Wednesday, 21 August 2019
CONSTITUTIONS of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of British Columbia and Yukon
The Book of Constitutions and Regulations of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of British Columbia and Yukon
Published Under the Authority of Grand Lodge
With amendments to June 2012.
I, George Moore, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of British Columbia and Yukon, do hereby certify that the following is a true copy of the Book of Constitutions and Regulations as adopted at its Annual Communication held in the City of Victoria on the 20th day of June, C.E. 2002, A.L. 6002 with amendments to C.E. 23 June 2012, A.L. 6012.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto appended my official signature and affixed the Seal of Grand Lodge, at the City of Vancouver, this 12th day of July, C.E. 2012, A.L. 6012.
Whereas, Freemasonry was in the year 1859, C.E., inaugurated in the Colony of Vancouver Island, and in the year 1861, C.E, in the Colony of British Columbia, by the M.W. the United Grand Lodge of England:
And whereas, the said Colonies were united as one Colony with the name of British Columbia and such Act of Union was proclaimed on the 17th day of November, C.E., 1866:
And whereas, on the 20th day of July, C.E., 1871, the Colony of British Columbia was admitted into and became part of the Dominion of Canada, as the Province of British Columbia:
And whereas, Freemasonry from the time of its inauguration was perpetuated and practised by the establishment from time to time of Lodges in the said Colonies, and after the Confederation of British Columbia with the Dominion of Canada by the establishment, from time to time, of Lodges in the Province of British Columbia, under warrants from the Grand Lodges of England and Scotland:
And whereas, by virtue of a commission from the M.W. the Grand Master Mason of Scotland dated the 20th day of December, C.E., 1866, authority was granted for a Provincial Grand Lodge over Lodges in British Columbia under the jurisdiction of the M.W. Grand Lodge of Scotland:
And whereas, by virtue of a Patent from the M.W. Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, dated the 10th day of September, C.E., 1867, authority was granted for a District Grand Lodge over Lodges in British Columbia under the jurisdiction of the M.W. the United Grand Lodge of England:
And whereas, the Craft in British Columbia, by the almost unanimous vote of the Brethren taken per capita in each of the Lodges holding under those Jurisdictions, avowed itself in favour of the formation of an Independent Grand Lodge:
And whereas, at a joint convention of the representatives from Lodges on the Registers of the Grand Lodges of England and Scotland in British Columbia, held on the 21st day of October, C.E., 1871, in the City of Victoria, in consequence of such vote and called by the consent and authority of the R.W. the Provincial and District Grand Masters to take such action as might be deemed necessary for the formation of an Independent Grand Lodge of Freemasons in British Columbia:
It was unanimously resolved that in order to establish perfect fraternal harmony and to promote the lasting welfare of the Masonic fraternity in British Columbia, it was expedient to form a Grand Lodge in and for the Province of British Columbia.
And the representatives in such convention assembled, on behalf of their Lodges, declared themselves to be, and proceeded to organize the M.W. the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted 1
Masons of British Columbia:
And M.W. Brother Israel Wood Powell (R.W. Provincial Grand Master) was unanimously elected Grand Master and R.W. Brother Robert Burnaby (R.W. District grand Master) was unanimously elected Past Grand Master thereof:
And in accordance with such Resolutions and Declaration, the said Grand Lodge, on the 26th day of December, 1871, at the Masonic Hall in the City of Victoria, was duly organized, the Grand Master elect and the Grand Officers elect and appointed thereof, were invested, installed and proclaimed, and the said Grand Lodge was declared to be installed:
And thereupon the M.W. the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of British Columbia was opened in ample form and duly consecrated, dedicated and proclaimed.
The Grand Lodge of British Columbia has had nine Constitutions.
The first were the Constitutions of 1871 adopted at the Convention in 1871.
The Convention in proceeding to form and organize the Grand Lodge (see Declaration) adopted the Constitutions of the M.W. Grand Lodge of England “as far as may be applicable to existing circumstances except nevertheless that the following officers shall be elected by Grand Lodge, viz: Grand Master, Grand Wardens, Grand Chaplain, Grand Treasurer, and the Grand Tyler, the remaining officers to be appointed by the M.W. the Grand Master and by resolution appointed a committee to frame a Constitution and General Regulations.”
Revised Constitutions, 1878: –
The Constitutions were revised and the Revised Constitutions and General Regulations adopted by Grand Lodge on the 28th October, 1878.
Revised Constitutions of 1887: –
The Constitutions were again revised and with the Ancient Charges adopted 18th June, 1887.
Constitutions of 1894: –
On the 22nd November, 1894, the Constitutions of 1894 were adopted and re-published with additions and alterations up to the date of re-publication on the 4th of July, 1901.
Constitutions, 1903: –
On the 18th day of June, 1903, the Constitutions of 1903 were adopted.
Constitutions, 1910:–
On the 5th day of October, 1910, the Constitutions of 1910 were adopted, and on the 20th day of June, 1912, the Code was adopted by the Grand Lodge. Revisions were printed in 1920 and 1928.
In 1939 the Grand Master appointed the following Committee: M. Wor. Bros. Watson, Cassidy and Burd, R.W. Bros. Marchant, Willis and Stewart to draft new Constitutions (see 1940 Proceedings, p. 15 and 374) and thereafter:
Constitutions, 1941:–
On the 20th day of June, 1941, it was enacted as follows:
Be it now therefore enacted by the aforesaid Grand Lodge, that the following be the Constitutions and Laws for the good government of Grand Lodge itself and for all Lodges holding under it as and from July 1st, 1941.
Constitutions, 1996:–
On the 21st day of June, 1996, at the 125th Annual Communication, it was enacted as follows:
Be it therefore resolved that the division of the Book of Constitutions into Constitutions and Regulations as completed by the Committee on Constitution of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of British Columbia be now confirmed, accepted and adopted.
Constitutions, 2000:–
On the 23rd day of June, 2000, at the 129th Annual Communication, it was enacted as follows:
Be it resolved that the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of British Columbia be hereafter known as the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of British Columbia and
In the Book of Constitution and Regulations as aforesaid, and in any Book of Ceremonies authorized under it, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms herein after mentioned shall mean, and shall bear the following construction:
Ample Form.— Grand Lodge shall be declared to be opened or closed in Ample Form when the Grand Master is present.
Applicant.— (See Petitioner).
Assessments — Are per capita amounts levied and approved at the Annual Communication by Grand Lodge and payable by the lodges
Brother.— Is an Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft or Master Mason belonging to a Constituent Lodge in this jurisdiction or a jurisdiction recognized by Grand Lodge.
Candidate.— Is a person who has been accepted for membership at the ballot but is not a Master Mason.
Charter.— (See Warrant).
Clandestine.— A body of Freemasons uniting in a Lodge without the consent of a Grand Lodge recog-nized by this Grand Lodge, or although originally legally constituted, continuing to work after its Charter has been revoked, or after recognition of its Grand Lodge has been withheld or withdrawn by this Grand Lodge, is styled a “Clandestine” Lodge. Anyone made in, or affiliated with a “Clandestine” Lodge is styled a “Clandestine” Mason. A number of such Lodges associated together as a Grand Lodge is styled a “Clandestine Grand Lodge.” The term “Clandestine” is sometimes used to describe an irregularly made Mason, an irregularly constituted Lodge, and an irregularly formed Grand Lodge.
Commission.— Is a written authorization issued by the Grand Master to some Brother to act for and in the place of the Grand Master in the performance of some duty which would otherwise require to be performed by the Grand Master in person.
Communication.— Is that period of time from the Opening to and including the Closing of a Meeting.
Craft.— In speculative masonry, signifies all things appertaining to symbolic masonry and/or to the whole body of Freemasons, wherever dispersed.
Demit.— Is a certificate issued by proper authority to a member withdrawing from a Lodge or issued to a member of an erased Lodge.
Direction.— (See Regulation).
Dispensation.— Is a written authorization issued by the Grand Master to an officer, Lodge or member to do some thing which without the dispensation it would be unlawful to do.
Due Form.— Grand Lodge shall be declared to be opened, or closed in Due Form when the Grand Master is absent and the Deputy Grand Master or a Past Grand Master presides.
Dues.— is monies paid by a member to his lodge.
Edict.— is a ruling brought to the floor of Grand Lodge by the Grand Master in his year by way of a Motion and subsequently approved by the membership of Grand Lodge and remains in effect thereafter as a Regulation. [2009]
Erasure.— Is the removal of a Constituent Lodge from the register of Lodges by competent authority.
Expulsion.— Is an absolute deprivation of all the rights and privileges of the Fraternity and prohibits all Freemasons and Lodges from holding any Masonic intercourse with the one expelled unless he be restored by Grand Lodge. It is the highest penalty known to Masonic Law.
Fees.— is monies paid by a lodge to Grand Lodge.
Form.— Grand Lodge shall be declared to be opened or closed in Form when both the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master are absent and some other member of Grand Lodge other than a Past Grand Master, presides.
Good Standing.— Means the status of a member of a Constituent Lodge who is free from any masonic charges or who is an Honorary or Life Member of and has paid all dues owing, Including those for the current year, to his Lodge.
Grand Lodge.— Is the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of British Columbia and Yukon and includes all members thereof in good standing.
Grand Master.— This title applies to him, and to him only, who has been elected and installed as Most Worshipful Grand Master, but where the context requires it may apply to the officer for the time being presiding over Grand Lodge.
Irregular.— (See Clandestine).
Lodge.— Means a Constituent Lodge of this Grand Jurisdiction or a Lodge holding under dispensation from the Grand Master or Grand Lodge.
a. MEMBER OF THE CRAFT – is a Master Mason, in good standing, of a Constituent Lodge in this Ju-risdiction but, for the purposes of Masonic disci-pline only, shall be deemed to include a brother.
b. MEMBER OF GRAND LODGE – all members of the Craft occupying the Principal Officer positions in a Constituent Lodge and all Past Masters. [2010]
Month.— Means a calendar month.
Notice.— Is a call issued by the secretary by order of the Lodge or Worshipful Master or by some other
competent authority to attend for some specific purpose at the time and place therein indicated and to perform some specific duty therein set forth.
Ordinance.— (See Regulation).
Past Master.— This title applies to him and to him only who has been regularly elected by a Lodge and installed or who has been named in a warrant and installed and has served a full term as Worshipful Master of a Warranted Lodge.
Petitioner.— Is a person who, not being a member of the Craft, has made written application to become one, or being a member of the Craft has made written application to join a Lodge by affiliation.
Proxy.— Is a member of Grand Lodge who, in case the Worshipful Master or either of the Wardens is unable to be present at a Communication of Grand Lodge, has been duly elected by the Lodge at a Regular Commu-nication or at an Emergent Communication called for that purpose to represent at the Communication of Grand Lodge, the Officer of the Lodge unable to be present.
Rank.— is the designation attached and relating to a position held at present or in the past. [2009]
Regulation.— Means any resolution, edict, direction or ordinance of any kind passed or approved by Grand Lodge, or any of its officers duly authorized in that behalf, and having the effect of law, other than and in addition to, but not in substitution of, inconsistent with, or in contravention of this Constitution. [Rev. 2009]
Resolution. — (See Regulation).
Restoration.— Means the reinstatement by Grand Lodge of any Member who has been expelled.
Ruling.— is a stated proclamation made by the Grand Master during his term of office and one which terminates with him when his term of office expires.
Summons.— Is an imperative order in writing issued under the seal of the Lodge by the Worshipful
Master or by some other competent authority requiring the Member to whom it is addressed to appear at such time and place as may therein be designated, and for the purposes therein set forth.
Suspension of Freemason.— Is a temporary depriva-tion of all his rights and privileges as such and prohibits all Freemasons and Lodges from holding any Masonic intercourse with him until the suspension shall have ceased.
Suspension of Lodge.— Is an arrest of its Warrant and a temporary prohibition to assemble or work as a Lodge until again authorized to do so by competent authority.
Suspension of Worshipful Master.— Is a temporary deprivation of his office and prohibits all recognition of him in that capacity until reinstated by competent authority.
Title.— is the name of the office held at present or in the past. [2009]
Warrant.— Is the written authorization issued by Grand Lodge to a Constituent Lodge to meet and act as such.
Worshipful Master.— This title applies to him and to him only, who has been elected and installed or invested as Worshipful Master of a Lodge.
The within Constitution and its sections, subsections, and schedules and any amendments, alterations or additions which may hereafter be made thereto, may be referred to as the Constitution.
The headings and sub-headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Constitution, or the laws and regulations promul-gated thereunder, or form any part thereof.
1. Style and Title.
The style and title of Grand Lodge shall be “The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of British Columbia and Yukon.”
2. Seal.
The following, which shall be, and is hereby adopted as the seal of Grand Lodge, shall be affixed to all instruments issued by and under its authority.
3.a Composition of, Rank and Precedence.
Grand Lodge shall consist of the following officers who shall be entitled to rank and take precedence in the following order:
• The Most Worshipful Grand Master,
• The Most Worshipful Immediate Past Grand Master,
• The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master,
• The Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden,
• The Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden,
• The Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer,
• The Right Worshipful Grand Secretary,
• The Right Worshipful District Deputy Grand Masters,
• The Right Worshipful Grand Director of Ceremonies,
• The Very Worshipful Grand Historian,
• The Very Worshipful Senior Grand Deacon,
• The Very Worshipful Junior Grand Deacon,
• The Very Worshipful Grand Superintendent of Works,
• The Very Worshipful Grand Marshal,
• The Very Worshipful Grand Sword Bearer,
• The Very Worshipful Grand Standard Bearer,
• The Very Worshipful Grand Pursuivant,
• The Very Worshipful Grand Stewards,
• The Grand Chaplain,
• The Grand Director of Music, [2012]
• The Grand Tyler,
and the duly installed Worshipful Masters and Wardens of all the Warranted Lodges, who shall be entitled to rank and to take precedent in the order of the number of their respective Lodge warrants, after the elected and appointed officers of Grand Lodge; and all Past Masters, while they continue members of such Lodges.
3.b. Exceptions.
The Grand Chaplain, Grand Director of Music and Grand Tyler need not necessarily be members of Grand Lodge but if Past Masters, shall be entitled to rank of Very Worshipful.
4. Past Grand Rank.
Past elected Grand Officers, Past Grand Secretaries, Past District Deputy Grand Masters and Past Masters shall rank and take precedence according to their seniority in the order of precedence herein provided for the actual occupants of such offices respectively but immediately after such occupants.
5. Honorary Members.
Worshipful Brethren of eminence and ability who have rendered service to the Craft, may be constituted members of Grand Lodge, with such rank and distinction as may be thought proper. Notice of motion to confer such rank shall be sent, in writing, by the mover, to the Grand Secretary not later than the first day of March preceding the Annual Communication at which such motion is to be proposed. A copy of the proposed motion shall be sent by the Grand Secretary to each of the Constituent Lodges at least two months before such Communication, and shall be published in the notice calling the Annual Communication. A unanimous vote in favour of the motion shall be necessary to its passing.
6. Jurisdiction.
The Jurisdiction of Grand Lodge shall extend to and include all Masonic Lodges and Freemasons within the Province of British Columbia and Yukon Territory and also all Masonic Lodges and Freemasons acting under its authority without the said Province and the said Territory.
7. Powers.
In Grand Lodge alone shall reside the power of enacting Laws and Regulations for the government of the Craft, and of altering, repealing and abrogating them; provided always that the Ancient usages and established customs of the Institution shall be preserved. Grand Lodge shall have also the inherent power of investigating, regulating and deciding all matters relative to the Craft,
whether to particular Lodges or to individual Brethren, which it may exercise either of itself or by such delegated authority as it may appoint. Grand Lodge shall have also power to suspend Warrants and Dispensations, and it alone shall grant and revoke Warrants.
8. Annual Communication.
The Annual Communication of Grand Lodge for the transaction of business shall be held on the Friday immediately preceding St. John’s Day, and the following days in June, at such place as Grand Lodge may direct and at such hour as the Grand Master may appoint. [1990, 1993]
9. Who Shall Summon Emergent Communication.
The Grand Master, or in his absence from the Jurisdiction, or inability to attend, the Deputy Grand Master, or if he be likewise absent or unable to attend, the Senior Grand Warden or Junior Grand Warden in priority may summon and hold an Emergent Communication of Grand Lodge at such time and place as in his opinion the good of the Craft shall require; and the particular reason for convening Grand Lodge shall be expressed in the notice, and no other business shall be entered upon at that Communication.
10. Quorum.
No business of any kind shall be transacted at any Communication of Grand Lodge unless at least twenty Constituent Lodges are represented; but upon occasions of ceremony only, the Grand Master or his duly authorized representative with a sufficient number of Brethren to fill the stations and places may at any time open Grand Lodge, perform the ceremony for which it was convened, and close it.
11. Who Shall Preside.
At every Communication of Grand Lodge the Grand Master shall preside, but in the case of his death or absence, his place shall be filled in the following order by the:
• Deputy Grand Master,
• Senior Grand Warden,
• Junior Grand Warden,
• Most recent Past Grand Master, in attendance, who shall have the same powers while presiding as the Grand Master.
12. Vacancy, How Occurring.
Vacancies in office in Grand Lodge shall occur;
1. By death.
2. By deprivation of office.
3. By removal from Jurisdiction.
4. By suspension or expulsion.
12a. Vacancy, How Filled.
Should a vacancy occur in any office of Grand Lodge unless other provision is herein made, the Grand Master may make an appointment to fill the office for the unexpired term.
13. Who May Vote.
The Worshipful Master, Past Masters and Wardens shall be permitted to vote at a Grand Lodge Communication only if his name and Masonic rank shall have been previously transmitted to the Grand Secretary.
14. Who Admitted.
Master Masons in good standing, properly vouched for, may be admitted into Grand Lodge to observe its proceedings, including the opening and closing, and be seated under the direction of the Grand Pursuivant.
15. Porch Book.
Grand Lodge shall keep a Porch Book in which the members attending at each Commun-ication shall sign their names before entering Grand Lodge, and a similar book, or a portion of the same book for visitors, who shall, in like manner, enter their names, Masonic rank, and the name of the Lodge from which they hail.
16.a Order of Business.
The following order of business shall be observed at all Communications, unless otherwise ordered by the Grand Master or Grand Lodge:
• Opening of Grand Lodge.
• Confirm the Appointment of Committee on Credentials, and such other Committees as may be necessary.
• Confirmation of the Minutes.
• Communication from the Grand Master.
• Report from the Auditors.
• Report from the Grand Treasurer.
• Report from the Grand Secretary.
• Report from the Board of General Purposes.
• Reports from the District Deputy Grand Masters.
• Report from the Grand Historian.
• Reports from the several Standing Committees.
• Report from the Board of Trustees of the Benevolent Fund of Grand Lodge.
• Reading and disposing of letters, bills, and money grants.
• Report of the Finance Committee on estimates for the coming year. 6
• Deferred business.
• New business.
• Elections, Appointment and Installation of Officers.
• Appointment of Standing Committees.
• Closing Grand Lodge.
16.b New Business.
No new business shall be considered at a Grand Lodge Communication unless:
1. Notice thereof has been delivered to the Grand Secretary at least 60 days before the said Communication and sent by him to each of the Constituent Lodges at least 30 days before the said Communication: or
2. Notice thereof has been given at the last preceding regular Communication of Grand Lodge; or
3. By unanimous consent of all the members at the Communication entitled to vote.
17. Number of Votes to Elect and Procedure.
A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary for the election of a Grand Officer. In the event of there being more than two names, no one of which has received a majority of all the votes cast, the name, or in case of equality, the names having the least number of votes may by direction of the Grand Master be dropped from the election, and thereafter votes cast for such name or names so dropped shall be counted as spoilt ballots and another ballot shall be taken and this process shall continue until one receives a majority of the votes cast who shall be declared duly elected.
18. Additional Vote.
Except as herein provided all matters shall be decided by the highest number of votes, each member of Grand Lodge having one vote, and any additional vote herein provided, and the Grand Master a casting vote in case of an equal division, unless Grand Lodge for sake of expedition thinks proper to leave any particular subject to the determination of the Grand Master; or unless any subject can be satisfactorily settled by a vote, when the votes of the members shall be signified in the manner usual among Freemasons. The Grand Deacons shall count the votes unless the number, for or against, should be so unequal as to render counting unnecessary. A ballot on any question shall be taken on a motion supported by ten members representing not less than five Constituent Lodges.
19. Appeal from decision of Grand Master while Grand Lodge in Session.
A member may appeal from a decision of the Grand Master given while Grand Lodge is in session, but in such case he shall state briefly the grounds for his appeal. The Grand Master may then state the reasons for his decision, and, without further debate, shall put the question, “Shall the Ruling of the chair be sustained?” When the vote has been taken the decision of Grand Lodge shall be announced.
20. Proxies.
Should the Worshipful Master or either of the Wardens of any Constituent Lodge be unable to attend any Communication of Grand Lodge, such Lodge by its vote, properly certified by the Worshipful Master and Secretary, and under seal, may elect any member of Grand Lodge to represent such absent officer, but no proxy shall be valid unless the name of such member so elected shall have been written in the proxy previous to its being signed by the Worshipful Master and Secretary of the Lodge; and no Member shall represent by proxy more than one vote. A duplicate of such written proxy shall be delivered to the Grand Secretary at least 21 days before the Communication of Grand Lodge. [rev 2004]
21. Extra vote.
If the Worshipful Master or Wardens of any Lodge were, previous to their election as such, Past Masters, and so reported to Grand Lodge, they shall have one extra vote each as such Past Masters, but in the event of their holding proxies, they shall forfeit one of such extra votes.
22. Number of Votes.
No member of Grand Lodge shall exercise more than one vote in his own right, but with one extra vote as herein provided.
23. Penalty for neglect to make returns.
Should any Constituent Lodge neglect to make its returns and payments to Grand Lodge before the Annual Communication, the Worshipful Master, Wardens, or other representatives of such Lodge shall not be permitted to vote at such Annual or any subsequent Communication of Grand Lodge until such returns and payments shall have been made.
24. Erasure of Lodge or Expulsion of Member.
No motion for erasure of a Constituent Lodge or expulsion of a Member shall be decided until the Worshipful Master and Officers of the Lodge, allegedly offending, or the Member, shall have been summoned to show cause in
Grand Lodge why such sentence should not be recorded and enforced – such summons shall be either delivered personally or sent by registered mail to the last known address of the Constituent Lodge or the Member.
25.a Election of Officers.
The election and appointment of all officers of Grand Lodge shall take place at the Annual Communication and they shall be duly installed or invested in person, and shall hold their respective offices for one year and until their successors shall have been regularly elected, or appointed, and installed.
25.b Information to be provided
In addition to the information required in section 26.2 on his written nomination form, a candidate seeking election to the office of Junior Grand Warden shall provide the following in writing as an attachment to his nomination form.
1. Why he aspires to the office of Junior Grand Warden;
2. An overview of his goals and objectives in seeking election, and, where relevant, how he hopes to achieve these goals or objectives.
3. The information in said attachment shall be incorporated in the biography mailed to all lodge secretaries by the Grand Secretary. [2006]
25.c Addressing Annual Communication
All candidates shall be allowed up to five minutes each to address the brethren assembled at the Annual Communication, prior to the Election of officers. [2006/06/23]
25.d Information published in Masonic Bulletin
Prior to the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, the information provided in com-pliance with Section 25.b shall be published in the Grand Lodge Masonic Bulletin. [2006/06/23]
26. Officers to be Elected.
1. The following officers respectively shall be chosen by ballot:
• The Most Worshipful Grand Master,
• The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master,
• The Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden,
• The Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden,
• The Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer.
2. The Grand Treasurer shall be elected without nomination; the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master and, the Grand Wardens shall be elected after nominations have been made in writing giving the full name, address, Masonic rank of the nominee together with the name and number of his Lodge and the office for which he is nominated; it shall be signed by two members of Grand Lodge, who shall give their own full names, addresses, ranks and shall also be signed by the nominee to signify his willingness to accept the nomination, and such nomination shall be delivered to the Grand Secretary not later than the first day of March prior to the meeting of Grand Lodge at which the voting is to take place.
Upon receipt of the nominations the Grand Secretary shall mail to all Lodge Secretaries and those nominated a list of such nominees including a brief biography and summary of their Masonic and other activities. No Brother’s name shall be submitted for nomination to more than one office and any candidate duly nominated may withdraw his name in writing at any time before the vote is taken.
3 If during the ninety (90) days immediately preceding an Annual Communication of Grand Lodge anyone nominated pursuant to the provisions of sub-paragraph 2 hereof dies, removes from the Jurisdiction, is deprived of office, or for any other reasons becomes unable or unwilling to stand for an office for which he has been nominated, the provisions of sub-section 2 requiring nominations prior to the meeting at which the voting is to take place shall not apply to the election for that office or any office inferior to it held at that Annual Communication.
27. Officers to be Appointed.
The following officers shall be appointed by the Grand Master:
• The Right Worshipful District Deputy Grand Masters,
• The Right Worshipful Grand Director of Ceremonies,
• The Very Worshipful Grand Historian,
• The Very Worshipful Senior Grand Deacon,
• The Very Worshipful Junior Grand Deacon,
• The Very Worshipful Grand Superintendent of Works,
• The Very Worshipful Grand Marshal,
• The Very Worshipful Grand Sword Bearer,
• The Very Worshipful Grand Standard Bearer,
• The Very Worshipful Grand Pursuivant,
• The Very Worshipful Grand Stewards (not exceeding 12 in number),
• The Grand Chaplain, The Grand Director of Music, The Grand Tyler.
28. How the Grand Secretary Appointed.
The Right Worshipful Grand Secretary shall be appointed by a committee consisting of the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, the Grand Treasurer, and the Chairmen of the 8
Standing Committees on Finance, Juris-prudence and Constitution. Any appointment made by this Committee shall be reported by the Grand Master to Grand Lodge at the next ensuing Annual Communication and Grand Lodge may thereupon confirm the appointment made by the Committee or direct the matter of the appointment to be returned to the Committee for further consideration. Such appointment shall continue from year to year until a new appointment is made in a similar manner, provided that Grand Lodge, at its Annual Communication, may direct the Committee to consider a new appointment as Grand Secretary.
29. Requirements of Officers.
No one but a member of Grand Lodge shall hold office therein except as Grand Chaplain, Grand Director of Music, or Grand Tyler and an absentee shall not be elected or appointed to office unless a member of Grand Lodge is prepared to guarantee that such absentee member is willing to accept the office.
30. Eligibility.
No one shall be eligible for any elective office, or for any appointment as District Deputy Grand Master unless he shall be a Past Master of a Warranted Lodge.
31. Those not Eligible to Certain Offices.
A Worshipful Master shall not be eligible for the office of Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master or District Deputy Grand Master, nor shall the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, nor a District Deputy Grand Master be eligible for installation as Worshipful Master in any Constituent Lodge in this Jurisdiction.
32. Ballot Papers.
Prior to the Communication of Grand Lodge at which Grand Officers are to be elected, the Grand Secretary shall cause to be prepared and printed a suitable number of ballot papers to be used in the election of the respective elective officers of Grand Lodge. These ballot papers shall on the appointment of the Committee on Credentials, be placed in the custody of the Chairman of that Committee and be distributed by that Committee to the members of Grand Lodge entitled thereto as and when such members shall have been fully registered as entitled to sit and vote in Grand Lodge.
33. Committee on Credentials.
The Grand Master shall, at a convenient time before the opening of a Communication of Grand Lodge, appoint a sufficient number of members of Grand Lodge to act as a Committee on Credentials; the first named on such Committee shall be the Chairman thereof.
34. Time of Election.
The election of Grand Officers shall be by secret ballot and shall take place at such time as Grand Lodge shall decide and failing any decision by Grand Lodge at such time as the Grand Master shall direct. After the election of Grand Officers shall have commenced no member of Grand Lodge shall be allowed to enter or retire save in case of necessity until the election is completed.
35. Title of the Grand Master.
The style and title of the Grand Master shall be “The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of British Columbia and Yukon.”
36. Prerogatives.
It shall be the prerogative of the Grand Master to preside in any Constituent Lodge and to perform the following ceremonies, namely, consecrating and dedicating Masonic Halls, constituting Lodges, laying foundation stones and installing Grand Lodge Officers; and no one can lawfully perform any of the ceremonies unless authorized to do so by him.
37. Member of all Committees.
The Grand Master shall be an ex officio member of all standing and other committees and boards appointed by him or by Grand Lodge.
38. Member of all Lodges.
The Grand Master shall be a member, by courtesy, of each of the Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction. Such courtesy membership shall not confer the right of voting.
39. Jurisdiction Powers.
The Grand Master shall have original jurisdiction to try and determine all differences between Constituent Lodges or between a Constituent Lodge or any of its members in one Masonic District and another Lodge or any number thereof within another Masonic District, or complaints against any District Deputy Grand Master, or against an unaffiliated Freemason resident in this Jurisdiction. He shall report his action in respect thereto to Grand Lodge.
40. May Direct Charges be laid.
The Grand Master, on receiving information satisfactory to him, that, by reason of the alleged unmasonic, immoral or infamous conduct of any Freemason under the 9
jurisdiction of Grand Lodge, it is possible that the good name of Freemasonry may be brought into disrepute, may direct that the Constituent Lodge of which the Freemason allegedly offending is a
member or in case the Freemason allegedly offending is unaffiliated, a Constituent Lodge nearest to the residence of the Freemason allegedly offending, shall prefer and investigate charges against him on the alleged unmasonic, immoral or infamous conduct in the manner provided for the trial of masonic offences.
41. May Send Officers.
The Grand Master may send his officers to visit any Lodge.
42.a May Summon Officers with Power to Suspend.
The Grand Master may summon the Officers of any Constituent Lodge to attend him, and to produce the warrant, books, papers and accounts of such Lodge, or may summon any Member to attend him and produce his certificate, and he may suspend the Lodge or Member who refuses to comply with such order. He shall have power to suspend any officer of a Lodge for good reasons shown, and likewise to suspend the warrant or Dispensation of any Lodge for such time as he may determine but not longer than the next Annual Communication of Grand Lodge.
42.b Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 42.a, when the Grand Master endeavours to resolve a dispute that causes peace and harmony in the Lodge to be disrupted, the Grand Master may, after he gives notice to the offending Brethren (such notice not to exceed 60 days), suspend the offending Brother or Brethren for such time as he may determine but not longer than the next Annual Communication of Grand Lodge. [1999]
43. May Relieve Suspension.
The suspension of the warrant or dispensation of any Lodge by the Grand Master shall suspend automatically all Entered Apprentices, Fellow Crafts and members of such Lodge during the period of the suspension of the warrant or dispensation; provided always that the Grand Master may specifically exempt or relieve from such suspension such members as he may see fit.
44. Has Power to decide Questions.
The Grand Master shall have power to decide any question of usage, order and Masonic law, not defined in this Constitution, and to approve, or refuse approval of the By-laws of Warranted Lodges.
45. May grant Dispensation.
The Grand Master may grant Dispensations in accordance with the laws of Grand Lodge and the Ancient usages and established customs of Freemasonry.
46.a May Appoint Representative.
The Grand Master may, on the recom-mendation of another recognized Grand Lodge, by Warrant, appoint a brother to represent this Grand Lodge to that Grand Lodge. Also, the Grand Master may recommend to a recognized Grand Lodge a brother of eminence and skill for appointment by them as their representative to this Grand Lodge. [2006/06/23]
46.b Terms of Representative.
The Grand Master may recommend to the other Grand Lodge the term of the appointment shall be for five (5) years. The Grand Master may recommend the appointment be renewed for further periods of five (5) years. [2006/06/23]
46.c Duties
While respecting the responsibilities of a Grand Representative to the Grand Jurisdiction that he represents, the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon has the following expectations with respect with the per-formance of his duties in this Grand Lodge. A member of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon appointed as a Grand Representative by a recognized foreign Grand Lodge (at the recommendation of our Grand Master) to represent them in our jurisdiction, shall promote the masonic ties between the two Grand Lodges, to their mutual benefit. He shall endeavour to establish and maintain a fraternal relationship with his counterpart – the Grand Representative appointed by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon to represent us in that recognized foreign Grand Lodge. He shall use his best efforts to understand the programs, operation and the state of Freemasonry in that foreign jurisdiction so as to be a source of Masonic knowledge for the members of our Grand Lodge. He shall annually report his efforts to make contact, the results and the points of interest pertinent to the foreign Grand Lodge he represents using the manner or form determined by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. He is also encouraged to attend the Annual Communication and other functions held by the foreign Grand Lodge he represents when feasible. [2009/06/19] 10
46.d Forfeiture of Appointment.
The Grand Master may recommend forfeiture of an appointment as a Representative near this Grand Lodge if such a representative fails to attend and answer the roll call of such Representatives at three consecutive Annual Communications of this Grand Lodge, unless the Representative has sent written apologies for his absence to Grand Lodge providing an acceptable reason for his absence from the Annual Communication. [2006]
46.e Resignation.
A brother appointed by another Grand Lodge as its representative may request that the Grand Master recommend to that Grand Lodge that he be relieved of his appointment provided that such request is submitted in writing and received by the Grand Secretary by 31 December. [2006]
47. When Visiting Lodges.
The Grand Master, when presiding in any Constituent Lodge, may order any of the Grand Officers to attend him. His Deputy shall be placed at his right, and the Worshipful Master of the Lodge at his left hand. The Grand Wardens shall act as Wardens of that particular Lodge during his presence; but if the Grand Wardens be not present, then the Grand Master may command the Wardens of the Lodge, or any Master Masons, to act as his Grand Wardens for the time being.
48. How applied to.
The Grand Master shall be applied to officially on any business concerning Freemasons or Freemasonry, only through the Grand Secretary. This shall not prevent the Deputy Grand Master or any of the elective officers of Grand Lodge, or the District Deputy Grand Masters from communicating directly with the Grand Master on any matter concerning the Craft in his or their Jurisdiction.
49. Abuse of Powers.
If in the opinion of a committee consisting of the elected officers, the Immediate Past Grand Master, the Chairman of the Standing Committees on Constitution, Jurisprudence and Finance, the Grand Master shall be rendered incapable of discharging properly or be unable to perform honorably the duties and functions of his office, by reason of his absence from the Jurisdiction without notification to the Grand Secretary, or by illness or disability, or for any cause whatsoever, then the afore said Committee shall in writing instruct the Officer of Grand Lodge, senior in rank, to immediately call a Communication of Grand Lodge to deal with the matter. At such Communication Grand Lodge may either confirm the Grand Master in his office, or take such other action as it may deem advisable.
50.a Powers.
The Deputy Grand Master shall discharge such duties as may be delegated to him by the Grand Master. During the absence of the Grand Master from the Jurisdiction notified by him to the Grand Secretary or in the event of the death of the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master shall assume and possess all the powers and functions of the Grand Master during the period of such absence or in the event of the Grand Master’s death, during the unexpired portion of the term of his office.
50.b Successor in the event of absence.
In the event of the Deputy Grand Master assuming the office of Grand Master, under the terms herein provided, then the provisions herein made as to the absence from the Jurisdiction or death of the Grand Master, insofar as they are applicable, shall apply to the Deputy Grand Master. In such case the senior officer in rank of Grand Lodge shall, through the Grand Secretary, immediately call a Communication of Grand Lodge to elect a Grand Master to fill that office for the unexpired portion of the term.
51. Duties of the Senior Grand Warden.
It shall be the duty of the Senior Grand Warden in the absence of the Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master to govern the Craft, and in their presence to strengthen and support their authority. He shall also perform such other duties as shall from time to time be assigned to him by the Grand Master.
52. Duties of the Junior Grand Warden.
It shall be the duty of the Junior Grand Warden in the absence of his superior officers to govern the Craft and in their presence to aid and assist them in their duties. He shall also perform such other duties as shall from time to time be assigned to him by the Grand Master.
53. There shall be a Grand Treasurer whose duties shall be as described in the Regulations.
54. There shall be a Grand Secretary whose duties shall be as described in the Regulations.
55. Division of Jurisdiction.
The Jurisdiction of Grand Lodge shall be divided into Districts with such names and numbers, and including such Lodges, as shall from time to time be ordered by Grand Lodge.
56. District Deputy Grand Master to be appointed.
To each of these Districts, there shall be appointed by the Grand Master, at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, if possible, an officer to be known as the Right Worshipful District Deputy Grand Master whose jurisdiction shall extend only to the Lodges belonging to his District, and all Freemasons resident therein.
57. Qualification.
Every District Deputy Grand Master shall be a member of some Lodge in the District to which he is appointed.
58. Courtesy Privilege.
The District Deputy Grand Master shall be a member by courtesy of each of the Lodges in his District, such courtesy membership shall not confer the right of voting.
59. Reserved.
60. Past Grand Officers.
The rank of “Right Worshipful” and/or “Very Worshipful” may be granted by Grand Lodge, to Brethren who have served as Grand Lodge Officers and are recommended for the honour by the Committee appointed to review District Deputy Grand Masters’ reports, and provided that holding the office of Grand Chaplain, Grand Director of Music or Grand Tyler shall not qualify the holder for the rank of “Very Worshipful” unless he has held the office of Installed Master.
61. Advisers of Benevolent Fund.
The District Deputy Grand Masters of all Districts shall constitute an advisory committee to the Board of Trustees of the Benevolent Fund of Grand Lodge.
62. To examine and inspect.
The Worshipful Master and officers of the Lodge shall afford every facility to the District Deputy Grand Master to examine the books and records of the Lodge, to inspect its by-laws and regulations, and to ascertain that the condition of the Lodge in all respects is in keeping with the requirements of Grand Lodge.
63. Powers.
Each District Deputy Grand Master shall have full power and authority:
To Preside.
To preside, in the absence of the Grand Master, in any Constituent Lodge he may visit within his District with the Worshipful Master of the Lodge at his right hand.
To Summon.
To summon any Constituent Lodge within his District to attend him, and to produce the Warrant, books, papers and accounts of such Constituent Lodge, or may summon any Brother within his District to attend him and produce his certificate. If the summons be not complied with, and no sufficient reason be given for non-compliance, a peremptory summons shall be issued, and in case of contumacy, he shall report the circumstances to the Grand Master immediately.
To Investigate.
To investigate, under the direction of the Grand Master, all complaints preferred against the Worshipful Master of any Lodge within his District, and all differences between Lodges or between members of different Lodges in such District.
64. Grand Lodge Appoints.
Grand Lodge shall, at each Annual Com-munication, by resolution, after receiving the recommendation of its standing Committee on Finance, appoint a Chartered Accountant or Accountants or other duly and properly qualified person or persons to be the auditor or auditors of Grand Lodge.
65. Duties.
It shall be the duty of the auditor or auditors, continuously, or at such stated periods as may be directed by Grand Lodge, or, whenever specially directed by the Grand Master so to do, to examine and audit the books, papers, vouchers and accounts of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and the Trustees of the Benevolent Fund of Grand Lodge and to make reports thereon and to include therein such recommendations as they may see fit for the better management, care and custody, of the funds and securities of Grand Lodge. Copies of each such report shall be sent to the Grand Master, the Grand Treasurer, the Grand Secretary and to the Chairman of the Committee on Finance and all such reports shall be presented to Grand Lodge at the Annual Communication. 12
66. Committees to be Appointed.
As soon as convenient after the installation of officers at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, the Grand Master shall appoint the following Standing Committees, each to consist of three or more members, to whom shall be referred all such matters as pertain to them respectively. Constitution, Education and Leadership, Finance, Fraternal Relations of Grand Lodge with other Grand Lodges, Jurisprudence, Rituals and Ceremonies, Warranted Lodges and Lodges Under Dispensation, Grand Lodge Communication [2004], Lodge Buildings, Community Relations and such other Committees as he may consider necessary.
67. Quorum.
No member of Grand Lodge shall be required to serve on more than one of these Standing Committees. The first named on any committee shall be the Chairman and Convener thereof, and a majority or three of its members, whichever shall be the lesser, shall form a quorum for the transaction of business. A member who has served five consecutive years as Chairman of any Standing Committee shall be ineligible for reappointment as Chairman of that Committee for a period of one year.
68. 1. The Board of General Purposes shall consist of the following members:
a. GRAND LODGE OFFICERS – The Grand Master, the Immediate Past Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden, the Junior Grand Warden, the Grand Treasurer and the Grand Secretary; and
b. the Chairman of the Grand Lodge Committees on Benevolence, Constitution, Finance and Jurisprudence, or, in his absence, a member of his Committee designated by him; and
c. Effective June 2003 one Worshipful Brother to be elected from each of not more than 9 regions for not more than a 3 year term. [2002]
2. The maximum number of members of the Board of General Purposes shall be twenty (20), five (5) to form a quorum. [2002]
3. The Board of General Purposes shall act in an advisory capacity to the Grand Master and to Grand Lodge in all matters deemed to be in the best interests and for the better administration of the Craft.
4. The meetings of the Board of General Purposes shall be at the call of the Grand Master and shall be chaired by the Deputy Grand Master.
5. The Grand Secretary shall send a copy of the proposed agenda for any meeting of the Board of General Purposes, at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting to all members named in Section 68.1 as well as the District Deputy Grand Masters and all Past Grand Masters, and similarly a copy of the minutes of the said meeting within fourteen (14) days of such meeting so that all may be kept apprised of current matters within Grand Lodge. [1997, 2010]
69. Proper to be worn.
In Grand Lodge and on all occasions where the Grand Officers appear in their official capacities, they shall wear the following clothing and regalia:
The Grand Master – A gold chain with nine stars over a blue collar, gauntlets, apron and jewel.
The Deputy Grand Master, Senior and Junior Grand Wardens and District Deputy Grand Masters – A blue collar, with gauntlets, apron and jewel.
The Grand Stewards – Apron, crimson collar, and jewel.
All Other Grand Officers – Apron, blue collar and jewel.
70. Reserved.
71. Must wear proper clothing.
No Member shall be admitted into Grand Lodge without his proper clothing, unless by permission of the Grand Master.
72. The jewels worn by the Grand Officers, except the Grand Stewards which shall be of silver, shall be of gold and may be described as follows:
The Grand Master – The Compasses extended to 45 degrees with the segment of a circle of 60 degrees at the points, and a gold plate included, on which is to be represented an eye irradiated within a triangle, also irradiated.
The Past Grand Master’s Collar, Jewel, undress apron and suitable carrying case shall be purchased by the Grand Lodge and is the property of the Grand Lodge, they shall be returned to the Grand Lodge within a reasonable time of a Past Grand Master’s death. [1995] 13
The Deputy Grand Master – The Compasses and Square united with a five-pointed star in the centre.
The Senior Grand Warden – The Level.
The Junior Grand Warden – The Plumb.
The Grand Treasurer – A Chased Key.
The Grand Secretary – Crossed Pens.
District Deputy Grand Masters – The Square, surrounded by a circle on which is the number of the District.
The Grand Historian – A Scroll.
The Grand Deacons – A Dove with Olive Branch.
The Grand Superintendent of Works – A Protractor.
The Grand Director of Ceremonies – Arms of the Grand Lodge with Sword and Baton crossed.
The Grand Marshal – Crossed Rods with a tie.
The Grand Sword Bearer – Crossed Swords.
The Grand Standard Bearer – Crossed Standards with a tie.
The Grand Pursuivant – Crossed Baton and Sword.
The Grand Stewards – A Cornucopia between the legs of a pair of Compasses extended upon an irradiated plate.
The Grand Chaplain – A Book in a triangle.
The Grand Director of Music – A Grecian Lyre.
The Grand Tyler – A Sword.
The jewels as above stated, except those of the Grand Master and Grand Stewards, shall be placed within a circle of gold bearing the inscription “The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon.”
73. Honorary.
No honorary or other jewel shall be worn in Grand Lodge which shall not appertain to or be consistent with the Degrees of Ancient Craft Freemasonry as recognized or acknowledged by Grand Lodge, and which are Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason. Members of a Constituent Lodge who belong to the Order of the Holy Royal Arch may wear in Lodge [2012] and in Grand Lodge the honorary Jewel of this Order, but not the clothing. A brother from a recognized Jurisdiction may appear as a visitor in the clothing recognized by his own Grand Lodge.
74.a Long Service Recognition.
Twenty-five Years Membership Recognition:
Each member who shall have been affiliated with a Lodge or Lodges in this Jurisdiction, or one or more Lodges of Jurisdictions recognized by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon for fully twenty-five years from the date of Initiation as an Entered Apprentice may be presented with a Lapel Emblem, as approved by the Lodge and the Grand Master.
74.b Fifty Years Membership Recognition.
Each member who shall have been affiliated with a Lodge or Lodges in this Jurisdiction, or one or more Lodges of Jurisdictions recognized by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon, for fully fifty years from the date of his Initiation as an Entered Apprentice may be presented with a Grand Lodge fifty (50) year Grand Lodge Long Service Recognition Breast Jewel. A fifty (50) year Grand Lodge Lapel Emblem and a fifty (50) year Long Service Recognition Certificate as issued and approved by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon and the Grand Master.
74.c Sixty, Seventy, Seventy-five Years Membership Recognition.
Each member who shall have been affiliated with a Lodge or Lodges in this Jurisdiction, or one or more Lodges of Jurisdictions recognized by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon for fully sixty, seventy, or seventy- five years from the date of his Initiation as an Entered Apprentice may be presented with a Grand Lodge Emblem and Long Service Recognition Certificate with the appropriate year signified as issued and approved by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon and the Grand Master
74.d Eligibility of members for recognition must be verified by Grand Lodge office records. Time in excess of six (6) months between demit and affiliation, time lost as a result of action by a Trial Committee, and time suspended for N.P.D. (Non-payment of Dues) shall be deducted in calculating membership time. No loss of time shall be deducted from a brother who was suspended for N.P.D. prior to 1939, due to the great depression of the 1930s, nor for the period of World War II, provided it is recommended by his Lodge, and approved by the Grand Master.
74.e All Grand Lodge Long Service Recognition Jewels, Lapel Emblems and Grand Lodge Long Service Recognition Certificates shall be provided by the Grand Lodge of British
Columbia and Yukon to the Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction at cost. The presentations of the Grand Lodge Long Service Recognition Jewels, Lapel Emblems and Certificates may be made at the will and pleasure of the Lodge on the member’s eligibility, or at any time convenient thereafter.
74.f Masonic Medal of Merit
Any Master Mason who has not been installed as Worshipful Master of a Lodge of Freemasons is eligible to receive the award of the British Columbia and Yukon Masonic Medal of Merit, together with a suitable certificate, upon the nomination by, and recommendation of, two sponsors, and the approval of a Committee of Selection. Recommendations are to be based on the service of the nominee to his Lodge and his Community and on how he exemplified Masonic principles in both these areas.
The Committee of selection shall consist of three members of Grand Lodge, one of whom shall be appointed by the Grand Master each year for a three year term. The senior member (i.e. the one who has one year remaining to serve) shall be the chairman of the Committee. The four principal Officers of Grand Lodge, the Immediate Past Grand Master, and the Grand Secretary shall be ex-officio members of the Committee, with the Grand Secretary acting as Secretary of the Committee
Nominees are not to be informed of their nomination. All submissions by sponsors to the Committee of Selection are to be treated as confidential correspondence.
75. Grand Lodge Officers.
The collars worn by Grand Lodge officers, except the Grand Stewards, shall be of royal blue, four inches broad and bound with gold braid and lace. The Grand Stewards’ collars shall be of crimson ribbon four inches broad, lined with crimson, but not bound with lace or fringe.
76. Past Grand Officers Collars.
All past Grand Officers, except past Grand Masters, may wear the collar of their late office, but without the pendant jewel – a similar, but smaller jewel may be worn on the breast. Past Grand Masters shall be entitled to wear the chain of their late office, with pendant jewel consisting of the Compasses extended to 45 degrees, with the segment of a circle of 60 degrees at the points, but with no plate or other ornamentation thereon.
77. Grand Master.
The apron to be worn by the Grand Master shall be lined with garter blue, edgings of the same colour, bound with gold and gold tassels, and to be ornamented with the blazing sun embroidered in gold in the centre; with the pomegranate and the lotus on the edging, with the seven eared wheat at each corner, and also on the fall, all in gold embroidery. The fringe to be of gold bullion.
78.a Other Officers except Grand Stewards.
The aprons worn by the other Grand Lodge officers, except the Grand Stewards, shall be of white lambskin sixteen inches wide and fourteen inches deep; they shall be edged with ribbon of royal blue, four inches in width, and lined with blue. They shall have three sets of two right angles, one on the fall and one on each lower corner, and gold tassels. In the centre there shall be embroidered in gold a double circle, between the lines of which shall be the words, “Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon,” and within which shall be embroidered, also in gold, the jewel of the office. The fall and edges shall be bound with gold braid and edged with gold fringe.
78.b Grand Stewards.
The Grand Stewards shall wear aprons of white lamb skin, fourteen inches wide and twelve inches deep, lined with crimson and trimmed with crimson ribbon three and one-half inches wide. They shall be furnished with silver tassels and with three sets of two right angles, one on the flap and one on each lower corner, also of silver.
79. Past Grand Masters.
Past Grand Masters shall wear undress aprons of the same material and dimensions, edged with ribbon of royal blue four inches in width – the edging on the fall to be one and one-half inches in width. They shall have three sets of two right angles, one on the fall and one in each lower corner, of gold or metal gilt, and gold or metal gilt tassels. In the centre of the apron there shall be embroidered in blue a representation of the blazing sun. There shall be no lace or fringe.
80.a Past District Deputy Grand Masters.
The Past District Deputy Grand Masters may wear aprons similar in every respect to that of a Past Grand Master, except that the emblem shall be a square surrounded by a circle four inches in diameter both to be embroidered in blue.
80.b Past Grand Director of Ceremonies.
A Past Grand Director of Ceremonies may wear an apron similar to those of Past District Deputy Grand Masters except that the emblem shall be arms of the Grand Lodge with Sword and Baton crossed surrounded by a circle four inches in diameter both to be embroidered in blue.
81. Other Past Grand Officers.
Past Grand Officers holding the rank of Very Worshipful may wear aprons similar in every respect to that of a Past Master, except that they shall be edged with ribbon of royal blue not more than two inches in width and lined with blue and that the three sets of two right angles and the tassels shall be of metal gilt. In the centre of the apron there shall be embroidered the jewel of the office held as a Grand Lodge Officer, surrounded by a circle four inches in diameter, both to be embroidered in blue.
82. The gauntlets worn by the Grand Lodge Officers shall be of royal blue, nine inches deep, with a double circle embroidered in gold, between the lines of which shall be the words “Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon” and within which shall be embroidered, also in gold, the jewel of the office. They shall be bound with gold lace and edged with gold fringe.
1. There shall be a Trial Commission.
2. The Grand Master shall appoint the Chairman of the Trial Commission who shall hold office for the term of three years. The Grand Master shall from time to time as required name three well-skilled Brethren to hear and determine charges sent for trial by the Grand Secretary, pursuant to Regulation R80, and who shall be members of the Trial Commission for the duration of the case before them.
3. After hearing all the evidence and argument and upon finding that the accused is guilty of the offence charged, the Trial Commission may impose any of the following sentences:
a. Reprimand;
b. Suspension for a definite time;
c. Indefinite suspension;
d. Expulsion.
84. Appeals.
1. An Appeal from the Judgment of the Trial Commission may be made by the accuser or by the accused to the next ensuing Annual Communication of Grand Lodge. The Appeal shall be made in writing, signed by the Appellant, stating the reasons for Appeal and shall be filed with the Grand Secretary within thirty (30) days after the date of the Judgment of the Trial Commission. The Appeal shall not relieve the offender from the Judgment of the Trial Commission pending its Hearing by Grand Lodge.
2. The Appeal shall be heard in such manner as the Grand Master shall determine and the Grand Master or other Grand Officer appointed for that purpose by the Grand Master shall chair the Hearing of the Appeal and determine all questions as to the relevance of testimony or argument or other matters raised at the Hearing of Appeal other than the question of guilt or innocence or punishment which shall be decided by a majority vote of the members of Grand Lodge present throughout the Hearing of the Appeal and this decision shall be final.
85. Reinstatement.
1. a. When any Brother suspended for unmasonic conduct desires reinstatement to the rights and privileges of Freemasonry, he shall petition the Lodge by which he was suspended for reinstatement. The petition shall be presented at a Regular Communication of the Lodge, and shall lie over until the next Regular Communication before final action is taken thereon. Notice of such petition for reinstatement shall be sent to all the members of the Lodge in the notice for the Regular Communication at which the question of reinstatement is to be voted upon. The vote on the reinstatement shall be by ballot, and it shall require a two-thirds vote of the members present to restore the Brother; provided that after two petitions by a suspended Brother for reinstatement have been refused, any subsequent petition by him for reinstatement shall be referred to a Committee of three members of the Lodge whose duty it shall be to make strict examination into his moral, mental and other qualifications and to report at the Regular Communication at which the question of reinstatement is to be voted on, unless further time be granted in which case the vote will be postponed to a subsequent Regular Communication and the members notified in the Notice for that Communication, and if three members of the Committee report unfavourably the petition shall be declared rejected, but otherwise the Lodge shall proceed to ballot and if three or more black balls are
cast, the petition shall be declared rejected.
b. If three petitions for reinstatement have been refused, no further petition shall be brought except by Dispensation granted by the Grand Master.
2. If the Lodge which suspended a brother has ceased to exist, or if it has refused the request for reinstatement, the Brother may petition Grand Lodge, provided that notice of such intended petition shall be given in writing to such Lodge if it be in existence, and also to Grand Lodge, not less than sixty days previous to the Communication of Grand Lodge at which such petition is to be presented. Before such petition can be considered by the Grand Lodge, proof shall be furnished that the suspended Brother has applied for reinstatement to the Lodge which suspended him if it be in existence, and that the Lodge has been notified of the intended application to Grand Lodge. In all cases of reinstatement or restoration by Grand Lodge, not at the request of a Constituent Lodge, the reinstated or restored Brother shall resume the status of a non-affiliated Brother. Any decision of Grand Lodge under this Section shall be final and binding.
3. When any expelled Brother desires to petition Grand Lodge for restoration to the rights and privileges of Freemasonry, he shall, in writing, notify the Lodge of which he was last a member and the Lodge at whose instigation he was expelled, if the Lodge be in existence, of his intention to do so, at least sixty days previous to the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge at which his petition is to be presented; and before such petition can be considered by Grand Lodge, proof shall be furnished that such Lodge, if in existence, has been so notified. Any decision of Grand Lodge under this Section shall be final and binding.
4. When any Constituent Lodge desires to petition Grand Lodge for the restoration of an expelled Brother to the rights and privileges of Freemasonry, notice thereof shall be given to all the members of the Lodge, in the usual manner, of such intended action, and of the Regular Communication at which it will be considered; and at such Communication the fact that such notice was duly given shall be recorded. The votes by ballot of two-thirds of all the members present shall be required to authorize the presentation of such a petition to Grand Lodge.
86. Book of Ceremonies.
The Book of Ceremonies promulgated by and published from time to time under authority of Grand Lodge shall be and is hereby adopted as a rule and guide for Grand Lodge, its Constituent Lodges, and their members and all members of the Craft in this Grand Jurisdiction.
87. Amendments, how made.
Grand Lodge shall have full power and authority at any Communication thereof, by a two-thirds vote of the members present in person or by proxy at such Communication, to make such amendments, alterations and additions to these Constitutions, as it shall think proper and expedient for the benefit of the Craft; provided that notice in writing, stating distinctly the proposed amendment, alteration or addition shall have been given at a preceding Communication or shall have been sent to the Grand Secretary by the 1st day of January of the year of the Communication at which the motion to amend, alter or add is to be considered. [2010]
87.a A proposed amendment which has been defeated after 1984 at two consecutive Grand Lodge Communications may not again be placed before Grand Lodge in the same or substantially similar form embodying the same or substantially similar principles for a period of three years thereafter.
88. Time notice.
A copy of any proposed amendment, alteration, or addition to these Constitutions shall be sent by the Grand Secretary to each of the Constituent Lodges, by March 1st. [2000]
89. All laws and regulations repugnant to, or inconsistent with, or in contravention of these Constitutions, and any portion of former Constitutions not incorporated herein, shall be and are hereby repealed.
of the Grand Lodge
of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons
of British Columbia and Yukon
The within Regulations and its sections, subsections, and schedules and any amendments, alterations or additions which may hereafter be made thereto, may be referred to as the Regulations.
R1. Duties.
It shall be the duty of the Grand Treasurer:
To receive moneys.
1. To receive all money belonging to Grand Lodge, and to forthwith deposit the same in a Chartered Bank, to keep a proper account of the same, specify the respective uses for which the several sums were collected, and to disburse the same in such manner as may be directed by Grand Lodge.
Disbursements of General Funds, How Made.
2. All disbursements of the General Funds of Grand Lodge shall be made by the Grand Treasurer on written orders signed by the Grand Secretary and counter signed by a member of the Committee on Finance.
3. Such disbursements shall not exceed in amounts the sum provided for each class of expenditure in the estimate presented to and adopted by Grand Lodge; provided that the Grand Master in cases of urgency, may, by special warrant authorize such additional expenditures as he may consider necessary. Full particulars of such special warrants shall be communicated to Grand Lodge at the next ensuing Annual Communication.
Disbursements of Revenue or Income.
4. All disbursements of the revenue or income of the Benevolent Fund shall be made by the Grand Treasurer on written orders signed by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Benevolent Fund and countersigned by one other member of such Board of Trustees.
Disbursement of Capital Fund.
5. All disbursements of the Capital of the Benevolent Fund shall be made by the Grand Treasurer on written orders signed by the Grand Secretary and countersigned by the Grand Master, and then only after a resolution authorizing such disbursements shall have been duly passed by Grand Lodge.
To submit Statements.
6. To lay before the Finance Committee at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, or when called for by the Grand Master, all his accounts for inspection.
To execute Bond.
7. To execute and file in the office of the Grand Secretary a surety bond in such penal sum as Grand Lodge may direct, with such sureties as may be approved by the Grand Master, for the faithful discharge of his duties, and any fee therefore shall be paid by Grand Lodge, and at the end of his term, pay over and transfer to his successor all funds and properties of Grand Lodge in his possession.
To be Custodian of Securities.
8. To be jointly and equally with the Grand Secretary, the custodian of all bonds, stocks and securities of whatever nature possessed by Grand Lodge, and he shall have power, jointly with the Grand Secretary, to purchase securities, and to sell, transfer or exchange any securities that may be the property of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon; provided however that the Committee on Finance shall advise and direct the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary as to the safekeeping of such bonds, stocks and securities and as to the purchase, sale, transfer or exchange of the same, and no purchase, sale, transfer or exchange shall be made except on the written order of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and a member of the Committee on Finance or any two of them, one of whom must be a member of the Committee on Finance. 18
9. The Grand Treasurer shall receive out of Grand Lodge Funds such remuneration as Grand Lodge shall determine.
R2. Duties.
It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary:
To issue Notices and take Minutes.
1. To issue notices for all Communications of Grand Lodge, and to attend and take minutes of their proceedings; also to summon any committee when directed by the Grand Master or Grand lodge, and to receive their reports.
To receive Returns.
2. To receive official and other returns: Annual Reports of Constituent Lodges to Grand Lodge, Form
56, etc. from the several Constituent Lodges in the Jurisdiction, enter them in the books, and duly report the same with as full particulars as possible concerning the membership, funds and properties of each at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge.
To send copy of Proceedings.
3. To transmit to all Constituent Lodges in the Jurisdiction a copy of the Proceedings of every Communication of Grand Lodge, together with all such other papers and documents as may be ordered by the Grand Master or Grand Lodge.
Notify Lodges of Appointment of District Deputy Grand Master
4. To immediately after the appointment of a District Deputy Grand Master, notify each of the lodges in the District of the appointment, and furnish every such officer with a list of the Lodges in his District, and a copy of the Constitution and book of Ceremonies.
To receive Petitions.
5. To receive all petitions, memorials and documents and lay them before the Grand Master, Grand Lodge, or any other proper authority.
To attend Grand Master.
6. To attend the Grand Master, Grand Lodge, or any Committee of Grand Lodge when required, and to take to him or them any books, papers or documents he or they may direct.
7. To conduct the correspondence of Grand Lodge, and keep duplicates of the same.
Custody of Seal.
8. To have the custody of the Grand Lodge Seal, and to affix it to all warrants, certificates, and other proper instruments issued by and under the authority of the Grand Master or Grand Lodge.
Record of Members.
9. To keep a record of the names, and where possible, the addresses, of all members of the Craft in this Grand Jurisdiction, together with the name of the Lodge or Lodges to which such members belong and such other particulars concerning their membership as he may think necessary and advisable.
To keep a book of Records.
10. To keep a book or books of record, in which the names of those rejected, suspended or expelled are to be entered immediately upon receipt of notice to that effect; and to notify all the Lodges in the Jurisdiction of such names when necessary.
To keep record of all Transactions.
11. To record all the transactions of Grand Lodge which it is proper to have written, and to superintend the publication thereof immediately after the close of the Annual Communication under such instruction as may be given by the Grand Master or Grand Lodge.
To record Monies Received.
12. To record all monies of Grand Lodge when received by him and to pay over the same without delay to the Grand Treasurer, and furnish a report of such amounts with proper vouchers at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge.
To Execute Bond.
13. To execute and file in the office of the Grand Treasurer a surety bond in such penal sum as Grand Lodge may direct, with such sureties as may be approved by the Grand Master, for the faithful discharge of his duties, and any fee therefore shall be paid by the Grand Lodge, and at the end of his term, pay over and transfer to his successor all funds and properties of the Grand Lodge in his possession.
To be Custodian of Securities.
14. To be jointly and equally with the Grand Treasurer, the custodian of all Bonds, Stocks and Securities of what ever nature possessed by Grand Lodge, and he shall have power, jointly with the Grand Treasurer, to purchase securities, and to sell, transfer or exchange any securities that may be the property of Grand Lodge provided however that the Committee on Finance shall advise and direct the Grand 19
Secretary and the Grand Treasurer as to the safekeeping of such Bonds, Stocks and Securities and as to the purchase, sale, transfer or exchange of the same, and no purchase, sale, transfer or exchange shall be made except on the written order of the Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer and a member of the Committee on Finance, or any two of them, one of whom must be a member of the Committee on Finance.
15. The Grand Secretary shall receive out of Grand Lodge funds such remuneration as Grand Lodge shall determine.
R3. It shall be the duty of each District Deputy Grand Master:
To Supervise.
1. To exercise a general supervision of the Craft in his District.
To Visit.
2. To visit all the Constituent Lodges in his District during his term of office, and to see that such Constituent Lodges are working properly, and that returns have been regularly forwarded to the Grand Secretary, with all fees and dues. Such official visits shall not conflict with the official visits which the Most Worshipful Grand Master may be making to his District.
To examine Worshipful Master of new Lodge.
3. To satisfy himself that the Member recom-mended in the petition for a new Lodge as the first Worshipful Master thereof is duly qualified to perform the duties of that office, and for that purpose is authorized to summon that Member to attend for examination, and to grant him a certificate of qualification.
To see that Lodge under Dispensation has suitable meeting place, etc.
4. To ascertain whether or not a Lodge working under Dispensation in his District and seeking a warrant of Constitution has provided itself with suitable meeting place, furniture and clothing.
In case of urgency shall request Grand Master.
5. To report to the Grand Master immediately with a request for direction and advice, any matter of urgency which would bring the good name of Freemasonry into disrepute.
To submit Report.
6. To report such duties as he has performed during his term of office to the Grand Master not later than May 1st.
7. After confidential consultation at a meeting to be attended by a Past District Deputy Grand Master (when possible) from each Lodge in his District, to submit to the Grand Secretary, not later than the first day of January in his year of office, three or more names of suitable candidates for appointment at the next Annual Communication of Grand Lodge to the office of District Deputy Grand Master for his District, from which names the incoming Grand Master may, if he sees fit, select a nominee.
R4. Grand Director of Ceremonies.
It shall be the duty of the Grand Director of Ceremonies to proclaim the Grand Officers at their installation, and make such other pro-clamations as the Grand Master shall direct.
R5. Grand Historian.
It shall be the duty of the Grand Historian to collect, record and report on all data relative to the formation and progress of Grand Lodge, and its Constituent Lodges.
R6. Grand Deacons.
It shall be the duty of the Grand Deacons to assist the Grand Master and Grand Wardens in such manner as the Ancient Charges and usages of the Craft prescribe.
R7. Grand Superintendent of Works.
It shall be the duty of the Grand Super-intendent of Works to take under his care all working tools and to assist at all ceremonies of laying corner stones, and at dedications, and to officiate as directed.
R8. Grand Marshal.
It shall be the duty of the Grand Marshal to aid and assist the Grand Director of Ceremonies in conducting all ceremonies of Grand Lodge.
R9. Grand Sword Bearer.
It shall be the duty of the Grand Sword Bearer to carry the sword of Grand Lodge in all public processions and other ceremonies.
R10. Grand Standard Bearer.
It shall be the duty of the Grand Standard Bearer to carry the Banner of Grand Lodge in all processions and at all public ceremonies.
R11. Grand Pursuivant.
It shall be the duty of the Grand Pursuivant to guard the inner door, and communicate with the Grand Tyler without; to announce all applicants for admission by their names and Masonic titles, and see that those who enter
wear the Jewel and clothing proper to their rank, and to allow none to enter or withdraw who have not obtained permission from the Grand Master.
R12. Grand Stewards.
It shall be the duty of the Grand Stewards to superintend the preparations for all festive occasions, and also to assist in the arrangements for the Communication of Grand Lodge.
R13. Grand Chaplain.
It shall be the duty of the Grand Chaplain to attend all Communications of Grand Lodge and there offer up solemn prayer suitable to the occasion; and when called upon, to address any religious service attended by Grand Lodge.
R14. Grand Director of Music.
It shall be the duty of the Grand Director of Music to conduct the musical ceremonies of Grand Lodge. [2012]
R15. Grand Tyler.
It shall be the duty of the Grand Tyler to guard the outer door; to report all applicants for admission to the Grand Pursuivant, and see that those who enter are qualified and properly clothed, and that they have signed their names in the book kept for that purpose; to take charge of and safely keep the jewels, furniture, clothing and other paraphernalia of Grand Lodge, and to see that the hall during the session is kept in proper condition; to serve all summonses and perform such other duties as may be required, for which he shall receive such remuneration as Grand Lodge shall direct.
R16. Duties of.
It shall be the duty of the Committee on Credentials to examine the credentials and qualifications of members entitled to sit and vote in Grand Lodge, and the validity of the proxies produced to them, and to cause the names of such members and proxies to be entered on a register. Upon being satisfied that he is entitled thereto the said committee shall hand personally to each member of Grand Lodge when registered, the ballot papers to which he is entitled. The said ballot papers shall be retained in the possession of such member until the time of election and shall be marked, used and delivered to the election committee personally by each voter.
Its Report.
The Committee on Credentials shall report its findings to Grand Lodge as soon as con-veniently may be done after the opening of the Communication of Grand Lodge and before the election of Grand Officers takes place. Its report shall show:
1. The number of Lodges on the Register.
2. The number of Lodges represented at the Communication.
3. The number of Lodges not represented.
4. The representatives present and entitled to vote.
5. The representatives by proxy and entitled to vote.
6. The number of visitors in attendance.
7. The total attendance at the Communication.
R17. Scrutineers.
After the report of the committee on Credentials shall have been received and adopted and prior to the election of Grand Officers, the Grand Master shall appoint a sufficient number of members of Grand Lodge to act as an Election Committee, the first named on such Committee shall be Chairman thereof. The Committee’s duties shall be to act as scrutineers, to collect the ballots cast, to count the same and report the result to the Grand Lodge and generally to superintend the election under the direction of the Grand Master.
R18. All Communications to be referred to Chairman of Committee.
All Communications concerning the said Standing Committees when received by the Grand Secretary, shall at once be referred by him to the Chairman of the Committee to whose province the business therein referred to appertains; and the Committee shall, as soon as possible, proceed to investigate the matters so referred to them, and report thereon to Grand Lodge at the next Annual Com-munication or at an Emergent Communication called for that purpose.
R19. Powers.
In order to enable such Committees to investigate the matters referred to them, the Chairmen thereof shall have the power to require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers.
R20. Shall Report.
Each of the Standing Committees of Grand Lodge shall report in writing to Grand Lodge at its Annual Communication. 21
R21. Duties.
It shall be the duty of the Committee on Constitution to examine all proposed amendments to the Constitution; to see that they are in accordance with strict Masonic usage, and to supervise all revisions of the Constitution and also to make recommendations from time to time, on such matters as they deem advisable.
R22. Duties.
1. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Education and Leadership to develop and promote instructional material in printed and electronic form in support of mentor, Lodge management and leadership training pro-grams, to publicize and recommend the circulation of this and other Masonic literature through District as well as Lodge Education Officers.
2. The District Education Officer shall be appointed by the District Deputy Grand Master at the commencement of the Masonic year and invested at the earliest convenient occasion, in a Lodge within the District, with a collar of royal blue to which is appended the Lamp of Learning. The duties of the District Education Officer are to manage education programs in the District, and to provide guidance and support to those Lodge members appointed to instruct the Brethren in the principles of our order.
R23. Duties.
It shall be the duty of the Committee on Finance:
1. To recommend to Grand Lodge the names of duly qualified Chartered Accountants for appointment as Auditor or Auditors of Grand Lodge.
2. To advise and make such recommendations as they may consider proper regarding any matters arising from the report of the Auditors so appointed.
3. To examine and report upon all accounts and financial matters referred to them during each Communication, and also to report on the financial condition of Grand Lodge.
4. To advise and direct the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary as to the safekeeping of the bonds, stocks and securities of Grand Lodge and as to the purchase, sale, transfer or exchange of the same.
5. To recommend to Grand Lodge the establishment of a reserve or contingency account out of the general funds of Grand Lodge, and to further recommend to Grand Lodge from time to time, the amounts that shall be placed to the credit of such reserve or contingency account. All withdrawals from such reserve or contingency account to be made on the recommendation of the Finance Committee, approved by the Grand Master.
6. To recommend to the Grand Lodge from time to time the amount that shall be placed to the credit of the Masonic Bursary Account from the General Fund of Grand Lodge.
7. To present, before the close of each Annual Communication, an estimate of the probable expenses of the ensuing year, giving each class of expenditure under its proper head.
8. To determine and recommend to Grand Lodge for its adoption each year, at the time of the approval of the estimates of the probable expenditures for the ensuing year at the Annual Communication, the annual fee to be paid by each Lodge for each member, such fee to be based upon the membership as at the preceding December 31st and to approximate the amount required to meet the expenditures contemplated in such estimates after taking into account anticipated revenue from other resources.
9. To determine and recommend to Grand Lodge for its adoption each year, at the time of approval of estimated Community Charities Fund project requirements for the ensuing year at the Annual Communication, the annual fee to be paid by each Lodge for each member, such fee to be based upon the membership as at the preceding December 31st and to approximate the amount required to meet the expenditures contemplated in such estimates after taking into account anticipated revenue from other resources.
10. To determine, in consultation with the Grand Secretary, fees payable by Constituent Lodges for goods and services received and not otherwise prescribed by Grand Lodge.
R24. Duties.
It shall be the duty of the Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence to consider and report to Grand Lodge on such questions, papers and decisions relating to Masonic law and usage as
may be referred to them.
R25. Reserved. [2012]
R26 It shall be the duty of the Committee on Fraternal Relations to review and investigate the legitimacy and regularity of all Grand Jurisdictions requesting recognition and make recommendations thereof to Grand Lodge; to review and periodically report to Grand Lodge on the basic principles for Grand Lodge recognition as adopted by this Grand Lodge in 1946; to maintain and review a list of all recognized Grand Jurisdictions; to review the appointments of Representatives of other Jurisdictions near this Grand Lodge in accordance with Section 46 and make recommendations on the same to the Grand Master; and to review and make recom-mendations to Grand Lodge regarding the Grand Representative program.
R27. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Rituals to supervise all amendments to and revisions of the Rituals and Ceremonies as approved by Grand Lodge and, when deemed necessary, to recommend such amendments to correct any anomalies or defects as may become apparent in the practical performance of the work. To take under consideration and report on such matters relating to the same that may be brought to their attention and to make recommendations to Grand Lodge as they deem advisable.
R28. Duties.
It shall be the duty of the Committee on Warranted Lodges and Lodges Under Dispensation:
1. To examine the returns of the proceedings and work of all Warranted Lodges and Lodges Under Dispensation for the preceding year and to report to Grand Lodge its findings thereon.
2. To recommend to Grand Lodge from time to time boundaries of the respective Districts into which the jurisdiction of Grand Lodge shall be divided and the names and numbers for such Districts and the Lodges to be included in each District.
3. To recommend to Grand Lodge from time to time the jurisdiction, concurrent or otherwise, which is to be held by each of the Constituent Lodges.
R29. 1 It shall be the duty of the Grand Lodge Communication Committee to examine and consider the suitability of places for each Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, including the adequacy of the facilities and accommodations for the meeting and report thereon before the place of meeting is considered at a Grand Lodge Communication;
2. Applications for the place of meeting for the Grand Lodge Communication shall be submitted to the Grand Lodge Commun-ication Committee a minimum of four (4) years in advance and by December 31st in the year prior to the next Grand Lodge Commun-ication;
3. The duties of the Grand Lodge Communication Committee shall include:
a. To keep in communication with the Grand Treasurer and the Grand Secretary who are responsible for overseeing the Grand Lodge Communication;
b. Liaison with Local Committee;
c. Liaison with the Finance Committee
d. Assistance with Grand Lodge Registration and Credential Committee;
e. Assistance with Ritual and Protocol;
f. Assistance on rates, planning and advertising.
g. The Grand Director of Ceremonies shall be a member of the Grand Lodge Communication Committee. [2004]
R30.a. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Lodge Buildings to provide advice, consultation and assistance to all Lodges in the Jurisdiction and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, on such matters as design and construction of new and existing Lodge Buildings and on taxation and insurance.
R30.b. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Community Relations to provide advice, consultation and assistance to the offices of Grand Lodge upon request in matters of media exposure and community relations; to be available to Craft Lodges for consultation with Community Relations to assist in the preparation of, and to approve on behalf of Grand Lodge (subject to the direction of the Grand Master) all public releases on behalf of Grand Lodge; to assist in the development of communications skills in dealing with new and prospective members; to oversee video and
audio productions and the publications of Grand Lodge; and to render such other assistance to the Grand Master in the field of Community Relations as he may direct. [1997]
R31. How composed.
The Benevolent Fund of the Grand Lodge which was established as from the first day of July, 1923, and consists of the then existing Grand Lodge Charity Fund and such donations as have been given to the Fund together with regular annual augmentations from the general funds of Grand Lodge and unexpended income from the Fund, shall continue to be augmented by any donations which may from time to time be given to the Fund and by such portion of annual general revenue of Grand Lodge as the Finance Committee shall recommend and Grand Lodge shall determine and by such portion of the unexpended revenue or income from the Fund at the end of the year as the Board of Trustees shall recommend and Grand Lodge shall determine.
R32. Board of Trustees.
The Benevolent Fund shall be administered by a Board of Trustees, five in number, three to form a quorum for the transaction of business. One trustee shall be appointed by the Grand Master at each Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, to hold office for five years. Provided however that all trustees shall hold office until their successors are appointed; and provided also that the Grand Master shall from time to time make appointments to fill any vacancy that may occur for any reason whatever on the said Board of Trustees for the unexpired term of such vacancy. Three members of such Board shall at the time of their appointment be resident in the County of Vancouver or the County of Westminster and one on Vancouver Island.
It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees of the Benevolent Fund:
1. To administer the revenue or income from the Fund.
2. To examine and report upon all documents and matters referred to it by Grand Lodge relating to or arising out of the administration of the Fund.
3. To examine all reports of the Secretaries of Lodges regarding relief, which reports shall be referred to the Board of Trustees by the Grand Secretary, and to report and make such recommendations to Grand Lodge thereon as it may deem proper.
4. To make such rules and regulations governing its procedure as it may see fit, provided that the same are not inconsistent with or in contravention of the Book of Constitutions and Regulations.
5. To report in writing its transactions and all matters incidental thereto to Grand Lodge at its Annual
Fund kept separate.
The Fund shall be kept separate from the ordinary Funds of Grand Lodge, and shall be in the custody of the Grand Treasurer and the Grand Secretary, and such portions of the said Funds as shall be available for investment and re-investment shall be invested by them in such securities of high quality and low risk as they consider prudent and appropriate without being limited to those investments authorized by law for Trustees.
Keeping and purchase of Securities.
The Committee on Finance shall advise and direct the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary as to the safekeeping of the securities of the Fund and as to the purchase, sale, transfer or exchange of such securities.
No purchase, sale, transfer or exchange shall be made except on the written order of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and a member of the Committee on Finance or any two of them, one of whom must be a member of the Committee on Finance.
To what revenue devoted.
The revenue, or income, from the Fund shall be devoted to the relief of members, and the widows, orphans and dependents of members of Constituent Lodges. It shall primarily be used for the permanent relief of such members, widows, orphans and dependants; but at the discretion of the Board of Trustees, Grand Lodge, Constituent Lodges, recognized Lodges and Grand Lodges of any other recognized jurisdiction may be granted assistance in case of temporary relief and for funerals. The Board of Trustees may also approve the transfer of funds to the Emergency Relief Fund up to 15% of unspent revenue on an annual basis. [2012]
Shall be reported.
As and when occasion shall arise for the granting of relief the circumstances shall be reported in writing to the Board of Trustees, which shall thereupon take such action as it may deem fit. Such portion of the unexpended revenue or income from the Fund at the end of each year as the Board of
Trustees shall 24
recommend and Grand Lodge shall determine shall be transferred to the Masonic Bursary Fund.
How Disbursed.
The revenue shall be paid out by the Grand Treasurer on the written order of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Such order to be countersigned by one other member of the Board.
The Fund shall be disbursed or disposed of by the Grand Treasurer and the Grand Secretary, in accordance with this Constitution, and as herein provided.
Capital may be used.
The capital of the fund may be used and disbursed for such patriotic, benevolent and charitable purposes as Grand Lodge may from time to time by resolution determine.
Notice of Motion Required.
No portion of the Capital of the said Benevolent Fund in excess of the sum of $5,000 in any one year, for any one specific object, shall be expended by Grand Lodge until notice of motion in writing to make such expenditure, stating distinctly the purpose for which it is proposed to be expended, shall have been given at a Communication of Grand Lodge preceding the Communication at which the motion is to be made, or shall have been sent to the Grand Secretary three months before such last mentioned Communication.
A copy of the motion shall be sent by the Grand Secretary to each of the Constituent Lodges, at least two months before such Communication, and shall be published in the notice calling such Communication.
Must be referred to finance committee.
No recommendation or motion for the disbursement of any portion of the capital of the fund shall be placed before Grand Lodge until a report on the same is received from the Finance Committee.
R32A Establishment of Fund.
The Emergency Relief Fund of this Grand Lodge shall be established as from the first day of July, 2012 and shall consist of a Capital Fund to be created by transferring the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) from the Benevolent Fund of Grand Lodge as at June 30, 2012. This Emergency Relief Fund shall be augmented by any donations which may from time to time be given to the Fund and by such portion of the annual general revenue of Grand Lodge as the Finance Committee shall recommend and Grand Lodge shall determine, and by transfers from the Benevolent Fund.
The Board of Trustees shall consist of:
The Grand Secretary, the Grand Treasurer and the Chairman of the Finance Committee.
Duty of Trustees.
It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees:
1. To assess the merits of each request for assistance.
2. To determine the amount of any disbursements to be made
3. To report in writing its transactions and all matters incidental thereto to Grand Lodge at its Annual Communication.
Fund kept separate.
The Fund shall be kept separate from the ordinary funds of Grand Lodge and shall be in the custody of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and the Finance Committee, and such portion of the Fund as shall be available for investment or reinvestment shall be invested by them in such securities of high quality and low risk as they consider prudent and appropriate without being limited to those investments authorized by law for Trustees.
Safekeeping and purchase of securities.
The Committee on Finance shall advise and direct the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary as to the safekeeping of the securities of the Fund and as to the purchase, sale, transfer or exchange of such securities.
No purchase, sale, transfer or exchange shall be made except on the written order of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and a member of the Committee on Finance or two of them, one of whom shall be a member of the Committee on Finance.
Use of funds
The capital together with any income accruing thereon shall be used for the purpose of providing emergency relief for Masonic benevolence, natural or manmade disasters, or other relief as determined by the trustees. [2012]
R33. Establishment of Fund.
The Masonic Bursary Fund of this Grand Lodge shall be established as from the first day of July, 1961, and consist of a Capital Fund to be created by transferring the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) from the Contingency Account and Ten Thousand
Dollars ($10,000) from the General Fund of Grand Lodge as at May 31, 1961. This Capital Fund shall be augmented by any donations which may from time to time be given to the Fund and by such portion of the annual General Revenue of Grand Lodge as the Finance Committee shall recommend and Grand Lodge shall determine.
Appointment of Board of Trustees.
The Grand Master shall appoint the first Board of Trustees to serve one, two, three, four and five years respectively, and thereafter one Trustee shall be appointed by the Grand Master at each Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, to hold office for five years. Provided, however, that all Trustees shall hold office until their successors are appointed; and provided also that the Grand Master shall from time to time make appointments to fill any vacancy that may occur for any reason whatever on the Board of Trustees for the unexpired term of the vacancy.
Duty of Trustees.
It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees:
1. To apportion the revenue available each year into a number of Bursaries in such amounts as in their judgment seems appropriate.
2. To determine, in consultation with the appropriate educational authorities, the conditions for the award of such Bursaries.
3. To promote interest throughout the Grand Jurisdiction in the Masonic Bursary Fund and devise methods of increasing its support.
4. To report in writing its transactions and all matters incidental thereto to Grand Lodge at its Annual Communication.
Fund kept separate.
The Fund shall be kept separate from the ordinary funds of Grand Lodge, and shall be in the custody of the Grand Treasurer, the Grand Secretary, and the Finance Committee, and such portions of the said Fund as shall be available for investment or reinvestment shall be invested by them in such securities of high quality and low risk as they consider prudent and appropriate without being limited to those investments authorized by law for Trustees, save and except that no investments shall be made in mortgage of real estate.
Safekeeping and purchase of securities.
The Committee on Finance shall advise and direct the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary as to the safekeeping of the securities of the Fund and as to the purchase, sale, transfer or exchange of such securities.
No purchase, sale, transfer or exchange shall be made except on the written order of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and a member of the Committee on Finance or two of them, one of whom shall be a member of the Committee on Finance.
Use of Revenue.
The revenue or income from the Capital of the Masonic Bursary Fund, together with any donations received from time to time and designated for current use, not Capital, shall be used for the purpose of assisting by way of bursaries the advanced education of promising students who otherwise would not be able to continue their education, and shall be administered by the Board of Trustees, five in number, three to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
R34. Appointment of Board of Trustees.
1. There shall be a Grand Lodge Library and Archives and a Grand Lodge Library Trust Fund, all of which shall be administered by the Grand Lodge Library Board of Trustees, four in number with three to form a quorum for the transaction of business. One Trustee shall be appointed by the Grand Master at each Annual Communication of Grand Lodge to hold office for four years, provided however that all Trustees shall hold office until their successors are appointed; and provided also that the Grand Master shall from time to time make appointments to fill any vacancy that may occur for any reason whatever on the said Board of Trustees for the unexpired term of such vacancy. Two members of such Board shall be resident in the Greater Vancouver - New Westminster area and one on Vancouver Island.
Duty of Trustees.
2. It shall be the duty of the Grand Lodge Library Board of Trustees:
a. To be responsible for the administration, operation and growth of the Grand Lodge Library and Archives within the fiscal limits of the annual grant voted by Grand Lodge combined with such other funds as may become available to the Board for Library or Archive purposes.
b. To make such Rules and Regulations governing its procedure as it may see fit, provided that the same are not inconsistent with or in contravention of the Book of Constitutions and Regulations.
c. To provide for the acquisition, preservation, cataloguing and appropriate display of suitable
historical and archival material related to Freemasons and Freemasonry.
e. To establish and be the trustees of and the receiving agents for, and to promote and encourage the growth of, a Grand Lodge Library Trust Fund, and to make such rules and regulations for the operation of such Fund and for the disbursement of income therefrom as it may see fit, provided such Rules and Regulations are not inconsistent with or in contravention of these Books of Constitutions and Regulations.
e. To report in writing its transactions and all matters incidental thereto to Grand Lodge at its Annual Communication.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of para-graph 1 the first members of the Library Board of Trustees shall be appointed on the coming into effect of this Section, one to hold office for four years, one for three years, one for two years and one for one year.
R35. Establishment of Fund.
The Masonic Building Fund of this Grand Lodge shall be established as from the first day of July, 1987 and shall consist of a Capital Fund to be created by transferring the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) from the Contingency Fund of Grand Lodge as at June 30, 1987. This Capital Fund shall be augmented by any donations which may from time to time be given to the Fund and by such portion of the annual general revenue of Grand Lodge as the Finance Committee shall recommend and Grand Lodge shall determine.
The Board of Trustees shall consist of:
The Grand Secretary, the Grand Treasurer and the Chairman of each of the following Committees:
Constitution Committee,
Finance Committee, and
Lodge Buildings Committee.
Duty of Trustees.
It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees:
1. To assess the merits of each application for assistance.
2. To determine the amount of any advance to be made to the borrowing entity and the terms and conditions of any mortgage or other documentation to secure repayment of the said advance and for that purpose may cause to be incorporated a company under the laws of the Province of British Columbia to hold mortgages or other securities and to ensure repayment of the advances by the ultimate borrowing entity be it a constituent Lodge, its company or building society.
3. To promote interest throughout the Grand Jurisdiction in the Masonic Building Fund and to devise methods of increasing its support by the Brethren.
4. To report in writing its transactions and all matters incidental thereto to Grand Lodge at its Annual Communication.
Fund kept separate.
The Fund shall be kept separate from the ordinary funds of Grand Lodge and shall be in the custody of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and the Finance Committee, and such portion of the Fund as shall be available for investment or reinvestment shall be invested by them in such securities of high quality and low risk as they consider prudent and appropriate without being limited to those investments authorized by law for Trustees.
Safekeeping and purchase of securities.
The Committee on Finance shall advise and direct the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary as to the safekeeping of the securities of the Fund and as to the purchase, sale, transfer or exchange of such securities.
No purchase, sale, transfer or exchange shall be made except on the written order of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and a member of the Committee on Finance or two of them, one of whom shall be a member of the Committee on Finance.
Use of fund.
The capital together with any income accruing thereon shall be used for the purpose of assisting Masonic Lodges within the jurisdiction of Grand Lodge or their building companies or societies that are, in the opinion of the Lodge Building Committee, experiencing grave financial difficulties in maintaining the Lodge premises and properties.
A Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction, its Temple/Hall Company or Society may make application for a loan under this program through the Board of Trustees of the Masonic Building Fund such that the outstanding balance of said loan or loans does not exceed Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) at any one time. The interest rate on such advances shall not exceed the Prime Rate interest at the time 27
of application. Prime Rate interest is defined as that rate which is charged to its most substantial commercial customers by the Canadian Chartered Bank where the Masonic Building Fund account is carried. While not in default the advance(s) shall enjoy a discounted rate of interest to 5% per annum. [2007]
The advance shall be amortized over a period not to exceed twenty-five (25) years, while the term for the interest rate to be fixed shall not exceed five (5) years. The advance (or combined advances) to a borrowing entity (Lodge or building society, etc.) shall not exceed 40% of the combined appraised value of the same land and building(s). The maximum outstanding amount to a borrowing entity (Lodge and/or its building society, etc.) shall not exceed Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000).
R36. Establishment of fund.
The Masonic Community Charities as of this Grand Lodge shall be established as from the first day of July, 1988 and shall consist of a Capital Fund to be created by transferring the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) from the Contingency Fund of Grand Lodge as at June 30, 1988. This Capital Fund shall be augmented by any donations which may from time to time be given to the Fund and by such portion of the Annual General Revenue of Grand Lodge as the Finance Committee shall recommend and Grand Lodge shall determine.
The Board of Trustees shall be nine (9) in number and consist of: The Grand Master, the Immediate Past Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden, the Junior Grand Warden, the Grand Secretary, the Grand Treasurer, the Chairman of the Benevolence Committee and the Chairman of the Finance Committee. Five (5) shall constitute a quorum.
Duty of Trustees.
It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees:
1. To identify and recommend community charitable projects to Grand Lodge after having referred the same to the Finance Committee for consideration of the financial aspects of each proposal.
2. To promote interest throughout the Grand Jurisdiction in the Masonic Community Charities Fund and devise methods of increasing its support by our Brethren.
3. To report in writing its transactions and all matters incidental thereto to Grand Lodge at its Annual Communication.
Fund kept Separate.
The Fund shall be kept separate from the ordinary funds of Grand Lodge and shall be in the custody of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and the Finance Committee, and such portion of the Fund as shall be available for investment or reinvestment shall be invested by them in such securities of high quality and low risk as they consider prudent and appropriate without being limited to those investments authorized by law for Trustees, save and except that no investments shall be made in mortgage of real estate.
Safekeeping and Purchase of Securities.
The Committee on Finance shall advise and direct the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary as to the safekeeping of the securities of the Fund and as to the purchase, sale, transfer or exchange of such securities.
No purchase, sale, transfer or exchange shall be made except on the written order of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and a member of the Committee on Finance or two of them, one of whom shall be a member of the Committee on Finance.
Use of fund.
The capital together with any income accruing thereon shall be used for the purpose of funding identified and approved community charitable projects of this Grand Lodge to be administered within this jurisdiction.
R37.1. There shall be established a Life Membership Fund commencing the 1st day of January, 1992.
2. A member who is in good standing and has paid his current dues in this jurisdiction shall be eligible to purchase a Life Membership by payment of the following fees set out in subsection 3. [2009/06/19]
3. The minimum fee to be paid for a Life Membership shall be the amount of the current annual dues of the lodge of which the brother is a member multiplied as follows:
a. For a brother aged 26 to 35 years 20 times
b. For a brother aged 36 to 45 years 18 times
c. For a brother aged 46 to 55 years 15 times
d. For a brother aged 56 to 65 years 12 times
e. For a brother aged 66 years /over 10 times
4. The prescribed fee shall be paid to the Lodge of which the Brother is a member which fee shall be forwarded to Grand Lodge to be held, in trust, and invested for the credit of the Lodge in a fund known as the Life Membership Fund. Upon remitting the fee Grand Lodge shall be informed of the full name of the Brother becoming a Life Member.
5. There shall be no administration fees payable to Grand Lodge in connection with the Life Membership Fund.
6. The Fund shall be kept separate from the ordinary funds of Grand Lodge and shall be in the custody of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and the Finance Committee, and such portion of the fund as shall be available for investment or re-investment shall be invested by them in such securities of high quality and low risk as they consider prudent and appropriate without being limited to those investments authorized by law for Trustees, save and except that no investments shall be made in mortgage of real estate.
7. The Committee on Finance shall advise and direct the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary as to the safe-keeping of the securities of the Fund and as to the purchase, sale, transfer or exchange of such securities.
8. No purchase, sale, transfer or exchange shall be made except on the written order of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and a member of the Committee on Finance or two of them, one of whom shall be a member of the Committee on Finance.
9. The income accruing from the Fund shall be remitted to each Lodge according to their pro rata share of the income each year ending December 31st in the following month of March together with a statement showing the net return, the total value of the Fund and the amount held in the Fund to the credit of the Lodge.
10. Life Memberships shall be transferable as follows:
a. In the event of a Lodge surrendering or forfeiting its Charter, a member holding a Life Membership in this fund shall be entitled at any time to direct that his Life Membership and its value in the Life Membership Fund be transferred to such Lodge with which he wishes to affiliate in this Grand Lodge; the value of the Life Membership of those members who do not affiliate along with the value of the Life Membership of those Brethren of that Lodge who have died shall be held in the Life Membership Fund for the benefit of all participating Lodges in the Life Membership Fund on a pro rata basis, or
b. In the event of two or more Lodges amalgamating, all funds of the Lodges concerned shall be credited to the account of the newly-formed Lodge, or
c. In the event of a brother who has a life membership in the fund affiliating with another Lodge in this grand jurisdiction and demitting from the Lodge in which he holds a life membership he shall be entitled to have the value of his interest in the Life Membership Fund transferred to the credit of the Lodge into which he has affiliated providing however:
i. Should the cost of his Life Membership be less than the amount which would be required in the Lodge into which he has affiliated at the time he became a Life Member the Brother shall pay the additional amount to the Lodge into which he has affiliated;
ii. Should such cost be more than the amount which would be required in the Lodge into which he has affiliated at the time he became a life member then the whole of such cost shall be transferred to the credit of the Lodge into which he has affiliated.
d. A brother presently receiving a benefit from his Lodge as being a non-resident member, and purchasing a life membership under such benefit but who subsequently becomes disentitled to such benefit shall be required to pay the difference between the amount he has paid and the amount he would have paid not being a nonresident if he wishes to continue his life membership but should he not wish to continue his life membership he shall be entitled to a return of the amount he paid for such life membership and pay such dues as may be required.
e. Nothing in this section should limit the number of times a Life Member may demit and affiliate.
11. Those Lodges presently administering their own Life Membership Plan may remit such funds in their Life Membership Plan together with the names of those Brethren holding such Life Memberships to Grand Lodge to become part of their participation in the Life Membership Plan.
12. In the event of two or more Lodges amalgamating after the 31st day of December, 1991, of which one or more had provisions in its By-laws providing for a Life Membership Plan it shall be permissible for such
amalgamated Lodge to make provision in its By-laws to extend to the members of such amalgamated Lodge a Life Membership Plan incorporating the benefits which previously existed in the By-laws of such former Lodge or Lodges.
13. The Lodge shall be responsible for issuing dues cards to Life Members annually which shall expire on the 31st December in each year.
R38.1. The following shall be the fees payable to Grand Lodge:
a. For granting a Dispensation for new Lodge ;
b. For granting a Warrant, including a set of Lodge books, seal and stationery ;
c. For Dispensation (funeral and attending Divine Service excepted) ;
d. For a Past Master’s Certificate or replacement Grand Lodge Certificate or warrant ;
e. For every person initiated in a Lodge (to include a member’s manual);
f. For every Brother Passed ;
g. For every Brother Raised (to include a Grand Lodge Certificate and a Book of Constitutions);
h. For every Affiliate (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason.
The fees [2011] shall be presented as an appendix to the Grand Lodge budget annually at the Grand Lodge Communication, and published and provided to each constituent lodge in September of each year. [2004, p. 110]
i. For every member, other than a life member, made prior to June 17, 1982, each lodge shall pay annually such assessment as is determined and recommended to Grand Lodge by the Committee on Finance pursuant to paragraph (8) of section R23 and adopted by Grand Lodge at the time of approving the estimates of probable expenditure, and in the event of the assessment so determined not being adopted at that time, the assessment in effect during the preceding year.
In the event a member has membership in two or more lodges, this assessment shall be payable only once annually, based on the member’s Grand Lodge identity number, and shall be paid by a lodge in which the member is a member in good standing.
j. For every member reinstated pursuant to Section R75, such fees and assessments for that member that would have been payable on his behalf had he not been suspended shall be paid by the lodge.
k. When a Lodge, pursuant to Section R74, suspends a member for non-payment of dues, it shall not be required to pay Grand Lodge assessments for the suspended member for the year in which the suspended member failed to pay his regular dues to the Lodge.
l. For every member, each lodge shall pay annually such assessment as is determined and recommended to Grand Lodge by the Committee on Finance pursuant to paragraph (9) of section R23 and adopted by Grand Lodge at the time of approving the charitable project expenditure requirements of the Community Charities Fund.
In the event a member has membership in two or more lodges, this assessment shall be payable only once annually, based on the member’s Grand Lodge identity number, and shall be paid by a lodge in which the member is a member in good standing.
2. All fees payable to Grand Lodge, save and except those levied under paragraphs i and l of Subsection 1, shall be payable upon receipt of invoice.
R39. Reserved.
R40 Remittance of Dues [change heading 2009]
When any Constituent Lodge shall see fit to remit the annual dues of any Member who is unable to pay same, then the said annual fee shall not be payable to Grand Lodge in respect to that Member; provided that if any dues thus remitted by Constituent Lodges be paid at a future date then the Annual fees payable to Grand Lodge in relation thereto shall be at once due and payable.
R41. Condition precedent to granting.
No Dispensation for a new Lodge shall be granted except upon the petition of at least fifteen Master Masons in good standing. The petition shall be accompanied by a certificate of good standing (or a Demit from a regularly Warranted Lodge of this or some other recognized Jurisdiction) of each of the petitioners, and shall be recommended by the Warranted Lodge nearest to the location of the proposed Lodge, or where two or more Lodges hold concurrent jurisdiction the petitioners shall give written notice of their intention to apply for a Dispensation to each of the said Lodges and shall obtain the recommendation of such Lodge or Lodges as the District Deputy Grand Master of the District in which the proposed new Lodge would be situate shall direct. The petition shall also be accompanied by a certificate that the Brethren selected as Worshipful Master and Wardens of the
proposed Lodge have appeared in open Lodge before such Lodge as the District Deputy Grand Master shall direct, or before him, and exemplified the work of the three Degrees, and that they are competent to confer the same in a proper Masonic manner.
R42. Additional.
In addition to the certificates mentioned in the preceding section, the petition and recom-mendation shall be accompanied by a cert-ificate from the District Deputy Grand Master of the District, or some other duly qualified Brother delegated for the purpose by the Grand Master certifying that the petitioners have complied with the usual requirements, and that in his opinion the best interests of the Craft will be advanced by the establishment of the new Lodge.
R43. Grand Master may grant.
The Grand Master may, on receipt of such petition, recommendation and certificates, or on receipt of such petition and certificates only, if he thinks the circumstances justify such a course, grant a Dispensation to open a new Lodge, and shall duly report the same at the next Annual Communication of Grand Lodge; but a Dispensation shall not be valid after such Communication of Grand Lodge unless approved by it.
R44. By whom organized.
When a Dispensation has been granted to open a new Lodge such intended Lodge shall be regularly organized by the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, District Deputy Grand Master, or some member of Grand Lodge specially appointed by the Grand Master for that purpose.
R45. Membership not forfeited.
Any one joining in a petition for a Dispensation for a new Lodge shall not thereby sever his membership from the Warranted Lodge of which he may be a member.
R46. Standing of members if withdrawn.
If for any reason a Dispensation shall be withdrawn by the Grand Master, or not approved by Grand Lodge, and a Warrant refused, all the members thereof in good standing shall have the status of regularly demitted Freemasons, insofar as their member-ship in the Lodge under dispensation is concerned, and upon the return of all books and records to the Grand Secretary, each of the members of the Lodge, as shown by such books and records shall be entitled to receive from the Grand Secretary, under seal of Grand Lodge, a certificate showing such facts, and such certificate shall have the force and effect of a demit provided that no member shall receive such certificate until he has paid to the Grand Secretary all dues owed by him to such Lodge at the date of its demise.
R47. Returns to be made.
Every Lodge under dispensation shall, not later than the 1st of June, return to the Grand Secretary its letter of Dispensation together with its annual returns and an abstract of the work done. The abstract shall show particularly the following facts:
1. The name and location of the Lodge.
2. The date and time when each Communication was held.
3. The names of the officers, members and visitors present.
4. Whether the Communication was a Regular or an Emergent one, and what Degrees the Lodge conferred.
5. All its proceedings, especially those relating to petitions for Initiation: by whom recommend-ed, fees paid, to whom referred, report thereon, ballot and its result.
R48. Regulations.
The following shall be the regulations for Lodges under dispensation:
1. Officers of Lodges under dispensation shall not be installed.
2. The Dispensation shall be copied in the Lodge records.
3. Lodges under dispensation shall not be required to pay dues to Grand Lodge, but shall pay regular fees for Initiations, Passings, Raisings, and Certificates.
4. The Ancient Landmarks, General Regulations and Constitution of Grand Lodge shall be the guide and laws of government while under dispensation.
5. Lodges under dispensation shall not add to their membership by affiliation.
R49. May petition for Warrant.
With the return of its letter of Dispensation, a Lodge under dispensation may present to Grand Lodge a petition for a Warrant, and thereupon Grand Lodge may order the issue of a warrant to such Lodge and assign it such name and number on the Register, and place it in such District as shall be deemed proper, or may order the continuance of the Dispensation for such further period of time as it may see fit or direct that the Dispensation be discon-tinued, or take such other action as would appear to it to be in the best interests of the Craft.
R50. Who shall constitute.
If a Warrant be granted to a new Lodge, the Grand Master shall in person or by some specially deputed Brother, as soon as convenient, constitute the Lodge.
R51. Shall formulate By-laws.
A new Lodge shall as soon as possible formulate, adopt and transmit for approval, suitable By-laws.
R52. a. Special License Required.
The Grand Master may by a special license and authority in writing, authorize the holding of a general District Lodge of Instruction, Education and Research. The authorization shall name not less than three well skilled Brethren who shall have agreed in writing, to accept responsibility for the proper conduct of such Lodge. The authorization shall give such directions as to the time and place of meeting and other matters as the Grand Master may see fit, and such directions may be varied from time to time.
b. Grand Master may Cancel.
The Grand Master may at any time, withdraw and cancel the special license and authority granted to any general or District Lodge of Instruction, Education and Research, and thereupon all its properties, funds, books and records shall revert to, be vested in and become the property of Grand Lodge.
c Ashlar College
The Grand Master may by a special license, and authority in writing, authorize the operation of The Ashlar College of Free-masonry.
This authorization shall name at least five well skilled brethren, who shall have agreed in writing, to accept the responsibility for the proper conduct of the College. The author-ization shall give such directions as the Grand Master may see fit and such directions may be varied from time to time. [2009]
R53. Sanction or Authority Required.
A Constituent Lodge may give its sanction or authority, in writing, that a Lodge of Instruction may be held under its Warrant. Such sanction shall state the time and place of meeting of the Lodge of Instruction and shall name not less than three well-skilled Brethren who shall have agreed in writing, to accept responsibility for the proper conduct of the Lodge of Instruction. These Brethren and the Lodge giving its sanction shall be answerable for and responsible that the mode of working, and the general conduct of the Lodge of Instruction has been authorized by Grand Lodge. No Lodge shall authorize the holding of a Lodge of Instruction outside of the Jurisdiction of the said Lodge.
R54. Sanction may be withdrawn.
A Constituent Lodge which has given its sanction for a Lodge of Instruction being held under its Warrant, may, at any Regular Communication withdraw that sanction by a resolution of the Lodge to be communicated to the Lodge of Instruction, provided that notice of the intention to withdraw the sanction shall be inserted in the notice for the Commun-ication and provided further that the Grand Master may at any time withdraw and cancel the sanction given by the Lodge to hold such Lodge of Instruction.
Disposition of Property.
When the sanction shall have been withdrawn or cancelled, as aforesaid, all the properties, funds, books and records of the Lodge of Instruction shall revert to and be vested in and become the property of the Lodge which granted the sanction.
R55. Notice to Grand Secretary.
Notice of the times and places of meeting of all Lodges of Instruction, and of Education and Research shall be given to the Grand Secretary.
R56. Shall keep Minutes.
All Lodges of Instruction, and of Education and Research shall keep complete minutes of their proceedings and such minutes shall be produced when called for by the Grand Master or the Lodge granting its sanction.
R57. Authorize holding of Lodge.
1. The Grand Master may by a special license and authority in writing authorize the holding in any area within the jurisdiction of Grand Lodge a Funeral Lodge for the sole purpose of arranging and conducting Masonic funeral services for duly entitled deceased sojourning Freemasons for whom a proper request has been received for such service.
2. The said license and authority shall name not less than seven Brethren who shall have agreed in writing to accept responsibility for the proper conduct of such Funeral Lodge, and shall set forth the rules and regulations for its conduct.
Power to cancel License.
3. The Grand Master shall at any time have power to withdraw and cancel the special license and authority granted to any Funeral Lodge, and thereupon all its properties, funds, books and records shall revert to, be vested in, and become the property of Grand Lodge.
R58. Shall have Warrant.
Every Lodge under this Jurisdiction shall be held by virtue of a warrant from Grand Lodge, or a Dispensation duly issued, and a War-ranted Lodge shall not proceed to work until it shall have been regularly constituted and its officers installed.
R59. Who composed of.
Warranted Lodges shall be composed of those Members named in the Warrant or Charter and such as shall be admitted by regular affiliation or shall be raised to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason.
R60. Precedence of.
The precedence of Warranted Lodges shall be determined from the number of their Warrants as recorded in the books of Grand Lodge.
R61. Representatives in Grand Lodge.
It shall be the duty of each Warranted Lodge to be represented in Grand Lodge by its Worshipful Master and Wardens, or their duly elected proxies.
Right to Instruct.
The majority of the members of a Constituent Lodge when convened shall have the right to give instructions to the Worshipful Master and Wardens, or proxies, before the Commun-ication of Grand Lodge.
R62. To have Seal.
Every Constituent Lodge shall have a seal, to be affixed to all documents proper to be issued. An impression of the seal shall be sent to the Grand Secretary, and whenever changed an impression of the new seal shall in like manner be submitted.
R63: Who can ballot.
None but Master Masons in good standing, members of the lodge, shall ballot or vote upon any subject. [2009/06/19]
R64. Voting how Conducted.
1. All voting in a Constituent Lodge shall be by a show of hands, except in cases when the Book of Constitution and Regulations requires a ballot.
Worshipful Master may Direct.
2. The Worshipful Master may direct that a ballot be taken upon any question to be decided by the Lodge if in his judgment the question is of sufficient importance or is one upon which a substantial difference of opinion exists among the members.
R65. Honorary Members.
A brother who, being in good standing, may have rendered service to the Craft in general, or to any particular Lodge, may by a vote of the Lodge be elected an Honorary Member. Notice of the proposal to elect a brother an Honorary Member shall be given at one Regular Communication and placed on the notice for the next.
If he is already a member of the Lodge, a two-thirds majority vote in favour of the resolution shall be sufficient, but if he is not already a member of the Lodge, he shall be declared elected unless at least three negative votes are cast, in both cases to be expressed by ballot. The Lodge shall include Honorary Members in its returns to Grand Lodge and pay to Grand Lodge similar dues on behalf of such Honorary Members as are payable for regular members.
By mutual consent of the affected Brother and the Lodge, an Honourary Membership may be terminated.
R66. Voting Rights.
Honorary Membership shall not confer the right of voting unless such right shall be included in the resolution conferring Honorary Membership or unless such right shall be conferred by a subsequent resolution of the Lodge passed under similar provisions to those required for the original resolution conferring Honorary Membership.
R67. Any Constituent Lodge may undertake the full or partial sponsorship of an amateur athletic sports team for minor children provided that one of the stated aims of the team, or the league of which it is a member, is the promotion of sportsmanship among minor children.
R67a. A Constituent Lodge may undertake the full or partial sponsorship of a Bethel of the International Order of Job’s Daughters and/or a Chapter of the order of DeMolay of Canada.
R68. Defined.
The jurisdiction of each Lodge shall extend halfway in every direction to the nearest Lodge, provided that in a city, town, or municipal District where there are two or more 33
Lodges, each Lodge shall have concurrent jurisdiction; provided further that such Lodges as now have concurrent jurisdiction with other Lodges shall continue to hold such concurrent jurisdiction until otherwise fixed and determined by Grand Lodge and provided also that Grand Lodge may from time to time, on the recommendation of its standing committee on Warranted Lodges and Lodges under dispensation, fix and determine the jurisdiction, concurrent or otherwise, of each of the Constituent Lodges.
R69. Reserved. [2010]
R70. Over Members.
The jurisdiction of a Lodge shall include all its own members, wherever residing, and all Freemasons residing nearer to its place of meeting than to that of any other Lodge within this Jurisdiction, except where more than one Lodge exists. In which case, each of such Lodges shall have separate jurisdiction over all its members and concurrent jurisdiction over all Freemasons not members of such Lodges who reside in such town or city, or nearer thereto than to any other place where a Lodge exists.
R71. Power of framing By-laws.
Every Constituent Lodge shall have the power of framing by-laws for its own government provided they are not contrary to nor inconsistent with the Constitution and Regulations of Grand Lodge. Such by-laws or any amendments thereto, shall be submitted for the approval of the Grand Master, and when approved a fair copy shall be sent to the Grand Secretary; and no by-law or amendment shall be valid until so submitted and approved. Everyone, upon becoming a member of any Lodge, shall sign the by-laws thereof, and every member shall, at all reasonable times, have access to such by-laws, which shall be published for the use of the Lodge and delivered to the Members. All clauses in the By-laws of Constituent Lodges conflicting with the Book of Constitutions and Regulations of Grand Lodge shall be and are hereby repealed. [2010]
R72. Fees and Dues to be Charged.
The By-laws of any new Lodge warranted in a city, village or municipality, where there is already a Lodge or Lodges, shall not be approved by the Grand Master unless the fees and dues are the same as or higher than the lowest fixed by any existing Warranted Lodge in the said city, village or municipality, nor shall the Grand Master approve of an amendment to the By-laws of any Constituent Lodge whereby the said fees or dues are made lower than that of the lowest already fixed by such Lodge or Lodges.
R73. May suspend for non-payment of dues (NPD)
Every Constituent Lodge shall have the power to:
1. suspend from the privileges of the Lodge any member thereof for non-payment of dues;
2. remit the dues of any member.
R74. Must be Notified.
In case any member shall have refused or neglected to pay his regular dues for a period of three months, the Secretary or the Chairman of the Lodge Membership Committee, if one is appointed, shall at once notify him by personal contact, telephone or letter to his last known place of residence that either at or before the next Regular Communication his dues be paid, or it be shown that his failure to pay is due to sickness or any other misfortune, his failure to pay such dues will be laid before the Lodge. The Lodge shall then grant him further time for payment, or it shall remit his dues, or he shall, on a two-thirds vote of the members present, be declared by the Worshipful Master to be suspended from all rights and privileges of the Lodge.
R75.a Reinstatement.
When any Brother suspended for non-payment of dues who is in good standing in all other respects, desires reinstatement to the rights and privileges of Freemasonry, he shall make application in writing for such reinstatement to the Lodge which suspended him together with payment in full of all outstanding dues owing at time of such suspension, including those of the then current year. If the application and payment are received by the Secretary within thirty days of the suspension, the member shall be reinstated forthwith. If the application and payment are received by the Secretary after thirty days from the date of the suspension, the Worshipful Master shall direct that a Committee of Investigation of three members of the Lodge make examination as to the moral, mental and other proper qualifications of the Brother seeking reinstatement and report thereon to the Lodge. Notice of such application for reinstatement shall be sent to all members of the Lodge in the Notice of the Regular Communication where, following presentation of the above report, it shall require a favourable vote by ballot of at least two-thirds of the members present.
b. If the lodge that suspended a brother for non-payment of dues has ceased to exist, the brother may petition the Grand Master who, upon receipt of any outstanding dues and a satisfactory report of an investigating committee struck for this purpose, may reinstate the brother and cause a demit to be issued by the Grand Secretary. The reinstated brother shall resume the status of a non-affiliated brother. Any decision of the Grand Master under this section shall be final and binding.
R76. When a brother has applied for reinstatement to the Lodge which suspended him, and his application has been rejected and the decision of the Lodge which suspended him has been sustained on appeal to Grand Lodge, no further application for reinstatement shall be received from him for the period of five years next ensuing.
R77. Suspension or reinstatement must be recorded.
The name of every Member suspended, together with the reason for his suspension, shall be recorded in the Minutes of the Regular Communication at which such suspension took place, and a similar course shall be followed when any Brother is reinstated or restored to Masonic rights and privileges.
R78. When deprived of privileges.
When a Freemason is suspended for non-payment of dues in this or any other Jurisdiction recognized by Grand Lodge, he shall be deprived, during suspension, of all the privileges of Freemasonry in this Jurisdiction.
R79. Expulsion for conviction of Major Offenses.
1. A member who has been convicted of murder, treason and other major criminal offenses involving moral turpitude shall be expelled from the Lodge upon the Grand Secretary receiving a certified copy of the conviction order and being satisfied that the conviction is one which ought properly to be dealt with under this section and that the time for appeal has expired and that no appeal from conviction has been taken. Upon the order of the Grand Secretary the member’s Lodge shall forthwith expel him and enter the conviction order in the minutes of the Lodge and endeavour to return his Grand Lodge certificate to the Grand Secretary for cancellation.
May Resign.
2. A member who has been charged with any offence described in Subsection (1) may resign from the Craft by letter delivered to the Grand Secretary and such resignation shall have the same effect as expulsion and shall be effective on the date of receipt by the Grand Secretary of the letter of resignation. The letter must be accompanied by his Grand Lodge certificate which shall thereupon be cancelled.
No demit unless by Grand Master.
3. No member charged, or about to be charged, with an offence described in Subsection (1) shall be granted a demit without the written leave of the Grand Master previously obtained.
R80. Laying of Charge.
1. A charge that any member is guilty of unmasonic, immoral or infamous conduct may be laid by any Lodge or member thereof or the Grand Master may direct the laying of a charge against any Mason within the jurisdiction of Grand Lodge.
2. The charge shall be made in writing signed by the accuser and shall state the name, Lodge affiliation and place of residence of the accused together with particulars of the alleged offence including the time and place of its commission.
3. The charge shall be filed by the accuser with the Grand Secretary and the accuser shall thereafter consult with the Grand Secretary or other Grand Lodge officer appointed for that purpose by the Grand Master with a view to eliminating any frivolous or vexatious charges. If after such consultation the accuser wishes the charge to proceed, the Grand Secretary shall forthwith forward a copy of the charge to the Secretary of the Lodge of which the accused is a member and to the Chairman of the Trial Commission.
R81. Procedure.
1. Upon receipt of a Notice of Appeal pursuant to Section R79 or a charge pursuant to Section R80, the Chairman of the Trial Commission shall appoint the time and place of Trial and shall cause the accused to be served with a true copy of the charge and particulars if any, and notice stating the time and place appointed for the Trial thereof. In the absence of good reason to the contrary, the Trial shall be held in the vicinity of the Lodge of which the accused is a member.
2.a. The Grand Master shall appoint a competent Master Mason to conduct the prosecution of the charge, gather and present the evidence and witnesses.
b. The accused may choose Counsel for his assistance but none but Master Masons shall appear as such.
3. It shall be the duty of the Trial Commission to formulate hearing rules and to ensure:
a. That the rules respecting Masonic Trials are adhered to;
b. That the accused has reasonable notice of the Trial date and the opportunity to prepare and present his Defence;
c. That the trial is brought to a close as expeditiously as reasonable.
4.a. If the accused pleads guilty, such plea shall be accepted as evidence proving the offence and shall render the taking of further proof unnecessary;
b. Should the accused not attend at the time and place of Trial after notice has been served on him, the Trial Commission shall proceed in his absence and conduct proceedings to a final conclusion;
c. in the absence of the accused, the Trial Commission shall appoint a Master Mason who in their opinion is competent to act for him as his Counsel or representative. The absence of the accused shall not be deemed to be an admission of the offence charged.
The Chairman of the Trial Commission shall decide all questions as to the relevance of testimony or argument and as to the regularity of the proceedings. He shall be guided in his decisions by the rules respecting evidence in Courts of Law, with full power to abrogate any of these rules as to quality, form or time in the interest of equity and justice between the accuser and the accused. Decisions of the Chairman shall be entered upon the record of the Trial.
R82. No travelling Certificates.
No Constituent Lodge or member of such Lodge shall, under any circumstances, give a certificate or recommendation to enable a member of the Craft to proceed from Lodge to Lodge as a pauper, or in an itinerant manner to apply to Lodges or members thereof for relief.
R83. Use of Dedicated Room.
No Lodge room once dedicated to Freemasonry shall, while it continues to be used for Masonic purposes, be used for any other purpose.
R84. Cannot Adjourn.
No Constituent Lodge shall have the power of adjourning from day to day. [2010]
R85. Cannot suspend By-laws.
No Constituent Lodge shall suspend its By-laws or any part of them, except that part relating to the Order of Business.
R86. Cannot Incorporate.
No Constituent Lodge in this Jurisdiction shall become incorporated.
R87. Limit to Degrees Conferred.
No Constituent Lodge shall confer Degrees upon more than five candidates at any one Communication, and no further Communication for the purpose of conferring Degrees shall be held until two days shall have elapsed since conferring Degrees except under Dispensation of the Grand Master.
R88. Fee for Degrees.
No Constituent Lodge shall confer the three Degrees for a fee less than one hundred and fifty dollars.
R89. Place and time of meeting.
The place, day and hour of Regular Communications of the Lodge shall be specified in its By-laws.
R90. Regular Communication.
The Regular Communication of a Lodge shall be the only meeting in each month at which business may be done, with the exceptions specified in the Constitutions. It shall be designated as such in the By-laws of each Lodge, and no Emergent Communication shall be considered as part of such Regular Communication except as heretofore provided.
R91. Provisions for installation on St. John’s Day.
For the purpose of Installation of Officers, St. John the Baptist’s Day, or St. John the Evangelist’s Day shall be considered a Regular Communication when so provided in the By-laws of Lodges, but no other business than that connected with the confirmation of the election and installation of officers and reading and passing annual reports shall be entered upon.
R92. Emergent Communication may be called.
An Emergent Communication may at any time be called on the authority of the Worshipful Master, or in his absence, of the Senior Warden, or in their absence, of the Junior Warden, but not without such authority. The business to be transacted at such Emergent Communication shall be expressed in the notice and recorded in the minutes and no other business shall be transacted thereat. 36
R93. Business in any Degree.
All the business of the Lodge, except the conferring of degrees, shall be in any degree deemed suitable by the Worshipful Master.
R94. Quorum.
At all Communications of a Constituent Lodge, whether Regular or Emergent, seven Master Masons shall form a quorum, and no business shall be transacted at any Communication unless at least five members of the Lodge shall be present, one of whom shall be the Worshipful Master or one of the Wardens.
R95. Time necessary for Notices.
1. Five days’ notice, at least, shall be given of all Lodge Communications except in case of funerals.
2. Notices may be distributed by fax or email where the recipient has the electronic means to receive them.
R96. Grand Lodge Officers to Receive Notices.
Notice of all Regular and Emergent Communications shall be sent to the Grand Master, Grand Secretary and the District Deputy Grand Master of the District.
R97. Official Visits of Grand Master.
Notwithstanding anything else contained in these Constitutions or Regulations or the Book of Ceremonies, the Grand Master may direct the District Deputy Grand Master of any District to summon any two or more of the constituent Lodges in his District to attend at a Communication of one of them, hereinafter called ‘the host Lodge’, at a time and place fixed by the Grand Master, for the purpose of receiving his advice and instruction, and in such event the following rules shall apply:
1. The Communication of the host Lodge shall be convened and opened as a regular or emergent Communication thereof in accordance with its By-laws and this Book of Constitution and Regulations.
2. The other Lodges summoned to attend need not convene a regular or emergent Communication or open Lodge, but the officers and members will be summoned to attend at the time and place appointed for the Communication of the host Lodge in accordance with Section R95 of these Regulations. [2009/06/19]
3. Prior to the arrival of the Grand Master, the Worshipful Master of the host Lodge shall turn the chair and gavel of authority over to the District Deputy Grand Master and invite him to preside and receive the Grand Master on behalf of the Lodge.
4. Upon arrival of the Grand Master, he will be greeted and the business of the Communication will proceed and the officers of Grand Lodge placed in accordance with the provisions set out in this Book of Constitution and Regulations and the Book of Ceremonies except that:
a. The District Deputy Grand Master will meet and receive the Grand Master at the altar, resign the gavel to him, escort him to the East, and
b. If the Deputy Grand Master is present, he will be placed at the right, and the District Deputy Grand Master at the left of the Grand Master. The Worshipful Master will be placed to the right of Deputy Grand Master. If the Deputy Grand Master is not present, the District Deputy Grand Master will be placed at the right, and the Worshipful Master at the left, of the Grand Master.
c. When the Grand Master announces his intention to retire, he will resign the gavel to the Worshipful Master of the host Lodge and the District Deputy Grand Master will retire with the Grand Master and his suite.
5. Unless otherwise directed by the Grand Master, the procedure by which the officers and members of the Lodges other than the host Lodge will meet and pay their respects to the Grand Master and the part they will take in the Communication will be as determined prior thereto by the District Deputy Grand Master.
6. The expenses incurred by the host Lodge in respect of the Communication, as approved in advance thereof by the Junior Wardens of the other Lodges, shall be shared among all the Lodges summoned, including the host Lodge, in proportion to their membership.
R98. Necessary Officers.
The officers of a Constituent lodge shall be the Worshipful Master, the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden, the Immediate Past Master, the Treasurer, the Secretary, two Deacons, two Stewards, an Inner Guard and a Tyler and such other officers as the Lodge may by By-law deem necessary for the proper working of the Lodge. They shall hold office until their successors shall have been elected or appointed and installed.
R99. Which to be Elected.
The Worshipful Master, Wardens and 37
Treasurer shall be elected annually by ballot, and a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to elect. Where there is but one member nominated for an elected office, the rule requiring a ballot shall be suspended and the officer declared elected by acclamation. The remainder of the officers shall be appointed by the Worshipful Master, or elected, as the By-laws of the Lodge may direct. [2008]
R100. Failure to Elect.
If at the time prescribed. by the By-laws, a Lodge shall fail to elect its Worshipful Master and other elective officers or any of them, it shall forthwith lay the matter before the Grand Master, who may grant a Dispensation to hold an election and installation as soon thereafter as may be practicable. Such Dispensation shall be entered upon the records of the Lodge.
R101. When may assume Worshipful Master’s chair.
No Worshipful Master-elect shall assume the Worshipful Master’s chair until he shall have been regularly installed, and no Brother who is not an Installed Master shall be seated in the Worshipful Master’s chair.
R102. Installation of Officers.
Other Officers of the Lodge shall not be installed until the Worshipful Master shall have been installed.
R103. Election to be confirmed.
It shall be necessary previous to the installation of elective officers, that their election be confirmed; after which the usual ceremonies of installation shall be performed. Should the election of the Worshipful Master not be confirmed, then a notice shall be issued for the following Regular Communication of the Lodge, setting forth that the members are again to proceed to elect the officers, and if confirmation of that election of the Worshipful Master shall be made, at the following Regular Communication of the Lodge the installation of the officers-elect shall follow.
R104. Time of Installation.
Officers of a Lodge shall be installed at the next Regular Communication following the election, or on such other date as may be prescribed by the By-laws of the Lodge. The secrets, however, of an Installed Master shall be communicated by a Board of Installed Masters, at which ceremony only Worshipful Masters or Past Masters shall be present.
R105. Officers to be Installed in person.
Officers shall be installed in person, and no installation of an officer by proxy shall be permitted. If the officer elected or appointed be not present, he shall be installed at the next Regular Communication of the Lodge at which he is present; and if any officer shall neglect or refuse to attend for installation for two Regular Communications after his election or appointment, the Lodge may, by a majority vote, declare his election or appointment void and revoked and another member shall be elected or appointed in his stead, who shall be installed into office in due form.
R106. Officers cannot resign or demit.
No officer of a Lodge shall demit or resign his office during the term for which he was installed and every installed officer shall hold his office until his successor shall have been elected or appointed and installed, unless his office shall become vacant as provided herein, provided that an officer may resign his office for reasons of health.
R107. Vacancy.
A vacancy in office in a Lodge shall occur:
1. By death,
2. By deprivation of office,
3. By removal from the Jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge,
4. By suspension or expulsion.
5. By resignation for reasons of health.
R108. Officer other than Worshipful Master may be removed.
Any officer of a Constituent Lodge, except the Worshipful Master, may be removed from office for a cause which appears to the Lodge to be sufficient. If the Worshipful Master be dissatisfied with the conduct of any of his officers, he may lay the cause of complaint before the Lodge, and if it shall appear to a majority of the Members present that the complaint is well founded, he shall have power to displace such officer. In either case another must be elected or appointed to such office.
R109. How Filled.
In the event of a vacancy occurring in any office in a Constituent Lodge, unless other provision is made herein, the Worshipful Master may appoint a brother to fill the office for the unexpired term.
R110. Eligibility.
No member shall be eligible for the office of Worshipful Master, except by dispensation of the Grand Master, unless he has filled the office of Warden for a full year or is a Past Master.
R111. Powers.
The Worshipful Master shall have power to summon his Lodge, or any officer, or member, for cause, whenever he may deem it proper to do so.
R112. Custodian of Warrant.
The Worshipful Master shall be the custodian of the Warrant of the Lodge. and shall be responsible to Grand Lodge for the proper administration of the privileges it contains, as well as the strict observance of the Ancient Landmarks, Laws, Regulations and By-laws of such Lodge.
R113. Responsibility.
The Worshipful Master shall be responsible that a book or books be kept in which the Secretary shall enter the names, in full, of the members of the Lodge, and of all persons initiated or admitted therein, with the date of their proposal, initiation, passing, raising and affiliation with other details of their Masonic career and also their ages as nearly as possible at that time, and their addresses, titles, professions, or trades, together with such transactions of the Lodge as are proper to be written.
R114. Instruction and Examination.
It shall be the duty of the Worshipful Master to see that every member who is raised to the Degree of Master Mason is properly instructed therein and passes an examination in open Lodge.
R115. To see all moneys are accounted for.
The Worshipful Master shall see that all money received or paid on account of the Lodge is entered in proper books by the Secretary and Treasurer and also that the accounts of the Lodge shall undergo a financial review at least once a year by a financial review committee elected or appointed by the Lodge. [2010]
R116. No appeal from Worshipful Master by Lodge.
No appeal shall lie to a Constituent Lodge from the decision of its Worshipful Master. His decision shall be reviewed only by Grand Lodge. Such appeal shall only be taken by the person, or persons against whom the decision was given, and not by any other member of the Lodge.
R117. May obtain Past Master’s Certificates.
Every Worshipful Master who has served a full term as such in this Jurisdiction shall be entitled to obtain from the Grand Secretary a Past Master’s Certificate on payment of the prescribed fee therefore, upon request being made through the Secretary of his Lodge.
R118. Duties.
If the Worshipful Master die, be removed, or be absent from his Jurisdiction, or be incapable of discharging the duties of his office, the Senior Warden and in his absence the Junior Warden shall succeed to and be charged with all the powers and duties of the Worshipful Master, but shall not assume the Worshipful Master’s chair.
R119. Privileges.
A Past Master of any regular recognised Lodge may be invited by the Worshipful Master to officiate as Worshipful Master, and may confer Degrees or perform any other ceremony.
R120. Shall Attend Summons.
The Worshipful Master or Wardens of any Lodge, when summoned to do so, shall attend the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, the District Deputy Grand Master, the Grand Lodge, or the Committee or person authorized by Grand Lodge; and shall produce, if required, the Warrant, minutes and books of the Lodge.
R121. When Past Master may act as Worshipful Master.
If the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden and Junior Warden are absent on attendance at a Communication of Grand Lodge, then the immediate Past Master, or in his absence any other Past Master of the Lodge may, if requested by the Worshipful Master, act as Worshipful Master during the absence as aforesaid.
R122. Duties.
The Secretary of a Constituent Lodge shall as soon as the information is available or at such stated periods as the Grand Secretary may require send notice to the Grand Secretary of the following matters, giving all necessary particulars, including, where applicable, full names, addresses and occupations of the parties concerned, namely:
1. All Regular and Emergent Communications.
2. Petitions for the Degrees and for affiliation.
3. Results of the ballots, or other action on petitions.
4. Demits granted.
5. Applications for waiver of jurisdiction.
6. Results of applications for waiver of jurisdiction.
7. Suspensions for non-payment of dues.
8. Suspensions, or recommendations for expulsions, for unmasonic conduct.
9. Restorations to rights and privileges.
10. Refusals to grant reinstatement.
11. Entered Apprentices or Fellow Crafts dropped from the Roll.
12. Dual or plural memberships.
13. Deaths of members.
14. Church services attended by the Lodge in Masonic clothing.
15. Monies received for special Grand Lodge funds.
16. Loss of property through fire or theft.
17. Information with regard to imposters or clandestines.
18. Installation of new officers.
19. List and amount of relief granted.
R123. Duties.
The other officers of the Lodge shall perform such duties as are detailed in the By-laws of the Lodge or as are contained in the instructions specified at their installation.
R124. The jewels of the officers of the Constituent Lodges in this Jurisdiction shall be of silver, and may be described as follows:
Past Masters – The Square, and the diagram of the 47th problem of Euclid engraved on a silver plate pendant within it.
Worshipful Master – The Square.
Senior Warden – The Level.
Junior Warden – The Plumb.
Treasurer – The Key.
Secretary – Crossed Pens.
Historian – A Scroll.
Senior Deacon – A Dove or Mallet.
Junior Deacon – A Dove or Trowel.
Director of Ceremonies – Crossed Rods.
Director of Masonic Education – A Lamp of Learning.
Stewards – A Cornucopia.
Inner Guard – Swords.
Chaplain – A Book on a Triangle.
Organist – A Lyre.
Tyler – A Sword.
R125. Lodge Property.
The jewels, furniture, properties and funds of every Lodge shall belong to and shall be the property of the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Members of such Lodge while lawfully holding its Warrant or Dispensation.
R126. When Revert to Grand Lodge.
When any Constituent Lodge shall surrender or forfeit its Warrant or Dispensation or shall otherwise cease to exist, all its properties, funds, books and records shall revert to, be vested in, and become the property of Grand Lodge.
R127. Collars.
The Officers of Constituent Lodges shall wear collars of light blue ribbon, four inches broad; if silver braid is used it shall be placed over the blue. Worshipful Masters of Lodges and Immediate Past Masters may wear silver chains in lieu of broad collars. The Worshipful Masters, when visiting Constituent Lodges, may wear their collars, but no gauntlets. [2008/06/20]
R128. Gauntlets.
The gauntlets of the officers of Lodges shall be of light blue, nine inches in depth, having embroidered thereon in silver a double circle, between the lines of which is embroidered the name and number of the Lodge, and within which is embroidered, also in silver, the jewel of the office.
R129. Entered Apprentice Aprons.
Entered Apprentices shall wear aprons of plain white lambskin, from fourteen to sixteen inches wide and from twelve to fourteen inches deep; square at the bottom and with a triangular fall; without ornaments.
R130. Fellow Craft Aprons.
Fellow Crafts shall wear aprons the same as those of the Entered Apprentices, with the addition only and if the Lodge so desires, of a sky blue rosette in each of the bottom corners.
R131. Master Mason Aprons.
a. Master Masons shall wear aprons of white lambskin similar in size to those of the Entered Apprentices, lined with sky blue and edged with sky blue ribbon not more than two inches in width, the addition only of a sky blue rosette on the fall and in each of the bottom corners, and silver tassels. An emblem of the Lodge as approved by the Grand Master may be added.
b. Wardens of a lodge may wear aprons the same as those of the Master Mason with the addition of an emblem of their office. [2010]
R132. Aprons of Past Masters and Worshipful Masters.
Past Masters and Worshipful Masters of Lodges shall wear aprons the same as those of the Master Masons, except that in place of the rosettes, they shall have three sets of two right angles, formed by perpendicular lines upon
horizontal lines, the length of the horizontal lines shall be two inches and a half each and of the perpendicular lines one inch each; these emblems shall be of silver or of ribbon half an inch broad, and if of ribbon of the same colour as the edging and lining. Silver braid, or silver braid and fringe, together with an emblem of the lodge as approved by the Grand Master, may be added.
R133.a Exceptions.
Ashlar Lodge No. 3 shall be permitted to wear collars of royal blue and aprons trimmed with the same colour, but in other respects they shall conform with the requirements above stated.
R133b Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections R129, R130, R131 and R132, affiliated members may wear the regalia of the jurisdiction from which they have come, except while holding office when the provisions of Sections R127 and R128 shall apply, provided that the collar of office referred to in Section R127 may be worn either instead of, or over the collar of the Jurisdiction from which they have come.
R134. Qualifications:
No person shall be eligible for membership in a Constituent Lodge who cannot read and write in the English language.
No Constituent Lodge shall receive a petition for the Degrees of Freemasonry unless the petitioner shall have been a resident of the Jurisdiction of Grand Lodge during the six consecutive months next preceding the date of his petition, and within the Jurisdiction of the Lodge, during the six consecutive months next preceding the date of his petition, provided that upon good cause being shown the Grand Master may grant a Dispensation shortening such times of residence. [2009]
Age, Etc.
A candidate at the time of his application shall be of the full age of 21 years, free born and capable of supporting himself and those dependent upon him.
R135. Time to elapse for Rejected Petitioner.
A Constituent Lodge shall not receive a petition for the Degrees of Freemasonry from any person who within the twelve months next proceeding shall have been rejected by any Lodge, unless by Dispensation from the Grand Master.
R136. Form of Petition.
A petition for the Degrees shall be made in the prescribed form, signed by the petitioner, and recommended by at least two members of the Lodge to which application is made.
R137. Qualification.
A candidate is eligible for the degrees of Freemasonry notwithstanding any physical defect if he is, in the opinion of the Grand Master, having considered all the relevant circumstances, capable of learning the Masonic art and is able to understand the secrets and mysteries of the Craft and to explain or exemplify them when properly called upon. Should there be any doubt whatever as to the physical or other qualifications of any candidate, application shall be made to the Grand Master for his ruling.
R138. Waiver of Jurisdiction.
Except where Grand Lodge has established concurrent jurisdiction no Constituent Lodge shall accept a petition for the degrees if the petitioner resides in the jurisdiction of another lodge of this Grand Jurisdiction without the consent of such lodge to waive its jurisdiction. The name of and other particulars concerning the person on whose behalf waiver of jurisdiction is requested shall be placed on the notice calling the Regular Communication at which the vote for waiver of jurisdiction is to be taken. The vote shall be by written ballot and it shall require to be favoured by at least two-thirds of the members present at such Communication.
R139.1 Procedure on Petition.
No constituent lodge shall ballot on any petition for initiation, reinstatement or affiliation, except by dispensation from the Grand Master, until information has been received from the Grand Secretary that the applicant is clear on the current records of this Grand Lodge. [2012]
R139.2 No Constituent Lodge shall ballot on any petition for the Degrees except by Dispensation from the Grand Master, until notice of the full name, age, profession or occupation and place of abode of the applicant shall have been sent to all the members of the Lodge in the notice for a Regular Communication of the Lodge, nor until the petition and the declaration of each sponsor of the candidate received at a Regular Communication shall have been referred to a committee of three members of the Lodge whose duty it shall be to make strict examination into the moral, mental, physical and other proper qualifications of the applicant and who shall report thereon at the first
Regular Communication held following a lapse of at least four weeks from the Regular Communication at which his application was received, unless further time be granted. Nor shall a petition be withdrawn after reference to a committee except as hereinafter provided in this Section. If the report of the committee or any member thereof be unfavourable, no ballot shall be taken, but the Worshipful Master shall, upon the reception of such report, declare the applicant rejected. If the report be favourable, the applicant shall be balloted for, and it shall require two black balls/black cubes to reject a candidate. [1989] If two black balls/black cubes appear in the ballot box the Worshipful Master, without declaring the result, shall at once order a second ballot for the purpose of correcting a possible mistake, which ballot shall be final. After one ballot has been had, no discussion shall be permitted in the Lodge before the second ballot is taken, nor shall the second ballot be postponed until another Communication of the Lodge. If the committee shall find the applicant disqualified in consequence of insufficient residence or physical disability, and shall find no other objection to him, they shall make report thereon; in which case the Worshipful Master may direct the withdrawal of the petition without further action, and such direction shall be entered upon the minutes.
R140. Petitioners from Her Majesty’s Forces.
In the case of applicants who are members of Her Majesty’s Naval, Military or Air Force and who by reason of their service are unable to satisfy the usual residential qualifications, a petition may be received provided that the applicant shall have resided within the jurisdiction of Grand Lodge, and of the Lodge to which he presents his petition, during the three consecutive months next preceding the date of his petition. The petition shall in addition to all other usual requirements state the facts bringing the applicant under this section and such petition shall thereafter take the usual course provided for applicants, provided also that upon good cause being shown in respect of petitions under this section the Grand Master may grant a Dispensation shortening the times of residence, and the times for the other proceedings in connection with the petition and permitting Emergent Communications of the Lodge to be called empowered to deal with the petition and to confer the Degrees.
R141. Time Limit after Election.
In the event of an applicant elected to receive the Degrees not presenting himself for initiation within six months, after receiving notice so to do, sent to the address stated in the applicant’s petition, a second petition and ballot shall be required.
R142. Objection to Petitioner or Candidate.
No Constituent Lodge shall have more than one ballot for the three Degrees, but though an applicant may be elected to receive them, if at any time before his initiation objection shall be made by any one member, such objection shall have the same force and effect as two black balls. If, after his initiation, but before being passed, or after passing but before being raised, objection to his advancement shall be made by any member, such objection shall be referred to a committee of three members of the Lodge with power to enquire into the cause thereof, who shall, at the next Regular Communication, unless further time shall be granted, report thereon. Upon the reception of such report, if no cause for the objection has been assigned, or if the cause shall be, in the opinion of two-thirds of the members present, not a valid and masonic one, the Worshipful Master may proceed to confer the remaining Degree or Degrees in the same manner as if no objection has been made. If the cause assigned for the objection shall be deemed sufficient, charges shall be laid against the brother for unmasonic conduct and he shall be tried thereon.
R143. Application for Affiliation.
Anyone seeking admission to a Constituent Lodge in this Jurisdiction by affiliation shall apply by petition in the prescribed form, and shall be recommended by at least two members of the Lodge to which he seeks admission. He shall submit to the Secretary proof of his good standing in Freemasonry, or if he is not a subscribing member of any Lodge, his demit from the Lodge of which he was last a member. He shall also declare that he is not currently suspended from any recognized Lodge. [2006] His full name, age, profession or occupation and place of abode, as well as the name, number and location of the Lodge of which he is or was last a member shall be placed on the notice of the next Regular Communication of the Lodge. The petition shall be referred to a committee of three members of the Lodge whose duty it shall be to make strict examination into his moral, mental and other qualifications and to report at the first Regular Communication held following a lapse of at least four weeks from the Regular Communication at which his application was received, unless further time
be granted. If three members of the Committee shall report unfavourably the applicant shall be declared rejected, but otherwise the Lodge shall proceed to ballot, and three black balls shall be required to reject the applicant. [2006]
R144. Advancement of Candidates.
1 No Constituent Lodge shall confer the Entered Apprentice Degree on a candidate before at least two weeks shall have elapsed since his election by ballot and until his full name, age, profession or occupation and place of abode shall have appeared on the notice calling the Communication at which it is proposed to confer the Degree, provided that upon good cause being shown, the Grand Master may grant a Dispensation shortening or eliminating the period of waiting.
2 No Constituent Lodge shall advance an Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft to a higher Degree before at least two weeks shall have elapsed since the conferring on him of the previous degree, and until his name shall have appeared on the notice calling the Communication at which it is proposed to confer the degree, nor until after an examination in open Lodge (which shall, in the discretion of the Worshipful Master, be conducted in the short form approved by Grand Lodge), in which he shall have given satisfactory evidence that he is proficient and well-qualified in the degree or degrees which he has already taken, and no Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft shall be advanced to a higher degree in any Lodge other than that in which he shall have received those or either of those Degrees, unless at the request of such Lodge if it shall then be in existence or unless he shall have demitted from a Lodge in some Jurisdiction recognized by this Grand Lodge; or unless the Lodge which conferred upon him the Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft Degree, or both of them shall have become extinct, in which case he may make application to any Lodge in the Jurisdiction but his advancement shall not take place without the approval of the Grand Master.
In the event of an Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft not presenting himself for advancement to a higher Degree within twelve months after having received the Degree immediately preceding, he may be notified by the Secretary of the Lodge that unless he shall present himself to receive the aforesaid Degree at the next Communication he will be dropped from the roll, unless proper cause be shown for further delay.
3 A former brother dropped from the roll pursuant to Section R144.2, wishing to be reinstated, shall make application, in writing, to the Lodge which dropped him. The application shall be presented at a Regular Communication and notice of such application shall be sent to all members of the Lodge in the notice of the Regular Communication at which the question of reinstatement is to be voted upon. Subject to a favourable report of an investigating committee, a vote on the application shall be taken by ballot. It shall require a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present to reinstate.
R145. Without obtaining a dispensation from the Grand Master.
1 A Lodge practising one form of ritual may pay a fraternal visit to another Lodge practising a different form of ritual and
a Using its own form of ritual confer a degree on a candidate belonging to the Lodge being visited, or
b Have the Lodge being visited, using its own form of ritual, confer a degree on a candidate belonging to the visiting Lodge.
2 A “Ritualistic Team” practising one form of ritual may visit a Lodge practising another form of ritual and, using its own form of ritual, confer a degree on a candidate belonging to the Lodge being visited.
R146. Returns and Payments to Grand Lodge.
Each Constituent Lodge shall make annually to the Grand Secretary, on or before the first day of March and made up to the preceding 31st day of December, its returns (eg. Annual Returns of Constituent Lodges to Grand Lodge, Form 56, etc.) and payments levied pursuant to paragraphs (I) and (L) of Section R38(1) and a penalty of $1.00 shall be imposed for every day a Lodge shall be delinquent, and the Worshipful Master and Wardens, or any representatives of such Lodge neglecting to make such returns and payments, shall be disqualified from taking any part in the proceedings of Grand Lodge until these returns and payments have been made. The returns are to be made in a form prescribed by the Grand Secretary.
R147. To Keep Porch Book.
Every Constituent Lodge shall keep a Porch Book, in which all members and visitors shall, before entering the Lodge, sign their names, with their Masonic rank, and in the case of
visiting Brethren the name and location of the Lodge from which they hail.
R148. Master Mason Certificate to be procured.
Each Constituent Lodge shall procure a Grand Lodge certificate to be paid for by the Lodge for every member raised.
R149. Grand Lodge Certificate must be signed.
Every member to whom a Grand Lodge certificate is issued shall sign his name on the margin thereof in the presence of the Worshipful Master or the Secretary of the Lodge except in case of absence from the place of meeting of the Lodge, when it shall be forwarded to such recognized Lodge as the member may request and he shall then sign it in the presence of the Worshipful Master or Secretary of such Lodge.
R150. Lodge may not move without permission.
No Constituent Lodge shall remove its place of meeting from the building or from the City, Town, Village or District named in its Dispensation or Warrant unless notice shall have been given at a Regular Communication that a resolution changing the location of the Lodge will be offered at the next succeeding one, nor unless such resolution shall have been adopted by the votes by ballot of at least two-thirds of the members present at such succeeding Regular Communication; nor shall such removal take place until the action of the Lodge shall have been approved by the Grand Master or Grand Lodge.
R151. Voluntary Dissolution or Consolidation of Lodges
1 Any Constituent Lodge may voluntarily surrender its Warrant and be dissolved. Notice of the motion to effect such dissolution, and the date on which it will be considered, shall be given to the members of that Lodge by inserting it in not less than two consecutive monthly notices, one of which shall be the notice for the Regular Communication at which the resolution is to be considered. The vote shall be taken by written ballot, and it shall require the votes in favour of the motion of at least three-fourths of the members present to adopt it, provided, however, that if seven or more of the members present vote against it the motion shall fail. Any voluntary surrender of the warrant under this Regulation will take place only upon confirmation by Grand Lodge or the Grand Master and on the date set by it or by him. A voluntary dissolution, once so confirmed, is not reversible. [2003]
2 Two or more Constituent Lodges located near each other, may by agreement be consolidated into one. Notice of the resolution to effect such consolidation and the date on which it will be considered, shall be given to the members of each of such Constituents Lodges by inserting it in not less than two consecutive monthly notices, one of which shall be the notice for the Regular Communication at which the resolution is to be considered. The vote shall be taken by ballot, and it shall require the votes in favour of the resolution of at least three-fourths of the members present to adopt it, provided, however, that if seven or more of the members present vote against the adoption of the resolution for consolidation, such Lodge shall not be included in the consolidation.
R152. New Name and Number.
A consolidated Lodge may bear the name and number of one of the Lodges comprising it, in which case it may retain the Warrant and Seal of that Lodge, and the Warrant and Seal of the other Lodge or Lodges shall be returned to Grand Lodge, or the consolidated Lodge may bear the name of one and the number of another of such consolidating Lodges, or it may take a new name and number, or it may take a new name and retain the number of one of such Lodges, in any one of which last mentioned cases the consolidating Lodges shall return to Grand Lodge their Warrants and Seals and shall receive from Grand Lodge a new Warrant and Seal. No such consolidation, however, shall go into effect until all the proceedings relative thereto shall have been submitted to and approved by the Grand Master or by Grand Lodge.
R153. Power to retain Warrant.
If a majority of the Members of any Constituent Lodge shall determine to demit from the Lodge, the Warrant and power of assembling shall remain with the rest of the members, provided these shall not be less than seven. If less than seven members shall remain, their Warrant shall cease and become extinct, and the authority thereby granted and enjoyed shall revert to Grand Lodge.
R154. Failure of Lodge to meet.
If any Constituent Lodge shall fail to meet for the space of six months, it shall not be summoned without the leave of the Grand Master, and if it fails to meet for the space of one year, it may be struck off the roll of Lodges and its Warrant declared forfeit by Grand Lodge.
R155. Demit to Brethren when Lodge is extinct.
When any Constituent Lodge shall surrender or forfeit its Warrant or Dispensation, or shall otherwise cease to exist, the Grand Secretary
shall on application of any of its members or any Entered Apprentices or Fellow Crafts belonging to it, and on receiving or obtaining satisfactory proof that they were in good standing, and have paid all fees or dues due to the date when the Lodge ceased to exist, issue certificates of demit to them.
R156. Demits to Brethren.
Any Brother desiring to demit from a Constituent Lodge shall make application either personally in open Lodge or by letter addressed to the Secretary to be read in open Lodge, in both cases at a Regular Communication of the Lodge, and shall thereupon, provided he was when his application was made to the Lodge or received by the Secretary, as the case may be, in good standing, free from any Masonic charge and clear of all indebtedness to the Lodge, be entitled to a demit, provided that such application for a demit shall lie on the table for one month unless the Lodge shall decide by resolution that there is an urgent necessity for immediate action.
A demit when granted to a brother by a recognized Constituent Lodge confirms that he is free from any Masonic Charges as at the date of the demit and that he is clear of any indebtedness to the Lodge from which he has demitted, but the demit does not entitle him to Masonic privileges consequent upon membership in a Lodge and he may not while unaffiliated visit any Constituent Lodge more than twice except with the consent of the Lodge being visited.
A demitted member wishing to be reinstated shall make application, in writing, to the Lodge which demitted him. The application shall be presented at a Regular Communication and notice of such application shall be sent to all members of the Lodge in the notice of the Regular Communication at which the question of reinstatement is to be voted upon. Subject to a favourable report of an investigating committee a vote on the application shall be taken by ballot. It shall require a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present to reinstate.
R157. Demits to Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft.
A Constituent Lodge may by resolution, and upon proper cause being shown, grant a demit to an Entered Apprentice or a Fellow Craft as such, upon application being made therefore and after the same procedure provided for granting a demit to a member shall have been followed.
R158. Jewels to be worn.
1. No honorary or other jewel shall be worn in any Constituent Lodge which shall not appertain to or be consistent with the Degrees of Ancient Craft Freemasonry, as recognized or acknowledged by Grand Lodge. Members of a Lodge who belong to the Order of the Holy Royal Arch may wear in Lodge the honorary Jewel of this Order, but not the clothing. A brother from a recognized Jurisdiction may appear as a visitor in the clothing recognized by his own Grand Lodge.
2. No breast jewels shall be worn in a Lodge other than those specified in R158.1 except: the jewel of Past Master, any Past Grand Lodge officer as listed in Section 27 and described in Section 72 and Section 73; a Grand Lodge Representative of another Grand Lodge; a Lewis jewel (a member whose Father is/was a Master Mason of any recognized jurisdiction); a Masonic Medal of Merit; Dennis Marsh Medal and any other jewel, button, or medal especially designed for and any lodge insignia approved by the Grand Master and authorized by Grand Lodge. The Masonic Medal of Merit, Dennis Marsh Medal and Honorary Jewel of the Order of Royal Arch shall be worn on the right lapel. [2008]
R159. Publication of proceedings prohibited.
No one shall print, publish or cause to be printed or published, except for the benefit of the lodge members [amended 2004], the proceedings or any part thereof, of any Constituent Lodge, or the names of the persons present at such Lodge, without the permission of the Grand Master, under pain of being reprimanded, suspended or expelled, as Grand Lodge shall determine. This prohibition shall not extend to the writing, printing or publishing of any notice issued to the members of a Lodge by authority of the Worshipful Master, or the proceedings of any festive or public meeting at which persons who are not Freemasons are permitted to attend.
R160. No one shall use or cause to be used any sound recording or photographic or playback device to record or play back the proceedings of any Constituent Lodge while at labour; but such recording or play-back device may be used to provide music to enhance the ceremonies of the Lodge.
R161. Masonic Publications.
When the Grand Master is satisfied of the discretion of the publishers of a Masonic publication, and their loyalty to the principles
of the Craft, he may give permission for such publication in general terms and prospectively, but such permission may be revoked at any time by the Grand Master.
R162. Right to regulate Proceedings.
The majority of members present at any Lodge, regularly assembled, shall have an undoubted right to regulate their own proceedings, provided they shall be consistent with the by-laws of the Lodge and the Constitutions and Regulations of Grand Lodge.
R163. Grand Lodge Proceedings, who entitled to.
Each Constituent Lodge in the Jurisdiction shall be supplied with one copy of the Annual Proceedings of Grand Lodge, without fee, and every Master Mason of Grand Lodge shall be entitled to one or more copies upon application to the Grand Secretary and the payment of the prescribed fee for each copy.
R164. Public Procession.
a. No Constituent Lodge shall form any public masonic procession without permission from the Grand Master, except in case of a funeral or memorial service conducted by the Lodge, or when attending a Divine Service. No Lodge shall walk in procession for other than masonic purposes with the exception that, at the request of, or with the permission of the local organizing body, a Lodge may join the Memorial Parade to the Cenotaph, as a formed body, while attired in regalia and jewels of Rank, to pay respects to ‘fallen Brethren’.
b. Without dispensation from the Grand Master, masonic regalia shall be worn only in or in the immediate vicinity of a Lodge that is, or is about to be, or has recently been, open, or at a Masonic funeral or memorial service, or when attending a Divine Service organized by the Worshipful Master of a Constituent Lodge or the District Deputy Grand Master of his District. [amended 2009].
R165 Masonic Picnic [heading added 2009]
A picnic under the auspices of a Constituent Lodge may be held following a vote duly passed by a majority of the members present of that Lodge at a regular meeting, provided that no such picnic may be held on a Sunday prior to the hour of 1:00 pm, and also provided that no Masonic regalia shall be worn, and that directional signs only may be used.
R166. Masonic Funerals.
In case of a masonic funeral or memorial service the Worshipful Master may invite other Lodges to attend in form, but the whole ceremony shall be under the absolute direction of the Worshipful Master of the Lodge, to which the deceased brother belonged, or in case of a sojourning brother, the Worshipful Master of the Lodge assuming the control of the ceremonies.
Request necessary.
No freemason shall be interred with the formalities of the fraternity unless a request to that effect is made to the Lodge or the Worshipful Master by the person entitled to the disposition of the deceased, nor unless he is a Master Mason. Nor shall any below the rank of Master Mason assist at such a ceremony.
Funerals of Sojourners.
When a Master Mason from beyond the Jurisdiction of British Columbia shall die within the Jurisdiction of Grand Lodge, the provisions of the Constitution relating to deceased members of Lodges of this Jurisdiction shall apply as far as practicable. Any Worshipful Master of a Lodge may take the direction of the funeral and conduct it in the same manner as provided for resident deceased members.
Limitation of Unaffiliated.
No unaffiliated freemason shall be entitled to masonic burial except in case it is shown that the brother was not at fault or indifferent to his duty, nor shall he be permitted to take part in any Masonic ceremony, public or private, nor have any Lodge privileges whatever, other than the privilege of visiting any Lodge twice during the time he shall remain unaffiliated.
R167. Every member shall be under an absolute obligation to obey a summons issued to him, and the penalty for disobedience shall be suspension or expulsion, unless it shall be shown that such disobedience was unavoidable or was occasioned by some pressing necessity. The summons shall be either written or printed, and shall, when practicable, be personally served upon the member to be summoned by the Tyler or some other freemason properly deputed for that purpose and at least seven days notice shall be given. If this cannot be conveniently done, it shall be mailed, registered, post paid, addressed to him at his last known place of residence, which shall be deemed due and sufficient service. In such case at least fourteen days notice shall be given. 46
R168. Who may visit.
Any Master Mason in good standing may be permitted to visit any Lodge, and any Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft in good standing may be permitted to visit a Lodge while working in any degree which he has received, in every case subject to the limitation herein provided.
R169. Vouching for Visitors.
A visitor may be vouched for by any brother present at the lodge which the visitor desires to visit. The Brother who vouches for a visitor shall thereupon become responsible that the visitor is in good standing and duly qualified to visit the lodge. If no brother present can vouch for the visitor the Worshipful Master shall appoint a committee of not less than three brethren skilled in the work who shall examine him and report the result of such examination to the Worshipful Master who shall thereupon as he may see fit, grant or refuse admittance to the visitor.
R170 Must have documentary evidence.
Before any visitor shall be examined as to his knowledge of Freemasonry he shall state the name and location of the lodge of which he is then, or was last a member or in which he received his degrees in Freemasonry, and shall take the Tyler’s oath. He shall also produce satisfactory documentary evidence of his good standing which shall be reported to the Worshipful Master before the Committee of Examination shall be appointed.
R171. Member may object to Visitor.
If any member of the lodge shall object to sitting in the lodge with a visitor, the Worshipful Master shall refuse the visitor admittance, or if he has been admitted, shall require him to withdraw.
R172. Decorum.
All members shall keep their seats during the transaction of business except those officers whose duties require them to move about from place to place in the discharge of their duties.
R173. Speaker to Stand.
Everyone who speaks shall rise and remain standing, addressing himself to the Grand Master, and he shall not be interrupted, unless any member shall address the Grand Master on a point of order, or the Grand Master himself shall think fit to call the speaker to order, but after he shall have been set right he may proceed if he observes due order and decorum.
R174. Speak Once Only.
No member shall speak more than once to the same question, unless in explanation, or the mover in reply, without permission from the Grand Master.
R175. Resolutions.
It shall be competent for any member of Grand Lodge to move a resolution or an amendment or an amendment to an amendment, but no further amendment shall be entertained.
R176. Must be in Writing.
All resolutions shall be submitted in writing to the Grand Master if he shall so direct.
R177. 1 Grand Lodge shall have full power and authority at any Communication thereof, by a two-thirds vote of the members present in person or by proxy at such Communication, to make such amendments, alterations and additions to these Regulations, as it shall think proper and expedient for the benefit of the Craft; provided that notice in writing, stating distinctly the proposed amendment, alteration or addition shall have been given at a preceding Communication or shall have been sent to the Grand Secretary by the 1st day of January of the year in which the motion to amend, alter or add is to be considered. [2010]
2 A proposed amendment which has been defeated after 1984 at two successive Grand Lodge Communications may not again be placed before Grand Lodge in the same or substantially similar form embodying the same or substantially similar principles for a period of three years thereafter.
3 A copy of any proposed amendment, alteration or addition to these Regulations shall be sent by the Grand Secretary to each of the Constituent Lodges, by March 1st.
The Digest of Rulings and Edicts by Grand Masters and Regulations of Grand Lodge, hereinafter recorded, is not, and is not intended to be, a full and complete list of all such since the formation of Grand Lodge. Some have been incorporated in the present Constitution, others are obsolete or are contradictory to the Constitution and laws now in force. In the opinion of the Committee on the revision of the Constitution, those selected are in accordance with the motion passed by Grand Lodge at its Annual Communication held in the year 1941.
The laws which govern Freemasonry, may be conveniently divided, for the present purpose, into:
Firstly, into the Unwritten Law and the Written Law.
The term “Unwritten” law does not mean that such law has not been reduced to writing, or may not be, but indicates that it does not owe its authority to its being enacted in writing, but that it receives its binding power and force of law by immemorial usage.
The description “Written” law can be applied to all laws which can be shown to have originated by enactment since the year 1717.
Secondly, into the Changeable Law and Unchangeable Law.
All “Written” laws are “changeable” laws, and all laws which have originated by usage since the year 1717, and in fact all masonic laws, whether “Unwritten” or “Written” except the Ancient Landmarks may be changed.
As to “Unchangeable” law it is sufficient to say that there are certain laws which it is not in the power of any man or body of men to change.
All masonic laws except the Landmarks whether written or unwritten may be changed.
As a general rule, when Masonic Laws conflict, their rank in point of authority is as follows:— 1, Landmarks; 2, The Constitutions of Grand Lodge; 3, The Regulations of Grand Lodge; 4, Lodge by-laws; 5, The changeable part of the unwritten laws.
Where two laws, both of which belong to the same one of these five classes but are irreconcilable, the one enacted last prevails. These, however, are general rules, and are subject to many exceptions.
In theory the authority of executive edicts and judicial decisions of the Grand Lodge or Grand Master is upon a par with that of a Grand Lodge Regulation and next below that of the Constitutions as are also like utterances within their proper sphere of a Lodge or its Worshipful Master except in cases where the Constitutions subject them to the will of the Grand Master or Grand Lodge.
But as Ancient usage enjoins obedience to those under whom we work, a Freemason, however certain he may feel that a certain edict or adjudication violates the Book of Constitutions and Regulations or even a Landmark should not rely too much on his own judgment, but should submit to the Edict or Adjudication until he can show that it should be reversed.
What is here said applies only to those Brethren who are affected by the ruling in question. As to others than the Brethren or Lodges who are “parties to the record,” adjudications are merely precedents, indicative of what may be the ruling should the same point be raised by any act of theirs.
Of opinions given by Grand Masters outside of the exercise of judicial and executive functions, of those casually expressed by the Grand Lodge, of sentiments contained in committee reports and the like it seems necessary to say no more than that they are less authority than the absolute law of the Grand Lodge or of the Institution at large, and are chiefly valuable in showing the opinion of those who express them.
ABBREVIATIONS—Ap. Approved; Const. Constituent; E.A. Entered Apprentice; FC. Fellow Craft; G.M. Grand Master; M.M. Master Mason; p. Page; Proc. Proceedings; Qual. Qualified; VO.S.L. Volume of the Sacred Law; W.M. Worshipful Master.
ADMISSION—Action upheld in W.M. refusing admission while ballot was being taken. G.M. Rudd. Proc. 1913, p. 26.
ADVANCEMENT—A brother of one Lodge having said that he had reason to believe that a candidate accepted by another Lodge was not proper masonic material, the F.C. and M.M. degrees should not be conferred until the matter has been carefully inquired into, and that in any event the complaining brother was not under any obligation to apologize for having brought the rumours that had come to him to the attention of the Lodge at the time of the candidate’s application. G.M. Manson, Proc. 1926, p. 27.
APPLICATION—See Ex-Service Men.
BALLOT—Where only one black ball appeared and petitioner was declared rejected, Dispensation necessary to reballot. G. M. McClure. Proc. 1937, p. 26. See also G.M. Manson, 1926.
An unfavourable ballot, so declared, must stand despite misunderstanding of members as to report of Committee. G.M. Manson. Proc. 1926, p. 26.
An unfavourable ballot must stand despite fact that a Warden inadvertently cast second ballot. G.M. Manson, Proc. 1928, p. 28;
Where a ballot is taken without black balls being available the ballot must be retaken. G.M. Manson. Proc. 1926, p. 26;
Result of the ballot having been declared by the Worshipful Master, it must stand. G.M. Jones. Proc.
1925, p. 32. See also G.M. Terry, 1922.
It is the duty of every member to vote on a petition for initiation and the Worshipful Master shall require every Brother present to cast a ballot. However, the failure of one Brother to vote does not invalidate the ballot. G.M. Tisdall. Proc. 1924, p. 28.
It is a masonic offence for a freemason to reveal to anyone, after an application has been rejected, that he had cast a black ball. G.M. Creery. Proc. 1923, p. 27.
It is irregular to place any additional ballot balls in the ballot box while balloting is proceeding. G.M. Grimmett. Proc. 1921, p. 76.
The right to vote includes the right to ballot. G.M. Paul. Proc. 1911, p. 15.
The Grand Master has no power to interfere with the right, since time immemorial, of every freemason making his own choice for or against an applicant. G.M. Young. Proc. 1902, p. 25.
Must be taken individually. G.M. Walker. Proc. 1909, p. 20.
Every vote in the lodge must be registered. A blank ballot is not a vote. G.M. McMicking. Proc. 1895, p. 21.
BALLOT BOX—It is the duty of the W.M. (and Wardens) when examining the ballot box before balloting proceeds, to see that there is a sufficient number of balls of each kind. G.M. Grimmett. Proc. 1921, p. 76. See also Ballot, G.M. Grimmett.
BALLOTING—Every member must cast his ballot. G.M. Armstrong. Proc. 1906, p. 9.
BLACK BALL—See Ballot.
BY-LAWS—When members of a Lodge have received notice that action is to be taken on any matter affecting its private affairs, they have an undoubted right, at the meeting at which the question comes up for discussion, to dispose of it as in the judgment of the majority of the Brethren present may seem best. Proc. 1911; p. 15, G.M. Paul.
Neglecting to sign by-laws does not justify refusal to pay dues. G. M. McKeown. Proc. 1891, p. 40.
CANVASSING—It is not proper for a Constituent Lodge to endeavour to secure the appointment of any Brother to the office of District Deputy Grand Master. This is the prerogative of the Grand Master and under no circumstances should pressure be brought to influence his desires. G.M. Jones. Proc. 1925, p. 32; by Committee and made applicable to any appointive office of G. L., p. 137.
CHARGES—A suspended freemason cannot personally prefer charges against a member of the Lodge which suspended him, but the charges may be laid by another freemason in good standing. G.M. Schofield. Proc. 1907, p. 7.
CIRCULAR LETTERS—No Lodge, or member of a Lodge with or without the consent of his Lodge, shall circularize other Lodges or members in an endeavour to obtain support for, or expressions of opinion on, a proposition or propositions in which it or he may be interested, without first obtaining the consent or approval of the Grand Master. G.M. Howard. Proc. 1960, p. 25.
CLUBS—Disapproval of use of the word “Masonic” in connection with members’ club at Mayo, YT. G.M. Manson. Proc. 1926, F 26. See also G.M. Willis, 1920.
COMMUNICATIONS—It is the prerogative of the W.M. to withhold the reading of a Communication, if it, in his opinion, is improper to be read in open Lodge. G.M. Harrison. Proc. 1879, p. 110.
CONSTITUENT LODGE—Member suspended, for N.P.D. in X Lodge also stands suspended in Y Lodge where also member; upon reinstatement in X Lodge is reinstated in Y Lodge. G.M. Beck. Proc. 1933, p. 36.
Notice of Meetings—See notices.
Name of Candidate must appear on notice for meeting at which it is proposed to confer the Degree. See Degrees, also Notices.
DEGREES—Lodge must be at labour when conferring degrees. G.M. Watson. Proc. 1901, p. 12.
It is regular to confer all the degrees at the request of another Lodge. G.M. Watson, Proc. 1901, p. 12.
Courtesy. A Lodge can as an act of courtesy to a Lodge in another recognized Jurisdiction, at their request, confer one or more degrees free of charge, if satisfied as to the applicant having the previous Degree or Degrees, and that the Lodge will not be liable to the Grand Lodge for fees in connection with the degrees so conferred. G.M. Downie. Proc. 1893, p. 18.
Conferral of degrees in other than ritual practised by the candidate’s lodge
In British Columbia we have four Rituals:
1. The Canadian Work (Old and New Rituals).
2. The “American” Ritual, or the British Columbia Ancient Work.
3. The Emulation Ritual.
4. The Australian Ritual.
It is not proper for a British Columbia Lodge to transport a candidate into another Jurisdiction, and have the Lodge visiting in that Jurisdiction confer a Degree on a candidate belonging to the Lodge in British Columbia. It is in order for Lodges or “Ritualistic Teams” to visit other Lodges practising different work, and exemplify or demonstrate a degree on a brother who has already received that degree. G.M. McKergow. Proc. 1965.
DEMIT— A demitted Brother is in “good standing” indefinitely. G.M. Creery. Proc. 1923, p. 28. See also Definitions, p. 7 and Regulations 153.
DEMITTED P.M.—Of this Jurisdiction but still a member of lodge of a recognized Jurisdiction can upon request confer Degrees. G.M. Schofield. Proc. 1907, p. 7.
DISPENSATION—To reballot, necessary. G.M. Manson. Proc. 1926, p. 26. See also Ballot; G.M. McClure.
D.D.G.M.—See canvassing.
DUAL MEMBERSHIP—See Suspension. See Constituent Lodge.
DUES—Paid by member, suspended N.P.D., with application for re-instatement, is property of the Constituent Lodge, if applicant rejected. G.M. Sutherland. Proc. 1927, p. 18.
Neither an Entered Apprentice nor a Fellow Craft should be charged with lodge dues. Dues are not chargeable. G. M. Creery. Proc. 1923, p. 27. [amended 2009]
Neglecting to sign by-laws does not relieve from payment of dues. G.M. McKeown. Proc. 1891, p.
40. The Lodge only has power to revoke any arrangement made re dues. G.M. McClure. Proc. 1937, p.27.
Dues cease when the application for a demit is read in open Lodge. G.M. W. J. Bowser. Proc. 1905, p. 8.
ELECTION—A retiring Secretary on removal from the immediate vicinity of a lodge applied for a demit. The Secretary-elect refused to accept office. Previous Secretary then withdrew his application for a demit. Can he carry on as Secretary without an election? Ruled, that an election must be held. G.M. Creery. Proc. 1923, p. 27.
Suspension from the office of Secretary of a Lodge by the Worshipful Master does not disqualify the suspended Brother for election to the same office at the annual election of officers following such suspension. G.M. Grimmett. Proc. 1921, p. 76.
Of an installed officer to a vacant office, except at Annual Election, not permitted. G.M. Willis. Proc. 1920, p. 9.
Resident of British Columbia who, when visiting England, had the E.A. Degree conferred on him, may apply for affiliation as an E.A. G.M. Rich. Proc. 1910, p. 24-25.
FEES—Proportionate amount of the fees paid should be refunded to candidate (F.C.) found guilty of unmasonic conduct. G.M. Kerr. Proc. 1931, p. 28.
FELLOW CRAFTS—Should be notified of meeting when F.C. Degree is to be conferred. G.M. Rich. Proc. 1910, p. 24.
May be suspended for cause. G.M. W. J. Bowser. Proc. 1805, p. 7.
FUNERALS—At a masonic funeral all the pallbearers shall be members of the Craft. G.M. Creery. Proc. 1923, p. 28.
Funeral Grand Honours are given three times, not three times three. G.M. Terry. Proc. 1922, p.15.
To conduct the burial service, the lodge must be opened on the M.M. Degree. G.M. McKeown. Proc. 1891, p. 40.
HONORARY MEMBERSHIP—Your Committee is of opinion that while in the great majority of cases it is both inadvisable and inexpedient to confer Honorary Membership on an unaffiliated Freemason, still they can conceive of circumstances in which it might be justifiable. Proc. 1911, p.
71. With right to vote may be elected an officer of the Lodge. G.M. Armstrong. Proc. 1906, p. 9.
Cannot be rescinded, except for cause after trial. G.M. McMicking. Proc. 1895, p. 21.
INVESTIGATION—Requires personal interview. G.M. F. Bowser. Proc. 1908, p. 11.
JURISDICTION—When the Petitioner removes from the Jurisdiction of the Lodge, after petition has been referred to a character committee, it is right, if report of committee is favourable, to ballot on the petition and follow the usual course, without reference to the Lodge or Lodges, in the Jurisdiction in which the petitioner presently resides. G.M. Creery. Proc. 1923,
Concurrent. An applicant who has been rejected
51 cannot apply to any other Lodge having concurrent jurisdiction in the District in which he resides until after the expiration of twelve months. G.M. Downie. Proc. 1893, p. 18.
Rejected material. A Lodge has no jurisdiction over rejected material, after the time limit, viz. twelve months, has expired. G.M. Downie, Proc 1893, p. 18.
A Constituent Lodge cannot deal with a question of jurisdiction, nor can they grant permission to a Lodge in a recognized Jurisdiction to initiate a person who “resides” in the Jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge. G.M. Downie. Proc. 1893, p. 19.
MEMBERS—The Worshipful Master of the Lodge may not refuse to allow a member of the Lodge in good standing to sit in the Lodge because another member objects to sitting with him. G.M. Tisdall. Proc. 1924, p. 28.
NOTICES—For Constituent Lodge meetings (except for funerals) must be sent out in sealed envelopes. G.M. Beck. Ap. Proc. 1933, p. 38. [see R95.2]
Name of Candidate must appear on notice for meeting at which it is proposed to confer the Degree. G.M. Kerr, 1931. See Degrees. See also G.M. Willis, 1920.
OBJECTION AFTER ELECTION—Member is within his rights by objecting to initiating candidate for whom he had voted favourably. G.M. Paul. Proc. 1911. p. 15. See also G.M. Harrison. Proc. 1879.
It is not necessary that the brother who has objected to the Candidate shall state his reasons therefor. G.M. Harrison. Proc. 1879 p. 110.
OBLIGATION—In deference to a petitioner of Hebrew origin the obligation should be taken on that part of the V.O.S.L. to which he subscribes. G.M. Creery. Proc. 1923, p. 28.
PAST MASTER—To confer the honour of a Past Master on any brother who has not been duly elected Worshipful Master of his lodge would be at variance with the Ancient Landmarks. G.M. Chambers. Proc. 1882, p. 9.
PETITIONER—See Investigation.
RANK AND TITLE—See Restoration.
RESTORATION—By Grand Lodge to all rights and privileges includes rank and titles and on readmission to membership of Constituent Lodge to membership in Grand Lodge. G.M. McClure. Proc. 1937, p. 26.
An application for restoration (of an expelled Brother) should be dealt with by secret ballot. G.M. Ditmars. Proc. 1916, p. 17.
SOLICITATION OF FUNDS—No letter shall be sent to Constituent Lodges soliciting funds without approval of Grand Master. G.M. Henderson. Proc. 1938, p. 31, 32.
SUNDAY MEETINGS—No Lodge may hold a meeting on a Sunday. G.M. Howard. Proc. 1960, p.
23. SUSPENSION—N.PD. See Constituent Lodge.
VOTING—Right to vote includes the right to Ballot. (See Ballot.)
Presiding officer has the casting vote in addition to his own vote in the case of a tie. G.M. Walker. Proc. 1900, p. 20.
A blank is not a vote. See Ballot. G.M. McMicking, 1895.
WAIVER—Rejection of, see G.M. Kerr. Proc. 1931, p.28. See also G.M. Shaw, 1919, p. 22.
WARRANT—It is not permissible that the work of a Constituent Lodge be conducted in a foreign language. G.M. Paul. Proc. 1911, p. 15.
WORSHIPFUL MASTER—Cannot be W.M. of two Constituent Lodges in this Jurisdiction at the same time. G.M. Rich. Proc. 1910, p. 24.
A member who has served as Warden in a Lodge under the jurisdiction of a recognized Grand Lodge is eligible for the office of W.M. in this Jurisdiction. G.M. McMicking. Proc. 1895, p.21.
Do you seriously and upon your honour declare that uninfluenced by mercenary or other unworthy motives, and unbiased by the improper solicitation of friends, you freely and voluntarily offer yourself a candidate for the mysteries of Freemasonry?
Do you seriously and upon your honour declare that you are prompted to solicit the privileges of Freemasonry by a favourable opinion conceived of the Institution and a desire for knowledge?
Do you seriously and upon your honour declare that you will cheerfully conform to all Ancient
usages and established customs of the Craft?
1. Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Being?
2. Do you believe that the Supreme Being will punish vice and reward virtue?
3. Do you believe that Supreme Being has revealed His will to man?
FORM 43.
I, ____________________ do hereby and hereon solemnly swear that I have been regularly initiated, passed and raised in a just and legally constituted Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons; that I do not stand suspended or expelled, and that I know of no just reason why I should not hold masonic intercourse with my brethren.
The Ancient Records of Lodges beyond Sea,
and those in England, Scotland and Ireland,
for the use of the Lodges in London:
To be read at the making of new Brethren,
or when the Worshipful Master shall order it.
I. Of God and Religion.
II. Of the Civil Magistrate, supreme and subordinate.
III. Of Lodges.
IV. Of Worshipful Masters, Wardens, Fellows and Apprentices.
V. Of the management of the Craft in working.
VI. Of Behaviour, viz.:
1. In the Lodge while constituted.
2. After the Lodge is over and the Brethren not gone.
3. When Brethren meet without strangers, but not in a Lodge.
4. In the presence of strangers not Freemasons.
5. At home and in the neighborhood.
6. Towards a strange Brother.
A Freemason is obliged, by his tenure, to obey the moral law; and if he rightly understands the Art, he will never be a stupid atheist, nor an irreligious libertine. But though in Ancient times Freemasons were charged in every country to be of the religion of that country or nation, whatever it was, yet it is now thought more expedient only to oblige them to that religion to which all men agree, leaving their particular opinions to themselves; that is, to be good men and true, or men of honour and honesty, by whatever denominations or persuasions they may be distinguished whereby Freemasonry becomes the centre of union, and the means for conciliating true friendship among persons that must have remained at a perpetual distance.
The Grand Lodge of British Columbia at its Annual Communication in 1964 purported to adopt the following in lieu of the foregoing paragraph:
“A Freemason is obliged, by his tenure, to obey the moral law; and if he rightly understands the Art he will never be an atheist nor an irreligious libertine. He, of all men, should best understand that God seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh at the outward appearance, but God looketh to the heart. A Freemason is, therefore, particularly bound never to act against the dictates of his conscience. Let a man’s religion or mode of worship be what it may, he is not excluded from the Order, provided he believe in the glorious Architect of heaven and earth, and practise the sacred duties of morality. Freemasons unite with the virtuous of every persuasion in the firm and pleasing bond of fraternal love; they are taught to view the errors of mankind with compassion and to strive, by the purity of their own conduct, to demonstrate the superior excellence of the faith they may profess.”
A Freemason is a peaceable subject of the Civil Powers, wherever he resides or works, and is never concerned in plots and conspiracies against the peace and welfare of the nation, nor to behave himself undutifully to inferior Magistrates; for as Freemasonry hath always been injured by war, bloodshed and confusion, so Ancient Kings and princes have been men disposed to encourage the Craftsmen, because of their peaceableness and loyalty, whereby they practically answered the cavils of their adversaries and promoted the honour of the Fraternity, who ever flourished in times of peace. So that if a brother should be a rebel against the State, he is not to be countenanced in his rebellion, however, he may be pitied as an unhappy man; and, if convicted of no other crime, though the loyal Brotherhood must and ought to disown his rebellion and give no umbrage or ground of political jealously to the Government for the time being; they cannot expel him from the Lodge, and his relation to it remains indefeasible.
A Lodge is a place where Freemasons assemble and work; hence that assembly or duly organized Society of Freemasons is called a Lodge, and every Brother ought to belong to one, and to be subject to its By-laws and the General Regulations. It is either particular or general, as will be best understood by attending it, and by Regulations of the General or Grand Lodge hereunto annexed. In Ancient times no Master or Fellow could be absent from it, especially when warned to appear at it, without incurring a severe censure, until it appeared to the Worshipful Master and Wardens that pure necessity hindered him.
The persons admitted members of a Lodge must be good and true men, free-born, and of mature and discrete age, no bondmen, no women, no immoral or scandalous men, but of good report.
All preferment among Freemasons is grounded upon real worth and personal merit only; that so the Lords may be well served, the Brethren not put to shame, nor the Royal Craft despised: Therefore no Worshipful Master or Warden is chosen by seniority, but for his merit. It is impossible to describe these things in writing and every Brother must attend in his place and
learn them in a way peculiar to this Fraternity. Only candidates may know that no Worshipful Master shall take an apprentice, unless he has sufficient employment for him, and unless he is a perfect youth, having no maim or defect in his body that may render him incapable of learning the Art, or serving his Master’s Lord, and of being made a brother, and then a Fellow Craft in due time, even after he has served such a term of years as the custom of the country directs; and that he should be descended of honest parents; that so, when otherwise qualified, he may arrive at the honor of being the Warden, and then the Worshipful Master of the Lodge, the Grand Warden, and at length the Grand Master of all the Lodges, according to his merit.
No Brother can be a Warden until he has passed the part of a Fellow-Craft; nor a Worshipful Master until he has acted as a Warden, nor Grand Warden until he has been Worshipful Master of a Lodge, nor GRAND MASTER unless he has been a Fellow-Craft before his election who is also to be nobly born or a Gentlemen of the best Fashion, or some eminent Scholar, or some curious Architect or other Artist, descended of honest Parents, and who is of singular great merit in the Opinion of the Lodges. And for the better, and easier, and more honourable Discharge of his Office, the Grand Master has a power to choose his own Deputy-Grand Master, who must be then, or must have been formerly, the Worshipful Master of a particular Lodge, and has the Privilege of acting whatever the Grand Master, his Principal, should act, unless the said Principal be present, or interpose his Authority by a Letter.
These rules and governors, supreme and subordinate, of the ancient Lodge, are to be obeyed in their respective stations by all Brethren, according to the Old Charges and Regulations, with all humility, reverence, love and alacrity.
All Freemasons shall work honestly on working days, that they may live creditably on holy days; and the time appointed by the law of the land, or confirmed by custom, shall be observed.
The most expert of the Fellow Craftsmen shall be chosen or appointed the Worshipful Master, or Overseer of the Lord’s work; who is to be called Worshipful Master by those that work under him.
The Craftsmen are to avoid all ill language, and to call each other by no disobliging name, but Brother or Fellow; and to behave themselves courteously within and without the Lodge.
The Worshipful Master, knowing himself to be of cunning shall undertake the Lord’s work as reasonably as possible, and truly dispense his goods as if they were his own; nor to give more wages to any Brother or Apprentice than he really may deserve.
Both the Worshipful Master and the Freemason receiving their wages justly, shall be faithful to the Lord, and honestly finish their work, whether task or journey; nor put the work to task that hath been accustomed to journey.
None shall discover envy at the prosperity of a brother, or supplant him, or put him out of his work, if he is capable to finish the same; for no man can finish another’s work so much to the Lord’s profit, unless he be thoroughly acquainted with the designs of him that began it.
When a Fellow Craftsman is chosen Warden of the work under the Worshipful Master, he shall be true to both Worshipful Master and Fellows, shall carefully over-see the work in the Worshipful Master’s absence to the Lord’s profit; and his Brethren shall obey him.
All Freemasons employed shall meekly receive their wages without murmuring or mutiny, and not desert the Worshipful Master till the work is finished.
A younger Brother shall be instructed in working, to prevent spoiling the materials for want of judgment, and for increasing and continuing in Brotherly love.
All the tools used in working shall be approved by the Grand Lodge.
No labourer shall be employed in the proper work of Freemasonry; nor shall Freemasons work with those that are not free, without an urgent necessity; nor shall they teach labourers and unaccepted Freemasons as they would teach a brother or Fellow.
You are not to hold private committees, or separate conversations, without leave from the Worshipful Master, nor to talk of anything impertinent or unseemly, nor interrupt the Worshipful Master or Wardens, or any Brother speaking to the Worshipful Master. Nor behave yourself ludicrously or jestingly while the Lodge is engaged in what is serious or solemn; nor use any unbecoming language upon any pretext whatever; but to pay due reverence to your Worshipful Master, Wardens and Fellows and put them to worship.
If any complaint be brought, the Brother found guilty shall stand to the award and determination of the Lodge, who are proper and competent judges of all such controversies, (unless you carry it by appeal to the Grand Lodge), and to whom they ought to be referred, unless a Lord’s work be hindered the meanwhile, in which case a particular reference may
55 be made; but you must never go to law about what concerneth Freemasonry, without an absolute necessity apparent to the Lodge.
You may enjoy yourself with innocent mirth, treating one another according to ability, but avoiding all excess or forcing any Brother to eat or drink beyond his inclination, or hindering him from going when his occasions call him, or doing or saying anything offensive, or that may forbid an easy and free conversation; for that would blast our harmony, and defeat our laudable purposes. Therefore no private piques or quarrels must be brought within the door of the Lodge, far less any quarrels about religion, or nations, or State policy, we being only, as Freemasons of the Catholic Religion above mentioned; we are also of all nations, tongues, kindreds, and languages, and are resolved against all politics, as what never yet conduced to the welfare of the Lodge nor ever will. This Charge has always been strictly enjoined and observed; but especially ever since the Reformation in Britain, or the Dissent and Secession of these nations from the Communion of Rome.
You are to salute one another in a courteous manner, as you will be instructed, calling each other Brother, freely giving mutual instruction as shall be thought expedient, without being overseen or overheard, and without encroaching upon each other, or derogating from that respect which is due to any Brother, were he not a Freemason. For although all Freemasons are as Brethren upon the same level, yet Freemasonry takes no honour from a man that he had before; nay, rather it adds to his honour, especially if he has deserved well of the Brotherhood, who must give honour to whom it is due, and avoid ill manners.
You will be cautious in your words and carriage, that the most penetrating stranger shall not be able to discover or find out what is not proper to be intimated; and sometimes you shall divert a discourse and manage it prudently for the honor of the Worshipful Fraternity.
You are to act as becomes a moral and wise man, particularly not to let your family, friends and neighbours know the concerns of the Lodge, etc., but wisely to consult your own honour and that of the Ancient Brotherhood, for reasons not to be mentioned here. You must also consult your health, by not continuing together too late, or too long from home after Lodge hours are past; and by avoiding of gluttony or drunkenness, that your families be not neglected or injured, nor you disabled from working.
You are cautiously to examine him, in such a method as prudence shall direct you, that you may not be imposed upon by an ignorant false pretender, whom you are to reject with contempt and derision, and beware of giving him any hints of knowledge.
But if you discover him to be a true and genuine Brother, you are to respect him accordingly; and if he is in want you must relieve him if you can, or else direct him how he may be relieved. You must employ him some days, or else recommend him to be employed. But you are not charged to do beyond your ability, only to prefer a poor Brother, that is a good man and true, before any other poor people in the same circumstances.
FINALLY, all these Charges you are to observe, and also those that shall be communicated to you in another way; cultivating Brotherly Love, the Foundation and Cope stone, the Cement and the Glory of this Ancient Fraternity, avoiding all wrangling and quarreling, all slander and backbiting, nor permitting others to slander any honest Brother, but defending his character, and doing him all good offices, so far as is consistent with your honour and safety, and no further. And if any of them do you injury, you must apply to your own or his Lodge; and from thence you may appeal to the Grand Lodge at the Quarterly Communication, and from thence to the Annual Grand Lodge, as has been the Ancient and laudable conduct of our forefathers in every nation; never taking a legal course, but when the case cannot be otherwise decided, and patiently listening to the honest and friendly advice of Worshipful Master and Fellows, when they would prevent you going to law with strangers or would excite you to put a speedy period to all lawsuits that so you may mind the affair of Freemasonry with the more alacrity and success; but with respect to Brothers or Fellows at law, the Worshipful Master and Brethren should kindly offer their mediation, which ought to be thankfully submitted to by the contending Brethren; and if that submission is impracticable, they must however carry on their process, or lawsuit, without wrath or rancor (not in the common way) saying or doing nothing which may hinder Brotherly Love, and good offices to be renewed and continued; that all may see the benign influence of Freemasonry, as all true Freemasons have done from the beginning of the world, and will do to the end of time.
Amen, so mote it be.
From time to time the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon has deemed it desirable to set forth in precise form the Aims of Freemasonry as consistently practiced under its jurisdiction since it came into being as an organized body in 1871, and also to define the principles governing its relations with those other Grand Lodges with which it is in fraternal accord.
In view of representations which have been received, and of statements recently issued which have distorted or obscured the true objects of Freemasonry, it is once again considered necessary to emphasize certain fundamental principles in the Order.
1. The first condition of admission into, and membership of, the Order is a belief in the Supreme Being. This is essential and admits of no compromise.
2. The Bible, referred to by Freemasons as The Volume of the Sacred Law, is always open in the Lodges. Every candidate is required to take his obligation on that book, or on the volume which is held by his particular creed to impart sanctity to an oath or promise taken upon it.
3. Everyone who enters Freemasonry is, at the outset, strictly forbidden to countenance any act which may have a tendency to subvert the peace and good order of society; he must pay due obedience to the law of any state in which he resides or which may afford him protection, and he must never be remiss in the allegiance due to the Sovereign of his native land.
4. While British Columbian Freemasonry thus inculcates in each of its members the duties of loyalty and citizenship, it reserves to the individual the right to hold his own opinion with regard to public affairs. But neither in any Lodge, nor at any time in his capacity as a Freemason, is he permitted to discuss or to advance his views on theologically or political questions.
5. The Grand Lodge has always consistently refused to express any opinion of foreign or domestic state policy, either at home or abroad, and it will not allow its name to be associated with any action, however humanitarian it may appear to be, which infringes its unalterable policy of standing aloof from every question affecting the relations between one government and another, or between political parties, or questions as to rival theories of government.
6. The Grand Lodge is aware that there do exist bodies, styling themselves as Freemasons, which do not adhere to these principles, and while that attitude exists the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon refuses absolutely to have any relations with such bodies, or to regard them as Freemasons.
7. The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon is a Sovereign and Independent Body practicing Freemasonry only within the three degrees and only within the limits defined in its Constitution as “pure Antient Masonry”. It does not recognize or admit the existence of any Superior Masonic authority, however styled.
8. The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon will refuse to participate in conferences with so-called International Associations claiming to represent Freemasonry, which admit to membership Bodies failing to conform strictly to the principles upon which the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon is founded, nor can its views be represented by any such International Association.
9. There is no secret with regard to any of the basic principles of Freemasonry, some of which have been stated above. The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon will always consider the recognition of these Grand Lodges which profess and practice, and can show that they have consistently professed and practised, those established and unaltered principles, but in no circumstances will it enter into discussion with a view to new or varied interpretation of them. They must be accepted and practised wholeheartedly and in their entirety by those who desire to be recognized as Freemasons by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon.
The United Grand Lodge of England has been asked if it still stands by these Aims and Relationships of the Craft. The United Grand Lodge of England replied that it stood by every word of the declaration, and has since asked for the opinion of the Grand Lodges of Ireland and Scotland. A conference was held between these three Grand Lodges, and all unhesitatingly reaffirmed the statement that as pronounced in 1938: nothing in present-day affairs has been found that could cause them to change from that attitude.
The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon, and the three Grand Lodges of England, Ireland and Scotland, are convinced that by a rigid adherence to these Aims and Relationships that Freemasonry has survived the constantly changing doctrines of the outside world, and are further compelled to place on record their complete disapproval of any action which may tend to permit the slightest departure from the basic principles of Freemasonry. They are strongly of the opinion that if any Grand Lodge does so it cannot maintain a claim to be following the Ancient Landmarks of the Order.
The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon may acknowledge a Concordant Body to be in ‘Amity’ and have friendly relationship with it provided that Body is found to be a regular member of the Fraternal Masonic Family that recognises Grand Lodge as the Cornerstone of Freemasonry and shows loyalty to it. Their membership must acknowledge the Ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry as practised in this Jurisdiction and must maintain their membership on its registry. It is understood that Grand Lodge has no jurisdiction in the operation or management of said Concordant Body. [2004]
Resolved that the Grand Lodge of British Columbia is in amity with the following bodies:
1. The Sovereign Grand Lodges, recognized as such by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia, and the Lodges working under them.
2. The Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons of British Columbia, having its headquarters in Vancouver, B.C., and the Grand Royal Arch Chapters, recognized as such by it; and the chapters working under all such bodies.
3. The Sovereign Great Priory of Canada of the United Orders of Malta and the Temple, having its headquarters in Toronto, Ontario, and the Great Priories of other countries and jurisdictions recognized by it; and all the priories and preceptories working under the authorization of all such bodies.
4. The Grand Council Royal and Select Masters of Western Canada, of the Cryptic Rite of Freemasonry, having its headquarters in Vancouver, B.C., and the Grand Councils of other countries and jurisdictions recognized by it; and the councils working under all such bodies.
5. The Grand Imperial Conclave of Canada of the Red Cross of Constantine having its headquarters in Barrie, Ontario, and the Grand Imperial Conclaves recognized as such by it; and the conclaves working under all such bodies.
6. The Grand Imperial Council of Scotland of the Red Cross of Constantine having its headquarters in Edinburgh, Scotland, and the Grand Imperial Conclaves recognized as such by it; and the conclaves working under all such bodies.
7. The Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada, having its headquarters in Hamilton, Ontario, and the Supreme Councils of the Rite, recognized as such by it; and the consistories, chapters and lodges working under all such bodies.
8. The Royal Order of Scotland, having its headquarters in Edinburgh, Scotland, and all the Provincial Grand Lodges of that order, chartered and recognized as such by it.
9. The Imperial Council of North America of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine having its headquarters in Tampa, Florida; and the Temples and Shrine organizations chartered and recognized as such by it.
10. The Supreme Council of the Grottoes of North America, having its headquarters in Columbus, Ohio, and the Grottoes chartered and recognized as such by it.
11. The order of the Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests, Grand Lodge of Great Britain and Tabernacles Overseas, having its headquarters in the City of York, England, and the Tabernacles chartered and recognized by it.
12. The Grand Conclave of the Order of the Secret Monitor, or the Brotherhood of David and Jonathan of Canada, and the Conclaves chartered and recognized by it.
13. The Convent General Knights of the York Cross of Honor, and the Priories chartered and recognized by it.
14. The Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees of Canada, and the Councils chartered and recognized by it.
15. The York Rite Sovereign College of North America, and the Colleges chartered and recognized by it. [2005, p. 5.]
Figures Refer to Sections
ABSENCE—of Grand Master, 49; of Deputy Grand Master, 50b; of W.M. and Wardens attending Grand Lodge, R121.
ABSENT LODGE OFFICERS—W.M., R118; Wardens, R118.
ABUSE OF POWER—Grand Master, 49.
ACCOUNTS—Grand Lodge—Audit of, 64; Grand Treasurer, 53, R1; Grand Secretary, 54, R2; Benevolent Fund, R31; Constituent Lodge—Audit of, R115; Produce to D.D.G.M., 62, 63; before Grand Master, 42A.
ADDRESS—of Grand Master, 16.
ADJOURNMENT—of Constituent Lodge, prohibited, R84.
ADMISSION—who may be admitted to Grand Lodge, 14; Grand Pursuivant’s Duty, R11; Grand Tyler’s Duty, R15; who may be admitted to Constituent Lodge, R168.
ADVANCEMENT—Objection to R142, Restriction as to time, R141; of members of other Lodges,
AFFILIATION—adverse ballot on petition for, R143; certificate of standing to be produced, R143; certificate from Grand Lodge, R38.1.h; declaration of ballot on petition for, R143; fee to Grand Lodge for “joining Brother,” R38.1.h; notice of ballot on petition for, R143; rank of affiliated Past Master, 3A.
AGE—R134, R139, R143.
AMALGAMATION—see Consolidation.
AMENDMENT—of Constitutions, 87; of Motions, R175; of By-laws of Constituent Lodge, R71, R72; defeated two consecutive times, 87a
APPEALS—to Grand Lodge, from ruling of G.M., 19; from Worshipful Master, R116.
APPOINTMENTS—Grand Lodge Officers, at Annual Communication, 27; Investiture, 25; Vacancy, how filled, 12A; Lodge Officers, appointment by W.M. at Installation, R99; Lodge Officers Installation of, R105; Lodge Officers vacancy, how filled, R109; Lodge Officers removal, R108.
APRONS—Grand Master, 77, other Grand Lodge Officers, 78A-81; Entered Apprentices, R129; Fellow Crafts, R130; Master Masons, R131; Past Masters, R132; Worshipful Masters, R132; Special Permission to Ashlar Lodge, R133a; affiliated members, R133b.
ARREARS—of dues, time allowed, R74; regulation as to remission, R73; payment of before reinstatement, R75.
ARREST—of Warrant or Dispensation, Powers of Grand Master to, 42a, 43.
AUDIT—Grand Lodge accounts, 65; Constituent Lodge accounts, R115.
AUDITORS—Grand Lodge, how appointed, 64.
BALLOT—who elected by, in Grand Lodge, 26; papers to be printed, 32; who elected by in Constituent Lodge, R99; on Petitions, R139; not to be postponed, R139; after unfavourable report, R139; second ballot, when, R139; one for all three Degrees, R142; at election of Honorary Members, R65; W.M. may direct where not otherwise provided, R64.2; who may, R63.
BEHAVIOUR—of members, regulations as to, R172, R173.
BENEVOLENT FUND—Trustees, how appointed, R32; duties of, R32; what fund composed of, R32; must be kept separate, R32; how to be used, R32, D.D.G.M.s advisory members of, 61.
BOND—of Grand Treasurer, R1.7; of Grand Secretary, R2.13.
BOOKS—of Grand Treasurer, R1; of Grand Secretary, R2; of Constituent Lodges, R113, R115; Porch Book of Grand Lodge 15; Porch Book of Constituent Lodge, R147.
BURIAL—See funerals.
BURSARY FUND—establishment of, R33; Fund kept separate, R33, Safekeeping and purchase of securities, R33; Use of revenue, R33; Trustees, how appointed, R33; Duties of Trustees, R33.
BUSINESS—Quorum necessary in Grand Lodge, 10; Order of in Grand Lodge, 16A; Constituent Lodge, may be in any Degree, R93; Quorum necessary, R94; must be stated for Emergency Meeting,
BY-LAWS—Constituent Lodge right to make, R71; approval by Grand Master, R71; cannot be suspended, R85; amending R71; Signing, R71; as to election of officers, R99; as to appointment of officers, R99.
CANDIDATE—Definitions, see, objection to before Initiation, R142; after, R142; must be examined before advancement, R144.2.
CERTIFICATE—Grand Lodge—Constituent Lodge must procure for member raised, R148; must be signed, R149; fee for, R38.1.g; for replacement of one lost, R38.1.d; for P.M., R38.1.d; Past Master,
CHAPLAIN—Grand Lodge, appointment of 27; need not be member of, 3.b; duties of, R13; clothing, 78a; jewel of, 72; Constituent Lodge, election or appointment of, R99; Jewels, R124.
CLANDESTINE—See Definitions.
CLEARANCE—Grand Secretary to keep records, R2.
CLOTHING—Grand Lodge, regulations as to wearing, 69, 70, 71; of member, 71. Constituent Lodge, Ashlar No. 3, R133a; E.A., R129; F.C., R130; M.M., R131; W.M. and P.M.s, R132.
COLLARS—Grand Lodge Officers, 75; Constituent Lodge Officers, R127; Past Grand Lodge Officers, 76.
COMMISSIONS—See Definitions.
COMMITTEES—of Grand Lodge, appointment of, 66; who to serve 67; Constitution, duty of, R21; Education and Research, duty of, R22; Finance, duty of, R23; Jurisprudence, duty of, 24; Rituals, duty of, R27; Warranted Lodges and Lodges U.D., duty of, R28; other Committees, appointment of, 66; Communications to be forwarded to Chairman by Grand Secretary, R18. Constituent Lodge—Application for initiation, R139; application for affiliation, R143; on applicants from Her Majesty’s Forces, R140.
COMMUNICATION—Grand Lodge, time of, 8; of Constituent Lodges Regular, R90, Emergent R92 ; time of, notice of shall be given, R95; notice shall be sent to Grand Master, Grand Secretary and D.D.G.M., R96.
CONFIRMATION OF ELECTION—of elective officers of Constituted Lodge, necessary, R103.
CONSECRATION OF LODGE—by Grand Master, 36.
CONSOLIDATION—of Lodges, procedure R151, R152.
CONSTITUENT LODGE—authority for holding, R58; composed of whom, R59; formation of, R50; consolidation of, R151; dissolution of, R153, R154; property after dissolution, R126; power of suspending for N.PD., R73; of remission of dues, R40, R73; may grant demit to E.A. or F.C. for proper cause, R157; who may preside in, 36, 63, R110, R118, R119, R121; incorporation of, R86; precedence, R60.
CONSTITUTION—of Grand Lodge, Dedicatory Page; how amended, 87; committee on, duties, R21.
CORRESPONDENCE—of Grand Lodge, Grand Secretary duty to conduct, R2.7.
CREDENTIALS—G.L. Committee, appointment of, 33; duties of, 32, R16.
DEACONS—Grand Lodge, appointment of, 27; duties, R6; Clothing, 69, 78a; Jewels, 72; Constituent Lodge, appointment or election of, R98, R99; duty of, R123; Jewel, R124.
DEATHS—Grand Master, 11, 50a, 50b; W.M., R118; of member must be reported, R122.13; funeral of M.M. not of jurisdiction, R166; request shall be made, R166; unaffiliated not entitled to, R166.
DEBATE—Grand Lodge Rules, 17-22, R172-R176.
DECISION—No appeal from ruling of W.M., R116; appeal from expelled member to G.L., 84; from suspended member, 85.
DECLARATION—of ballot, cannot be postponed, R139; second ballot permitted before declaration,
DEGREES—Limitation on conferring, R87; interval between, R144; neglect to take, R141; residence, R134; minimum fee for, R88; E.A. or FC. from other jurisdiction, R144; examination before, R144; names must appear on notices, R144; Past Master may confer, R119.
DEMIT—See Definitions—Application for, R156; of affiliate R143; officers cannot, R106; E.A. or F..C. may be granted, R157.
DEPUTY GRAND MASTER—Absence of, 50B; absence of G.M., 50A; election of, 26; duty, 50A; powers, 50A; rank, 3; jewel of, 72.
DISPENSATIONS—See Definitions—Grand Master may grant, 45; for new Lodges, R43; pre-requisites to, R41, R42; returnable, R47; withdrawal, suspension or revocation of, R46; duration of,
R43; for special elections, R100; for appearance in regalia, R164; for funerals unnecessary, R164; fees for, R38.1.c; without, R145.
DISSOLUTION—of constituent Lodges, R151-R154.
DISTRICTS—Division of jurisdiction into, 55, R28.
D.D.G.M.s—Appointment of, 27, 56; courtesy member, 58; clothing and jewel, 69, 72; duties of, as to 59
examining books of Lodges, R3.2; as to Lodge returns R3.2; as to new Lodges, R3.3, R3.4; as to report to Grand Lodge R3.6; as to visiting Lodges, R3.2; Jurisdiction of, 55; Powers of, to investigate complaint, 63; to examine proposed W.M. of new Lodge, R3.3; to preside in any Lodge his District, 63; Qualification for office, 57; rank of 3a; Jewel of 72; title of, 56; visit of Grand Master, R97.
DOCUMENTS—Grand Secretary’s duty as to, R2; when seal to be affixed, R2.
DROPPED—R144.2, R144.3.
DUES—Payable to Grand Lodge, R38; not payable by Lodge U.D., R48.3; to Constituent Lodge, arrears how dealt with, R74; payment before reinstatement R75; default, representative cannot vote at Grand Lodge, 23; extinct Lodge, certificate for members, R155; remission of, R40, R74; suspension for nonpayment of, R74; honorary members, R65.
EDUCATION—Appointment of Grand Lodge committee, 66; duties of, R22.
ELECTIONS—Grand Lodge, annually at regular Communication, 25, 34; majority vote, 17; mode of, 17, 26, 34; officer elected by ballot, 26; qualification for election, 29, 30, 31; scrutineers, appointment of, R17; second ballot, 17, when a W.M. not eligible, 31. Constituent Lodge: Annual elections, R99; By-law may provide for election of all officers, R99; honorary member, R65; W.M. qualification, R110; vacancy, how filled, R109; failure to hold, R100; removal, R108.
EMERGENT—Grand Lodge Emergent Communication of, 9, 49; number of Lodges represented, 10; Constituent Lodge: W.M. may call, R92; Quorum at, R94.
ENTERED APPRENTICES—Clothing of, R129; when may be advanced in another Lodge, R144,
R145; right to visit, R168; may be granted demit, R155, R157.
ERASURE—See Definitions; of Lodge, notice necessary, 24.
EXAMINATION—Candidate for higher degree, R144; W.M. recommended for new Lodge, R3(3); visitors, R169, R170.
EXPULSION—See Definitions; lodge may recommend for, R79; name to be sent to Grand Secretary,
R122.10; power of, in Grand Lodge alone, 7; procedure, when Freemason desires restoration, 85.
FEES—Grand Lodge, R38; Lodge, for degrees, R72, R88.
FELLOW CRAFT—Clothing of, R130, may be advanced in another Lodge, R144, R145; right to visit, R168; Grand Lodge fee for, R38.1.f.
FINANCES—Grand Lodge appointment of finance committee, 66; duties of, R23; Grand Treasurer, duties of, R1.
FORMS—Deleted from Forms and Ceremonies [2012], 86.
FOUNDATION STONE—To be laid by Grand Master or his representative, 36.
FUNERALS—Dispensation for not necessary, R38.1.c; Master Masons only entitled to Masonic,
R166; must be at request, R166; procedure as to non-resident Brethren R166; proceedings of, to be reported, R122; unaffiliated Freemasons not entitled, R166; unaffiliated Freemasons, exceptions,
FUNERAL LODGE—Authorize holding of, R57.
FURNITURE—Lodge, held in trust, R125; vests in Grand Lodge, if warrant forfeited, R126.
GAUNTLETS—Grand Lodge officers, 82; Lodge officers, R128.
GRAND CHAPLAIN—3A, 3B, 27, 72, R13.
GRAND DEACONS—3A, 27, 72, R6.
GRAND LODGE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND YUKON—style and title, 1; seal, 2; officers and members, its jurisdiction and powers, 6, 7; names and rank of members must be returned to Grand Secretary, 13; order of business 16a; restoration of membership in, 84, 85; Communication of, 8; date and place of, 8; orderly conduct in, R172, R173, R174; installation in, 16A, 25; voting, 17, 18, 23; business order, 16.
GRAND LODGE—Dues, R38, R40.
GRAND MARSHAL—3a, 27, 72, R8.
GRAND MASTER—Office of, rank and title, 3a, 35; ex—officio member of committees 37; has casting vote 18; absence from Communication, 11; absence from jurisdiction, 50a, 50B; appeal from decision of, 19; appointments by 12a, 27, 33, 46, 66, R17, R32; applications to through Grand Secretary, 48; clothing and insignia, 69, 72, 77; chair of, who may assume, 11; powers of, 36, 47; to render decisions, 44; to grant dispensations, 45; death of, 11, 50a; election of, 26;
incapacity of, 49; installation of, 25; Jewel of, 72; visit to District, R97.
GRAND OFFICERS—Titles of, 3a; qualifications of, 29, 30; disqualification, 31; duties of, 50A, 51, 52; regalia of, 69, 70, 82.
GRAND DIRECTOR OF MUSIC—3A, 3b, 27; jewel, 72; duties, R14; past rank, 60
GRAND PURSUIVANT—3a, 27, 72, R11.
GRAND REPRESENTATIVES—Power to appoint, 46.
GRAND SECRETARY—Rank of, 3a; how appointed, 28; jewel of, 72; salary of, R2.15; duties of,
R2; to transmit documents to committees, R18.
GRAND STEWARDS—3a, 27, 69, 72, 75, 78b, R12.
GRAND SWORD BEARER—3a, 27, 72, R9.
GRAND TREASURER—Rank of, 3a; election of, 26; duties of, R1; jewel of, 72.
GRAND TYLER—Rank of, 3a, R15; jewel, 72; past rank, 60
GRAND WARDENS—Rank of, 3A; duties, 51, 52; election of, 26; jewels of, 72.
HALL—Dedication of, 36; can only be used for Masonic purposes, R83.
HONORARY MEMBERS—Grand Lodge Brethren may be constituted members of, 5; Constituent Lodge, election of, R65; right of voting to be specially conferred, R66.
IN “AMPLE FORM”—“in due form”, “in form”, see definitions.
INCAPACITY—Grand Master, 11, 50a; W.M., R118.
INCORPORATION—Lodges may not incorporate, R86.
INITIATION—Grand Lodge fee for R38.1.e; application for, R134-R138; ballot for, R139; committee of enquiry, R139; dispensation for, R139; fee for, minimum, R88; five candidates only in one day, R87; jurisdiction, regulations as to, R68, R134, R138; notice of ballot on petition for R139; objection to, after acceptance, R142, petition of rejected candidate, R135; qualifications for R134; report upon candidate, R139; residence qualification of candidate, R134, R138.
INSIGNIA—Grand Lodge Officers, 69, 72; Lodge, R124, R127.
INSTALLATION—In Grand Lodge, 25; in Lodges, R91, R101, R102, R103; essential, when to take place, R104; election to be confirmed before, R103.
INSTRUCTION—Candidates, R114; Lodge of, R53-R56.
INVESTMENT—Of Grand Lodge Funds, R1.8, R2.14, R23.
JEWELS—Grand Lodge Officers, 72; Past Grand Officers, 76; must be consistent with recognized degrees, 73; Royal Arch, may be worn, 73; Lodge officers, R124; to be worn, R158
JUDICIAL POWERS—of Grand Lodge, 7; of G.M., 39; of Lodges, R69, R79; see also Jurisdiction.
JUNIOR GRAND WARDEN—See Grand Wardens; Information provided, 25a-25d.
JUNIOR WARDENS—Duties of, R118; see Wardens.
JURISDICTION OF GRAND LODGE—Territorial, 6; over restorations, 84, 85. Of Lodges: territorial, R68, R69, R70; concurrent, R68; legislative, R71; over candidates, R68, R134; over members of other Lodges, R138; waiver, R138; over rejected candidates, R135; over naval and military candidates, R140; Penal jurisdiction of Lodges, limitations on, 7, R69, R79; as to restorations, 85.
LAWS AND REGULATIONS—Lodge By-laws must not be contrary to, R71.
LODGE—See Constituent Lodge.
LODGE OF INSTRUCTION—Authority to hold may be withdrawn, R54; minutes to be kept, R56; notices of meetings to be sent to G. Sec., R55; permission required, R53.
LODGE ROOMS—Dedication of, 36; use for other than Masonic purposes improper, R83.
LODGE UNDER DISPENSATION—How formed, R41; certificate of competency of W.M. and Wardens, R41; D.D.G.M. to give certificate, R42; dispensation
only valid till next G.L., R43; if dispensation withdrawn, status of members, R46; dispensation to be returned to G. Sec. by 1st June, R47; fee for to G.L., R38.1.a; no dues to G.L., but fees, R48.3; instructions for, R48.4; membership in, R45; may not affiliate members, R48.5; organized by Grand Master or authorized member of G.L., R44; petition for, R41; recommendation by nearest Lodge
R41; powers cease when, R43; records to be returned, R47.
MASONIC MEDAL OF MERIT—jewel to be worn, R158.2.
MASONIC PUBLICATION—Condition for endorsement of, R161.
MASTER MASON—examination of, duty of W.M., R114; membership begins after receiving M.M. Degree, R59; voting restricted to, R63; Grand Lodge fee for, R38.1.g; affiliate, fee for, R38.1.h.
MEMBERSHIP—of Grand Lodge, 3A, 3B, 5, of Lodges; Grand Lodge fees for, R38; of those suspended for N.PD., R73; membership record, R113.
MINUTES—of Grand Lodge, R2.1; of Lodges, R120; of Lodge of Instruction, R56.
MONEY—Grants, appropriations, 16. Benevolent Fund Trustees: duties of, R32; Finance Committee, R23; duties of Grand Secretary, R2; of Grand Treasurer, R1; Lodge, duties of secretary,
R122; treasurer, R123.
MONTH—See definition.
MOTIONS—In Grand Lodge, R175; what in order, R175; to amend, R175; to be in writing, R176.
NAME—of Grand Lodge, 1.
NON-PAYMENT—of dues, R73, R74; remission of dues, R73; reinstatement of member suspended for, R75; suspension to be reported to Grand Secretary, R122.7; suspension in another jurisdiction deprives of privileges here, R78.
NOTICE REQUIRED—of ballot on affiliation to all members, R143; initiation, to all members,
R139; of rejection of candidates, R122(3); of charges, R81; of time and place of trial, R81; of petition to restore, 84; what constitutes notice, see definition; of meeting, R95.
NUMBERS OF LODGES—Represented in Convention to form Grand Lodge, 10.
OBJECTIONS—To granting demits, R106, R156; to installation R103; to initiation, R142; to advancement, R142; to visitors, R171.
OFFICERS—of Grand Lodge, 3a; of Lodges, which to be elected, R99; powers and duties of, R123; can be removed for cause, R108.
ORDER OF BUSINESS—in Grand Lodge, 16a.
PAST GRAND OFFICERS—as members of Grand Lodge, 4; rank, 4; rank recommended, 60.
PAST MASTERS—See Definition; as members of Grand Lodge, 3a; certificate, how obtained, R117; fee for, R38.1.d; privileges of, R119.
PETITIONS—for degrees, R134, R138; must be investigated, R139; reception and reference R134,
R138; no discussion on ballot, R139; withdrawal of, R139; for affiliation, R143; to be accompanied by demit or certificate, R143; rejections, R143; for restoration by Grand Lodge, 84; by Lodges, 85; for a warrant, R49.
PETITIONER—definition of, see definition; shall be eligible to read and write English, R134; other qualifications, R134.
PLACE OF MEETING—Grand Lodge, 8; Lodge, as to removal, R150; to be specified in By-laws,
POINT OF ORDER—when raised in Grand Lodge, R173.
PORCH BOOK—Grand Lodge, how kept, 15; Lodge, must keep, R147.
POSTPONEMENT—Ballot cannot be postponed, R139.
POWERS—of Grand Lodge, 7; of Grand Master, 39-49; of Grand Officers, 49-52; of Lodges, R71-
R80; of Worshipful Master, R111-R116.
PRINTING—Lodge, By-laws must be printed, R71.
PROCEEDINGS—of Grand Lodge, kept by Grand Secretary, R2.1; Grand Secretary to superintend publication of, R2.11; to send copies to Lodges, R2.3; Constituent Lodges entitled thereto, R163; fee to members for, R163; publication prohibited, R1 59.
PROCESSIONS—not to be formed without permission, except in case of funerals, R164.
PRODUCTION—of books, etc., by W.M. of Lodge, 42A, R120.
PROPERTY—Grand Lodge, duty of Grand Tyler, R15; of Lodges, in whom vested, R125; of consolidated Lodges R126; of dissolved Lodges, R126; when warrant forfeited, R126.
PROXY—in Grand Lodge see definition of, how selected, 20; Lodge has right to instruct, R61; credentials of, 20; extra vote as proxy, 21, 22.
QUALIFICATIONS—for Grand Lodge, 3a; of petitioners for Lodge U.D., R41; W.M., officers for Lodge U.D., R41; of a W.M. of a warranted Lodge, R101, R110; of voters in Lodge, R63, R66; for affiliation, R143; for initiation, R134-R141.
QUESTIONS—To Candidates, immediately following Rulings and Edicts.
QUORUM—in Grand Lodge, 10; in Lodges, R94.
RAISING—Objection to, R142.
RANK—Of Grand Lodge Officers, 3a; Of Lodge officers, R98; Of Past Grand Lodge Officers, 4.
RECOMMENDATION OF PETITIONERS—for degrees or affiliation, R136, R143; Lodge, U.D.,
RECORDS—of Lodges U.D., R46, R47.
REGALIA—Grand Lodge Officers, 69; Officers, R127-R133b; when can be worn, R164.
REINSTATEMENT—of members suspended, N.P.D., R75; see also Restoration; of demitted members, R156.
REJECTION—of Candidates, R122.3, R134, R135; of applicants to affiliate, R143; Grand Secretary to be notified, R122.3; petition from rejected candidate, R135.
REPEAL—of former laws, 89.
REPORTS OF GRAND OFFICERS—16; of Grand Lodge Committees, see Committees.
REPRESENTATIVE, FOREIGN—Grand Master may appoint, 46.
RESEARCH—Lodge of, requires license from Grand Master, R52; see education.
RESIDENCE—D.D.G.M. must be member of District, 57; qualification of candidate R134; notice of ballot must state, R139.
RESIGNATION—Officers of Lodge cannot resign or demit, R106.
REINSTATEMENT—of demitted member, R156.
RESTORATION—after expulsion, 84, 85; after suspension for N.P.D., R75, R76, R77; after suspension for U.M.C., 85; restoration to be reported to Grand Secretary, R122.9.
RETURNS TO G.L.—committee to examine, R28; Grand Secretary to deal with, R2.2; annual, R146. Lodge: to be sent to Grand Secretary, R146; penalty for neglect to make, 23, R47, R146.
RITUALS AND CEREMONIES—Appointment of Committee on, 66; duties of, R27. Also see Rulings, “Degrees”.
ROYAL ARCH JEWEL—may be worn, 73, R158.
RULES OF DEBATE—In Grand Lodge, R173-R176.
RULINGS AND EDICTS—immediately following Regulations
SCRUTINEERS—in Grand Lodge, R17.
SEAL—of Grand Lodge, 2; Grand Secretary to have custody of, R2.8; of Lodges, R62.
SECOND BALLOT—when permitted, R139.
SECRETARY—duty of, R122; other duties of to be specified in By-laws, R123; may be elected or appointed, R99.
SENIOR WARDEN—duties of, R118.
SENIORITY—in Grand Lodge, 11; rank, 3A, 4.
SHORT TITLE—immediately following Definitions.
SIGNATURE—Grand Lodge Porch Book, 15; G.L. certificate, R149; petition for initiation, R136; porch book, R147.
STANDING COMMITTEES—See Committees — powers of chairmen, R19.
STYLE AND TITLE—of Grand Lodge, 1; of Grand Lodge Officers, 3A.
SUMMONS—R167; see Definitions. W.M. may issue, R111.
SUNDAY MEETING—see Rulings and Edicts.
64 SUSPENSION—See Definitions; notice by Lodge, R74; by Grand Lodge or Grand Master, 7, 42A, 42B, 43.
TIE VOTE—in Grand Lodge, 18. TITLE—See also style.
TREASURER—Lodge, duties, R123; election of, R99; regalia of, R124.
TRIALS—of members, 83; member to be present, R81; time and place, R81; right to counsel, R81.
TYLER—election of, R99; duty of, R123; regalia of, R124; Tyler’s Oath, immediately following Rulings and Edicts.
UNAFFILIATED FREEMASONS—not entitled to funeral, R166.
USAGES OF THE CRAFT—Grand Master to decide as to, 44.
VACANCY—in Grand Lodge 11, 12,12a; in Lodges, R107.
VERY WORSHIPFUL—rank granted, 60.
VISITORS—examination of, R169; member may object to, R171; qualification of, R168; vouching for, R169; conferring degrees on, R145.
VOTE—Grand Lodge, how taken, on business matters, 18; elections, 17; number for each member
22; Lodge, to consolidate Lodges, R151; to waive jurisdiction, R138; to restore from suspension,
R75; to recommend restorations, 85; majority to elect officers, Grand Lodge, 17; Lodge, R99; who has extra votes in G.L., 21.
WAIVER—of residence qualification, R138; vote necessary, R138; vote, how taken, R138.
WARDENS—(See also Grand Wardens)—Members of Grand Lodge, 3a, 51, 52; Lodge election of, R99; cannot demit, or resign, R106; powers of, R118; attend Grand Master, when summoned, R120.
WARRANT—requirements, to obtain, R41-R50; application by petition, R49; fee for, R38.1.b; forfeiting, R126, R154, R155; suspending, 7, 42a; suspension of Lodge, see definition; W. Master is custodian of, R112.
WARRANTED AND U.D. LODGES—Appointment of Committee on, 66; duties of, R28.
WORSHIPFUL MASTERS—members of Grand Lodge, 3a; absence of R118; right to preside, R101, R119; may not demit or resign R106; previous service as Warden, R110; power of, R111; duties of, R112-R116; appeal from decision of to Grand Lodge only, R116; certificate after serving, R117; fee for certificate, R38.1.d; must be installed, R101; installation, R103; to appoint non-elective Lodge officers, R99; qualification of, R110; Constituent Lodge cannot remove from office, R108; shall attend G.M. when summoned, R120.
WRITING—Resolutions to be in, R176.
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