Canada A Country without a Constitution

Friday 15 January 2021

Proof that we need to unlearn and relearn everything...


Proof that we need to unlearn and relearn everything...

Did you know that?
Do the research yourself.
Kirill Rebjew: ′′ As a former doctor, I want to tell you something...
There is a tacit and unofficial rule in ′′ maternity - hospitals ′′ - to cut the umbilical cord immediately. But you are in no case forced to do it!
This is because the newborn baby is in a state of double breath at the time of birth. First off he gets oxygen and nutrients through the umbilical cord. His lungs are not fully activated yet, he gradually starts breathing air through his nose, then slowly activates his lungs. What do doctors do. The umbilical cord is cut immediately after birth, cutting off the supply of oxygen and nutrients. Baby suffocates, starts taking deep breaths and tries to activate her lungs: it hurts! Also, the blood found in the placenta must pass into the baby!
If the umbilical cord is cut immediately, the baby won't have enough blood right after birth. However, the blood in the placenta contains the natural spectrum of baby immunity. In other words, if the umbilical cord is cut immediately, part of the baby's natural immunity is deliberately denied.
For what? Such a child, who doesn't get total immunity at first, is likely to have many lifelong health issues. This in turn means ′′ medication ′′ can now tell parents that the child now needs vaccines, tablets, mixes and operations. The more children and people in poor health, the more patient-patient ′′ medicine ′′ a. Nothing personal, just business.
The umbilical cord shall NOT be cut until 1 PM AFTER BIRTH. ′′ Doctors ′′ don't think about it. With good fictional reasons, they want this to end as soon as possible. Medical practice wants umbilical cord and placenta to stay as fresh as possible.
Now the question why do drugs need fresh placenta and umbilical cord? Costly medical and cosmetic preparations are made from their fabrics. This is one of the main reasons why medical practice doesn't want people at home to give birth in a comfortable and familiar atmosphere. If more and more people did it anyway, drugs would lose an important source of income.
′′ This article is not only meant to educate pregnant women and fathers, but also cosmetics enthusiasts who, in their ignorance, apart from all chemicals, coat these cosmetic ingredients on their faces."
[Source: Kirill Repjew]
Hél lène Thibault
My daughter gave birth to the Blainville birth house and we left the baby on her for a good hour, always connected to the placenta by her cord. When it was cut, the cord was white and blood empty. Baby had received everything he had to have. I buried the placenta under a tree on my pitch to create a baby-mother earth connection.

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