Canada A Country without a Constitution

Friday 15 January 2021

Every person enslaved to any religion, are all controlled by Vatican war mongers

Every person enslaved to any religion, are all controlled by Vatican war mongers. the ones who are the worst enslaved are the religious people who aren't white. 

They are the most twisted who, in turn, are hell bent on enslaving others with them, solely because - misery loves company and any and all religious people are too chicken shit to confront their own demons. 

So they gather their demons together to make one world wide collective demon that can then destroy everything. This is what eludes the stupid people of any religion, the awareness of "collective consciousness" that occurs when people come together in spirit. 

However the entire world, because of religion, are all substandard humans, corralled through the Vatican, controlled solely by the pirate warmongering fleet of britain. 

Yes britain controls the collective consciousness of the entire world through being enslaved to their money system, every religion's true god. This is how and why the entire world is on one collective agenda of complete and utter destruction of ALL life, not just human and not just Earth! The so-called royal family of british bluebloods, made their agenda of destruction known to us, the True beings of mother Earth, over 400 years ago.

 This is what religion does to the weak minded, it creates a false god, that does not exist, which in-turn steals the control over human collective consciousness, turning it into an evil, that is then unleashed upon the resulting brain dead subhumans. 

Religion is how britain has stolen and controls human's collective consciousness, getting all humans to commit collective suicide through their false god's reverse science.

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