have been engaged in serious warfare against the Canadian people through white collar crimes that have raped the nation.
Some of those crimes are referred to here as corroborative information but they are not the focus of this web site.
We have published pages on this web site to discuss the role of several of these law firms in the Water War Crimes, McCarthy Tetrault, Lang Michener, Clark Wilson, Heenan Blaikie, and Bennett Jones. We expect to be adding pages to describe the role of other law firms that were involved: McMillan Binch, in Toronto, and MacLeod Dixon, in Calgary.
Unfortunately, the Water War Crimes are not the only crimes carried out against the people of Canada by Canadian law firms of all shapes and sizes. Behind the combined veils of solicitor client privilege and client confidentiality, Canadian law firms have been engaged in serious warfare against the Canadian people through white collar crimes that have raped the nation.
Some of those crimes are referred to here as corroborative information but they are not the focus of this web site.
Top Secret Documents Prove Canadian Governments Broke The Law
Click Picture to Go To Story
Recently acquired top secret documents, now published here, prove that elected politicians in Canada secretly broke the Canada US Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA), the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT), and the British Columbia Water Act.
A 52 page British Columbia Government prepared document advised the British Columbia cabinet in 1991 that their plans to block the export of fresh water to the United States were illegal but the politicians refused to take the advice of their own internal lawyers and did it anyway and then their successors covered up for twenty years.
A 52 page British Columbia Government prepared document advised the British Columbia cabinet in 1991 that their plans to block the export of fresh water to the United States were illegal but the politicians refused to take the advice of their own internal lawyers and did it anyway and then their successors covered up for twenty years.
Canada's Department of Justice Is Infiltrated By A Criminal Gang that Murders Judges, Lawyers and Witnesses
Click Picture to Go To Story
The Headquarters of the Government of Canada, its legal office, has been deeply involved in the Water War Crimes carried out against the people of both Canada and the United States.
We think there is reasonable and probable grounds to believe that the mysterious sudden death of former Deputy Justice Minister John Tait, in 1999, and the sudden resignation of Deputy Justice Minister John Sims in 2010, and the alleged suicide/possible murder of Department of Justice lawyer, Eric Noel, in July 2012, were connected to their participation in the Water War Crimes.
It is also probable that Deputy Justice Minister, Morris Rosenberg, who worked under Justice Minister Anne McLellan and then moved over to become Deputy Minister of Health to Ujjal Dosanjh (when Dosanjh, the former Attorney General for British Columbia, moved to Ottawa in 2002) was a concealer of the Water War Crimes.
It is an intriguing historical co-incidence that two persons with a Rosenberg last name were convicted of grave crimes against the people of the United States for leaking atomic secrets to the Soviets in the 1950's and, in the latter part of the 20th century, we find a Deputy Attorney General for Canada, named Rosenberg, engaged in what could arguably be described as a form of covert warfare against the American people, the friends, neighbours and cousins of most Canadians, with the exception of a misguided minority.
We think there is reasonable and probable grounds to believe that the mysterious sudden death of former Deputy Justice Minister John Tait, in 1999, and the sudden resignation of Deputy Justice Minister John Sims in 2010, and the alleged suicide/possible murder of Department of Justice lawyer, Eric Noel, in July 2012, were connected to their participation in the Water War Crimes.
It is also probable that Deputy Justice Minister, Morris Rosenberg, who worked under Justice Minister Anne McLellan and then moved over to become Deputy Minister of Health to Ujjal Dosanjh (when Dosanjh, the former Attorney General for British Columbia, moved to Ottawa in 2002) was a concealer of the Water War Crimes.
It is an intriguing historical co-incidence that two persons with a Rosenberg last name were convicted of grave crimes against the people of the United States for leaking atomic secrets to the Soviets in the 1950's and, in the latter part of the 20th century, we find a Deputy Attorney General for Canada, named Rosenberg, engaged in what could arguably be described as a form of covert warfare against the American people, the friends, neighbours and cousins of most Canadians, with the exception of a misguided minority.
Organized Crime has penetrated the Ministry of the Attorney General in British Columbia
It would not be unfair to call the British Columbia Ministry of the Attorney General "an organized criminal gang".
Certainly, the plan to confer an unlawful bulk water export monopoly on W.C.W. Western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd. was a well organized crime. In addition, the gangsters inside the Ministry of the Attorney General who participated in the crimes appear to have been well paid off - although a few, former Deputy Minister Robert Edwards, and former senior legal counsel, Jack Ebbels, and others appear to have been "heart attacked" or otherwise "murdered" in order to silence them.
Read about organized Crime in British Columbia and the Ministry of the Attorney General who were the players and how were they rewarded.
Certainly, the plan to confer an unlawful bulk water export monopoly on W.C.W. Western Canada Water Enterprises Ltd. was a well organized crime. In addition, the gangsters inside the Ministry of the Attorney General who participated in the crimes appear to have been well paid off - although a few, former Deputy Minister Robert Edwards, and former senior legal counsel, Jack Ebbels, and others appear to have been "heart attacked" or otherwise "murdered" in order to silence them.
Read about organized Crime in British Columbia and the Ministry of the Attorney General who were the players and how were they rewarded.
The Canadian Media silence proves that Canada does not have an independent media.
Canada's state owned media, the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), owned by the Canadian Government, and Canada's so-called private media, such as the Globe and Mail and the Canwest Global Group, both controlled by Government Pension Plans, have consistently mis-led Canadian and global audiences by suppressing references to the Canadian political, judicial, and legal corruption surrounding the Water War Crimes.
Click here to read the how CBC has lied to the Canadian Public.Click here to learn about duplicity by the Globe and Mail and Canwest Global.
Click here to read the how CBC has lied to the Canadian Public.Click here to learn about duplicity by the Globe and Mail and Canwest Global.
Canada`s court system regularly blocks lawsuits that threaten politicians and government insiders who have committed crimes against private citizens
Faced with corruption by the judiciary in the Court systems of British Columbia and Alberta, we filed a lawsuit in Canada's re-constituted Federal Court.
Under Canadian law, the Federal Court has clear unfettered jurisdiction to hear "proceedings in which relief is sought against any person for anything done or omitted to be done in the performance of the duties of that person as an officer, servant or agent of the Crown against Canada's federal government, its employees, servants and agents" [See Federal Court Act, section 17 (5) (b)].
But, for reasons that are linked to the political nature of Canada's judiciary, Canada's Federal Court stalled for two and one half years and, when pressed for a decision, stated falsely, that it had no jurisdiction to hear the case and the case was dismissed without going to trial. No fair hearing, no due process, no discovery, no pre-trial disclosure, it was rigged, fixed and determined by a politically appointed prothonotary/court clerk who reports to the Department of Justice, lacks basic judicial independence, and who has developed a reputation for corruption in other cases.
This Federal Court was then under the leadership of Chief Justice Allan Lutfy, (shown above to the immediate right of the Courts new Coat of Arms) who was appointed to his position by, and was a former close adviser to Prime Minister Jean Chretien (shown above far right). Lutfy assigned Mr. Lafreniere (another Chretien appointed official - a Prothonotary (not a judge) - shown to the right of Lutfy above) to hear the case, as if he were a judge, which he is not. After 18 months of stalling and delay (and three more dead judges), Mr. Lafreniere, who is not a judge, dismissed our lawsuit just like we expected he would due to his allegiances to Jean Chretien. Click here to Go to Reasons for Dismissal By Mr. Lafreniere.
We then filed an appeal asking for a "real judge" of the Federal Court to review the deliberately delayed decision of the Prothonotary "de novo" which basically means a complete re-hearing of the applications by the Governments to dismiss our case.
The appeal was heard on April 20, 2010, and Chief Justice Lutfy, who was appointed by Mr. Chretien, assigned another Chretien appointed official, Madam Justice Johanne Gauthier to hear our appeal of the decision of Lafreniere, the Chretien appointed Prothonotary, who is not a judge.
At this stage, it would be understandable if the reader were thinking that "you people are nuts to continue because the fix is in" with all of these Chretien appointed judges doing their best to protect Mr. Chretien.
Well, we were prepared to reserve judgment on Madam Justice Gauther, who readily acknowledged that she was appointed to her job by Mr. Chretien, and, who assured us that her connection to Mr. Chretien would have no bearing on her decision. Her assurances were naive on her part at this point.
On August 27, 2010, Madam Justice Gauthier, proved her new bias and tossed our case out of court, directly contrary to provisions of the Federal Court Act, an act of Parliament - not judge made law - that gives unfettered jurisdiction to the Federal Court to hear claims against the "Crown and officers, servants or agents of the Crown ". She said or was coerced into saying, incorrectly, she did not have jurisdiction to hear a case against agents of the Crown. The decision was pure doublespeak nonsense. There is good reason to believe the judgment was ghost written by a crooked civil servant and that Gauthier simply rubber stamped her signature upon it.
Madam Justice Gauthier, a politically appointed judge, was so ignorant of the law she did not even know that judges were considered "officers" of the Crown when commonly used English law dictionaries define a judge to be "an officer of the Crown who administers justice in accordance with the law" .
On February 8, 2011, Madam Justice Layden-Stevenson of the Federal Court of Appeal, another Chretien appointed judge, knowing we did not have the funds, attempted to block the appeal by making the extraordinarily rare order that we post $10,000.00 in security for costs if we wished the Federal Court of Appeal to hear our appeal of the decision of the Federal Court.
That decision was then the subject of an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada where two judges, Ian Binnie and Beverley McLaughlin have conflicts of interest. Ian Binnie suddenly resigned when his conflict of interest was put on the record.
In June 2012, Madam Justice Layden-Stevenson suddenly died and, a few weeks later, a lawyer with Canada's Federal Department of Justice, Eric Noel, allegedly, committed suicide. There is good reason to believe that both deaths were murders and that both murders are connected to the Federal Court lawsuit.
Click here to review the "interactive" Notice Of Appeal we filed detailing 57 errors in the judmgent of Madam Justice Gauthier.
Under Canadian law, the Federal Court has clear unfettered jurisdiction to hear "proceedings in which relief is sought against any person for anything done or omitted to be done in the performance of the duties of that person as an officer, servant or agent of the Crown against Canada's federal government, its employees, servants and agents" [See Federal Court Act, section 17 (5) (b)].
But, for reasons that are linked to the political nature of Canada's judiciary, Canada's Federal Court stalled for two and one half years and, when pressed for a decision, stated falsely, that it had no jurisdiction to hear the case and the case was dismissed without going to trial. No fair hearing, no due process, no discovery, no pre-trial disclosure, it was rigged, fixed and determined by a politically appointed prothonotary/court clerk who reports to the Department of Justice, lacks basic judicial independence, and who has developed a reputation for corruption in other cases.
This Federal Court was then under the leadership of Chief Justice Allan Lutfy, (shown above to the immediate right of the Courts new Coat of Arms) who was appointed to his position by, and was a former close adviser to Prime Minister Jean Chretien (shown above far right). Lutfy assigned Mr. Lafreniere (another Chretien appointed official - a Prothonotary (not a judge) - shown to the right of Lutfy above) to hear the case, as if he were a judge, which he is not. After 18 months of stalling and delay (and three more dead judges), Mr. Lafreniere, who is not a judge, dismissed our lawsuit just like we expected he would due to his allegiances to Jean Chretien. Click here to Go to Reasons for Dismissal By Mr. Lafreniere.
We then filed an appeal asking for a "real judge" of the Federal Court to review the deliberately delayed decision of the Prothonotary "de novo" which basically means a complete re-hearing of the applications by the Governments to dismiss our case.
The appeal was heard on April 20, 2010, and Chief Justice Lutfy, who was appointed by Mr. Chretien, assigned another Chretien appointed official, Madam Justice Johanne Gauthier to hear our appeal of the decision of Lafreniere, the Chretien appointed Prothonotary, who is not a judge.
At this stage, it would be understandable if the reader were thinking that "you people are nuts to continue because the fix is in" with all of these Chretien appointed judges doing their best to protect Mr. Chretien.
Well, we were prepared to reserve judgment on Madam Justice Gauther, who readily acknowledged that she was appointed to her job by Mr. Chretien, and, who assured us that her connection to Mr. Chretien would have no bearing on her decision. Her assurances were naive on her part at this point.
On August 27, 2010, Madam Justice Gauthier, proved her new bias and tossed our case out of court, directly contrary to provisions of the Federal Court Act, an act of Parliament - not judge made law - that gives unfettered jurisdiction to the Federal Court to hear claims against the "Crown and officers, servants or agents of the Crown ". She said or was coerced into saying, incorrectly, she did not have jurisdiction to hear a case against agents of the Crown. The decision was pure doublespeak nonsense. There is good reason to believe the judgment was ghost written by a crooked civil servant and that Gauthier simply rubber stamped her signature upon it.
Madam Justice Gauthier, a politically appointed judge, was so ignorant of the law she did not even know that judges were considered "officers" of the Crown when commonly used English law dictionaries define a judge to be "an officer of the Crown who administers justice in accordance with the law" .
On February 8, 2011, Madam Justice Layden-Stevenson of the Federal Court of Appeal, another Chretien appointed judge, knowing we did not have the funds, attempted to block the appeal by making the extraordinarily rare order that we post $10,000.00 in security for costs if we wished the Federal Court of Appeal to hear our appeal of the decision of the Federal Court.
That decision was then the subject of an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada where two judges, Ian Binnie and Beverley McLaughlin have conflicts of interest. Ian Binnie suddenly resigned when his conflict of interest was put on the record.
In June 2012, Madam Justice Layden-Stevenson suddenly died and, a few weeks later, a lawyer with Canada's Federal Department of Justice, Eric Noel, allegedly, committed suicide. There is good reason to believe that both deaths were murders and that both murders are connected to the Federal Court lawsuit.
Click here to review the "interactive" Notice Of Appeal we filed detailing 57 errors in the judmgent of Madam Justice Gauthier.
Click Here To Visit Breaking News and New Developments
Disclaimer Fair Comment and Copyright
Disclaimer: We believe that the all the facts and opinions stated on this web site are true. There are some obvious opinions and, in those cases, we believe those opinions to be true and reasonably held on the basis of evidence and proper inferences from facts. If we have made comments about you or your organization that you believe are unfair or untrue please contact us and let us know your version of the truth.
We have no desire to unfairly defame anyone. We set up this web site in July 2009, and, since that date, only two persons have contacted us to suggest that some of the information published was inaccurate or unfair.
We have asked legal counsel for the defendants in the Federal Court lawsuit to review what has been written about their clients on this web site and to advise if anything alleged about their clients was untrue. Eric Williams, legal counsel for Lang Michener, wrote us and we amended some information published about Lang Michener to accommodate his concerns. However, Mr. Williams declined to provide us with the affidavit that would contradict our assertions that Lang Michener had committed a major crime. Mr. Williams was the only legal counsel to respond to our invitation and so, we, and you the reader, can assume everything written here is true or sufficiently close to the truth that no one wishes to seriously object to it.
The British Columbia Government Terrorized a Family to loot their property
Click here to read the more disturbing tale of what appears to be state sponsored terrorism used by British Columbia civil service union pension plan agencies to loot the private property of the English family near Tofino, on Vancouver Island in British Columbia.
Click here to read the more disturbing tale of what appears to be state sponsored terrorism used by British Columbia civil service union pension plan agencies to loot the private property of the English family near Tofino, on Vancouver Island in British Columbia.
Judges and lawyers who supported the Gordon Campbell Gang destroyed an fine lawyer named Karl Eisbreener in order to advance their criminal agenda
A story of a fine gentleman and lawyer, broken and left to die, penniless, after being fraudulently disbarred by the dirty judges and lawyers of British Columbia who, with the help of one of their crooked psychiatrists, destroyed the lawyer and the legitimate claim of his 188 senior citizen clients by labeling him delusional but only with respect to their case without interviewing a single witness or reviewing any of the evidence.
The motive was the political career of British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell, the toady of a cabal of business people, lawyers and judges, in Vancouver, who were determined to destroy anyone who stood in their path to power and corruption.
Click here to go to the Karl Eisbrenner Story
The motive was the political career of British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell, the toady of a cabal of business people, lawyers and judges, in Vancouver, who were determined to destroy anyone who stood in their path to power and corruption.
Click here to go to the Karl Eisbrenner Story
Judges and lawyers destroyed a medical genius and then cheated the public with a fraudulent and massive medical insurance lawsuit settled at taxpayers expense
Read how a group of greedy Vancouver lawyers and judges used a fraudulent lawsuit to destroy a great Canadian orthopedic surgeon who pioneered disc replacement surgery and was helping the lame walk again.
Read how Premier Gordon Campbell capitalized on the fraudulent lawsuit to catapult himself to power in British Columbia and assisted certain insiders with the legal profession to defraud the taxpayers of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Click here to go to the story of Dr. John David Kuntz and how he was destroyed and denied justice by Canada's crooked judges and legal profession.
Read how Premier Gordon Campbell capitalized on the fraudulent lawsuit to catapult himself to power in British Columbia and assisted certain insiders with the legal profession to defraud the taxpayers of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Click here to go to the story of Dr. John David Kuntz and how he was destroyed and denied justice by Canada's crooked judges and legal profession.
Captain da Costa Discovers Harbour Authority Corruption and Murder In British Columbia that is protected by judges and lawyers.
Capt de Costa Duarte
The corruption in the political administration of British Columbia is so rampant and so vile that it prompted world recognized naval architect, Captain E. G. da Costa Duarte, to blow the whistle on that scandalous mis-use and probable looting of public funds by the Campbell River Harbour Authority .
Click here to read more about the allegations of corruption and murder at the Campbell River Harbour Authority
De Costa Duarte first came to public attention as a straight shooting supporter of integrity in government as one of the first persons to blow the whistle on the scandalous waste of hundreds of millions of taxpayers money as part of the BC Fast Ferries Scandal. De Coasta Duarte`s early warnings were ignored and the cheaters, pillagers and plunderers of the public treasury succeeded in looted hundreds of millions of dollars while building useless ferries that Captain de Costa Duarte had identified as useless the very first day he saw the incompetence at the shipyards in Vancouver.
Captain de Costa Duarte has also been involved in a lengthy struggle with crooked court decisions by the some of the same crooked judges at the Federal Court of Canada that are identified on these pages.
Click here to read more about the allegations of corruption and murder at the Campbell River Harbour Authority
De Costa Duarte first came to public attention as a straight shooting supporter of integrity in government as one of the first persons to blow the whistle on the scandalous waste of hundreds of millions of taxpayers money as part of the BC Fast Ferries Scandal. De Coasta Duarte`s early warnings were ignored and the cheaters, pillagers and plunderers of the public treasury succeeded in looted hundreds of millions of dollars while building useless ferries that Captain de Costa Duarte had identified as useless the very first day he saw the incompetence at the shipyards in Vancouver.
Captain de Costa Duarte has also been involved in a lengthy struggle with crooked court decisions by the some of the same crooked judges at the Federal Court of Canada that are identified on these pages.
'Lex fons lucis - law brings light'
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