Canada A Country without a Constitution

Monday 21 December 2020

Hitler – The Secret Agent - More Distraction from controlled opposition to Hide the Facts


Hitler – The Secret Agent

…for the people

This is a touchy subject that just won’t go away. And we should be glad to have the opportunity to rehash it. None of us should shy away from the Truth. All of us should be open to have our ideals, beliefs and concepts of Truth challenged. I always think we should be willing to readjust our positions on Truth no matter how painful they may be. After all, we are dealing with masters of deception and subversion. So why wouldn’t we all at some levels not be deceived?

Obviously I am not an academic, historian, nor a deep researcher. Perhaps I am not in a position to cover subjects such as this. But I am compelled to put my penny’s worth in to this important subject. I am only coming from a position of common sense, intuition and relying on other eminent Truth-tellers who have done intense research. I accept I could be wrong.

But before I go through these pointers, I must express that I am not a Hitler fan as such. Of course I respect Hitler’s efforts. I do not go around Sieg Heiling and donning SS symbols. My take on the whole Hitler subject is like all history; we need to take elements of it that we can use as being helpful to our cause. Recognise that Hitler’s policies were way back in the 30s and these policies are not suitable for the present state we are now in. Then was then, now is now. We have to move on from the whole Hitler model, yet take away simple principles.

In addition, many people will know that my view is that we should totally abandon politics altogether. I am suggesting that politics is a trap and has never really served humanity as far as long term solutions. Even local politics never gets to the root cause. Because the root cause is always spiritual. It always has been. Unless we address our spiritual position – both as individuals and a collectively – we will never get ourselves out of this shit. Forget politics, forget political leaders, forget voting.

That being said, if Hitler was an agent for the jews – then why …

  • …haven’t all the key historians/revisionists such as David Irving picked up on this theory in all the collective years of their intense detailed research? David Irving (as just one example) has spent 20 years of his life, at a professional level, detailing Hitler’s life and the logistics of WW2. Are we to believe he just happened to overlook this glaringly awkward anomaly? David speaks fluent German, has lived in Germany, and has interviewed heaps of SS officers and relevant people who were around Hitler’s war effort. He has looked under every stone, meticulously scrutinizing all the German detailed documentation (being able to understand it/translate it himself). David was a super sharp-minded individual at the time of his research. He was a real threat to the jews and was incarcerated for his incredible efforts and levels of accuracy. No way would a man of this caliber just repeat the narrative of others. He was/is a competent and independent researcher. And there are heaps and heaps and heaps of similar detailed WW2/revisionists/researchers like him. Have they all overlooked this fantastic theory? An agent? Come on.
  • …did the jews use a humble man from a humble background, and not use one of their own ilk? Hitler came from a working class background, orphaned later on in his childhood, on the streets so to speak, living hand to mouth selling street paintings. Does this smack of one of their boys? They could have used any number of honed agents. As they have with so many other agent-leaders. And please don’t suggest he was just bought off. There is zero indication of this. An agent? Come on.
  • …why was he the only ‘agent’ who was an authentically brave soldier fighting in the trenches? This man had more courage than all of us put together. Hitler relished the opportunity to fight for his county, and for the spirit of the Germanic/Aryan race. He was injured twice and hospitalized. He loathed cowardliness and those who would not contribute towards the war effort. Just look at reports from someone like Leon Degrelle who spoke of Hitler’s remarkable bravery. An agent? Come on. [please see video below of Leon Degrelle].
  • …did Hitler abolish usury? The jew’s number one control weapon. Why oh why would the jews allow a leader/agent to show the results of a county without this parasitism, knowing this would be broadcasted all across the world? ‘Look, look what can happen when you rid your country of the parasite and the parasite’s main tool’. An agent? Come on.
  • …was Hitler the only ‘agent’ who was clean living? He was a teetotaler, vegetarian, who promoted traditional remedies, anti-vivisection, and promoted naturalistic lifestyles for his people. It is well recorded his affinity toward animals. This is a man of compassion, a man of substance who is deeply connected to nature – not an anti-nature sellout. An agent? Come on.
  • …why would he be slung in prison if he was an agent? And he was! This has been thoroughly documented by eminent historians. That cannot be disputed. Yes, he was not in for so long considering his plot. But this was because the authorities knew the pressure would come from the people if they held him indefinitely. Also there were good people on the inside who wanted change, who were jew-wise and knew of the potential and genius of this man. Society and people were not as corrupt back then. An agent? Come on.
  • …why did he radically improve the working man’s lifestyle? He improved the working conditions, doubling the wages, reduced/eradicated their debt, instigated and provided an affordable Volkswagen (people’s car), built infrastructures to allow the working classes to travel around the country, make foreign cruises affordable/or for free, etc, etc, etc. An agent? Come on.
  • …were Hitler’s/NSDAP’s policies carried through to the T. Just look at the congruency they had. Every-single-one of these policies were anti JWO. P-l-e-a-s-e don’t tell us that this was all part of a bigger plan. That somehow the sneaky jew would allow all these policies to magically work out in order for them to later on smash them down. An agent? Come on.
  • …if he was ‘their bitch’ did he make approximately 20 peace offerings to both France and Britain? It was a well known fact the infatuation Hitler had for Britain and it’s empire, in the theme of Aryan enhancement. An agent? Come on.
  • …if he was just a puppet of the jews did he have 98% of the people on his side? I know voting today is an utter scam. I also am aware how stupefied and zombified people are today, with pro Trump whatever. I know voting is just more of the jewish dialectic. But back then in the 30s the people were not the zombies they are today. Yes, the populace have always been malleable to an extent, but the German people were raw and far more politically aware back then. The people knew in their hearts and minds that Hitler was oozing authenticity, that he surged with passion for his people, for his race, and for Europe as a whole. And with 98% of the people behind you – miracles can happen. Real transformations happen that way. The main base of funding came from the PEOPLE and not from the bankers as too many people like to propagate. An agent? Come on.
  • …why, o why, o why is Hitler THE number one vilified person on the planet to this day? Because he was one of their boys? Because he played his role? Because he sold out? Because he was somehow bribed? No. It is not complicated. The very simple reason this man is portrayed as THE most evil man that ever lived is because he was THE man who stood up to the big bad jew. He made an impact like no other man on earth. He set a precedent. Look world, look what can happen to your country if you just stand up to the evil jew. Kick the parasite out and stand back and watch how things organically naturally heal. And that is why the International Jewry absolutely panicked. That is why there was an all out effort to destroy this healing process. Not because he was part of the bigger plan. An agent? Come on.

Hitler an agent – wotta crock’a shit. 

Related info

Similar post ( I believe through years of of research  Hitler was never being in alignment with Christianity, nor that Gandhi was on our side)  As history has show religions are a controlled mechanism to divide people, and the horrific genocide and  crimes against billions  these false religions have created . 

10 Reasons why Hitler was One of Good Guys

Leon DeGrelle video:

David Irving’s 660+ page book in pdf to download here : Hitler’s War. David rightly lays out all the facts on Hitler from 13 years of intense research. With all his foibles, weaknesses and failures. David does not have a bias towards Hitler, but a bias towards Truth as a renowned factual historian.

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