Canada A Country without a Constitution

Tuesday 1 December 2020

'The Line' Exposed and the controlled Opposition Groups

 'The Line' Exposed and the other controlled opposition groups

Mission: Discredit all other groups by association
November 27 2020

Click on hypertext for links and videos
Lamont Daigle, the leader and co-founder of 'The Line', thinks pedophiles do "weird shit" with kids just to get through life, and shouldn't be judged. He also told the media that if you're associated with The Line you're plotting terrorist violence.


Creator of 'The Line' Unmasked: Michael Boutros (?)
Shady figure with many aliases is behind organizing lockdown protests in Canada Inc (Canada is a Business to harm You)
November 30 2020

Michael Boutros, creator of The Line Canada / International, and Free North Patriots.

It turns out there is a very shady character responsible for the creation of The Line Canada, a guy who goes by the name of Michael Boutros. He has many aliases, some of which are:

Michael Boutros Boutros Tanios Tony Anderson Tony Joseph Hamlin Which is his actual name, if any of them are, is difficult to say for sure, but it's likely Michael Boutros. Nothing about this guy is easy to verify. Back in April, a website called Press Progress published an article about a group called 'Free North Patriots' that was organizing anti-lockdown protests all across Canada. They identified a guy named Michael Boutros as the founder. The article was critical of Boutros, expressed suspicion of his background and motives, and dug up some interesting information. Another website, Citizen World News, published something about Free North Patriots, and the author claimed to have met with Boutros in person at his "office" in Vancouver, BC, to conduct an interview. The article is sparse on details about the interview, but apparently Boutros tried to dismiss the Press Progress article, claiming that he "did not provide any factual information" to them (implying that he lied to them, I suppose?), stating that it was a deceptive smear piece. Apparently he was asked why he conceals his identity, but he did not answer the question

Who The Hell Is This Guy?

Michael Boutros operating under his alias Tony Joseph Hamlin.
The above is a photo of a guy allegedly named Tony Joseph Hamlin. It's a screencap from this video, in which he is representing The Line Canada, and discussed "working with the police" and promoting causes such as "missing indigenous women".


The official The Line Canada twitter account telling me bald faced lies.
A few days ago, The Line Canada official twitter account sent me a message. They had apparently noticed I'd been digging them a grave on my Twitter timeline and tried to cozy up to me with some flattery, asking if I'd like to get involved with their cursed group. I used the opportunity to grill them with a bunch of questions. I asked them about Tony Joseph Hamlin. They told me that he was just a random volunteer who had joined their group for a brief time then left due to health reasons. This is, as you will soon see, a blatant lie.


Is that Michael Boutros on the far right?

We learn from the Press Progress article that Michael Boutros had been operating under the name "Michael Boutros" on Facebook, managing Free North Patriots' facebook page, up until just a few minutes after Press Progress contacted a company called GCT Security and Investigations to inquire about him, after which time he changed his name to "Tony Anderson". GCT Security and Investigations is a part of GCT Group, and is a "licensed training agency" that trains private security and body guards. GCTactical (also a part of GCT group) is a security and police training company in Canada: "GCT Training System is Internationally recognized and utilized by Law Enforcement and Private Security Agencies". The above photo is from their Instagram page, and the guy on the far right looks somewhat similar to Michael Boutros, though it's hard to say for sure. GCTactical's headquarters are in Scarborough, Ontario, but they also have (or used to have) a training center in downtown Vancouver, the city in which Michael Boutros allegedly currently lives.


Boutros is the moderator of The Line Canada's current facebook group.
Boutros is the current moderator of The Line Canada's official facebook group. However, his account name is no longer Michael Boutros, it has been changed to "Boutros Tanios":

Boutros Tanios is Tony.

Here is Boutros Tanios posting in The Line Canada group as of October 29th. If you look at the bottom of the screencap, you can see Boutros informing a user that he is in fact "Tony": "It's tony by the way."


April Michael Boutros End of April Tony Anderson August Tony Joseph Hamlin October Boutros Tanios


Michael Boutros has been involved with The Line Canada from the very beginning, all the way back to April, and is still involved with their operation, yet The Line Canada wants us to believe that he was just a volunteer who was with them a short time and then left due to "health reasons". Why would they go out of their way to lie about this? Incredibly suspicious behavior, to say the least. It's also likely that Michael Boutros registered The Line Canada's domain name:

Who is information for Free North Patriots' and The Line Canada's domain names.
Michael Boutros registered Free North Patriots' domain name all the way back on April 12th, and then on April 30th The Line Candada's domain name was registered, just five days after the first organized protest against lockdowns occured at Queen's Park Toronto. Both domain names were registered with the same registrar, GoDaddy, and both are hosted at the same IP address. Free North Patriots were also promoting The Line from the instant the group was created, with this article that was published the same day The Line's domain name was registered stating:

Lately, they [Free North Patriots] are supporting “The Line” movement. They now have added it to their information on their website to show their support for this new movement. Below is the symbol for “The Line” movement. Free North Patriots have stated that it represents the people drawing the line to end corruption and control in Canada.
So here's the situation:

A shady guy whose real name may or may not be Michael Boutros took it upon himself to form two organizations in April (one of which was created before the first lockdown protest even occurred, and the other at about the same time as the first protest).

A journalist looked into his history and tried calling his employer (which happens to be a company that trains police in the use of force), after which time he immediately changed his name (and he has changed it several times since).

The Line to this day denies that he was ever involved with them, lying when asked about him (saying he left due to "health reasons"), despite the fact that he still moderates their facebook page and helps promote their protests.


How did Michael Boutros meet / select George Roche and Lamont Daigle to run The Line ?

Why does The Line deny that Michael Boutros is Tony ?

Why does The Line deny that Michael Boutros created The Line ?

What is Michael Boutros' actual background ? Is he ex (or current) military or police ?

Who is funding them? They have professionally designed websites and logos.

Why would Michael Boutros create an organization to organize protests before any even began (April 12th)?

Why has The Line now expanded to become an international NGO ?

The Line Canada, and now The Line International (hereby referred to simply as The Line), appears to be a misguided, delusional, and embarrassing grift at best, and a controlled opposition fed honeypot run by agent provocateurs at worst. The Line and its members have become omnipresent at anti-lockdown protests in Ontario, and have been expanding across the rest of the country, with a presence quickly developing in provinces such as Manitoba and BC. Protestors have reported that The Line have "hijacked" protests and turned them into something "weird".

Lamont Daigle ensuring that the media associates The Line with Adamson BBQ.
Recently, a restaurant owner, Adam Skelly, in East York, Ontario, made headline news after he chose to defy pandemic lockdown orders and refused to shut down his restaurant, Adamson BBQ. Hundreds of people showed up to support Adam, with protests forming outside of his business. The Line was quick to insinuate themselves into the crowd, with their professionally made (and ugly) flags and signs visible everywhere, even affixed to the restaurant's fence. Their symbol and URL was visible in nearly every mainstream media photograph and video broadcast of the event, ensuring that the public associates The Line with resistance to the lockdown.

The masterminds behind The Line: George Roche (left) and Lamont Daigle


Creator of 'The Line' Unmasked: Michael Boutros (?)
Shady figure with many aliases is behind organizing lockdown protests in Canada as you seen above

The Line was co-founded in the Spring 2020 by George Roche, a music agent with degrees in psychology and marketing, and Lamont Daigle, a failed multi-level marketing self-help guru and magic water salesman.

They claim to have met at lockdown protests at Queen's Park in Toronto in the Spring, and spontaneously decided to form The Line some time in April (suspiciously, was registered April 30th, just5 days after the first protest in Queen's Park, Toronto). They describe the The Line as a civil liberties association that is "not political", and beyond the lockdown protests, have branched out to support leftist causes such as "missing indigenous women", saying that they were seeking to work with the police

A The Line protest sign. Note the two communist fists. Astute observers will also see the uncanny resemblance to an ancient and vile Internet meme.
Their symbol, which happens to use the same colours as the Antifa logo, is a black circle with a red slash running through it. George Rocheexlained that: "The O represents that we stand against oppression. And the slash stands for we don't like the blood being spilled from it," though Lamont claims that the red slash in fact means "you've crossed the line". The Line has gone on record to state that their objective is to associate themselves with all of the disparate groups in Canada that have in any way been critical of the Canadian government's response to the pandemic, and then at some point in the future, give them the signal that it's time to begin committing acts of terrorist violence. But before we get into that, let's take a quick look at their leader and central figurehead, Lamont Daigle.


Lamont Daigle is a self-described "fashionable guy" with "more shoes than most women". Lamont is extremely interested in mentoring young men.

One wonders if they could have chosen a worse figurehead for a civil rights activist organization if they had tried. Lamont is an exuberant New Age spiritualist and wannabe self-help guru, who has spent the past couple of decades hopping from one failed snake oil grift to the next, with a particular emphasis on starting or joining organizations that revolve around mentoring young men. He is the founder of 'Mentra World Service Corporation', an organization which he claims aimed to "teach men to discover their inner warrior" by "connecting them with professionals in the health, wellness, and spirituality network," a fancy way of saying that they specialized in locating young men to socialize with while selling them probiotics and something called "tooth oil" through sales affiliate programs.

Lamont's 'Mentra' company was also involved with something called 'The Mankind Project', which promises "initiation and self-actualization for all", a type of Large Group Awareness Training (LGAT) organization, which has been accused of cult-like activity that ruins marriages.

The Mankind Project is "a consciously and intentionally diverse organization, with a huge number of gay, bisexual, queer, and transgender-identified men", that promises the development of "mature masculinity" through programs such as the "New Warrior Training Adventure, a weekend-long residential workshop structured as a period of self-reflection and initiation."

Helen Voong: Affiliate marketer, shamaness, The Line ground floor investor.

Helen Voong: Affiliate marketer, shamaness, The Line ground floor investor.

His current full-time grift (before dropping everything to become the leader of a "leaderless resistance" movement) is being the owner of a business in Toronto called 'Kangen Water', a magic water machine sales company that he runs with his associate Helen Voong, a homeopath shamaness who just so happens to be the third director of the newly registered non-profit NGO 'The Line International Civil Liberties Association'.

Lamont Daigle discussing pedophiles having sexual urges for children.

While looking into Daigle, I came across a very strange video. In 2019, after the screening of a documentary entitled 'Jesus Meets The Gay Man', Daigle was briefly interviewed on the subject of pedophilia. You can watch the clip here (or here). A transcript follows:

Lamont Daigle being asked his opinion about pedophiles struggling with attraction to "little boys".
Essentially, Lamont Daigle believes that pedophiles raping and molesting children is just "doing naughty things", that it's "weird shit" pedophiles do just to get through life, and that he isn't sure where to draw the line at "too much" of this activity. According to him, other people are "doing" things and not getting "caught on them", therefore pedophiles cannot be judged for it. His facial expressions when asked what it's like for pedophiles to struggle with being "into little boys", as well as his statement "I can't judge you for something I'm doing!", makes one wonder if he is a pedophile himself. Lamont is also an outspoken supporter of "transgender rights", having published an article earlier this year entitled 'Gender Is Over', in which he explained why people must speak someone's preferred pronouns. I asked The Line about this, and their response was that they support "human rights" for transgender people.

It should surprise no one if in the near future The Line begins lobbying for "human rights" for pedophiles, which are now being referred to by leftists as "minor attracted persons" with a "natural sexual orientation"

The Line: A Honeypot by Nature

A tweet The Line's official Twitter account deleted after being called feds.

The image above was published by The Line's official Twitter account. They outline their agenda: Unite all the different groups and people under their banner, take over the protests, then on their mark begin revolutionary violence against the government. Notice the hammer and wrench icon beside "revolution", which is obviously an allusion to the communist hammer and sickle symbol. Laimont Daigle has explicitly stated that the goal of The Line is to gather all of the various groups and people associated with those groups together under The Line's organization, collect their information, and then organize them to commit acts of terrorist violence at a time he has deemed appropriate. This is not hyperbole, this is exactly what Daigle has stated. In fact he outlined it very clearly in an interview with the media:

So Lamont Daigle has declared to the world that anyone who associates with his group is part of an organization that is planning to commit violence. If he is not working for the feds running an entrapment honeypot, he is such a fool that he serves that purpose anyways. Thanks to him, anyone who associates with The Line is now likely on a terrorist watch list and is being monitored by CSIS. Daigle has reiterated the same thing on video, stating that The Line is going to unite all of the groups together, collect their info, and then on his mark signal to them to begin committing violence:

The CBC zooming in on one of The Line's signs at the Adamson BBQ protest, ensuring that viewers can see the URL to visit The Line's website. ( ALL CONTROLLED OPPOSITION )

Lamont and The Line are very open about what they plan to achieve: Hijack all resistance to the Canadian government's medical tyranny, gather everyone under their banner, and encourage them to begin committing revolutionary violence. They even feature the communist raised fist and hammer and sickle symbolism in their organization's designs. The media is all too happy to broadcast the fact that The Line is "leading the resistance" on the ground, including displaying their URL on television, which is another major red flag. Either The Line is a fed honeypot, or the media have correctly recognized that they are such fools that it is beneficial to promote The Line to the discontent masses in order to smear all resistance by association.

Why did The Line just morph into an international NGO out of nowhere ?
Something else quite suspicious is that The Line is now, for some reason, transforming itself into an international non-profit NGO. Why would they suddenly out of nowhere be opening up operations in the USA, Ireland, Australia, Pakistan, Thailand, Laos, and Greece? I actually spoke briefly with a representative of The Line Canada, someone who claimed to be a volunteer running their Twitter account, and asked them about this specifically. The answer they gave me didn't make any sense. They told me that their protestors on the ground are very diverse and have come from countries all around the world, and that those protestors demanded that The Line expand their operation to their home countries. This obviously doesn't pass the smell test. Why would random people at protests approach Lamont Daigle and request that his organization (which was up until that point basically unknown even in Canada) open up chapters in their home countries? It's likely that George Roche, Lamont Daigle, and Helen Voong the directors of the new 'The Line International Civil Liberties Association') are preparing to receive funding from various international sources, and expand their cursed grift to intolerable dimensions.

The Line wants to talk with your children over the Internet, for some reason.
Parents should be alerted to keep their children away from The Line at all costs, as they have for some reason just launched "The Line Canada Youth League" for children ages 10 - 17. Why they would want to gather children to their organization that they've said is preparing for revolutionary violence, is a question that remains unanswered.

Lamont Daigle after reading this article and realizing I just ended his entire career.
Anyone who associates with The Line will be discredited and led to the slaughter. The Line should be disavowed, and told to leave anywhere they show up. If you see Lamont Daigle, tell him that crypto-leftist pedophile enablers and feds are not welcome anywhere near Sovereign's protesting for their liberty. Do not allow these people to fly their flags at your protests or associate themselves with you or your organizations in any way.

More to come Patriots as we educate more on the controlled groups.

Your future is a Solution look for a the Solution

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