Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 29 November 2020

Recognizing Controlled Opposition


Recognizing Controlled Opposition

  • Recognizing Controlled Opposition

Controlled opposition are the Following - The  Line, Hugs and Mask, Canadian Revolution ,PPC party, Norm Traversy - Useless distraction hundreds of thousands of donation for another useless dead end, Independence Party, Grizzly Patriot promoting himself for a political party, yes another political party that have failed Sovereign's since its creation , Dave Biorkman (Thinks UN will Save us- pay attention to this person lies and deceit, examples pushed Andre Sheer , Jason Kenny, WEXIT, United We Roll - all were controlled opposition to divide and conquer.

Do your own research, WEXIT, Buffalo Project, Freedom Liberty,  Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, Hugs and Masks, Buffalo ,Yellow Vest (Many are great patriots but it was controlled from the beginning with NO Solution, Idle No More, Occupy, Common Law - ( to distract you to think you can defeat the globalists in their Corrupt courts cases) Do your research on this distraction. 

Fake Alt Media Distraction 

These so called truth media are no better than CBC, CNN ect. They have been informed numerous times canada has no constitution, no federation papers, and canada is not even a country.. 

Rebel Media - Ezra Levant and Shelia Gunn

Press For the Truth - Dan Dycks

What's Up Canada -  Wayne Peters


Well funded to keep you from facts and the SOLUTION enslave you with Bit Coin, Crypto currency XRP,  Blockchain  

πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯This message needs to get out.
Our movement is compromised Sovereigns ...and it’s time we do something about it 🍿🍿🍿
πŸ™ Please read this in full before reacting and take your time with forming conclusions. 🧐
😳Like much of 2020, we’re learning the hard way that things aren’t always as they seem 🀨
As I have been reading through Saturday’s highlights from the groups and seeing all the posts from Skelly-mania this week, I can’t help but ask myself the same questions you are asking, or should be. Should be, because we’ve seen this before and we’ll see it again...

And if you’re not asking these questions about is it real or is it Cabal hidden in plain sight, it’s because you are as desperate as the rest of us for a hero; anything to save us from this insanity.

Well folks, I hate to bust the proverbial bubble...mainly because I want to see unity as much as the next guy.... it feels way better when we’re harmonized rather than doing corrective open-heart surgery on a social movement...but we can’t afford to catalyze around controlled operatives, which is what we have unfolding on a massive scale within the landscape of ‘The Line’ in I have mentioned many previous times on this channel.

Adamson is another Deep State false flag, it’s another Greta Thunberg. Another BLM. Another clever way that the Illuminati think they can succeed in playing on natural emotional human tendencies to control both problem and solution; own both sides of the war and thus be able to manipulate the narratives at will.

The framing and construction of the Skelly narrative is the same that Sky and Diagle have been using from the get go...’save small business’...and it’s no different than...’save mother earth’ or ‘be kind to all people’ can’t argue against it. It’s a populist rally cry and when paired with a lumberjacket-wearing family man of two with a BBQ joint, you have yourself a perfect made for TV Canadian hero, complete with road hockey ‘protests’ at Doug Ford’s House; it’s like #SCTV meets 2020...but I guess the petals were starting to come off the roses of Chris Sky and Lamont Diagle, so ‘The Line’ plot directors figured it was time for a new twist 🀷‍♂️

In addition to the new intel on Daigle, which is in addition to the old intel from previous drops, I am getting more intel on other Line operatives that are increasingly coming under scrutiny...and here I have to admit I am at fault of not seeing it at first. But yes, the seemingly invincible Suzanne R., operating beyond limits with her consort Paul E., would appear to also be a controlled operative operating at the front edge of ‘The Line’ chain of command.

What I have not attached in this drop is info on MAD man Chris Sky...whose history, connections and conduct has already received due attention and should make self-evident why Chris is not a good look for our Canadian Truth, Health & Freedom movement.

Also not attached are private conversations and intel drops from all of you containing personal testimonials about the core leadership group, including HUGS, MAD, The Line and other peripheral groups.

I am basing my opinion that the Canadian Freedom movement lead by these groups on all of this, and I know some people will attack me for suggesting we have a problem. That’s fine. Because though hopeful and successful in linking together those true Patriots wanting to push back against government tyranny and fake news, if we continue to allow our time, energy and focus to be controlled by the same forces we are fighting against, we will never win.

This save small business, save family man Skelly will turn into save small business get your vaccine so Skelly can re-open...Dougy will ride in on horseback with cheesecakes for everybody and boom nothing has changed.

Right now we have the Deep State on the ropes; they know they’re exposed and want desperately for us to think that COVID lockdowns are the problem and that the solution is marching with Adam Skelly. Ah, no.

The systemic problems in Canada and globally is human trafficking, Illuminati banking cartels and election fraud. Our sovereign rights are not constitutionally protected and our democracy is in the hands of Globalist/Communist/Foreign Actors.

The answer is not more Line marches, Line youth chat groups or staged occupations outside Doug Ford’s house. The answer is not giving our power away to ‘The Line’.

With each passing day we are pulling back more layers of deception and corruption. I admit I didn’t foresee this degree of Deep State infiltration and control happening with our movement, nor someone as corrupted as Diagle or Sky duping so many of us.

I must say I don’t know exactly where The Line between the good actors and bad actors is...but I do know who my friends are in all this, and we’re fed up with all the lies.

So people of the Great Awakening, what more do you need from me? I can offer you more digs on the deception, more reasons to break with the controlled herd, but what I want to be able to offer most is a sense of what’s next...of where we go from here. Certainty.

That will come in time. For now, please digest this and begin to discuss and share among your networks. Again, for those whom have attended rallies and do consider themselves Patriots in the Freedom movement, please don’t stop fighting the good fight. But do take a moment to pause and consider what we are fighting for...and whom is controlling the narrative...and why...and when shit hits the fan with Trudeau and Trump comes knocking on our door...we need an opposition movement voice that we can trust, one that stands transparently and accountably for Truth, Health and Freedom.

Those are my thoughts. Thanks for your time. Feel free to tag, share and add as appropriate. There is a lot more to this story I’m sure that we don’t yet know.

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