Sunday 29 January 2023

The Lies Globalists Tell To Destroy The Majority

 The Lies Globalists Tell To Destroy The Majority

In An Effort To Destroy Sovereign Man and Woman the Globalists Use Politics, Education and Media To Distort Reality

 The answer — globalist propaganda.

The globalist’s propaganda is designed to make the majority feel hopeless and defeated. It is manufactured by a small number of so-called “elites” that have successfully tricked the majority into thinking they are now a failed powerless minority although this could not be further from the truth.

Why? Because the globalists do not want any 
Sovereign Man and Woman to reach their potential! No more Sovereign Man and Woman running companies, or anything else. They want to engineer a new society that they can more easily control without what they view as willful Sovereign Man and Woman that could strip them of their power someday.

I detest discussing race. Breaking society down by race feels like a giant step backward, but the Democrat/Marxist/Communism machine set in motion by the globalists is hellbent on using race/ religion/colour to gain power, so, one must respond in a way they can understand.

First and foremost, 
Sovereign Man and Woman need to know that the leftists and Rightest globalists are selling a false narrative regarding who holds the majority of power and privilege in today. Educators and other organizations  are intestinally creating psy-op  groups. organizations to distract millions. 

If you’re thinking why should 
Sovereign Man and Woman stand up? Because we’re the majority. Besides, no one should allow anyone to shame or degrade them or their children. It is unacceptable that educators, politicians, and media seek to convince Sovereign Man and Woman that they are no longer relevant. One such example of abuse is CRT (critical race theory) which claims whites are “inherent oppressors” and people of color are “inherently inferior.” It is an ideology that believes whites are on their way out of power because they were successful and, according to CRT, “in power too long.” CRT is an insulting ideology to people of color but many accept the negatives so as to be elevated by color rather than merit. Education, leftist politicians, and the media push CRT not because it’s true or just but because globalists like George Soros started backing it to harm the Sovereign Man and Woman without having to take the blame for the harm caused.

I suggest 
Sovereign Man and Woman stop bending over and taking a spanking from people that are plotting their demise. Civilization is collapsing and the globalists are winning. UN Agenda 21/30 or UNDRIP are full steam ahead while they have millions distracted on issues! 

As long as 
Sovereign Man and Woman remain disorganized the Globalists push their Agenda of Depopulation!

They MUST not relinquish their unalienable rights to a handful of mega-wealthy soulless oligarchs with a God complex or their minions. Sovereign Man and Woman also cannot allow dishonest  subgroups to cause them harm just because it’s currently trendy for low IQ educators to teach people to keep dividing the Sovereign Man and Woman.

It’s sad, many 
Sovereign Man and Woman worked for decades to improve the lives of minorities, believing in equality and wanting everyone to be treated fairly, only to find that those they helped, along with mentally unstable, have abandoned equality in favor of equity, which is nothing more than role-reversal racism.

Using their numbers as a measure of strength, 
Sovereign Man and Woman must not allow anyone to beat them down. As a class, Sovereign Man and Woman deserve good lives without fear of persecution or unjust belittlement in education or their corporate work environments, this is obvious to non-racists but less clear for those that haven’t dealt with their education manufactured anger or personal insecurities.

Even modern psychology now promotes anti-white racism. 

Colonialism was created by the Globalists to blame the white race to direct the attention away from them the real criminals the Globalists at the local level to the top. 


Their betrayal of truth will prevent people of color from dealing with their core issues and whites from achieving their full potential. Today’s therapists no longer help people to grow and change. On the contrary, they want people to adhere to anti-white racism that makes whites feel inferior. These new brainwashed therapists often don’t know they’re causing harm since they were brainwashed to believe anti-white racism is “just” at university. Therapists no longer encourage personal responsibility or self-awareness, or anything else that might help someone become a better stronger person. Instead, they encourage people to blame others for their problems which prevents them from maturing.

There are other professions operating on the zero-compassion-for-whites methodology as well, law, medicine, virtually all professions, regrettably, far too many to mention, have become racist tools designed by the Globalists. Combined it adds up to whites not having an easy path to success like their minority counterparts.

Its destroys everyone and they play right into the parasites globalists Agenda!

The new ideologues claim whites are hyper-privileged but that is 100 percent easily disproven. Whites, not blacks, make up the majority of poor people in the country. As a class, whites are less supported than people of color by education and other government bodies. Education makes it easy for people of color to glide through life while burdening whites with guilt for crimes they did not commit. Some people of color will be enraged by such statements but that doesn’t make it untrue and honest people know it. Poor whites are not given the same cradle-to-grave nurturing which is patently unjust and unethical.

It is true to say that if a white person wasn’t rich by the end of the last century, it is harder for them to succeed this century. People of color, from what I’ve observed, can’t fail, not even if they choose a life of crime. The vast majority of aid, grants, welfare, assistance, and so forth goes to less than one-third of the country, while poor whites suffer from little or no help at all.

Whites are blamed for being poor while white, this combination, to globalists, is the worst crime of all. White failure is what the elites secretly use to justify their hatred of those in their race they seek to destroy.

At universities, non-legacy whites are less likely to gain access to Ivy League colleges than non-legacy minority groups. The entire modern system is designed to oppress whites, which is why the idea of “white supremacy” is a largely ludicrous and antiquated concept if one looks at the majority of whites that aren’t already successful which is, as I said before, the majority of the majority.

Educators, politicians, and the media beat down the white majority, driving many to despair. Far more whites commit suicide and die of Fentynal drug overdoses than people of color. We are witnessing a white genocide perpetrated by globalists (many of whom are white but unconcerned with poor and middle-class whites who they disdain for existing) and activists that either haven’t recognized their vile bias and anti-white racism or feel entitled to it after being inculcated to believe a malevolent ideology by educators.

Globalists reached a diminishing return concerning their lust for power which is why they began social engineering. To feel more powerful, they sought the God-like power of life and death. To achieve this new level of narcissism and evil they paid off politicians, educators, and the media to perpetuate their crimes against humanity for them and have made significant gains in engineering a two-tiered system of mega-wealthy elites and a second, lower class, of marginally educated slaves comprised of people of color. Meanwhile, white men are disappearing from college campuses and white-collar careers at an alarming rate.

One look no further than the steadily reduced representation of the white majority on television to figure out that whites are slated to be erased from humanity as quickly as the globalists can eradicate them.

Education is doing its best to dumb whites and to shame them but white people have centuries of free thought in their genes which scientists say live on in their cellular memory for at least 200 years. This point gives me hope that 
Sovereign Man and Woman will fight back against the globalist evil being perpetrated.

Of course, the globalists would never admit any of this directly. They lie and censor anyone that speaks the truth about their anti-white holocaust. This essay is currently “under review” by Medium that claims it goes against their community standards.

Globalists advance by deceit, stagecraft, psychological operations, even witchcraft if it will help them trick the public into believing that any harm done to the majority is good, of course, it isn’t good; it’s evil. Ultimately, the only people helped are the globalists since those doing their bidding will someday also be destroyed or enslaved.

There is still hope. If the majority wakes up and stops allowing the abuse, we can still create a genuinely just and fair society for all 
Sovereign Man and Woman, not just for whites or exclusively for minorities but for everyone (except the globalists that should be held accountable for the pain and suffering they’ve caused humanity).

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