Tuesday 28 December 2021

Time To Rediscover & Recreate A Sovereign Money System : Learn More at ConstitutionalConventions.ca


Time To Rediscover & Recreate A Sovereign Money System : Learn More at ConstitutionalConventions.ca 


Canada used to have a national bank - It was the Sovereigns bank designed to serve the nation's interests. It was stolen ... and it was an inside job. People are beginning to realise that having a criminal cartel controlling money and politics might  not be such a good idea. Time for a dose of structural reform before it's too late. It's not just money at risk - it's freedom and lives.

Constitutional Conventions is a Sovereigns powered solution aiming to restore an accountable system, Restore Natural Law and create a monetary system debt free from the Private Banking cartel!

Three key steps have been identified 

Constitution created by the Sovereigns, not a contract the politicians created to end the corruption!

Bank Reform must be required to give Sovereigns a fair go and end the harsh dysfunction seen developing in societies today. 

The second step –

2. Put in place a Sovereign Monetary System. To do this we must remove the ability of the private banking cartel to create money and credit via the debt based system that currently is siphoning the wealth of nations.

Powerful European and American banking interests have colluded with corrupt and often stupid politicians to set up a criminal finance system. Banking as we know it is organised crime on a grand scale. It is a counterfeiting operation that has seen the value of money slashed while keeping much of the world in poverty and many sovereigns in many countries working in debt servitude. Many are in effect wage slaves ….... and yet still too few know it.

By borrowing money from a corrupted banking and finance system politicians have given the goose that could lay golden eggs for the sovereigns over to powerful, manipulative bankers. Nations were tricked or forced into transferring large amounts of their wealth to pay interest to bankers. In order to facilitate this theft nations introduced income taxes. This system results in ever rising debts and taxes while sovereigns find it harder and harder to keep their heads above water. Far too many live paycheque to paycheque and then end up on a pathetic government pension after fifty years in the workforce.

Others try to get ahead by working 60 or 70 hours per week while being forced to struggle with constantly changing burdens of corrupt government imposed regulations and taxation. If sovereigns need top class lawyers and accountants to successfully run a small business something is wrong with the system.

With so many small businesses failing after a few years it is clear that they are not getting a fair go … and while they are having a go the lawyers, bankers, insurance companies and governments are feasting on the business till it drops dead and another sucker jumps in to have a go.

Many low income workers are forced to work two or three jobs in a struggle to keep a roof over their family's head. Not much quality time for their families.

This is not very conducive to a happy, productive and meaningful life. With aging populations many nations will not be able to look after their elderly sovereigns' needs without reforms such as those called for by supporters of Constitutional Conventions.

In a properly functioning Republic (not the Hi jacked US Republics) where corruption is successfully contained - to the greatest extent possible - the people have the power to manage the money supply through an honest and sensible system – critically (rather than hopefully) with an accountable Administration (government accountable to the Sovereigns.

Various groups have suggested ways of improving the operation of the monetary system. The ideas must be educated of the importance of this project!

A Sovereigns’s bank or National Bank is crucial – it could in part be capitalised from the sovereign wealth fund. The funds borrowed from it by the Adminstration (government ) would be invested into the economy. For example – funding nation building infrastructure. The government would repay the bank from the tax revenues – but from a very simplified tax system which is not abused as a political tool or weapon. This model provides the discipline needed to prevent the government creating too much money. The model works because  and other countries have successfully used it in the past.

A model is referred to in Articles of the Constitution Articles  whereby  the Administration (governments) use their constitutional power to create money and credit. Like the National bank model - rather than taking on unsustainable debt and borrowing from privately owned (or controlled) central banks at interest - the Administration would have the power and ability to invest money directly into the real economy for production that is of use to sovereigns - not speculation for the benefit of the upper echelon financial powers. Thus the "profit" from money creation would stay with the sovereigns and the Nation rather than the bankers and elite. That profit would be invested into the nation's Sovereign Wealth Fund.

The situation has now changed – and when the facts change we must adapt. Now, more than ever, sovereigns don’t trust politicians and politics. 

Right now the Elite have created blockchain and cryptocurrencies for their one world order digital social credit scheme to enslave the entire planet in to slavery.

Once fully developed - these centralised systems are implemented the sovereigns will loose more than their freedom, potentially many will be illuminated ( mass genocide world wide) 

UNDERSTANDING AND EDUCATING this important information  bringing of power and freedom back to the sovereigns. 

Many feel they may be able to create crypto currency however, the sovereigns could also be enslaved by corrupted imposter versions of these systems if the elite & governments try to maintain their power and authoritarian ways. Will sovereigns take a stand to help usher out the old world order? Will appropriate governance systems be built into the decentralised monetary so that the tyranny of the masses is checked while our fundamental rights are maintained?

One of the drivers for cryptocurrency is that sovereigns have lost trust and faith in the institutions that are supposed to represent and serve them.
 Either we have honest transparent governments that serve the sovereign's interests or the sovereigns will look for alternatives. Whatever system is decided upon - sovereign's rights and freedoms must be respected, cherished and protected – see Unalienable  rights in the First Constitution created and written BY THE  SOVERIGNS. NOT POLITIICANS .

There is only one legitimate role for government – best defined by Abraham Lincoln: “Government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Sovereignty begins with accountable government.  

Speaking of the U.S President here are two quotes worth thinking about –

“The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.” Abraham Lincoln

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” Thomas Jefferson

Having money created as debt by bankers only suits bankers. Imagine having money from the National Bank flowing into the economy for a whole range of important and worthwhile societal needs. Infrastructure, research, education - all paid for without debt and interest to private bankers. If done properly with a National Bank there won’t be the risks of unrestrained growth in the money supply which steals wealth by inflation and – of course - the profits from credit creation would remain with the SOVERIGNS invested in the Sovereign Wealth fund. We have seen the full cost of the post-2008 outlandish quantitative easing programs ... THE COST HAS BEEN VERY HIGH.

What a world we could have – more and more nations where far more sovereigns get a fair go. Societies where there is less anxiety and depression; less violence; less substance abuse; less poverty; less crime and less corruption. A world where workers can look after their family’s needs by working perhaps half the time they must now. A world where there is ample time to live, love and enjoy a more productive and meaningful life. A large contributor to the social problems nations face are due to financial pressures. A dysfunctional system leads directly to stress and millions die.

Taxes will be significantly reduced and simplified because the transfer of the sovereign's' time and wealth to the banking cartel and other corporate interests would end.

Help Nations work toward this goal. All three components are required. The final step will be detailed soon. Constitutional Conventions is for you – join in, support us and run with it. Who will step up and demand the solution?



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