Canada A Country without a Constitution

Monday 14 December 2020

Why do we Rally? What does it mean to US?


Why do we Rally?

 What does it mean to US?

Ask yourself why you are protesting? Why are you walking for freedom?

These rallies and protests create all kinds of distractions. They keep us from getting to the SOLUTION. They inhibit our focus on a Solution.

If we take a moment and truly reflect on how much time we let distractions consume our day, we may quickly see how off-track we really are.

Distractions – Hugs over Masks, The Line, Vaxxed Canada, Fines for not wearing a mask, Antifa, Petitions, Constitutional Lawyers, Any Political Party, Black Lives Matter, End the Lock Down, Idle No More - All these issues have all the people angry and protesting against the tyrannical de-facto unlawful government. Patriots protest on the streets, and they are controlled by NO SOLUTION, bombarded with numerous planned groups with their agenda to never get the people to unify.
There are all these groups on their own agenda with NO SOLUTION. Why?

History has proven that VOTING is useless and a waste of time, all you do is vote in your next Dictator.  All political parties are the same and have the same agenda, it’s all about them, not us, the sovereigns.

 So why Vote? Please ponder this for a bit. 

With so many false flag distractions elections and protest groups how do we trust anyone in these movements?

The best way to control a protest movement:  

First control the leaders of the movements, then control the actual movement itself by funding it through corporations and non-profit corporations and governments. They create their own protest movement from scratch and install their own puppets, leaders to lead and direct the protest. This is the agenda and they do it well.

The constitution is the only solution and this should be our only focus. Sovereignty is our solution and our unalienable rights.  These we all have with a constitution the only solution.

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