Canada A Country without a Constitution

Friday 25 December 2020

The planned destruction of The Sovereign Nations with the Canada Corporation Through the Deception separation of Quebec


The planned destruction of  The Sovereign Nations with the  Canada Corporation Through the Deception separation of Quebec

Educated and critical thinkers and researches understand that Quebec is already a Independent Nation, but years of indoctrination and their MARXIST programming have brainwashed millions to actually believe canada is a Country 

U.S.-Canadian continental union by 2005?

The following astounding interview was extracted from “New World Order: Corruption in Canada”, published in December, 1994, but now out of print. George Kralik, who conducts the interview, is an eleven-year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces. Glen Kealey is a former Hull, Quebec, commercial developer who exposed the system of organized crime and corruption, run by ex-Prime Minister Mulroney's government, and the complicity of the RCMP and the justice system. He successfully charged 16 people, including members of the government and RCMP, with criminal conspiracy. He is co-chair of the Canadian Institute for Political Integrity in Ottawa. According to him, transnationals are controlling our politicians to dismember and demolish Canada, first by Quebec's separation, and then by Continental Union in 2005.

The control of water

Kealey: We know we cannot control the sun, nor can we control the air. But we can control water. On the scale of things that are required for human life, it is the most important element that can be controlled.

Kralik: What do you mean when you say “control”?

Kealey: In GATT, the General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs, it says that free-flowing water is not a “good”. The key wording is “free-flowing”. If you construct a dam, it is no longer free-flowing, and therefore it becomes private property, owned by somebody, capable of being sold to others, or mortgaged.

Kralik: If it is dammed?

Kealey: If it is dammed. Any time the free-flowing water has been obstructed. Of course in GATT, there is much talk about bottled water.

Kralik: It's a side trick?

Kealey: It's a side trick. The biggest scam ever to be pulled on the entire world is Free Trade, and I'll tell you why.

There is a lady in Ottawa by the name of Shelley Ann Clark. She was the executive secretary to the third highest negotiator during the Free Trade Deal. His name was Germain Denis. His two visible superiors were Gordon Ritchie and Simon Riesman. Before he became Free Trade negotiator, Simon Reisman had a difficult job. He was the director of a project called the Grand Canal, which is to be built from James Bay.

James Bay is five-hundred miles from north to south, is a hundred and twenty miles across at the mouth, with salt water, on the average, thirty-five to forty-five feet deep. If a dam were to be constructed at the mouth of James Bay and Hudson's Bay, and a second one, one third down, and a third, a third down again – therefore three dams – it would allow, over a period of ten years, for water to flow from the fresh water rivers, and would push the salt water back beyond the dams and create the largest fresh water reservoir known to man.

So much so that a canal could be built leading out of the southeast corner of James Bay, south over the mountain ranges with dykes and locks and whatever you need to lift water for eight-hundred miles. Then at Rouyn-Noranda in Northern Quebec, nature's gravity would take over, and the water would start going down the other side of the mountain range. In Ontario, it would go to the Ottawa River and the French River systems, past Kirkland Lake, and eventually it would end up in Georgian Bay (in Lake Superior). The amount of water that would be brought back – fresh water from that Canal – could double the flow of water that now enters the Great lakes. Of course, if you can double the water entering the Great lakes you can take half of the total water out without changing anything in the Great Lake System.

Kralik: Do you see any possible ecological disasters as a result of this?

Kealey: Of course. You cannot flood the areas that we are talking about without changing the configuration of the soil and landscape. But trans-nationals don't think in those terms: they think in terms of money. In 1985-86, it was stated that the project would cost two-hundred billion dollars (U.S.). It was also stated that the money was available.

American Express wants to be the banker, and do you think that it is by coincidence that American Express was allowed, by Order of Council, to become a Bank in Canada, with Brian Mulroney breaking fourteen banking regulations just to allow them to achieve this status? As well, Alcan Aluminum needs dams for their mines, and Barrick, for their gold-owning concerns. Mulroney also signed Orders in Council breaking the law that made it illegal for foreigners to own more than fifty percent of a mine in Canada. Now foreigners can own mines outright in Canada: there are no restrictions.

None of these changes in the rules were made through Parliament, but by a stroke of Brian Mulroney's pen. Most people in Canada live with the illusion that laws are written by Parliament, but most regulations are changed by politicians in power. For every law that passes though Parliament, there are three thousand laws that are changed unilaterally behind the scenes.

Free trade: back-room manipulations

I know what was negotiated in the Free Trade Deal and how the deal was done because my executive secretary (NOTE: now his wife) is Shelley Ann Clark, who worked as the executive secretary to Germain Denis, the third highest-ranking negotiator. This is how the deal was done – Simon Reisman and Gordon Ritchie went to Washington, and gave away Canada, and as they were giving away Canada, they were at the time preparing a briefing book on a computer which appeared simultaneously on a computer in Ottawa. Mulroney and Denis worked together, and Shelley Ann Clark was the secretary working between the two of them.

How was this done? Since there were a bunch of Premiers who would have disagreed fundamentally if they knew what was really happening, and you knew what their bottom lines were, Premiers' briefings were always given at 50 O'Connor on the seventeenth floor. At midnight, the night before a briefing, Shelley Ann Clark would be told to come into Denis' office – only he and she would be in the office – and call up the briefing books on the computer. She would then be ordered to re-name a copy of the entire briefing book negotiated that day to The Provincial Briefing Book. Denis would then take the notes he had got from the Premiers about the bottom lines, and go through the main document, paragraph by paragraph.

Here are some examples. He would come to the section on “Water” – build a Grand Canal, build dams, move water to the U.S. – and he would say, “Delete that paragraph, and insert a line that says 'free-flowing water is not included in this deal'.” Textiles? “If it said we have given up sixty percent, change it to twelve.” Ms. Clark would change it to twelve.

And they would go through the entire book like that. At the end – at about three o'clock in the morning – they would produce ten copies. Every page of each new copy was numbered so that if a page went missing or was copied in any way, they would know which Premier would have done it.

Kralik: What they were negotiating, with relation to textiles, turkeys, or whatever was a kind of smoke-screen cover for the big Grand Canal?

Kealey: Everything in there was doctored. There were two key issues that we didn't hear anything about: the integration of Canada into the United States, and the movement of water through the Grand Canal. Those are the two key issues. How do you do that without anybody knowing? On October 3, 1987, the Free Trade Agreement was signed in Washington. A thirty-three page summary was delivered to Parliament. The original text has never been seen by the public.

A year later, a legal document of some fifteen-hundred pages, detailing the ramifications of certain items, was made public, and is used by lawyers today. But what is not known, what has not been seen, is the original Free Trade Deal which is at least two-hundred and some odd pages long. Because Shelley Ann Clark knows what she knows, and because of the contacts that she now has, she is a threat to the Government (i.e. the previous Mulroney Government). Last December (1992), they sent her home on full pay.

Kralik: Laid off.

Kealey: No, not laid off. She has her full pay. She was told, “Go home. We don't want you talking to people.” What they didn't know then was that home for her meant, in July 1993, becoming my executive secretary.

They haven't touched her in any way because they are afraid. She still has her top security clearance, but when she went to the archives and asked to see the Free Trade Documents, she was told, “In any event, the Free Trade Deal is in canisters 16 miles outside of Ottawa and is not to be seen by Canadians for thirty years.” Thirty years from now it is going to be too late. The implementation schedule ends at 2005. The Grand Canal must be in place and Quebec must be separated.”

Integrating Canada and the USA

Kealey: The date is the early 1960's. Dag Hammerskjold, the Secretary General of the United Nations, is flying between countries on the Lower African continent. He has been trouble-shooting border disputes which are being caused by the competition for access to mineral deposits. Suddenly, two fighter planes pull up alongside the UN plane and, without warning, shoot it down with missiles. The next day, the world media report it as an 'accident'. Fade to secret rendez-vous: Two mercenaries (the pilots of the fighter planes) are paid by an undercover agent employed by the TRANSNATIONAL MINING CABAL (funded by Rothschild-Rockefeller).

Fade to the New York (or Philadelphia) boardroom of Hanna Mining. It is now the late 1970's. The same undercover agent, an employee of Hanna Mining, quietly admits his role in the assassination to the Board of Directors. The admission bothers no one. Attention then turns to another internal problem. A Canadian-branch operation company president, Brian Mulroney of The Iron Ore Company of Canada, is being asked to shut down the Schefferville mine in Quebec. This is a very profitable mine, but one which competes successfully against the less profitable U.S. mines the Cabal also own. Mulroney is not-so-subtly reminded (blackmailed) by other directors, who threaten to expose the way he once looted the company pension fund in order to start the construction of his grand pet project, the Lord's Inn, which is to be built in Labrador (the hotel is an exact replica of Montreal's Ritz Carleton Hotel). Mulroney wisely agrees.

Fade to Oval office. It is January 21, 1981: Trans-national corporate leaders and bankers tell Reagan, “The US is broke. If it were a corporation, it would be shut down. The answer lies in a political merger with Canada. But first, the two countries must be 'HARMONIZED'.” The plan evolves on the spot (between 1985 and 2005):

  1. Lucien Bouchard and Btyan MulroneyAccording to Kealey, Bouchard (left) and Mulroney (right) sold Quebec and Canada to transnational interests.
    Back Mulroney with cash and spin-doctors.
  2. Once elected, link Mulroney with Simon Reisman, the former Deputy Minister of Finance. Reisman is presently the Director of the Grand Canal fresh water diversion scheme.
  3. Appoint Reisman to lead a negotiating team which arrives from Canada begging for a Free Trade Deal. Let them pretend to be negotiating, while they actually just follow a given pre-set IMPLEMENTATION SCHEME designed to harmonize Canada's laws to the USA.
  4. Write into the Free Trade Deal the secret arrangements made to change Canada's foreign ownership laws by ORDERS IN COUNCIL, at once.
  5. Replace the Canadian Government with the Bankers' second division team, the Liberals (TORY II). This will help allay most peoples' fears, and continue the illusion of existing democracy and independence. 6. Manage the separation of Quebec by placing the transnational bankers' man, Lucien Bouchard, at the head of the separatist movement.

Borrow 100 billion dollars for the construction of water diversion projects across the North. When the project is at its mid-point, try to borrow a further 100 billion dollars. This second loan will be denied. When the International Monetary Fund declares that Canada is clearly insolvent, a general panic sets in. The Prime Minister runs down to Washington to plead for more credit. He is told loans are available on the condition Canada merges with the USA. This new deal would create a new country – the United States of North America.

The PM returns to Canada and informs Canadians about the American offer. He states, “there is no other choice”, and civil war breaks out in Quebec. Natives of Ungava (Northern Quebec) declare unilateral independence. The Quebec Police Force attack native reserves from helicopters. The PM calls upon the UN for military assistance – on the pretext of defending the CREE (from the attacking Quebec forces).

Military from Fort Drum, New York, all wearing the UN Blue Berets, cross the border at Kingston. Within two hours, they surround Parliament in Ottawa. Others move north by air and take charge of the power plant at James Bay. Later, Quebec is partitioned by the UN, and the World Bank takes control of the water projects. Quebec is placed under a UN-sponsored economic blockade until they finally agree to use English as the working language. Quebec becomes the 55th State of the USNA.

What we have today (this was written in 1994) is Mulroney's plan: one truly National Party, the Liberals, with the most hated politician in Quebec as its head, Jean Chretien. Next you have Lucien Bouchard leading the Official Opposition with the biggest block of Separatists ever, and last you have Preston Manning, leading a Reform Party – one gang that says, “We're leaving,” and the other one that says, “Go to hell.”

Kralik: To facilitate the split?

Kealey: To facilitate the split, because this is what is required. You cannot integrate Canada and the United States as long as Quebec is there. Step number one is the separation of Quebec by 1995. Step number two is, sadly, to merge the rest of Canada with the United States. Shelley Ann Clark says the material she saw in the Trade Negotiations Office cited Canada as a fifty-first state. Other CIA agents I know have stated fifty-first, fifty-second, fifty-third, and fifty-fourth states: the Maritimes, Ontario, the Prairies, British Columbia with the Northern territories – four states. The third step is a revolution by the Cree of Northern Quebec against a separate Quebec – saying we're not going!

(Note of “Michael”: A referendum on the separation of Quebec did take place on October 30, 1995, and to the surprise of all those who organized it, 50.6% of the Quebecers voted “no” (against the separation). Quebec Premier Jacques Parizeau was so upset with this close defeat (a difference of 54,000 votes out of 4.7 million) that he resigned the next day, leaving the place for Lucien Bouchard, who himself resigned from the office of Premier in January, 2001, lamenting that Quebecers remained indifferent to his call for independence. One thing that the Financiers did not expect to counter their plans were the millions of leaflets distributed by the “Michael” Journal in Quebec against the separation from Canada.)

For now, the Financiers' plan has failed, but they won't give up. Even though the idea of separation is losing ground in Quebec, you will notice that the separatist leaders are the strongest advocates for the abandonment of the Canadian currency for the U.S. dollar. Where is “sovereignty” in all of this?

A One-World Government

In this Free Trade Agreement, the US gets the clean profitable business. Canada is the attic – the warehouse of all the raw materials. Mexico is the boiler room, the basement where all the dirty work is done. That's the plan.

Kralik: Do you see this as a stepping-stone toward the building of a New World Order and its consolidation into a single global economy?

Kealey: Of course. 95% of receipts goes toward the maintenance of power and control. What control? The International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, and The Security Council, GATT.

Kralik: Who runs the International Monetary Fund?

Kealey: The bankers. There are some fifteen or sixteen different families, but by far the two most influential are the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. Up to the end of the last century, the Rothschilds operated strictly in Europe, but they were anxious to synthesize the American operation with their own. Investigators were sent out, and it was agreed that a railroad family, the Rockefellers, were prepared to play the game, and so they became the western arm of this operation.

The Federal Reserve

Then in 1913, we have the biggest scam of all: the denationalizing of the making of money, and the creation of the Federal Reserve (Bank), a deal between the bankers and the politicians whereby the bankers promised some politicians backing and almost certain re-election in the elections they contended; in return, the politicians handed over to the bankers the right to do nothing less than print the money for the country. “We'll do that for you,” the bankers said, “and you can borrow from us.” It was passed on a Friday afternoon with no warning and with Congress pretty well empty. So much for democracy when the invisible bankers really want something.

Let us examine the implications of that. Before you give away the power to create money, there is no need for consumer or income taxes: you can manufacture an amount of money based on the resources of the country, including its capacity for labour. The value is constantly changing as new minerals are found and the labour force becomes more and more productive. In a situation where the National Government prints money, for every dollar sold to banks, two percent remains with the Government: that two percent pays the bills.

Some countries in the world can't survive on their own because they don't have the resources. There is nothing in Canada that we do not have. In fact, we could make a decision tomorrow that the critical mass of all consumer products needed in Canada would be made in Canada, from Canadian raw materials, by Canadian labour: the result would be that everybody would be employed.

We have the raw materials, the labour force, but we don't have the plants. The raison d'etre of the Free Trade Agreements being concluded throughout the world is to consolidate international control over a country by making sure that all of the parts needed for the manufacturing of everything are not made in any one country.

Kralik: So that a country cannot be self-sufficient?

Kealey: The carburetors are built in one place, the exhaust pipes in another, as are the tuners for your VCR. All the parts have been disbursed in different countries, all over the world. No one country can manufacture the parts for everything produced within their own borders. That is, with three notable exceptions: Germany, Japan, and the United States – the European Community, the Pacific Community, and the Atlantic Community. A One-World Government begins by eliminating boundaries, ending up with three regions.

Kralik: Initially?

Kealey: Initially, and then merging them into a One-World Government under the United Nations. The Free Trade Agreement between Canada, the US, and Mexico is only the first step of an agreement that will encompass both the Americas, North and South.

Kralik: Exactly. The South American dimension was only mentioned during the last week.

Kealey: But it has been planned all the way through. You must remember too that the Free Trade Deal was not a negotiation: it was trans-national bankers saying to the Governments involved: “This is what you are going to do, and here is an implementation schedule.” Everything in the Free Trade Deal had to fit the implementation schedule. The final time slot is 2005

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